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Finally! Breakthrough.

Glory to God! Hallelujah! Thank you Jesus! Finally its my season! God is good all the time, all the time God is good. These are the many phrases one would hear when others would have experienced a breakthrough. Just imagine for a brief moment, for years youve waited patiently for a turn around in your marriage, finances, family, or promotion on your job. During this wait, youve experienced shame, embarrassment, pain, tears, and not to mention being the topic of many conversations about whether or not youve missed God, there is sin in your life or youre simply cursed. Before we proceed any further let us define the term breakthrough, so that well all be on the same page, and not assuming what its meaning is. Breakthrough is defined as: breaking the invisible walls and cages of delay, hindrances, denials, repeat missed opportunities and disappointments. Being clear on the above understanding as to what a breakthrough is, I want us to put aside the religious mindsets for a few minutes and look at the reality of a genuine successful breakthrough. I have decided to take this approach because when some religious folks hear the term breakthrough, they immediately condense it to mean no work from their end. In fact theyre convinced that waiting on their breakthrough suggest that, they should continue doing things as usual and at Gods set time everything will change and there will be no more problems or at least not that present problem anymore. Well, to the contrary my friends, a genuine breakthrough requires quite a bit from your end. Many religious leaders have misled their congregation into believing that those waiting on their breakthrough have no part to play prior to their breakthrough, other than just simply waiting on God. This is at best erroneous teaching, and it is setting up those folks for major disappointment. In providing evidence that this type of teaching is not only erroneous but dangerous, my question to you my readers is, what are you doing different now prior to your breakthrough that will not only sustain but maintain the breakthrough to ensure that you never experience that challenge again? The truth is if youve never had a plan prior to your breakthrough, then chances are you'll return to your present condition probably sooner than later. Your present circumstances, aught to make you despise what has caused you to be in that unlike position in the first place. That can only happen if you have a plan to never pass this way again prior to your breakthrough. There are folks who've won the lottery, winning millions of dollars. After a few years they're back to being in debt all over again. I am certain this was not their plan. So what

does this tells us who are waiting on our breakthrough? Well it telling us that if we FAIL TO PLAN, THEN WE ARE IN FACT PLANNING TO FAIL. Again it is the lack of planning that has placed us in our current rough position. People that plan are folks that have made up in their minds not to travel that same old defeated road any longer. In fact, their plan is to keep them off of that road all together. Yet again I ask. What are you doing now that will make your future any different from your present? Is money your area of breakthrough that you're waiting on? Well if you didnt have a plan prior to your breakthrough. Then money will only accelerate what you always did prior to your breakthrough. It is a must that I add here folks; a breakthrough does not make you any smarter than you were before it arrived. IT IS THE PLANS/CHANGES THAT YOU HAD IN PLACE PRIOR TO THAT BREAKTHROUGH THAT WILL SUSTAIN AND MAINTAIN THAT BREAKTHROUGH. News flash breakthrough's DO NOT ADD WISDOM TO YOU. IT IS WHAT YOU'RE LEARNING NOW IN YOUR SEASON OF DELAYS, HINDRANCES, DENIALS AND DISAPPOINTMENTS THAT AUGHT TO BE PREPARING YOU FOR THE BREAKTHROUGH. YOUR NOW IS MEANT TO EDUCATE AND PREPARE YOU FOR YOUR BREAKTHROUGH TOMORROW. SO, STOP COMPLAINING, AND MURMURING ABOUT YOUR NOW AND GLEAN FROM IT WHAT IS NECESSARY SO YOU WON'T REPEAT IT DURING YOUR TIME OF BREAK THROUGH! When Moses brought the children of Israel out of Egyptian bondage (Ex 14:10-15), they began to complain and murmur. Why you may ask, when this should have been a time of rejoicing and excitement? Well the truth is they never prepared mentally to be freed, so amazingly during their breakthrough they did what they always do and that was complain and murmur even while they were smack dab in the midst of their breakthrough. Question! Could it be possible you're experiencing your breakthrough right now, but your chronic complaining has blinded you to being aware of it? The children of Israel could not comprehend the term GO FORWARD because even though, I am sure they spoke of freedom on a daily basis, and complained to one another of being held captive against their will. They became quite comfortable being slaves to their Egyptian masters for four hundred years. You see, even though they spoke freedom, they never took freedom seriously mentally, thus mentally excepting their way of life even though they complained verbally. Take note of what they said after being freed from their masters and the Egyptian army pursued them, And they said unto Moses, because there were no graves in Egypt, thou has taken us away to die in the wilderness? Wherefore has thou dealt thus with us, to carry us forth out of Egypt (Ex. 14:11).

As you have read folks, unprepared breakthroughs almost always make you revert to what you always did. Only this time you have the resources to do it at a greater pace. These people were physically freed but mentally they were still enslaved always willing and able to be ruled by their oppressors, the very people they complained about.. Many of you reading this article right now can identify with this. God has set you free already; you are actually in the midst of your breakthrough. However your mindset has yet to catch up with what God has already done. Simply because youve never prepared mentally for what you were praying to see physically God gave you a good husband/wife but you are still fooling around with Mr. /Ms. Bad News. God gave you that promotion, but you still dont know how to treat people. You finally got that transportation youve been praying for but just look at you, passing your neighbor walking down that same road you once walked praying for someone to give you a ride. What about you, who have never dealt with that hate, bitterness and your inability to forgive others. Do you think your breakthrough will change all of that? No! It wont, you have made perfect what you have practiced during your time of waiting. May I suggest to you that the worse kind of blindness is not physical blindness, but blinded by the demons of hate, bitterness and the inability to forgive others. It is this type of behavior by the waiters of their breakthroughs that will blindly guide them right back to the very place they detested and prayed to be released from. All because they failed to change mentally prior to their physical change. In closing, I am told that insanity is: doing the same thing, the same way all the time and expecting a different result. We have been taught in our local churches that change comes when the breakthrough comes. I beg to differ; change should have been the prerequisite to change. So, please discontinue the self deception by telling, friends, family, co-workers and the likes what youll do when that million dollars comes, that husband/wife, that new car etc. because if you are not making the changes now, then prepare to repeat going around this same old mountain all over again.

Heavenly Father, I thank you for everyone that took the time in reading this article. I am convinced Father that you have positioned them to be a partaker of your truth on this day, for your word is truth. I pray that this read would have provoked change. May you give them the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of you, so that the eyes of their understanding will be enlightened to not only recognize but prepare well in advance of their breakthroughs in Jesus name. Amen! Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

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