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THE CURSE SETTING TIME It is a modern story that took place in the present time.

. Azreen travelled to Heathrow by tube and took a flight from England to Malaysia. PLACE The story began and ended in London. In between, it shifted to a village on an island south of Langkawi Island, Malaysia, where most of the events in the story unfolded. LONDON The story began and ended here. Azreen was a student at a college in London and lived in a dormitory. She loved the beautiful parks in London, with their magnificent view of lumbering trees and flowering shrubs, because they reminded her of home. THE VILLAGE The story was set in a village on a small island south of Langkawi. There were trees and shrubbery all round the island as well as jungle. There were also paddy fields, and fruits and rubber plantations near the village. The village itself had kampong-style houses, and the people who lived there retained their traditional lifestyle. THE RUBBER ESTATE The rubber estate is an important setting in the story. Firstly, it was the scene of Madhuris death. On the day of her death, Madhuri had met her lover, Asraf, in the morning at the rubber estate. Later, the boy who worked at the estate stumbled upon Madhuris body. Secondly, the rubber estate was also where Azreen found out several truth from Awang, the bomoh, about the past events in her life. She discovered that Madhuri was not her real sister; she learned that Madhuris mother was still alive and in the village; she realized that she had taken the blame for the wrong man at the farm; and she was informed that it was Awang who picked up Madhuris letter which Azreen had thrown away. AZREENS HOUSE This was where Madhuri and Azreen grew up. The house had a ramp on the veranda to allow Azreens mother easy access to move around in her wheelchair. There was also a chicken coop outside the house. After Azreen left for London, her room was left empty except for a mattress, a chair and a few boxes of clothes. Soon after Azreens mother passed away, a fire broke out in Madhuris room. The house was also the place where Azreen realized who had killed her sister and how she had died. HAJI GHANIS HOUSE

This was the home of Haji Ghani, Puan Fathihah and Madhuri. There was a room in the house in which Haji Ghani kept hisprecious possessions such as the Middle Eastern carpets, drapes filled with images of the Kaabah, Indonesion wooden statues and traditional Malay instruments from the sultanate eras. This was where Haji Ghani kept the keris that Puan Fathihah used to tear the curtains Madhuri had put up in the living room. Madhuri also had a special room where she would sew, make rattan handicrafts and teach the Quran to the schoolchildren. THE OLD LADYS HOUSE The Old Ladys house was up in the hills at an isolated spot in the jungle. It had dark brown walls covered with a layer of creeper plants and there were plentiful herbs, plants and vegetables, such as ladys fingers and tomatoes, growing in the garden. Everyone in the village avoided this place but to Azreen, the old ladys house was a source of comfort to her. However, the Old Ladys house was eventually burnt down and the Old lady died in the fire. THE MARKET The market was a busy place with active trading. Women also gathered there to gossip amongst themselves. When it rained continuously, the marketplace was flooded and all the stalls were closed. THE FARM The farm belonged to Encik Mohan and his sons. It had a shack that housed farming equipment and a tall gate bearing a sign to keep the gate closed at all times. It was here that Azreen took responsibility for something she did not do and consequently was blamed when her mother lost her leg in an accident. ASRAFS HOUSE Asraf lived here with his grandmother. The villagers caused a commotion here when Asraf brought the Old Lady back to his house to heal his grandmother. Later, Asrafs grandmother died in the house. THE CEMETERY During Madhuris burial, a confrontation between Azreen and Salleh took place at the cemetery. This was also where haji Ghani, Puan Fathihah and other villagers thought they saw the ghost of Madhuri wandering about. At the end of the story, Azreen made a final visit to the cemetery to say goodbye to her loved ones her father, mother, sister and the Old Lady before she returned to London.

