Campaign Promo #R 2

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The 2nd Annual E-Buddy Awards Hosting Bid Campaign Promo.

Number 2
By: Meliah B.

Scooter T. Host Nation: United States What would you do differently if you were granted the hosting slot at the 2nd Annual E-Buddys? I would keep some of the features presented during The 1st Annual E-Buddy Awards but the format would be slightly changed. There will be new categories introduced and old ones retained; a variety of performers; performing with selective themes and the showcase of the host nation. The American theme will highlight points of interests and American dreams. What makes you better qualified than all the other judges? I have experience with web designing and video editing tools. Ive mastered different types of Video Editing softwares that will provide a more exciting and well polished performance for the various presentations. I have a well rounded knowledge of music and culture which will contribute to a diverse atmosphere.

How do you plan to set up the ceremony, will there be a co-hosting or other elements of assistance? Amyy R will be appointed as my co-host if granted the opportunity to host. Amyy has experience with organizing E-Events and will bring certainty to the table. Amyy and I would make a stronger team together combining her experience with my ideas to deliver a ceremony worth remembering. On top of Amyy and I together working as a power house well be working closely with Julian to preserve some of the format from the last E-Buddy Awards adding on to some of the new structure.

Trisolde L. Host Nation: United States What would you do differently if you were granted the hosting slot at the 2nd Annual E-Buddys? The ceremony would display a variety of sense of humor and inspiration segments. The inspiration segments will reflect the overcoming struggles that some of our Efriends have overcame. The humor displays will entertain the audience and keep them interested as the ceremony moves along. There would be a strong presence of internationalism with a hint of American culture showcased throughout presentations as the host nation. What makes you better qualified than all the other judges?

I have good leadership qualities; I approach complex situations politely and rationally. If there is a problem with someone in particular that needs to be sorted I take responsibility into addressing the issue. Im confrontation and a forward person which means things will run accordingly and no one will interfere with the planning process. How do you plan to set up the ceremony, will there be a co-hosting or other elements of assistance? If granted the hosting slot then my good friend Tommy (From the German Sessions) will be helping me co-host. Tommy would provide more diversity within a multicultural crowd as he is a New Zealand native. Hes corky and has a good sense of humor just like myself. We will be planning the ceremony around the themes that will not only reflect the host nation but the characteristics and uniqueness that makes our E-social circle one of a kind.

Teodor C. Host Nation: Romania What would you do differently if you were granted the hosting slot at the 2nd Annual E-Buddys?

I would incorporate the cultural aspects of my Romanian heritage as the host nation to educate and showcase the liveliness of my nation; as well as correlate the multiculturalism of our international community. The public will be given the opportunity to select themes for showcasing as a form to incorporate the audience more. Throughout the ceremony the different themes and segments will be illustrated to represent unity and the coming together of this particular group of cyber friends who live across the globe. What makes you better qualified than all the other judges? I have hosted solemnly front and centred without the assistance of anyone one of two events already. First event I hosted was with the German Session crowd when we honoured Shiloh throughout a commemoration ceremony where I delivered utter excellency. The second event I co-hosted was with Leighton for the MSN Challenge 1.0; I assisted in time managing, formatting and event planning. How do you plan to set up the ceremony, will there be a co-hosting or other elements of assistance? I do not intend on having someone co-host with me if Im granted the position. I have total confidence in myself to provide all of the elements essential to deliver a spectacular ceremony. I do however intend to work closely with MaKenzie and Julian who hosted the 1st Annual E-Buddy Awards to follow the same structure; but I will add my own format with new concepts.

Ismael B. Host Nation: Peru What would you do differently if you were granted the hosting slot at the 2nd Annual E-Buddys? I would cut down some of the categories; add in some more exciting ones like The Hottest Guy/Girl on MSN. Add more performances this time around to make the show more exciting. Presenters would have catchy and fun opening lines and the Theme segment about Peru would be live rather than a video presentation. What makes you better qualified than all the other judges? I have more culture than they do and lets face it to host an event of this size you need to be well rounded. I know a little bit about everyones background and music. These are necessary traits to have when putting together a multicultural event. I have experience organizing events with the German Session crowd as well and some of the other Host candidates have no experience organizing E-Events at all. How do you plan to set up the ceremony, will there be a co-hosting or other elements of assistance? My co-host will be no one better than Leighton T. himself. Leighton is known for organizing E-Events of the past including the first Autobiography Project, The Music Playlist Project and the MSN Challenge 1.0. Who better than to help set up

an E-Awards ceremony than the man with the most experience organizing EEvents? He will provide the backbone I need to deliver a good show and well be working closely to come up with new ideas to bring the show to life!

Amyy R. Host Nation: Great Britain What would you do differently if you were granted the hosting slot at the 2nd Annual E-Buddys? Well basically I would try to involve the circle more so that their ideas are being presented to us whereas in the first awards they did have a say but it was mainly to do with timings/nominations/categories. This time I would ask them what THEY WANT in terms of before and after events, what they want to see change since last time and what they want during the events. Obviously the end decision would come down to me and the organisation team. Id also try and get new members to introduce themselves in different ways other than videos because lets face it too many videos is boring! Id also like to change the format around, have more opening events and make the after party full of surprises. I want be a little bit more stricter, I think Im the type of person where if someone isnt co-operating well then Ill either just throw them out or give them one chance before getting rid of them. I dont want one person to muck it up for everyone else. The night is for everyone to enjoy. :) What makes you better qualified than all the other judges?

I have experience in dealing with crises and assisting the host. During the MSN Challenge, Shilohs memorial and the first e-buddy awards, I was Julians assistant meaning I helped him with the organisation and communication. I also stepped in when things went wrong to come up with a solution. Quick thinking and Plan Bs are always needed to be a very good host so all of this background experience as an assistant will help me at a higher level. I also saw some behind the scenes as a host which Im hoping will be useful. How do you plan to set up the ceremony, will there be a co-hosting or other elements of assistance? Of course there will be a co-host! As Im obviously a female, my co-host will be a male so that theres a nice mixture. Ive already asked someone to be my co-host if I win, haha. He seemed pretty up for it so well see if I win! As for assistance, Id get a team of organisers together, as the next e-buddys will be a lot of work!! If we want to make it bigger and better then well need more help so Id probably get a team of 5 for help with the set up and organisation.

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