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This is the act of arranging ideas in an essay or letter in a way that makes meaning clear. Usually ideas in any piece of writing are arranged serially, sequentially or orderly; so that each idea is contained in its own paragraph. The use of paragraph helps one reader to follow ones argument and also make sure that the writer has planned what to write by grouping ideas under related points and ensuring that those points follow on logically. Where an essay is one concentrated piece, it will be difficult for the reader to follow the trend of the writers thought.


A paragraph is a group or collections of sentences dealing with common issue. It is a basic unit through which a writer presents his main ideas. The main idea in a paragraph is usually contained in the topic sentence while other sentences contained in the paragraph go to elucidate it. Immediately an idea is exhausted in one paragraph, another one should be started. However, if the idea is not exhausted, an appropriate connective or transitional marker should be used to extend the idea into another paragraph. It is important to note that each paragraph in an essay has different functions, but they all add information, explanation, and illustration to the central theme until the theme is fully developed. The paragraph usually has a beginning, middle and end. Sometimes, the topic sentence is placed at the initial position while at other times, it occupies either the end or middle position. A paragraph which has its topic sentence at the initial position has an inductive pattern of arrangement. On the other hand, the paragraph that has its topic sentence at the end position employs a deductive approach.

Although it is believed that length or appearance is not a factor in determining whether a section in a paper is a paragraph or not, it is proper that a paragraph should contain minimum of five sentences. This is because when a paragraph is too short, it hinders the comprehension of the main idea. The same applies to a lengthy paragraph. A long paragraph may inhibit the reader from locating the main idea in the passage.


This is the act of arranging ideas in an essay or letter in a way that makes meaning clear. Usually ideas in any piece of writing are arranged serially, sequentially or orderly; so that each idea is contained in its own paragraph. The use of paragraph helps one reader to follow ones argument and also make sure that the writer has planned what to write by grouping ideas under related points and ensuring that those points follow on logically. Where an essay is one concentrated piece, it will be difficult for the reader to follow the trend of the writers thought.


A paragraph is a group or collections of sentences dealing with common issue. It is a basic unit through which a writer presents his main ideas. The main idea in a paragraph is usually contained in the topic sentence while other sentences contained in the paragraph go to elucidate it. Immediately an idea is exhausted in one paragraph, another one should be started. However, if the idea is not exhausted, an appropriate connective or transitional marker should be used to extend the idea into another paragraph. It is important to note that each paragraph in an essay has different functions, but they all add information, explanation, and illustration to the central theme until the theme is fully developed. The paragraph usually has a beginning, middle and end. Sometimes, the topic sentence is placed at the initial position while at other times, it occupies either the end or middle position. A paragraph which has its topic sentence at the initial position has an inductive pattern of arrangement. On the other hand, the paragraph that has its topic sentence at the end position employs a deductive approach.

Although it is believed that length or appearance is not a factor in determining whether a section in a paper is a paragraph or not, it is proper that a paragraph should contain minimum of five sentences. This is because when a paragraph is too short, it hinders the comprehension of the main idea. The same applies to a lengthy paragraph. A long paragraph may inhibit the reader from locating the main idea in the passage.

A good paragraph will contain the following:

A paragraph should contain only one main point; this is what is referred to as unity. A paragraph should not begin with one idea and end with another one ; therefore, any sentence that is not related to the main topic should be extracted or expunged from the paragraph.

This is the arrangement of the writers thought in a clear and logical manner, so that ideas do not hang loosely. It is the orderly relationship of sentences in a paragraph. Every sentence in the paragraph must be related. No unrelated sentence should be introduced into the paragraph, and events in the paragraph should be related in the order of their occurrence and importance. To achieve coherence, transitional elements should be used to link up different paragraphs. Also, appropriate pronouns should be used to refer to antecedent nouns.

Every idea contained in the paragraph should be adequately explained and supported through evidence and details that work together to explain the overall theme of the paper. Good examples and appropriate illustrations made, is a major way to adequately develop a paragraph.

This is a situation where the most important sentence in a paragraph is placed at the most emphatic position. The most emphatic positions are the beginning and the end.

There should be variety in the sentence structures contained in the paragraph. There should be an alternation of simple, compound, complex, compound complex and multiple sentences. This will make the entire passage interesting to read.


As was said earlier in this section, coherence is the arrangement of a writers thought in a clear and logical manner, so that ideas do not hang loosely. In other words, it is the trait that makes a paragraph easily understandable. To create coherence, logical bridges, and verbal bridges can be made.

This occurs when the same idea is carried over from sentence to sentence E.g. Analogies are useful to illustrate ideas in your writing, but you must keep yourself from typing together two kinds of experiences that arent logically related. A

workable analogy connects experiences that are covered by the same laws of caution (excerpt from Questions and Rhetoric and usage). Also, we can construct successive sentences in parallel form. E.g. (i) Singing and dancing are her daily delight, while she disdains day dreaming and wishful thinking. (ii) He missed the lady he needed to see, who would have transformed his life appreciably, a man who could be so critical, would never appreciate the beauty of life.

