Children of Peace - Lingsiewwoei

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In a period of transition and accelerated change marked by the expression of intolerance, manifestations of racial and ethnic hatred, the

upsurge of terrorism in all its forms and manifestations, discrimination, war and violence towards those regarded as 'other' and the growing disparities between rich and poor, at international and national levels alike, action strategies must aim both at ensuring fundamental freedoms, peace, human rights, and democracy and at promoting sustainable and equitable economic and social development all of which have an essential part to play in building a CULTURE OF PEACE. This calls for a transformation of the traditional styles of educational action.
UNESCO Integrated Framework of Action on Education for Peace, Human Rights and Democracy

Children of Peace: Cultivating the Notion of Peace through Performing Arts in an After-School Program

Ling Siew Woei

Multicultural Education
Formal education:
permeates the curriculum and instructional strategies used in schools, as well as the interactions among teachers, students and parents, and the very way that schools conceptualize the nature of teaching and learning. (Nieto 2001, p. 307)

Informal education:
a structured process designed to foster understanding, acceptance and constructive relations among students. (Malakolunthu 2010, p2)

Multicultural education can help students transcend identities, self-concept and outlooks about life and thus create attitudes that may make them more open to new experiences and help students develop multiple perspectives (Grant & Sleeter, 2007 as cited in Malakolunthu, 2010 )

If we are to teach real peace in this worldwe shall have to begin with the children.
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi Mahatma Gandhi 2 October 1869 30 January 1948

Melentur buluh biar dari rebungnya

Children should also be educated on the culture of peace as early as possible (Rosmah Mansor,

To ensure that the values of peace will be rooted in their hearts and mind and uptake with them as they grow (Abdullah Sanusi Ahmad, 1999). as they grow, it will become a solid foundation for Malaysia development and global peace (Rosmah Mansor, 2010)

Peace education via multicultural education

Tenby Schools Sekolah Wawasan

Taiping Peace Initiative

Lions International Peace

Limitation in current methods


x-tending beyond formal education

As Gundara states:
The effect of educational activities is therefore highly dependent on the experienced attitudes of society. If, for instance, the teacher teaches values like solidarity and equality but they are marginalised outside the school, positive results cannot be expected. It also would be hypocritical to teach individuals how to behave in society if they were not taught about the structure, the mechanisms and the effects of society and its institutions, including the nation state. (2000:147)

Sekolah Wawasans Vision

Bringing together the children of different ethnicity, race and language in the same school compoundthrough common curriculum, sharing of common amenities and facilities and the celebration of national holidays (Malakolunthu, 2010) so that racial integration, harmony and unity among them could be fostered (Ministry of education, 1995)

The realisation of peace through Wawasan School faces challenges inadequate, simplistic and unproductive
In-depth interviews, observations of classrooms and select school events and analysis of related documents 3 Vision schools ( 1 with Mal Man Ta and 2 with Mal Ta)

Little sign of multicultural practices as teachers, we do not collaborate or jointly organize

Blur policy formulation & education implementation most of us do not know in which way our VS differs

False impression that the joint activities was sufficient They had great time witnessing the eventBut it stopped there.

(Malakolunthu, 2009 & 2010)

Critical Action Domain for Culturally Responsive Instruction

Curriculum frameworks Pedagogical methods Instructional materials & textbooks

Teacher Development

Principal Leadership

Culturally Responsive Teaching and Learning


Malakolunthu, 2010

Minimal impact
As Gundara states:
Individual attitudes and behavior are a result of interaction with the social environment. The school is only part of it. Common basic values deal with the relations between people, between people and culture (which includes science and technology), and between people and nature. (2000:146-147)

Why isnt multicultural education become one of the major education in the childrens everyday life?
Life application

Transformative learning
Why are we still limiting to 3Rs? Extending beyond 3Rs using the arts can help to reveal experiences and insights not readily available in traditional academic texts and discussions (Mezirow & Taylor 2009, p.35)

Where does this paper derived from?

Who am I?

A mother for 3 boys-1 currently studying in a Chinese vernacular school and 2 soon in the same school.

Who I was?

Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Methodist (ACS)

Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Methodist (ACS)

Hari Raya visits to Rahayu's house.

Universiti Malaysia Sarawak

3 vernaculars schools (Malay, Mandarin & Tamil)


Kampung Muhhibah

Cultivating a living multicultural experience among the children through performing arts in a day-care centre.

After-school program
Any structured or unstructured activity for children to participate after the school hours. Children who attended a structured afterschool program holds benefits of better social integration, higher performance and fewer behavioral problems (Mahoney, Larson & Eccles, 2005).

A physical and secure place that offers care for the before or after school primary children to stay during the day and taken care of by professional care-givers. Part of the daily activities are bath, meals, rest, school coaching and others.

Day care
Half-day rich hours for activities to be carried out
7.30am till 12.00noon 1.00pm till 7.00pm

Parents give full commitment because they paid for it

Students attendance are stable, no excuses of any reasons

Fulfillment of basic and safety needs according to Maslow motivation theory must be fulfilled
(Tay & Diener, 2011)

Performing Arts
includes drama, music, dance and visuals.

