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Section A A very good morning I bid to our beloved school principal, Madam Robinette Tiong Ai Giek, senior assistants,

teachers and friends. It is a privilege for me to be given this golden oppurtunity to give a speech entitled The advantages and disadvantages of Internet. To some extent, Internet, itself, somehow bring along with scores of advantages and shortcomings. In fact, prior to the advent of Internet, people all around the world may have the experiences to expose themselves to worldwide region where people are able to contact in such convenient way among themselves. People no longer adapt to old ways of sending information and data. Inevitably, Internet has become prevalent and widely used by people. Internet is very important nowadays and without Internet, we just simply cannot do a stuff properly. The usages of Internet play crucial roles in aid to our life such as providing vast, useful information. It is significant for that Internet has free, unlimited information and data in store that come in tandem aside from the benefits in communication. With a single clip on the screen of your personal computer or even electronic gadgets that are connected to Internet, you can easily download the files that you are seeking for. You can rely on Internet solely if you really have no clue in doing stuff such as arduous calculus calculation or scientific questions as internet will assist you by providing complete solutions and explanation. Pretty handy, right? Aside from that, Internet also enable us to access to social networking. Citing an example, teenagers are fond with these social network sites: Facebook and Twitter. With them, chatting with friends at any rate and time are always possible; despite the fact that the distance between the duo are extremely far. Incidentally, you can make a lot of friends from it. It is rather beneficial as you may chance upon numerous people regardless of identity and sex, thus expanding your social zone. Furthermore, Internet becomes handy because you can easily search for information that you needed. For instance, you can easily access to notes, past year exam papers and relevant stuff. Can you visualize that? That is why many avid people are using Internet to search for information due to its convenience.

On the other hand, it is not surprising that there are cons too. Some teenagers are however, indulged in Internet until they dissipating too much time on it. It is not sagacious because it will lead to neglect of academic studies. Therefore, it is advisable for us to spend time sagaciously because it is futile to cry over spilled milk. Moreover, the world of Internet is not secure. It is a fact that that are umpteen number of unsavoury sites that attempt to contaminate a person in terms of mind-thinking. People who surf for Internet may unwittingly overexpose themselves to sex and abuse. These may be dangerous because it may endanger ourselves eventually.

In addition, despite the fact that Internet provide unlimited useful information, but at the same time, many may have misuse it and it is actually under our expense. For example, copying essays from the web without comprehend it will be a waste of time. To make the matter worse, we will be ended up learning nothing because no actual precise reference is done. How dismayed will it be if the use of Internet is abused in such notorious way? In the nutshell, we have fathomed that Internet is imperative in our society but the eyes of dangers may be lurking somewhere and watching over you. Therefore, to be sensible, I stress that we ought to be vigilant and prudent by monitoring well as Internet is a platform that actually brings us advantages, but at the same time, it is unwittingly exposed us to dangers. Thank you for your attention!

Section B ( Continous Writing) I walked reluctantly up the doorstep and knocked hesitantly. It was a long pause of silence before I heard crack of chair as someone got up and shuffled towards the door at this moment. I waited, still waiting for the door to open. In a split of second, my mind flickered back to the day where it left an indelible mark in my memory. Get down, get down, I shouted at the men I was leading. Jeff was one of them. Jeff had been with me for twelve years since the first day we were enlisted into the Marines. Jeff and I were like soulmates, we have seen each other fell and hoisted each other up from the battle. We could not have done anything for anyone of us, for there is nothing we would fear of. Yet, Jeff could always hold back when it came to his family. I, on the other hand, shared mine with him. Belinda loved him like a brother and the children adored him equally. He was always home with me when we are able to return safely and if not, he would still come here with his familiar backpack. For he knew that he would always be welcomed with or without me. He is a family after all. Now, twelve years later and after two horrifying nights, I, myself saw my best friend being torn apart by shrapnel, seeing his life faded away and buried him. I was still numb from having lose him but life always came and leave especially in the battlefield. I swayed his lock of hair from his battered and worn face that belied the horror below his neck and waist. I was feeling utterly dejected and hopeful that God will save him but somehow deep inside my heart, I knew that the forlorn hope was actually futile. Jeffs breath grew laboured and he could barely opened his eyes. All of the sudden, Jeff grasped my hand with vengeance and that really astounded me as he looked frail from the severe blood loss. Tell her that I had not forgotten. Give her this and tell her that! Jeff gasped out his last breath and I knew that he was gone. I unclenched his fist which is smeared with mud and saw a silver locket. I thought it must be something that was so precious to Jeff. Inside it was a wispy slip of paper with printed address on it. I had no idea who the person was and who the person was to Jeff. But I had promised Jeff and had to follow it through. So here I am, four days later following the address Jeff had directed me to, waiting

Sir, can I help you? A weary voice greeted me from the opened door. She had those bleary but gleaming eyes which was the best testament that I was looking for. I must have a quizzical look as she repeated her questions. Seeing that I must have spellbound by her look, she gently patted on my shoulders and that was when I was back in reality. Sorry for the intrusion, maam, but I was asked to give something to you. I fumbled a locket out of my pocket and gave it to her. When I passed the locket to her, she gasped. Jeff, he was gone, isnt he? I nodded and she broke down. I, myself too could not hold my tears anymore and we embraced each other with muffled cries. Just then, on the corner of the room, a phone chirped and broke the silence. Josie wiped her tears off and went over to answer the phone. I was about to leave when I saw her trembled with fear with the phone dropping to the ground with a loud thump and she to the ground. I was utterly gobsmacked by the commotion. However, on the other side of the phone that she had accidentally dropped, I could barely hear the harsh voice of someone speaking. I decided to pick it out and told him that he owner was being indisposed. Before I could utter a single word, I could not even believe my ears. It was madness! I could hardly visualize the person that I was speaking to. Sweat started to cascade profusely down my forehead, panic overwhelmed me in no time , and I was completely in trepidation. I felt like a loser but I managed to regained my composure . Jeff, is that you? I asked firmly. Unfortunately, there was a complete silence on the other side of the phone. With exasperation, I snapped off the phone and went over to take a look at Josie. At the same time, I tried to convince myself that I must have being daydreaming but the fact that what happened to Josie and what I heard really piqued me. Somehow, I was unable to track that mysterious caller anymore as it was unavailable. I struggled intensely but I could not find the answer. Had all this really happened or was it a dream?

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