Child Enrolment Form

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Family Day Care Services

_____________________________________________________________________________________ Enrolment Details Date:

A parent or guardian who has lawful authority in relation to the child must complete this form. Brief explanation of lawful authority is found at the end this form. Licensed childrens services may use this form to collect the childs enrolment information as required in regulations 31 to35. Questions marked with an asterisk * are not required by the regulations, but you are encouraged to answer these to assist the service in

caring for your child.

Information about the child

Family Name:Date of Birth:....Sex: Given Name/s....

Home Address: . Cultural Background. Language(s) spoken in the home: Place of Birth: .. * Is the child of Aboriginal and? Or Torres islander origin? O No, Not aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander O Yes, Aboriginal and / or Torres Islander

* Is the child has a developmental delay or disability including intellectual, sensory or physical impairment? O No, or Yes (please circle)

Parent/Guardian Information
Mother Name: Address-as per child or: Name: Address-as per child or: Father

Telephone/s (H)

Telephone/s (H)

We Care The Way You Care

Family Day Care Services

(Mobile) Email: Country of Birth: (Mobile) Email: Country of Birth:

Does the child live with the mother? No Yes (please tick) Occupation: Guardian Name: Address-as per child or: Telephone/s (H) (Mobile Does the child live with this guardian?

Does the child live with the father? No Yes (please tick) Occupation: Guardian Name: Address-as per child or: Telephone/s (H) (Mobile Does the child live with this guardian?

Priority 1 a child at risk of serious abuse or neglect Priority 2 a child of a single parent who satisfies, or parents who both satisfy, the work / training / study test under section 14 of the Family Assistance Act Priority 3 any other child Which Priority group is the parent/guardian in? (Please tick) Priority 1 Priority 2 Priority 3

Other persons to be notified

There may be times when the child has an accident, injury, trauma or illness and the parents or guardians cannot be contacted. To deal with these situations the childrens service should notify one of following people who are authorized to collect and care for the child after accident, injury, trauma or illness

Name: Address:

Name: Address:

Telephone/s (H)

Telephone/s (H)

We Care The Way You Care

Family Day Care Services

(Mobile) Relationship to child: (Mobile) Relationship to child:

Court orders relating to the child

Are there any court orders relating to the powers, duties, responsibilities or authorities of any person in relation to the child or access to the child? No 1. go to the next section yes please complete the following:

Bring the original court order/s for staff to see and a copy to attach to this enrolment form: a) change the powers of a parent/guardian to: Authorize the taking of the child outside the service by a staff member of the service; Taking the child outside the Kids Community Home Based Educators residence or venue by another Home Based Educator, consent to the medical treatment of the child; Request or permit the administration of medicine to the child; Collect the child from the Home Based Educator residence, b) give these powers to someone else, AND/OR

2. If these orders:

Please describe these changes and provide the contact details of any person given these powers: ..

Details of people who you authorise to collect your child

There Your consent is required for other people to collect the child from the children s service on your behalf. In the table below please list the details of those people you have authorized to collect the child. This list may be added to or changed through the year. In the event that the child is not collected from the childrens service and parents or guardians cannot be contacted, this list will also be used to arrange someone to collect the child.

We Care The Way You Care

Family Day Care Services

Name: Address: Telephone/s (H) (Mobile) Relationship to child: Name: Address: Telephone/s (H) (Mobile) Relationship to child:

Name: Address: Telephone/s (H) (Mobile) Relationship to child:

Name: Address: Telephone/s (H) (Mobile) Relationship to child:

Childs Health information

Name of Doctor/Medical Service:Telephone: Address of Doctor/Medical Service: Does your child have a health record? If yes, please provide to Kids Community for sighting. Child health record means a record that documents a childs health and development assessments and immunizations. Name and Position of person at Kids Community who has sighted the childs health record. Name:Position:

We Care The Way You Care

Family Day Care Services


Childs Medication Authorization

I, authorize my Kid s Community Home Based Educator, as part of a medical plan or in the event of an emergency, administer medication to my child(ren). Parent/Guardian: Sign:..

