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facebook money making

This is a little bit about my personal story and what I did. So basically, I hac ked a facebook account which made me a good amount of money. I had a good girlfr iend and we knew each other from babies. She was a cool friend but messed up the things a lot. One night we was at a party and most of us were already drunk inc luding she. This where the story starts actually to be a little bit hotter, so s he was acting on the internet like a Mistress. (I take my rights to don't say an y names) I am a man and I couldn't stand. After we were all drunk, she tried to act like a Mistress and to make me to obey of her. I was like WTF!? I really did n't expect this from her because she knew that I was a completely different pers on. I hit and I dumped her outside the house after that the party continued and everything was fine. When I woke up in the morning I realize that I have a good chance now to earn some cash from nowhere and I hacked her facebook account. It was really a gold pit. I was already familiar how the things goes and the only t hing I should do is to answer of their PMs. She had a decent big Mistress Facebo ok account and everything I was doing was to get some bucks. Yeah, believe me it 's as easy as it sounds. Everyone was PMing saying that he want to serve me and all these shits. After that he recieve a PM that he must pay first and after tha t he will get the chance to serve me. I was chatting with the so called slaves o ver MSN and basically talking shits to them. It was a bit hard actually from the beginning because WTF I should say to these people but I got really familiar wi th it by the time and it was like a piece of cake after a while. So I made a goo d amount of cash and I am happy with that. I am saying it once more that this is a gold pit, as the costumers (slaves) are so fucking dump, that they will reall y serve to someone. I am finished with this but anyone that has got some free ti me should definitely give it a try to this method and make some cash. Check out below to see and follow the simple steps. First Step You must get a decent big Mistress Facebook account with a lot of slaves as frie nds, if you can't - Make one new and follow the steps below. Second Step You must like all "domination" groups, so slaves could possibly see you from any of the groups and contact with you for a session. Third Step You must have some nice Mistress photos on your Facebook profile, and remember s et your account options, so that only friends can see your photos. Also, remembe r to make your representative photo a good one. Forth Step If you did all these steps above, you should sit and wait for PMs. (You will get PMs after a while, believe me) after that everytime you should respond with: "P ay me, and after that you will have your chance to serve me!" or "Send me tribut e if you want my time...until I receive money I have no interest whatsoever." or something similar. And most of the times you should convince them to pay you wi th Amazon Gift Card for example, as it's really a easy and safe way. Five Step

If you got payment, get them on your MSN and start messing with them. You can ev en infect them with your server and do whatever you like. Also keep saying them that they must pay weekly to serve you or something like this. Note: They will do whatever you say, believe me! So, grab your chance now and ma ke some cash over this pussy. Thank you for reading it. Also, if you've found this tutorial useful, please lea ve a comment. Good luck!

tut on how to ewhore This is only a short basic guide, if you're already making good money from your victims (by good I mean at the very least $150+ a week, ideally a fair bit more) then you can probably skip this. Create an identity Start by creating a basic identity that you will play to your victims, the first thing you need is an image pack, you can find them everywhere, you can even SE the pictures from a girl if you are having trouble finding a pack (though this i s unnecessary hassle since there are hundreds of packs on HF alone) Next you need: - Name (Full, including a middle name, to make it seem legit, though obviously d on't mention the middle or last name unless asked, and seem suspicious if they a sk) - Age (15-19, no older) - Gender (Usually a girl, but you'd be surprised, there are some girls out there you can get money from) - Bra size (You're dealing with pedos, estimate/find out the bra size of the gir l in the pictures you're using - as the pedos/pervs will usually ask this questi on at some point and saying you're 36DD when the girl in your pictures is flat-c hested isn't going to work out) - Country - City/Town (You don't need an actual address, the minute you give out an actual address there's a chance of them busting you and finding out you're not legit i f they try and visit - this goes for even if you're in another country as you'd be surprised at how desperate some people are) - Hobbies (This might sound like a lot, but build up a profile, when you talk to this person each day, tell them about your fake day, tell them how you were sho pping and picked out some great new shoes you want to show them, etc) - Parents (If you're playing a girl in the age range I specify, even if she's 18 -19 she can be living with parents, make sure to complain about how you always a rgue and they never give you any money and it sucks because you can't buy that s exy corset you wanted) - Paypal (You should make a fake paypal or failing that claim it's your brothers paypal since you're too young if you're < 18) The Initial Bait Use the common trick of asking for guys with money in teen chat-rooms, don't act like a whore, just say you'll chat to them and maybe show them a couple (not a whole pack, save that for later) of special pics for a little money.

