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Answer two questions in all: one question from each part.

Your composition should he at least 250 words long. Credit will be gi\ en for clarity of expression and orderly presentation of material. PART A ESSAY WRITING Answer one question only from this part.

1.You have been offered admission into a senior secondary school but your parents say they do not have the resources to help you further your education. Write a letter to your District Assembly asking for assistance. 2.You are a speaker in a debate on the motion: HIV/ AIDS testing should be made compulsory for everyone. Write your contribution for or against the motion. 3.A stranger you met on a bus would like to meet the chief of your town. Describe how he can get to the palace to meet the chief, without difficulty.

Some palm- wine was poured from the Keg Pa Saidu was holding and offered to me. 'This is the purest palm - wine there is' he said. 'It doesn't contain one drop of water. It's a natural gift from heaven. Here, have a taste'. I tasted and the effect was startling. It was strong enough to knock an elephant over. Yet Pa Saidu says he is never drunk. 'It does not affect me at all. My body is used to it. I've never been admitted to hospital or seriously ill. You should see me climbing trees to fix gourds when I'm tapping wine!' Pa Saidu opens his toothless mouth and laughs. 'For me, palm-wine is the best medicine, he says. Pa Saidu lost his wife nore than twenty years ago and has refused to remarry ever since. 'She i.ave me twelve children,' he tells you, 'and no one could ever take her place ' Sadly, only five of those twelve children have survived. Pa Seidu's story is almost too good to be true, so the experts say. 'Even natural palm-wine contains water, alcohol and yeast. The yeast helps to produce vitamins in the body such as Vitamin A. But sooner or later every heavy drinker must have problems. Cells dry up and the liver hardens. There is a risk of heart attacks,' a pharmacist confirms. a)What does Pa Saidu say will happen to him on the day he can't get palm-wine to drink? b)For about how long has he been drinking palm - wine .every day? c)From the passage, what major health problem is associated with heavy drinkers? d)What is the composition of palm-wine, according to the passage? e)Opens his toothless mouth and laughs. What does this suggest about Pa Saidu? f)For each of the following words, give one word or phrase which means the same: 0) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi)

PARTS COMPREHENSION 4. Read the passage below carefully and answer the questions which follow. Water is generally thought to be essential for man's survival, but there is a 72-year-old man living in a village near Moyamba, in Sierra Leone, who claims he's never drunk water as long as he's lived! Pa Saidu is still as active as his 50-year-old son. A man of very small size, this ex-court messenger stills works as a village megaphone (crier of news) as well as a palm-wine tapper. He holds up a key of freshly-tapped palm-wine and declares proudly, 'Palm wine is my water. I don't drink anything else. The day I can't get palm-wine to drink, I shall die. It isn't good for human being to drink water. When did this habit start? 'In my childhood, according to my parents. They tried to force me to drink water, without success. Once I refused all meals. When nothing had been eaten or drunk for three days, they gave up.

essential force startling risk attacks , confirms

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