To create verbal bridges, the following can be done: (i) Key words can be repeated in several sentences (ii) (iii) (iv) Synonymous words can be repeated in several sentences Pronouns can refer to nouns in previous sentences. Transition word can be used to link ideas from different sentences.

Another way to attain coherence in paragraph is through the use of transitional markers. Transitional markers are words that link one paragraph to another. The linkage is done in a way that ideas flow logically from one paragraph to the other; and thus, enhance the comprehension of the passage. Below are examples of transitional markers and the thought they convey: ILLUSTRATION For example For instance


In addition Furthermore Also In the same vein Equally important Again Moreover

Explaining Consequences As A Result

Consequently Following this Therefore Thus Hence

Showing differences On The Other Hand On The Contrary From a Different Perspective However

Sequence First Second Third Etc Last

Summarizing To Sum Up In Conclusion On The Whole Finally

Emphasis Above All Basically Fundamentally Indeed

The paragraph is usually displayed in a way to attract the attention of the reader. To depict the beginning of the paragraph therefore, different styles are employed; namely, indentation, blocking, hanging, heading, and subsidiary.


This is the commonest type of paragraph found in formal and informal situations. The first word of the paragraph is set back from the left hand margin. In this type of

writing, five spaces are set back for pica type-writers. Now that computer is in vogue, the same principles apply. Indentation shows the beginning of any new paragraph and the end.


In this type of paragraph, each line including the first begins at the same vertical position. The difference between one paragraph and the other is however shown by leaving a typing line, blank. This type of paragraph is what is in vogue now because of its aesthetic nature.


This is a reversal of the indented paragraph. The first word of the paragraph commences at the left hand margin, the subsequent lines being indented. The purpose of this type of paragraph is to make the first few words prominent.


For documents such as reports, and minutes of meeting which are usually lengthy because of the different issues they contain, it is necessary to give heading to the different issues raised, as this will make reading and comprehension easy. Sometimes, the different topics contained in them are numbered, but it is much more convenient to give them headings. These paragraph headings may be typed in either capital letters or small letters. Where small ones are used, they shold be underscored to differentiate them from the main paragraph.

The subsidiary paragraph which is also called inset is derived from the main paragraph. It is proper to adopt different forms for the main and subsidiary paragraphs. For instance, if one is using the block style for the main heading, the subsidiary could be indented.

The development of a paragraph is usually preceded by a clear understanding of what the controlling idea of the piece of writing is all about. What is the main point the writer is trying to convey to his audience? The controlling idea is like a seed through which the piece of writing and the ideas it contains will grow. Once a writer decides on the controlling idea, the next is the choice of information that will help to support and perpetuate the idea through out the entire paper. Five steps have been identified in the development of paragraphs; namely: 1. Controlling idea

2. 3. 4. 5.

Explanation of controlling idea Example Explanation of example Completion of paragraphs idea

Below is an except containing the five steps to paragraph development.

Learning how to turn in home work assignments on time is one of the invaluable skills that college students can take with them into the working world.


Though the workforce may not assign homework to its workers in the traditional sense, many of the objectives and jobs that need to be completed require that employees work with deadlines. The deadlines that students encounter in classroom may be different in content when compared to the deadlines of the workforce but the importance of meeting those deadlines is the same. In fact, failure to meet deadlines in both the classroom and the workforce can mean instants termination.

For example, in the classroom, students form a contract with the teacher and the university when they enroll in a class. That contract requires that students complete the assignments and objectives set forth by the courses instructor in a specified time to receive a grade and credit for the course. Accordingly, just as a student risks termination in the classroom if he/her fails to meet the deadlines for a homework assignment, so too, does that student risk termination in the workforce. When a student fails to complete those assignments by the deadline, the student breaks her contract with the university and the teacher ss This often leaves the teacher with no recourse than to fail the student and leaves the university with no other recourse than to terminate the students credit for the course.


Developing good habits of turning in assignments in class now, as current students, will improve your performance and position as future participants in the working world.

Paragraph development is an organic process that makes intricate links between various ideas. These links create one single idea and run throughout the entire paper. All paragraphs should consist of one central idea; the idea should have a discussion on how it works, the explanation should be explained, and the final idea should be reiterated while preparing the reader for the development to come.

Awareness and utilization of all of these components will help to make a writers paragraph more unified, more coherent, and most importantly, better developed. Apart from these steps that have been identified, other patterns of paragraph developments that can be used are: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) Description Definition Comparison and Contrast Analogy Illustration Cause and effect Evaluation of causes and reasons.

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