The Scam The biggest mistake people make when e-whoring, and the reason there are so many "WOW I GOT $20!!" threads around is that they get the initial scam wrong, don't ask for $50, not $40, not even $20, ask for maybe $5 or something so you can bu y your make up, and apologise loads after they give you the money, say you feel really bad for making them help you out. Since the $5 means very little to them and they get some dirty pictures from you (the pictures you show them before then should be fully clothed and legit) they 'll be happy and they'll trust you. Now here's the hard part, for the next 2-3 weeks at least, sign into MSN/AIM/cho sen messenger, and just talk to them, tell them about what you've (supposedly) b een doing that day, tell them about the "boy you like" or how your friend is "su ch a bitch!" - if you REALLY can't think up ideas, just talk to a girl on *your* msn and re-enact the convo back with the pedo/perv. Reveal little details about yourself, and most importantly, appear interested in them, appear to genuinely like them. Each day put out little hints about how horrible it is living with yo ur parents because they always argue, about a week in say how they wouldn't let you buy the shoes you want - if they offer to pay, which is unlikely, but someti mes happens, tell them "no of course not that'd be a lot to ask". Now after the 2-3 weeks, when you know each other a little, sign into MSN and ac t really worried, just be like "help, I have a really big problem, my dad found out about the pics I sent you, now I have to go stay with my friend for a few da ys" - keep swearing, not directly at them, just at life in general, "fuck, I don 't know what to do..", "shit.. I'm getting kicked out and have nowhere to stay", now's where you throw out the real trap, say something like "I know you probabl y dont have room but.. is there any way I could stay with you for a few weeks? I 'd let you see me naked and.. maybe a little more I guess" (be hesitant, being o penly slutty sounds more suspicious) - when they agree (if they dont, see "Backu p plan" a little further down, yes it took 2-3 weeks to get to this stage but if you know what you're doing this should just be 1 of 100+ people, so it shouldn' t matter), say "fuck how am I gonna get to you? 1 sec I'll check flights", look up the price of flights, then get really upset. "Oh god, it's going to cost me $ 900 to get there, and I only have $135, what am I gonna do? )))):" - now you go for the killer, "hun.. I know this is a lot to ask, I really feel bad for asking this but.. would you be able to give me money to get the ticket?" - then before they can reply "wait.. one thing though. what would you want in return? :\" - w ait for them to suggest something dirty, reply with "I guess.." - tell them a pa ypal/card to send the money to, and boom you're a lot richer. The problem is, mo st people can't afford this kind of money, however the kind of people that will pay $20 for your 80 images - will definitely be able to afford this. To make the scam look more real remember to add details like the flight times etc and ask t hem to pick you up from the airport, say "thanks so much!!" and send them a coup le of pictures as an "extra reward". Backup plan If they don't fall for it, then say it's okay, say you're going to stay with a f riend for a few days, go offline for a while (if you use the account for your ot her victims - which is the most practical way of doing it, then just block that person for a few days), when you come online say it all worked out and you're ba ck with your parents, chat to them for a few days again, then try a couple of mi cro-payments, ask them if they can pay for the shoes you wanted which are "only $70!" and "i'll take some pictures for you in exchange if you like? (:" - etc, t his is back to regular shitty e-whoring profits but it's better than getting not hing from the slave at all. Additional tips - When choosing a pack, get the one with the most images possible so if a slave

requests specific images there's a good chance it'll have them. - If you're looking to make more consistent money, borrow a girlfriend's thong o r buy a pair - why? Simple as this. If a slave asks for a personal sign in with a bunch of pictures, send them a bunch of dirty pictures etc, then for the sign, write what they want on a bit of paper, and put it next to the thong on your be d - normally they'd be suspicious but since you sent other pictures with it they most likely won't think twice. If you want to get bonus points, buy/borrow a th ong the same colour as one seen in some of the girl's pictures. - Make sure the guy is legit. Remember, scamming works both ways, they could jus t be some horny 15 year old kid looking for some pictures, make sure they are wh o they say they are - and that they have money in the first place, the initial $ 5-10 is a good way of doing this. - Stick to one style of talking/typing. If you start off typing like this "hi ba be u lyk my pics?? xx" then suddenly saying "Hey there hun how are you?" it'll l ook suspicious - the reverse is true, if you do talk to them with proper spellin g and grammar the first time you speak then keep it that way. - If you're pretending to be a girl, use lots of smileys, ideally lots of those custom really cheesy/crappy ones - especially kiss smileys - Act dumb when you're getting the money, don't be like "hey this is my paypal, remember to claim and cancel the claim first so I know you wont take the money b ack", be more like "uh I have my brothers paypal email, the airport site says I can use paypal - will I get arrested for using my brothers one??" or something a long those lines - Stick to your hobbies, if you start off as a girl who loves shopping and gossi p, don't be talking about baseball and cars a week later - A really easy one that makes you a lot more trustworthy and takes very little effort, set your MSN/AIM name to something like "? Amy | Single!! ?" or somethin g, these kind of names are very common with girls, for bonus points use MSN plus to colour the name - if they have MSN plus it'll look like a more realistic nam e, and if they don't, the annoying c colour tags will make it look realistic any way. Anyway, sorry if this doesn't tell you anything new, many of the more experience d people here will already know all this and know to go for larger amounts of mo ney after building up some trust rather than just trying to get a small amount r ight off the bat. The reason I posted this is because there are so many threads where people are so happy with the fact that they got $10 or $20, and if you can get $10 or $20 from someone, the chances are you can get a lot more - so use th at to your advantage, don't settle for less. Anyway, I hope this helps someone. I'm off to go buy some drugs, peace.

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