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Welcome/opening prayer This weeks passage reveals several ways we can honor God through trusting Him! Open your time together asking each person to pray that God would supply the strength, courage, & faith to trust Him more.

Aug 5 Aug 11, 2012

Family Time (Read Philippians 4:6,7) Why does God have to tell us not to worry? (we tend to remember pain more than what God has already done for us) Have each person think of 3 ways that God has been good, faithful or provided for you in the last 30 minutes. (safely arrived at HG, food, provided family & friends who love me) What causes most accidents to occur? (lack of attention to hazards, distractions from focus, poor response time, not being prepared) Weve all been stuck behind the 90 year old, driving on the white dashed line 22mph, doing all they can to avoid having an accident. In the same way, many believers live paralyzed, fruitless lives just trying to avoid sin. Jesus, in Matt 6:25 -34, tells His friends not to worry like people who do not trust in God but to focus attention & effort on Gods plans & purposes. Kids Time What have your parents done for you that you did not have to ask for? (they give me clothes, food, home, care, attention) Who helps your parents to help you? (God) How? ( $ from job, arms and legs, intelligence) All of these are gifts from God. He gives us what we need because he loves us. Why do you trust your mom or dad to catch you when you are jumping out of a tree? (they have never dropped me before, they would never want to hurt me, I am their kid...they would never want me to be in pain) How do we not worry and trust God? (remember what God has already done for you, tell God thank you, and tell someone what God has done for you.) Adult Time Have you ever known a person that worries about everything? Describe their demeanor and countenance. Why do you think they are so preoccupied with fear? What does being consumed with worry say to non-believers? Are there things that we should worry about? Counseling, in short, is considering a different persons perspective concerning my personal situation. How would you give counsel to a friend who knows God but is wrecked with worry concerning financial issues? Prayer Time Before your prayer time, have each person recall and tell of a personal prayer request that God has already been faithful and answered it. Spend the majority of your time in prayer tonight thanking and praising God for all that He has done. Conclude your time in prayer, asking God to help us remember His faithfulness and all the ways that He has already shown Himself worthy of our praise and adoration.

Community Calendar Please remember August 12th & August 19th there will be no Community Group. The Scrolls will be composed and available to download from Church Calendar August 12th & August 19th there will be no programming for students or children to give our normal volunteers a break. Childcare will be provided for birth-Pre K only. If you would like to volunteer in the childrens ministry next week contact Jennifer at ext 118 or email at

Pantego Bible Church

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