Childs Medical Information

Does your child have any special need? to the special need.



(please stick )

If Yes, please provide details of any special needs and any management procedures to be followed with respect Does your child have any allergies or sensitivity? No Yes If Yes, please provide details of any sensitivities and management procedure to be followed with respect to the sensitivity. Pleas attach an Action Plan for Anaphylaxis if the child has any allergies. Anaphylaxis Has your child been diagnosed at risk of anaphylaxis? Does your child have an auto injection device (eg Epipen)? Has the Anaphylaxis Action Plan been provided to Kids Community? Has a risk management plan been completed by Kids Community consultation with you? No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes

In the case of anaphylaxis you will be provided with a copy of the Kids Community anaphylaxis management policy. You will be required to provide Kids Community with an Anaphylaxis Action Plan for your child signed by the medical practitioner who is treating your child. This will be attached to your childs enrolment form. More information is available at Does your child have any other medical conditions? (eg asthma, epilepsy, diabetes etc that is relevant to the care of your child) If yes, please provide details of any medical condition and any management procedures to be followed with respect to the medical condition.

We Care The Way You Care

Family Day Care Services

. Does the child have any dietary restrictions? If yes, the following restrictions apply: ......

Childs Immunisation Records

Has the child been immunized? If yes, provide the details by: Attaching a copy of the Immunization Record from the child health record book OR Attaching a copy of the Immunization Record printout from local government OR Attaching a Child History Statement from the Australian Childhood Immunization Register OR Completing the table below using the childs immunization Record to provide the date of immunizations received

Immunization (valid from March 2008)

Hepatitis B Diphtheria, tetanus & a cellular pertussis (DTPa) Haemophilus influenza (Type b) Inactivated poliomyelitis (IPV) Pneumococcal conjugate (7vPCV) Rotavirus Measles, mumps & rubella (MMR)








We Care The Way You Care

Family Day Care Services

Meningococcal C Varicella (VZC)

Additional immunisations for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children (if required)

Hepatitis A Pneumococcal polysaccharide (23vPPV)

12 - 24 months

18 - 24 months

*Other Information
If there is anything else that Kids Community should know about the child? (e.g. excessive fear, favorite activities, attending other early childhood service or early intervention service, etc)

Declaration and consent to emergency medical treatment

I,(Print full name) A person with lawful authority of the child referred to in this enrolment form, Declare that the information in this enrolment form is true and correct and undertake to immediately inform Kids Community in the event of any change to this information; Agree to collect or make arrangements for the collection of the child referred to in this enrolment form if s/he becomes unwell during the Care Period; Consent to Kids Community to seek medical treatment for the child from a medical practitioner, hospital or ambulance service. Parent Name.ParentSignature.. Date//20

We Care The Way You Care

Family Day Care Services


Confidentiality of enrolment records

The proprietor of the childrens service must ensure that the information in this enrolment record is not divulged to another person unless necessary for the care or education of the child, to manage medical treatment of the child, where expressly authorized by the parent or prescribed in the Childrens Service Regulations 2009 (regulation 35(1) (de))

Lawful Authority

All parents have powers and responsibilities in relation to their children that can only be changed by a court order. The Childrens Service Regulations 2009 refer to these powers and responsibilities as lawful authority. It is not affected by the relationship between the parents, such as whether or not they have lived together or are married. A court order, such as under the Family Law Act, may take away the authority of a parent to do something, or may give it to another person.

A guardian of a child has lawful authority. A legal guardian is given lawful authority by a court order. The definition of guardian under the Childrens Services Act 1996 also covers situations where a child does not live with his or her parents and there are no court orders. In these cases, the guardian is the person the child lives with who has day-to-day care and control of the child.

