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National Champions 2005.

Its always nice to win and although winning isnt everything, it is usually the winners who give us the incentive to do our best. If your best is good enough then you too can be a winner. We have many winners here in the Parish of Knockcroghery. We would like to celebrate their achievements. This year we are starting a Champions Page in the Journal. We begin with some recent National Winners and hope that over the next number of issues we can bring you more of the champions from our midst. If you have a photograph of someone who has achieved excellence at national level and would like to have it included in the next issue, please contact any member of the committee.

Knockcroghery Readri All Ireland Winners 2004/5 with Aunt Maggie & the Postbox l. to r. Marie Kelly, (Micky Harte), Paul Kelly, Sinad Morris, Claire Gillespie, Francis Dowling and Caoilfhiann Cox.

Community Games National Winners Over 15 Project 2005. Spin With Us The Wheel Of Future Back: Siobhn Beirne & Martha Donlon. Front: James McKeon & Declan Dowling.

All Ireland Fleadh Col Winners, Letterkenny, Co. Donegal 2005. Back l. to r. Thomas Geraghty, Brian Geraghty, Alastair Beegan, Padraig OConnor. Front l. to r. ine OConnor, Claire Geraghty, Caroline Moran & Anita Hanly.

Community Games National Winners Under 15 Project 2005. New Names In Community Games Hazel McCormack, Sinad Byrne, Sarah Kenny & Ciera Mullarney.

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