Topic 1: Your View of Vietnamese Movies

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Topic 1: Your view of Vietnamese movies


trite (nhm chn) plot: war, Communist Party. We have already exploited (khai thc) these plots for many years. imitate to Korean film: love-hate relationship, very long dime (r tin) movie: funny film just dime, many situations just make people laugh and nothing more.

-> There are not many films with depth. We just watch the first part and we can guess the ending. Actors and actresses: beautiful and handsome, but many of them dont know how to act. They act as if they talk! not professional, amateur: film makers want to carry audience along with them, so they invite famous singers, models to join in their film. Not all these actors can act.

Topic 2: Traffic accidents: causes and solutions


Peoples awareness: Many people do not strictly observe traffic laws when using the roads. Many street vendors illegally occupy pavement to display their wares for sale; some people drop rubbish indiscriminately in the middle of street, which adds to risk of accidents. Many young people tend to turn streets into racetracks (ng ua), and make many tragic deaths on the road and bring about disastrous consequences, both individually and socially.

Poor infrastructure: Our roads are deteriorating (h hng) fast because there is no regularly upgrading works to keeps the roads in good conditions. There are many pot-holes ( g) in the street. Besides, many vehicles in use on the roads are deteriorating too. Their safety conditions are far from good and this partly explains the cause of growing number of road accidents. There are many old trucks and buses whose brake system does not work in emergency situations.

Solutions: People should be taught to have more road sense. The driving test should be standarized and made far more difficult than it is. The age at which young people are allowed to drive any vehicle should be raised.

Stricter laws should be applied and heavier fines imposed so as to deter (ngn cn) drivers from driving carelessly. Present drinking and driving laws should be made much stricter. Government should make investments in road works to improve the state of road system. Many roads, especially highways, should be widened to ensure easier and safer traffic. Sidewalks should be cleared of street vendors so that pedestrians dont have to walk on the driveway. Lights and safety devices on vehicles should be constantly checked to ensure maximum safety conditions. Street-lights should also be kept in good working condition to ensure enough lighting for nighttime traffic.

All vehicles should be put through stringent (nghim ngc) test for safety. Government should lay down safety specifications for manufactures.

Topic 3: What can be done to prevent pollution in our country?

There have been many causes of environmental pollution. These include the dumping (gom rc) of chemical and other poisonous waste on the land, the emission (ta ra) into the air of smoke and other toxic substances from factories and vehicles, the discharge of industrial effluents (nc thi) into river, and the dumping of oil and garbage into the sea. To combat and control all kinds of pollution effectively, the government must coordinate the activities of both national and local anti-pollution bodies, and introduce new and vigorous measures for ecological protection and nature conservation. Government need To increase public awareness of the need to conserve the environment: by educating, hold campaigns and propagations people to live healthy and friendly with the environment. To move factories which polluting the environment to another places far from residential areas. To strictly punish those who destroy the environment, and praise people who have done services to protect the environment. To step up a vigorous public advertising campaign to encourage people to keep the street tidy and impose heavy fines on those who litter public places. To step up a campaign to have a great proportion of waste materials recycled and to encourage people to use those recycled materials for the sake of nature conservation. To encourage people to use public transportation (such as buses) instead of using their own vehicles to reduce noise pollution and air pollution.

Topic 5: Your view of online games

Good: That is a way to entertainment and to make friends all over the world. After hard studying, or hard working, we can relax by playing these games with many people at the same time. By playing games together, we can make friends with other people although we dont see their faces; we can exchange experience about life, about game, or anything. Bad: If we dont control our time and money carefully, we lost them all. It takes the players much time and money in order to reach a higher level in game. So, time and money for learning will be reduced. And that also affects to players health. Players may forget to have meals. And if that happens in a long time, players will not be strong enough to do anything, even playing games. Playing online games, we easily debauch to have a showdown with other players. And young people may take problems on virtual games to real life. That makes many violent fights outside the games. Many social evils arise. Young people dont have enough money to play games, so they become robbers, thieves. Many games have bad content will poison young peoples mind.

Topic 9: Applications of computers in learning and teaching

Teachers: The teachers can use computers as teaching tools. Teachers can construct PowerPoint presentations in order to provide their students necessary information. They can use different software programs to show geography, science, history, and even math to help their students learn visually. Teachers use computers to compound what they teach. Computers can be used as projectors, to run programs, or simply to print out information quickly. Use of the Internet is also now part of the modern classroom. Students: The most basic way that computers help students is through word processing. Through word processing programs, like Microsoft Word, students can access programs to edit, correct spelling errors They also give students the ability to be creative and add pictures, highlight, or underline So students can write their essays and term papers more easily. Conclusion:

Topic 12: Benefits of computers and some problems they are causing
Benefits: The electronic computer is the wonder of the machine age. It helps man in practically all the areas of life: agriculture, education, science, management, entertainment, or even war. Modern life is impossible without the use of the computer. The computer can store, analyze and organize amount of information fed into it. It can make calculations a million times faster than a man or help to control machinery automatically in a way that far exceeds human ability. Once the computer is given a programme, it can gather a tremendous range of information for many purposes. (It can get a huge amount of information from outer space or from the depths of the ocean. In business managements, it can help in many areas such as payment, sales, or production. In banking, the use of computer is simply unique.) The computer is really a high-power memory machine that has all the answers or almost all. Sometimes computers are called thinking machines because they can do such things as was previously done by men only. Problems: Modern living depends a lot on computers. Computer break down means also the breakdown of whatever system it controls. Wrong information: if there is the incorrect information on police computer (because of a mistake), it is terrible. People may be judged in a wrong way.

