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STUDENT SENATE MINUTES July 24, 2012 The Senate President called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm and

announced that the meeting may be filmed or audio taped and may be available to the public. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. ROLL CALL: Roll was called and quorum was established with 59 senators present. Not there for roll call: Antionetta Brailsford Sydney Kaplan Kyle Collins Meghan Riffle Joshua Comiter Monya Sharp Ana Dominguez Amadues Spirk Sami Ghneim Nhi Tran Athena Gravois Joseph Vuskovitch Dylan Helfand Brittany Whittenbern Walter Hofmann Haiyang Zhoa AMENDMENTS TO THE AGENDA: 1. A motion was made to remove Student Senate Bill 2012-1058: Resolution Calling upon UF Administration to Halt the Efforts to Remove IndependentlyOwned Newspaper Racks from Campus. No objection was made. Passed. 2. A motion was made to move to approve R&A recommendation for District D Permanent Replacement Diego Castillo. No objection was made. Passed by voice vote. 3. A motion was made to move to approve R&A recommendation for District D Summer C Replacement Agassy Rodriguez. No objection was made. Passed by voice vote. 4. A motion was made to move to approve R&A recommendation for UPD Liaison Brooke Eubanks. No objection was made. Passed by voice vote. 5. A motion was made to move to approve R&A recommendation for SergeantAt-Arms Andrew Schein. No objection was made. Passed by voice vote. 6. A motion was made to move to approve R&A recommendation for Executive Nomination John Rodstram for Chomp the Vote. An objection was made. 7. A motion was made to move to approve Student Senate Bill 2012-1056: Resolution Honoring Rebecca Harris. No objection was made. Passed. 8. A motion was made to move to approve Student Senate Bill 2012-1057: Resolution Honoring Wayne Wallace. No objection was made. Passed.

AMENDMENTS TO THE PREVIOUS MINUTES: There were no amendments to the previous minutes for July 17th. PUBLIC DEBATE: - A senator relayed a message from past senators about missing Senate. Congratulated Tech Gators and Subjugator on second place. - The Sergeant-At-Arms discussed how his job was not done well in the past, changes will be made. Discussed what he will have to do. - A senator reported sad news, freshman passed away in car accident. Requested a moment of silence. - A representative from the Alligator gave a speech on Independent Alligator getting support to save the racks. - A senator gave a speech on rights being under attack due to Alligator rack removal. Pulling resolution and rewriting it to be better understood and be better written. OFFICE OF THE STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT A representative gave a brief summary of R&A recommendation for Executive Nomination John Rodstram for Chomp the Vote. Questions- 4 A motion was made to move to approve R&A recommendation for Executive Nomination John Rodstram for Chomp the Vote. No objection was made. OFFICE OF THE STUDENT BODY VICE PRESIDENT No report was given OFFICE OF THE STUDENT BODY TREASURER A representative reported that training is being developed and multiple sessions will be held in August and September. Announced, that she will give reports when Juan cannot attend senate meetings. Asked senators to spread word on training, register via Gator Connect. Representative requested to email her with any questions. PRESIDENTS REPORT A Presentation was given by Dr. Eric Castillo on Social Justice and the Institute of Hispanic/ Latino cultures. COMMITTEE REPORTS: REPLACEMENT & AGENDA: Chairman congratulated new senators and announced open seats. Requested to email him with any questions. BUDGET & APPROPRIATIONS: Met past week. Big 4 and everything went well 2

Requested that any questions be in writing before 4 on Thursday. ALLOCATIONS: Did not meet this week, lack of business. Questions- 1 JUDICIARY: Met last Sunday. Went over resolutions, passed all three. Next meeting Sunday room 364 Question - 1 RULES & ETHICS: Went over excused and unexcused absences. A Motion was made to move to approve. No objection was made. Working on getting Harn for next weeks meeting. No emails for excused absences. INFORMATION & COMMUNICATION: Unable to meet this week Discussed getting Ads for open seats in the alligator Retweet Senate Questions - 2 BIAS AND APPREHENSION AD HOC: Meeting tomorrow in SG conference room at 5pm No meeting this week Meet after Senate to discuss next meeting ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABILITY AD HOC: No meeting past week, lack of quorum. SECOND READING: FIRST READINGS: Student Senate Bill 2012-1056: Resolution Honoring Rebecca Harris Authors and Sponsors of Bill came to podium and read Resolution and called for a moment of silence. Student Senate Bill 2012-1057: Resolution Honoring Wayne Wallace Authors and Sponsors of Bill came to podium and read Resolution and called for a moment of silence.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Senator welcomed anyone who would like to help with the rewrite of proposed bill about saving Alligator racks.

ROLL CALL: A motion to use voting records for final roll call passed. No Vote Record received Antionetta Brailsford Kyle Collins Joshua Comiter Ana Dominguez Sami Ghneim Jose Sada More Athena Gravois Dylan Helfand Walter Hofmann

Sydney Kaplan Aundre Price Meghan Riffle Monya Sharp Amadues Spirk Nhi Tran Joseph Vuskovitch Brittany Whittenbern Haiyang Zhoa

MEETING ADJOURNED: The meeting adjourned at 7:48pm

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