TMP STR 0012

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Instrument Design and Manufacture for the Scientific Community

RD-6D Whiterocks Road, Oamaru 9492, New Zealand Phone: 64 3 434 9761 Email:


SDI-12 Temperature Sensor

Model TmpStr Revision 006 S/N 000012 DOB: 18 August, 2009

Cautionary Note: Each temperature node has been filled with an incompressible, hydrophobic fluid as an added precaution against pressurization and water ingress. This should eliminate any pressure effects on the housings and seals. Thus, the unit is operable to very extreme depths. Opening the node for inspection or for any other reason may introduce an air bubble, which could cause the watertight seals to fail. Do not open the seals.

Wire colour Black Blue White Red Purpose Ground RS232 SDI-12 +12V SDI-12 connection Ground n/a SDI-12 Data 12 volts D-Opto colour convention Black White Green Red

Specifications: Supply voltage: 7-24 volts DC Supply current: 6 mA max Interface: 3-wire, SDI-12 v1.3 Temperature resolution: 0.01 C Temperature accuracy: -5 to +40 degrees: +/- 0.1 C (2 sigma) Maximum depth: unknown (see cautionary note) Maximum cable length: >300m. Underwater nodes: 20mm x 100mm, PVC, IP68. Firmware version 006

SDI-12: This device is compliant with SDI-12 version 1.3. As supplied, it has a device address of 0. To change the address, issue the SDI-12 command 0An! (where n is the new address). All the following examples are written for device address 0. If you change the device address, then the first character of each command must match your chosen device address. The thermometer can be oversampled for higher resolution. To change the oversampling, issue the SDI-12 command 0XOnn! (where nn is the number of oversamples desired, between 01 and 16). Note that the character after the X is an upper-case O (for Oversamples) and not a zero. As supplied, the thermometer uses an oversampling value of 05. Sensor depths can be retrieved by issuing the SDI-12 command 0XL!. Returned values indicate the water depths, as specified at the time of manufacture. 9999 indicates an unknown depth, as for a sediment sensor on a slack cable. The preferred method of data retrieval is through the SDI-12 Concurrent Measurement command, or C command. The measurement process is started by issuing 0C0!. This will measure and store the data for up to twenty thermometers. By protocol definition, data retrieved after a C command can return up to 75 characters; this accommodates strings of up to twelve temperatures. If there are more than twelve temperature nodes, the command 0D0! will return data from nodes 1 through 12, and 0D1! will return data from nodes 13 through 20. If there are more than twenty nodes, then the command 0C0! will measure nodes 1 through 20, 0C1! will measure nodes 21 through 40, 0C2! will measure nodes 41 through 60, etc, up to 0C9!. After each C command, 0D0! and 0D1! must be issued to retrieve all twenty associated data values. The maximum number of temperature nodes accommodated by the C commands is thus 20 times 10, or 200 nodes. If you require more, contact Scienterra. Alternatively, temperature data can be retrieved using the SDI-12 Start Measurement command, or M command. This works well for instruments with few thermometers, but larger numbers of thermometers makes this method awkward. The measurement process is started by issuing 0M! or 0M0!. This will measure and store the data for up to nine thermometers. By protocol definition, data retrieved after an M command can return up to 35 characters; this accommodates strings of up to five temperatures. If there are more than five temperature nodes, the command 0D0! will return data from nodes 1 through 5, and 0D1! will return data from nodes 6 through 9. If there are more than nine nodes, then the command 0M! (or 0M0!) will measure nodes 1 through 9, 0M1! will measure nodes 10 through 18, 0M2! will measure

nodes 19 through 27, etc, up to 0M9!. After each M command, 0D0! and 0D1! must be issued to retrieve all nine associated data values. The maximum number of temperature nodes accommodated by the M commands is thus 9 times 10, or 90 nodes. If you require more than 90 nodes, then the C commands must be employed.

SDI-12 Underwater Data Port: This unit has been fitted with an underwater SDI-12 data port. The connector fitted to the cable is an Impulse connector, part number MCIL-4-FS. This connector must be mated prior to submersion for the watertight seal to be effective. If required, dummy mating connectors are available, part number MCDC-4-MP.
Pin number: 1 2 3 4 Purpose GND TX +12V SDI-12 Color in cable trunk Gray White Pink Green D-Opto color convention Black White Red Green

For sales information, contact: ENVCO 31 Sandringham Road Kingsland, Auckland 1024 New Zealand For technical information, contact: Scienterra Limited RD-6D Whiterocks Road Oamaru, Otago 9492 New Zealand

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