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ACADEMIC YEAR 2011- 2012 / ODD SEMESTER QUESTION BANK SUBJECT CODE/NAME: EE 1402 POWER SYSTEM PROTECTION AND SWITCHGEAR YEAR / SEM: IV / VII UNIT I PROTECTION AGAINST OVER VOLTAGES PART A (2 MARKS) 1. What are the causes over voltages on power system? 2. What is meant by voltage surge? 3. State the attenuation and distortion of traveling waves. 4. What are the causes of power frequency and its harmonic over voltage? 5. What is ground wire? 6. What is use of ground wire? 7. What is a protector tube? 8. Define basic impulse level. 9. Mention the various insulation levels in substations? 10. What is a surge absorber? PART - B 1. (a) What are the causes of over voltage on a power system? (8) (b) Why is it necessary to protect the lines and other equipment of the p ower system against over voltages? (8) 2. Describe the phenomenon of lightning. (16) 3. What protective measures are ta en against lightning over voltages? (16) 4. (a) What is tower-footing resistance? (4) (b) Why is it required to have this resistance as low as economically pos sible? (4) (c) What are the methods to reduce this resistance? (8) KINGS COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNALKULAM 1 EE 1402 POWER SYSTEM PROTECTION AND SWTICH GEAR 5. (a) What is necessity of protecting electrical equipment against traveling waves?(6) (b)Describe in brief the protective devices used for protection of equipm ent against such waves? (10) 6. Describe the protection of stations and sub-stations against direct lightn ing stro e. (16) 7. Describe the construction and principle of operation of (i) expulsion type lightning arrester, (8) (ii) Value type lightning arrester. (8) 8. What is Peterson coil? What protective functions are performed by this dev ice? (16) 9. Write short notes on the following. lydonograph and magnetic lin

(4) (i) Rod gap (4) (ii) (iii) Arcing horns (4) Basic impulse insulation level (4) (iv) 10. What are the requirements of a ground wire for protecting power conductor s against direct lightning stro e? Explain how they are achieved in practice. (16) 11. Determine the inductance of Peterson coil to be connected between the neu tral and ground to neutralize the charging current of overhead line having the lin e to ground capacitive of 0.15f. If the supply frequency is 50Hz and the operating volt age is 132 KV, find the KVA rating of the coil. (16) 12. (a) Explain the term insulation coordination. (8) (b) Describe the construction of volt-time curve and the terminology asso ciated with impulse-testing. (8) 13. Explain the operation of various types of surge absorbers (16) UNIT II CIRCUIT BREAKERS PART A (2 MARKS) 1. What is an arc? 2. Define restricting voltage. 3. Define recovery voltage. 4. Define current chopping. 5. Mention the different methods of high resistance arc interruption. 6. What is switchgear? 7. What is brea ing capacity? 8. What are the functional requirements of a circuit brea er under fault cond ition? 9. What are the advantages of low oil circuit brea er? 10. What are the types of air blast circuit brea er? 11. What are the advantages of SF6 circuit brea er? KINGS COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNALKULAM 2 EE 1402 POWER SYSTEM PROTECTION AND SWT ICHGEAR PART - B 1. Discuss the recovery rate theory and energy balance theory of arc interrup tion in a circuit brea er. (16) 2. Explain terms: i) Restri ing voltage (3) ii) Recovery voltage (3) iii) RRRV

(3) iv) Derive expressions for restri ing voltage and RRRV. (3) v) What measures are ta en to reduce them? (4) 3. (a) What is resistance switching? (4) (b) Derive the expression for critical resistance. (12) 4. (a) Explain the phenomenon of current chopping in a circuit brea er. (12) (b) What measures are ta en to reduce it? (4) 5. Discuss the problem associated with the interruption of (5) (i) Low inductive current (ii) Capacitive current and (5) (iii) Fault current if the fault is very near the substation. (6) 6. With neat s etch, describe the wor ing principle of an axial air blast typ e circuit brea er. (16) 7. (a) Discuss the operating principle of SF6 circuit brea er. (10) (b) What are its advantages over other types of circuit brea ers? (3) (c) For what voltage range is it recommended? (3) 8. Describe construction, operating principle and application of vaccum circu it brea er. For what voltage range is it recommended? (16) 9. (a) What are the various types of operating mechanisms which are used for opening and closing of the contacts of a circuit brea er? (10) (b)Discuss their merits and demerits. (6) 10. (a) Enumerate various types of ratings of a circuit brea er. (4) (b) Discuss symmetrical and asymmetrical brea ing capacity, (4) (c) Ma ing capacity (4) (4) (d) Short-time current capacity. 11. What are the different methods of testing of circuit brea ers? Discuss th eir merits and demerits. (16) KINGS COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNALKULAM 3 EE 1402 POWER SYSTEM PROTECTION AND SWTICH GEAR 12. What is the difficulty in the development of HVDC circuit brea er? Descri be its