We Care The Way You Care

Family Day Care Services


Agreement & Consent to Terms

Childs Name: _________________________________________________Date of Birth: _________ 1. Emergency or Accidents In the event of an emergency, illness or accident, I / We give the educators at the Kids Community consent to provide Medical or Hospital attention for our child. I / We agree to pay any expenses incurred for Medical treatment and Transport. 2. Administering of Paracetamol I / We agree for Educators to administer ONE dosage of Paracetamol in the event of our childs body temperature rising above 38C. I / We understand that the staff will make contact with either the Parents / Guardians or the Emergency Contacts to inform us that Paracetamol is being administered and discuss at the time further actions to take in the event that the temperature does not subside within an appropriate time frame. 3. Permission for Publication I / We hereby give consent for our childs photograph, name and age to be used for the room programming, Coordination Unit displays and/or publications (e.g. Newsletters) or Kids Community website. Where this information may be utilized outside of the coordination unit, further permission will be sought. 4. Permission for Observation I / We give permission for our child to be observed for educators, student or researchers purposes. Students and researchers will be from accredited training programs and will work in conjunction with your childs educators. If questioning or testing is to be carried out I / we will be asked for further permission. 5. Payment of Fees I / We agree to maintain our fees as per the coordinations fee policy. We will ensure our fees are kept up to date by making payments on the required day via direct Debit or as agreed with the coordination unit. I / We give permission for Kid's Community FDC to send invoices through email. I / We are aware that failure to pay due fees within 14 days may result in the cancellation of care at the home based educators option. Where a direct debit arrangement has been entered into, I/we authorize the coordination unit to make withdrawals from my/our nominated account as specified in the Direct Debit Request Form, as determined the coordination unit in accordance with the terms and conditions herein and in any subsequent agreement with the coordination unit. I/we acknowledge that such withdrawals may include amounts representing any arrears that are owed by us. I / We understand that any costs incurred by the centre in collecting any arrears owed may be charged to my/our account. 6. Sunscreen Application I / We agree for the educators of Kids Community to apply sunscreen regularly to our child for outdoor play purposes. I / We understand that the educators may use a variety of sunscreen brands from time to time. If my child requires special sunscreen I/we agree to supply this product to the educator.

We Care The Way You Care

Family Day Care Services

7. Insect Repellant Applications I / We agree for educator to apply Insect Repellant to our child where necessary for indoor or outdoor purposes. I / We understand that the educator may use a variety of insect repellant brands from time to time. If my child requires special repellant. I/we agree to supply this product to the educator. 8. Child Care Benefit (Lump Sum Claims) I / We understand that it is our responsibility to notify the Centre of our Customer Reference Numbers (CRNs) even where our family will not be claiming Child Care Benefit as reduced fees on a fortnight basis. 9. Parent Handbook I / We acknowledge that we have read the Kids Communitys Parent Handbook. I / We understand any changes to this Handbook will be displayed on the Parent Communication Boards in the Coordination Unit office or on our website. 10. Centre Policies I / We acknowledge that the coordination unit Policies are available in the Kids Communitys office at all times to view. I / We understand that any changes to these policies will be carried out where appropriate in consultation with us as Parents / Guardians and any changes to these policies will be displayed on the Parent Communication Boards in the Kids Community Office. 11. Cancellation of Care I / We understand that two weeks written notification is required in advance when cancelling care. 12. Fees for Public Holidays I / We understand that Public Holidays are charged at the higher daily fee rate 13. Priority of Access I / We understand that if our family falls under Priority Access we may be required to alter our days in order to provide a place for a higher Priority family according to the following Priority Access Guidelines and our Policy: First Priority children at risk or serious abuse or neglect; Second Priority children whose parents satisfy the work, training and study guidelines specified by the Government; and Third Priority all other children. 14. Infectious Diseases / Clearance Certificates I / We understand that our child will be excluded from the educators home if they contract a contagious disease or condition. I / We understand that our child will not be accepted back into the educators home until a clearance certificate is issued from a Medical Practitioner. Please refer to our Policies for further information. 15. Non Immunisation I / We understand that if our child is NOT immunised in accordance to the Government requirements (refer to our immunisation details page) our child will be excluded from the centre until the infectious period of the disease or condition has passed. (Please refer to our Policies for further information)