CHARACTERS MAIN CHARACTERS AZREEN SALLEH Azreen, the protagonist in the story, was a young undergraduates studying in London. She was about 20 years old and was the youngest daughter of the Saleh family. She was short, wore spectacles and had a quick temper. Ever since she was young, she was an independent and opinionated person who did things her own way. She never cared much about what others thought of her as long as she knew what she did was right. Upon hearing of her elders sisters death, Azreen returned home to her village on a small island off Langkawi to be with her family. While she was there, she was determined to find out the mystery surrounding her sisters death and was forced to face a shocking revelation. CHARACTERISTIC S EVIDENCE Azreen was a non-conformist who moved away from set norms and village traditions. When she found out that her mother was not attending her sisters burial, she took matters into her own hands and took her mother to the cemetery despite knowing her father would protest. In another instance, when she was at a friends house helping his grandmother to recover, she was caused by the neighbours of bringing a witch back to the village. Azreen simply told them off and went back to the house. These actions show that Azreen was ready to stick to her principles and fight for what she believed in, even if it meant offending others. From young, Azreen quite often behaved in an unladylike manner. She was tough and aggressive. She not only participated in boys activities but also did not hesitate to become physical if a situation called for ithis nose to bleed. In school, she was invited to join the boys hockey team for a match and they won the game. From then on, she spent a lot of time with the boys, much to other envy and dislike of her female schoolmates. Azreen even participated in a silat-cum-boxing match and during a fight, she accidentally hit a spectator, causing his nose to bleed. Azreen was loving and caring despite her tough exterior.

Had strong principles

Like a tomboy


She attended to her ailing mother with care and tenderness, and never once complained about looking after her mothers needs. She also dealt with her mothers memory lapses by speaking to her patiently and gently. In addition, even though her father had been violent and hard on her, she still treated him with respect and was concerned about his welfare. She also had much affection for the O ld lady and cared for her like a member of her family. Even as a child, Azreen had always stood her ground. She would not give in to her family or friends if it was against her convictions. For instance, when her father accused her of stealing some mangosteens and refused to believe her when she said she had in fact found them, she showed her resoluteness by refusing dinner. On another occasion, when Azreen was challenged, to venture into the Old Ladys house, she was repeatedly told to leave the grounds by the Old lady but Azreen did not do so. In fact, Azreen even returned the next day to repair the damage made to the Old Ladys vegetables. These examples show the extent of Azreens determination. Azreen was a ;oyal, faithful friend. She took the blame for her friend, Mohd Asraf, when he was scolded for leaving the farm gate open. She knew what was at stake for him and understood that if he were to be fired, he would not be able to save up to buy the motorbike he wanted. Therefore, she shouldered the responsibility and didi not reveal the truth although she was punished severely. She also defended the Old Lady when the other villagers called her a witch. She refused to believe any accusations made against her and instead told them to mind their own business. Azreen managed her life and studies independently in London. It was her strong independent nature that gave her the inner strength to manage her difficult father after her sisters and mothers death. Also, it was her fierce independent character that made her take unconventional views, supporting the Old lady and the weak-natured Asraf.






Th Old Lady was an outcast and lived by herself in the jungle. She had killed her husband in self-defence and was therefore shunned by the other villagers and labeled as a witch. The Old lady had a lonely, isolated existence until a young Azreen came knocking on her door as part of a dare by her friends. They struck up a friendship and from then on, the Old Lady and Azreen became good friends. CHARACTERISTIC S EVIDENCE The Old Lady was not only excited to hear about Azreens experiences in London and how she lived her life there but was laso very concerned about Azreens welfare and how she coped with her studies. Furthermore, when Azreen wanted to spend the night at the Old ladys house because she could not bear to be with her father, the Old Lady allowed her to do so without asking any questions. The Old Lady was philosophical in accepting her situation and advised Azreen to be tolerant towards the villagers because they would not change their perception about the Old Lady being a witch. The Old Lady was knowledgeable as she would gather plants from her garden and the jungle to prepare traditional medicines. When she was young, she was famous for being able to cook special meals to cure various illnesses. Mothers would take their sick children to her for cures. Later, when Asrafs grandmother fell ill, he wanted the Old



Honest Forgiving

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