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RICHARD SM - HIT TRAINING Chest & Back Exercise Incline Smith Machine Bench Press Bent Over Row

Bent over flyes Dumbell ball press Lateral Pull Downs Cable Ball Flyes Cable Cross Overs Seated Row Cable Cross Overs (Partials) Underarm Pull Downs Machine Dips Straight Arm Pull Downs Bicep & Tricep Exercise Dumbel Curls Overhead Tricep Extension Cable Bicep Curl Cable Bicep Curl (Dropset) Tricep Pushdown 30 Sec Rest Tricep Pushdown Tricep Pushdown (Dropset) Cable Bicep Curl Overhead Rope Pushdowns Reverse Curls Straight Bar Static Holds Whole Body Workout Exercise Traditional Squat Static Ball Holds Traditional Deadlift Side Holds (Each Side) Clean & Press Complete Ball Cruch & Extension Calves & Core Circuit Exercise Calve Raises - Standing Ball Crunches Static Ball Holds Calve Raises - Seated Reverse Ball Crunches Side Holds (Each Side)

No. 1

Reps 8 - 12 8 - 12 12 - 15 8- 12 8- 12 12 - 15 8 - 12 10 20 8 -12 10 20

Rest 60 secs 3 Sets @

No. 1

Reps 12 12 6-8 12 15 6- 8 12 15 15 12 30 Sec

Rest 60 Secs 3 Sets @

90 secs

2 90 secs

120 Secs

3 90 secs No.

90 Secs

Shoulders, Calves & Core No. Exercise 1 Seated Smith Machine Press 2 Dumbell Military Press Machine Press Lateral Raises Front Raise

Reps 8 - 12 12 10 12 12

Rest 60 Secs 60 Secs

Reps 12 30 Secs 12 30 Secs 10 15 - 20

Rest 60 Secs

60 Secs

90 Secs

90 Secs


4 Sets are to be completed for each group of exercise unless otherwise stated. Form > Weight Control the weight - Time under tension is what causes muscle growth Alternate days so that you never are training conflicting muscle groups - Recovery is what its about

Reps 12- 15 20 40 Secs 12- 15 20 30 Secs

Rest 6 Sets @ 45 Secs 6 Sets @ 45 Secs

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