Problem Statement

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Ecovision *Problem statement*My interpretation* .

Sustainable infrastructue >Environmentally responsible processes >Resource efficient(long term) >*Design*Construction*Operation*Maintenance*Renovation*Demolition*all phases hav e the above characteristics* >Classic requirements-Safety,Stability,Economy,Utility,Durability,Comfort *also imp* .Requirement-Product or Design solution >For sustainable building(commercial building as given) >Water,energy,resource,material management >Reduce impact on health,environment >Alternative sources of water and energy >Better resource utilisation/waste management >Optimum building life cycle >Be innovative but need time tested,economical solutions .We have to provide DESIGN or PRODUCT *solutions* for the following >Fire protection: Fireproof external cladding,building materials, use of water s prinklers, >Structural integrity >Electrical Systems >Plumbing and mechanical Systems(Airflow and temperature management) >Water treatment,storage and distribution >Wastewater collection and treatment >Lighting .Mass and spaces in and around the existing commercial building:Commercial Offic e >12 floors-G+12 >Total site area-15697m^2 >Built area(base of building)-4320 m^2(roughly 27.5%) >Daily flow:3500 office employees+ 500 (guests/clients) + 500 (maintenance) *DIVISION OF SPACES IN EACH FLOOR* >Ground floor:Parking for 1000 4 wheelers,1000 two wheelers, lifts, stairways, f ire escapes >From 1st to 10th1.Office space for 325 ppl(maybe cubicles) - Base employees 2.One seminar room seating 350 ppl(Only used once in a week)-(RARELY USED) 3.5 Meeting rooms : Flow of 15-20 ppl twice (RARELY USED) 4.7 toilets with a flow of 40 ppl every hour 5.5 store rooms:Caters to procurement requirement- Constant flow of 50/hr 6.Cafeteria: In 1st,4th,7th,10th- Maximum 1000 each...avg 850 during lunch and b reak(2hrs per day) Otherwise avg flow is 75/ hr(after office hrs 3 are open/total 200 ppl) 7.5 lounge/recreational rooms : 5-10/hr,100 each during break 8.One renewable Generator room+One Airflow and temperature management room in e very floor (Constant check every two hrs by 2 officials) Contains Renewable energy generator sets, Transformers, Central Air Handling Sys tems >11th floor1.Office space for 200 ppl 2.One seminar room seating 350 ppl 3.5 Meeting rooms: flow of 15-20ppl

4.7 toilets with a flow of 40 ppl every hour( I doubt) 5.5 store rooms:Caters to procurement requirement- Constant flow of 50/hr 6.5 lounge/recreational rooms : 5-10/hr,100 each during break 7.One renewable Generator room+One Airflow and temperature management room >Top floor-Executive area 1.Office space for 50 ppl 2.One seminar room seating 350 ppl 3.Meeting rooms: flow of 5-10 ppl/twice 4.One toilet in every cabin+ three toilets for guests and other clients 5.5 store rooms:Caters to procurement requirement- Constant flow of 50/hr 6.Special cafeteria for 100 ppl 7.2 lounge/recreational rooms : 2-5/hr,20 during break & beyond 8.One renewable Generator room+One Airflow and temperature management room

Special notes by ktj: * Entire building temperature controlled(Find ways to reduce the load in Airflow and temperature management system) *Using eco-friendly ideas that shall reduce water use *Less requirement of sources of energy/ save resources in infrastructure *Provide statistics regarding effect that they are bringing in the infrastructur e *Economic Details and breakeven point of investment

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