Topic 13: Modern science and technology has good as well as bad effects on our society
Good effects: Many scientific and technological advances have improved human life The ability to communicate worldwide has made people less isolated and less provincial:

National radio and television keep people in touch with each other. Communication satellites keep foreign nations in touch with each other. Telecommunications have made the world shrink in size and help to keep the worlds people informed of what is happening on the earth. They also help to increase mutual understanding among the nations. Air travel allows people to study societies other than their own. The computer has revolutionized the modern worlds information industry. Modern computers have infiltrated (thm nhp) into all aspects of business, government and even at home.

Effective birth contraception (trnh thai) has given society a new sense of freedom:

Thank to the use of effective modern contraceptive devices and drug, women are having smaller families, which enable them to pursue their own professions. Population growth has been controlled and kept at a rational rate. People could enjoy more sexual freedom without fear of pregnancy.

The latest advances in biomedical research have cured major life-threatening diseases:

Virulent diseases have been cured. Typhoid practically no longer exists, and polio has nearly vanished. Non-virulent diseases have been cured. Genetic research is on the verge of preventing genetic diseases such as cystic fibrosis (u x nang) and Downs syndrome.

Bad effects: Many scientific and technologies have endangered human life:

Modern inventions are making us lazier. When motorcar was invented, we use it to drive everywhere and dont want to walk anymore. When an accountant has a computer, he doesnt want to count by himself anymore. And the invention of television also makes people lazier. They simply sit in front of it for long hours. Their bodies suffer from lack of exercise and their minds become woozy. These are either physical laziness or mental laziness.

The pollution of our ocean is a threat to human food supplies.

Oil tankers and offshore drilling works are causing oil slicks (du loang) that kill fish and plant. Sewage (cht thi) from industrial plants is poisoning our beaches.

The pollution of atmosphere is a threat to human health. Smog from factories and automobiles poisons the atmosphere and destroys its ozone layer. It also infects the air and causes lung diseases. The improvement of weapons is along with the decline of moral standards. We kill innocent people without batting an eyelid. Morally we are no better than dumb animals. World security is being threatened by the presence of nuclear arsenals.

We have enough nuclear bombs in land, at sea and in the air to blow up the earth. (Instead of swords and spears (gio, mc), we now have machine guns, jet fighters and other tools of murder. Our ability to kill and destroy is frightening.) Competition and nuclear tests among nuclear powers in the world (the USA, Russia, China) threaten global destruction.

Topic 14: The only thing people are interested in is earning more and more money. Do you agree?
Advantages: We cannot deny that money plays an important role in our life. Money can help us to get good education: If we have a lot of money, we can afford the best learning materials, or we can study at the best schools or colleges.

Money can ensure us a happy material life: We dont have to worry about household expenditures (ph tn), poverty and other financial problems. Money enables us to afford modern conveniences and facilities, which make our lives more comfortable and enjoyable.

Money gives us more social status: When we make good money through honest work, we win others respect. Money makes it possible for us to travel abroad for holidays, to entertain ourselves, and to enjoy life.

Disadvantages: It would not be true to say that money is the root of all evil, but the root of some evil. Consider a man who spends most of his time trying to earn more and more money. And he realizes that others are also trying to do the same. How does one grab of what others desire too? He will probably lie and cheat others to get what he wants. Similarly, others will lie and cheat him. The never end game continues. A successful man accumulates his wealth for the sake of his children. When he dies, his children fight for the wealth. Brotherly or sisterly love vanishes like a puff of smoke.

There are more and more people fighting to get into power. Those in power then make use of their position to line their pockets. Funds are embezzled (bin th).

Conclusions: Without money, ones life can become a misery. But, Money doesnt last forever. Money is important in many aspects of life, but it should be regarded as a means, not an end in itself. Those who only money or live for money only are small-minded and have a very poor spiritual life. There are many other things that make life worth living (such as love, work, study)

Topic 15: Do you think Internet dating is good way to find a date? Why / why not?
Advantages: We can save time and money: Dating on the Internet may shrink the distance in real life. We can meet people from everywhere without going out. And with the help of webcam, we also watch our lovers face. By chatting, our wing words can be sent and received quickly. Shy people can be more self-confidence to show them up: To some people, meeting and talking with other people is a very difficult work. By using the Internet, they can do it easier and more comfortable. Dating on the Internet, we can have a date with many people at the same time. And all our partners dont know it. You can think about it as a deceitful thing, but that gives us many choices to have the most suitable partner. Disadvantages:

Information on the Internet is not always true. People can lie easily; they can hide their true feelings. So, we must heighten vigilance (cnh gic). And that means we have to doubt other people. On dating, that is bad. The matter of faith is very important. It determines the success or failure of our dating.

Because people can tell a lie easily, bad guys can take advantage of the untrue information to entice (d d) nave people, especially nave girls, for evil intentions ( en ti).


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