We Care The Way You Care

Family Day Care Services

16. Confidentiality of Enrolment Records I/We understand that information in the childs enrolment record is not divulged to another person unless necessary for the care or education of the child, to manage medical treatment of the child, where expressly authorised by the parent or prescribed in the Children Services. 17.Authorisation for childs transportation and participation in excursions I GIVE PERMISSION FOR MY Home Based Educator of KID S CUMMUNITY FDC TO TRANSPORT/EXCURSION MY CHILD(REN). TRANPORT METHODS (please CIRCLE one or more) Bus Tram Train Car Walk or All

By law, appropriate child restrains must be used in accordance with childs weight and height. Also Home Based Educators will ensure the following items before departure: contact phone numbers, First Aid Kit and Asthma, Anaphylaxis medication for excursion

18. Lawful Authority All parents have powers and responsibilities in relation to their children that can only be changed by a court order. The Childrens Services Regulations 2009 refer to these powers and responsibilities as lawful authority. It is not affected by the relationship between the parents, such as whether or not they have lived together or are married. A court order, such as under the Family Law Act, may take away the authority of a parent to do something, or may give it to another person. Guardians A guardian of a child also has lawful authority. A legal guardian is given lawful authority by a court order. The definition of guardian under the Childrens Services Act 1996 also covers situations where a child does not live with his or her parents and there are no court orders. In these cases, the guardian is the person the child lives with who has day-to-day care and control of the child. By signing this form I/we declare and confirm: I / We are lawfully authorized in relation to the Child referred to in this Enrolment Form; All information provided in this Enrolment Form is true and correct; and I/we have read, fully understand and agree to comply with all of the policies and procedures detailed in this Enrolment Form including items 1 to 17 above, and any other policies and procedures advised by the centre either directly or by making them available for perusal at the Centre.

Signature of Primary Parent/Guardian: ___________________________________Date: ________ Signature of Secondary Parent/Guardian): ________________________________Date: ________


We Care The Way You Care

Family Day Care Services


Agreed Hours Form

Child First Name: ___________________________________________Surname: ___________________________________________

Please circle the type of care you require: Permanent Days requiring care: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
From:To: From:To: From:To: From:To: From:To: From:To: From:To:


B/A School

School Holiday

I agree to pay fees for the days that I have chosen above. I understand whether I use or not will be charged for my chosen days. I also understand that I have to give two weeks notice if intend to leave the care.

Parent Email:

Parent First Name: ___________________________________________ Surname: __________________________________________ Familys Signature: ____________________________________________________ Educator First Name: ___________________________________________ Surname: __________________________________________ Educators Signature: __________________________________________________ Commencing Date: __________________________________________________


We Care The Way You Care

Family Day Care Services


To ensure that you are linked to our centre through the Child Care Management System (CCMS) and to have Child Care Benefit (CCB) applied to your child care fees, you must contact Centrelink to confirm that they have the correct name and date of birth for both the parent & child who are registered for CCB. Please complete the following information accurately to ensure that your CRN is linked to our centre and to enable you to receive CCB: Person Registered for CCB with Centrelink (details must be EXACTLY as per Centrelinks Records) Full Name: __________________________________________________________________________________ Date of Birth: _____________________________________ CRN: _____________________________ Child Registered for CCB with Centrelink (details must be EXACTLY as per Centrelinks Records) Full Name: ____________________________________________________________________ Date of Birth: _____________________________________ CRN: _____________________________

Has this child attended another child care service this financial year? _ Yes _ No Is the child attending multiple child care services? _ Yes _ No Verification of Details held by Centrelink
I confirm that: 1. The information I have provided above is true and correct and that I have provided Centrelink with this same information. 2. I am responsible for communicating this information to Centrelink. 3. I understand that I am responsible for all fees charged by the centre in relation to this enrolment. 4. I understand that if any details are incorrect then full child care fees are payable by me directly to the centre until the details are corrected with Centrelink. Name: _______________________________ Signature: _________________________________ Date: _____________________


We Care The Way You Care

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