(16) construction and operating principle. 13. (a) What are the physical chemical and dielectric properties of SF6 Gas (8) (b) Define switchgear. What are the essential features of switchgear (8) 14. A 3-phase alternator has the line voltage of 11 V. The generator is conne cted to a circuit brea er. The inductive reactance upto the circuit brea er is 5/phas e. the distributed capacitance upto circuit brea er between phase and neutral is 0.001 F. Determine pea restri ing voltage across the CB, frequency of restri ing voltage, average rate of restri ing voltage upto pea restri ing voltage, maximum RRRV. (16) UNIT III HRC FUSES AND SWITCHES PART A (2 MARKS) 1. Define Fuse? 2. Define fuse element or (fuse wire) 3. What are the materials commonly used for fuse elements. 4. Define minimum fusing current? What are the factors at which it depends? 5. How the minimum fusing current does differs for stranded wires? 6. Define fusing factor? 7. What are the types of fuses? 8. What are main advantages of HRC fuses? 9. What are the main disadvantages of HRC fuses 10. Mention the points in selection of fuse? 11. Define isolator and explain its requirements. 12. Define earthing switch? 13. What is the necessacity of earthing switch? 14. What are the types of isolators? 15. What is main advantage of pantograph isolator? 16. What is a gas insulated substation. PART - B 1. Describe the construction and operation of the HRC cartridge fuse. What ar e its advantage and disadvantage? (16) 2. Explain the following terms: Minimum fusing current (4) (i) Rated current (4) (ii) (iii) Fusing factor (4) (iv) Prospective current. (4) KINGS COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNALKULAM 4 EE 1402 POWER SYSTEM PROTECTION AND SWTICHG EAR 3. What are the considerations in selection a fuse for Transformer protection (3) (i)

Motor protection (3) (ii) (iii) Capacitor protection (3) Heaters (3) (iv) Lighting loads (4) (v) 4. Write short notes on (i) Semi-enclosed rewirable fuse (4) (ii) D-type cartridge fuse (4) (iii) Applications of HRC fuses (4) (iv) Drop-out fuse (4) 5. (a) What is a fuse? What are its duties? Why lead in alloy fuse is the bes t for only low value of current? (8) (b) What are the factors on which the current carrying capacity of the fus e depends? (8) 6. (a) What are the types of isolators? Briefly explain the necessacity of ea rthing switch and its applications. (8) (b) Explain the wor ing of pantographic isolators? (8) 7. Explain the advantages of gas insulator substation, probable location wher e it can be located and its demerits. (16) 8. State the sequence of operation of circuit brea er, isolator and earthing switch. (i) while opening (8) (ii) while closing (8) UNIT IV ALERNATOR AND TRANSMISSION LINE PROTECTION PART A (2 MARKS) 1. What are the types of stator winding faults in alternator? 2. Mention the most commonly used protection scheme for alternators. 3. What are the types of feeders in power system. 4. What is meant by radial feeder? 5. What is the disadvantage of radial feeder? 6. What are the relays used for time graded protection in radial feeders. KINGS COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNALKULAM 5 EE 1402 POWER SYSTEM PROTECTION AND SWTI CHGEAR PART - B 1. Enumerate the relaying schemes which are employed for the protection of a modern alternator. (16)

2. (a) What is transverse or split phase protection of an alternator? (4) (b) What type of fault is this scheme of protection employed? (4) (c) With a neat s etch discuss the wor ing principle of this scheme. (8) 3. What type of a protective device is used for the protection of an alternat or against overheating of its (i) stator (ii) rotor? Discuss them in brief. (8+8) 4. What type of a protective scheme is employed for the protection of the fie ld winding of the alternator against ground faults? (16) 5. Discuss the protection employed against loss of excitation of an alternato r. (16) 6. (a) What do you understand by field suppression of an alternator? (8) (b) How is it achieved? (8) 7. Briefly discuss the protection of an alternator against. Vibration of distortion of motor (4) (i) (ii) Bearing overheating (4) (iii) Auxiliary failure (4) (iv) Voltage regulator failure (4) 8. What type of pilot protection is used for EHV and UHV transmission lines. (16) 9. (a) What is carrier protection? (4) (b) For what voltage range is it used for the protection of transmission line? (4) (c) What are its merits and demerits? (8) 10. (a) What is carrier aided distance protection. (4) (b) What are its different types? (4) (c) Discuss the permissive under-reach transfer tripping scheme of protec tion. (8) 11. (a) Draw and explain the merz-price protection of alternator stator windi ng. (10) (b) A generator is protected by restricted earth fault protection. The ge nerator ratings are 13.2 v, 10MVA. The percentage of winding protected against phase to g round fault is 85%. The relay setting is such that it trips for 20% out of balance ca lculate the resistance to be added in the neutral to ground connection. (6) 12. An alternator stator winding protected by a percentage differential relay is shown in the Fig. The relay has 15% slope of characteristics (I1 - I 2) against (I1 + I 2/2). The high resistance ground fault has occurred near the grounded neutral end of the generator

KINGS COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNALKULAM 6 EE 1402 POWER SYSTEM PROTECTION AND SWTICHG EAR winding while the generator is carrying load. The currents flowing at each end of the generator winding are also shown. Assuming C.T. ratio to be 500/5 A, will the relay operate to trip the circuit brea er? (16) UNIT V PROTECTIVE RELAYS PART A ( 2 MARKS) 1. Define protective relay. 2. Give the types of electromagnetic relays. 3. What are the essential qualities of a relay? 4. How the relays are basically classified. 5. What is meant by directional relay? 6. What is differential relay and list the applications of differential relay . 7. What is R-X diagram? PART - B 1. What are the different types of electromagnetic relays? Discuss their fiel d of applications. (16) 2. What are the various types of over current relays? Discuss their area of a pplication. (16) 3. Describe the operating principle, constructional features and area of appl ications of reverse power or directional relay. (16) 4. Describe the construction and principle of operation of an induction type directional over current relay. (16) 5. Explain the wor ing principle of distance relays. (16) 6. Write a detailed note on differential relays. (16) KINGS COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNALKULAM 7 EE 1402 POWER SYSTEM PROTECTION AND SWTICHGE AR 7. Describe the realization of a directional over current relay using a micro processor. (16) 8. Derive a generalized mathematical model of distance relays for digital pro tection. (16) 9. (a) How can digital distance relaying algorithm be implemented on the 8086 Micro processor? (8) (b) It is possible to implement these algorithms on the 8085micro processo r? (8) KINGS COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNALKULAM 8

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