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1 James Crees Ms.

Caruso ENGL 1102 23 July 2012 Its a Shore Thing Jersey Shore began production back in 2009 starring eight cast members that claimed to be Italian Guidos and Guidettes. The show had produced six seasons of filming and kept the viewers coming back for more. Many feel the show is entertainment for them while others criticize the behavior of the show and how it is negatively influencing the younger crowd. For the fourth season of Jersey Shore the producers decided on Florence, Italy to film the show. As the cast claimed to be Italian they didnt fit in quite well with the western culture. Jersey Shore producers felt that it would help the show by bring the Italian cast members back to their so called homeland. As the cast members became excited to visit a place halfway around the world, others like Matteo Renzi, the mayor of Florence was not. Before the cast landed in Italy the mayor made sure his police staff followed every move the shore crew would make. Renzi stated, If you want to try to make Florence seem like a party town, you better know it isnt so (Meichtry). With this statement, his concern was trying to keep the fighting and wild partying out of town. Italy is known for elegance by artist like Michelangelo and stylists as Gucci so they didnt need a group of fake Italians coming into their country and ruining the reputation the Italians are trying to build. Mr. da Empoli provided proof of the unwelcoming by saying I certainly didnt invite them to come, and Im not especially honored by their being here (Meichtry). Many Italians didnt want the company of the shore crew.
Comment [AL6]: maybe make this one sentence Comment [AL4]: bringing Comment [AL5]: so called homeland Comment [AL3]: Love this catchy title Comment [AL1]: Review By: Lisa Marie Armstrong Comment [AL2]: MLA Heading is great you do have it perfectly in MLA form

2 The producers had asked for permission to film in Italy where the cast would seem to fit in with the culture. Italy couldnt deny the request as they maintain their freedom and anyone is welcome. Even though they didnt deny the request, they sure did make the stay more miserable for the crew. The first couple of nights the cast had collected over three tickets in fines. A big fine later came from Ms. Polizzi (Snooki) that was a hefty cost from hitting a police car with her Fiat van. Her license was confiscated immediately and could not drive for the rest of their time in Italy. If they keep this up, well have a healthy budget, (Meichtry) Mr. Renzi stated after hearing about all the tickets being issued. The crews first pumping and GTL (gym, tan, and laundry) was criticized by the UNICO, an Italian-American Organization, they called this show trash television. There were very few positive comments made from their stay in Italy. The show was referred to a circus with a bunch of freaks in it. UNICO felt that it not only gave the Italians a bad stereotype but the Americans as well. The Italians were afraid that their reputation would get ruined and everyone would see them as drunk, crazy, and only wanting sex. Roberto Del Bove also stated that the shows cast embodies the worst stereotypes of Italians (Pisa) While the cast stayed in Florence they were employed at a pizza parlor called OVesuvio. The pizza parlor thought this was a great way to get exposure for their business and increase sales. But that was not the case as many just sighed away and ate somewhere else. As people passed by one angry citizen they yelled why dont they get out of town? Theyre all idiots (Pisa). The locals wanted nothing to do with the cast members and disrespected them with rude remarks during their stay in Italy. The shore crew remained positive despite all the negative comments they had received.
Comment [AL7]: Really good and interesting to continue your paper I want to know how the show is effecting our teens or other viewers both positively and negatively. Your MLA format is great! I also am curious what the fines were for? So far so good. Like I said just continue with more information about what happened in Italy and how the show overall is effecting viewpoints of our teens and young adults. One more thing I want to know what the producers original vision was for the show. What was the point of the show and has he/she got it across in the past seasons and in the Italy season?

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