Adapted action domain in PA

Curriculum frameworks Pedagogical methods Instructional materials & textbooks Teacher Development Principal Leadership

Culturally Responsive Teaching and Learning


Curriculum frameworks

Pedagogical methods Instructional materials & textbooks

Teacher Development

Principal Leadership

Culturally Responsive Teaching and Learning


Adapted action domain in Performing Arts

After-school structure: Self-expression & Imagination
Curriculum frameworks
Adults leadership Teacher Development

Children empowerment
Pedagogical methods Instructional materials & textbooks

Resources, costume, materials and props

Adult supervision Principal Leadership

Culturally Responsive Teaching and Learning


Reflection, statement & sharing

SCRIPT and message

Drama : roles and responsibilities

Drama : understanding of scripts & practices

Drama : Practices of roles

Output: perform to audiences

Sing a song
LYRICS and message

Singing : message to be conveyed

Singing : emotion & expression

Singing : Remembered watch?v=Ix 5aajAFgM &feature=r elated

Dunia kian berubah Perubahan melingkari Melaksana hasrat hati Kejayaan terbukti

Verse 1

Satu Malaysia

Dunia yang megah Dengan misi yang gagah Kerana perpaduan Kita masih bersama
Chorus Kita satu bangsa, Kita satu Negara Kita satu matlamat, oooo Kita satu bangsa, satu Negara Kita satu Malaysia Bermulanya sekarang Perjalanan dilaksana Seia sekata sehati dan sejiwa Membina masa hadapan Menuju kejayaan Kita semua rakyat Malaysia Harmoni, saling menghormati
Verse 4 Verse 3

Verse 2

Expression and message

Dance : integration of music into mind

Dance : acts & movements

Satu Suara
Mengapa kita berbeza? Ku tahu hatimu dipolusi benci Kita harus bersama Aku kau memahami kompromi Kita satu komuniti Satu arah destinasi Hei generasi muda Usah kau bersendiri Kita punya satu hati Satu cita satu jiwa Kau aku dan mereka Kita satu nama

Dengan Satu Suara Kita serupa walau berbeza Genggam semangat waja Langkah Bersama Dalam rentak padu yang sama Its the B to the e to the l, i, a Lets keep the head up for better days Come on hand in hand If you understand The message is to be together in this motherland Wheres the love that used to shine? In this darkest hour we gonna be just fine Let the love shine in your soul This revolutions gonna be our destiny call Dalam satu suara Kita tiada bezanya Nyanyi lagu yang sama Rentak sekata Dengan satu suara Kita janji menjaga Kau aku dan mereka Kita satu nama
Sekiranya ku jatuh Terus bangunkan aku Dan aku lakukan yang sama untukmu Aku kau dan mereka Dalam satu suara Kita satu nama


Visual : Ideation & expression

Visual : reflection & statement

http://ww .com/watc h?v=Ix5aajAFgM &feature=r elated

Expressed their views

Taiping Peace Initiative Lions International Peace

Performing arts
An approach where children are allowed and fully encouraged to express themselves via medium they find comfort. Children are empowered in the idea creation where teachers/care-giver merely guide on the expression methods
No more issues on disgruntlement, bickering or finger-pointing among school heads and teachers (Malakolunthu 2009, p.126) because empowerment on children

African expression

It takes a whole village

to educate a child

Parents encouragement

Teachers and helpers guidance and nurtures

The author gives credit to Wahaha Performing Arts studio @ Kajang for the experience.

Z-generation SHOULD BE empowered

Facts They have thinking through their observation, experiences and interaction with adults. They have control over their own lives.

Multicultural education when constructed carefully and implemented well, can pave way for self expression, open dialogue, critical thinking and analysis of alternative viewpoints among students (Sleeter & Grant, 2003)

Principal & Care-givers (artist)

Adhere to Malakolunthus Principal leadership

Possess the knowledge, skills and attitude on equity, social justice, equal opportunity and cultural pluralism to develop and implement day-care policies that promotes peace. Develop care-givers and helpers with providing induction, orientation and on-going professional development - My addition-role-model & servantship

Collaborative process-sharing of ideas, open dialogue and research-possible through Performing Arts

Something About Christmas TimeBryan Adams

We waited all through the year For the day to appear We could be together in harmony You know the time will come Peace on earth for everyone And we can live forever In a world where we are free Let it shine for you and me Theres something about Christmas time That makes you wish it was Christmas every day To see the joy in the childrens eyes The way that the old folks smile
Christmas will never go away

We're all as one tonight Makes no difference if you're black or white

If we can keep the spirit More than one day of the year Send a message loud and clear It's the time of year when everyone's together We'll celebrate here on Christmas Day When the ones you love are there You can feel the magic in the air You know it's everywhere Please tell me Christmas will never go away

http://www.youtu S2iVGEuCSkI

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