Images San Angelo, TX 2012

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2012-13 | livability.


San angelo, texaS

Symbiotic relationShip
Volunteerism, cooperation benefit Air Force base and community

on the hunt
Ranches cater to hunters from around the world

eat, Drink, explore

Spend a weekend in San Angelo
SponSoreD by the San angelo chamber of commerce

Sa n Ange los Communi t y Colle ge
Expanded fields of study including AA, AS, AAS and certificate Variety of class schedules: day, evening, weekend, five-week, eight-week, mini-semester, online Financial aid, scholarships and grants available Continuing Education courses Customized training for your business through Workforce Training 3501 N. US Hwy. 67 At the West Texas Training Center San Angelo, TX 76905 (325) 481-8350 GED Testing Center Adult Basic Education for GED preparation; basic reading, writing and math; English as a second language; citizenship preparation

West Texas Training Center

Uni t i ng t he Concho Va l le y i n Workforce Tra i ni ng
The West Texas Training Center is a multipurpose facility that offers rooms for business and industry for trainings, meetings, seminars, conferences and luncheons. In addition, it serves as the campus for Howard College and provides space for career and technical education programs for the San Angelo ISD. 3501 N. US Hwy. 67 San Angelo, TX 76905 (325) 942-2800

2012-13 eDition | volume 8

San angelo, texaS

co nte nt s F e atu r e s
12 eat, Drink, explore
Spend a weekend in San Angelo



on the hunt
Ranches cater to hunters from around the world


Symbiotic relationShip
Volunteerism, cooperation benefit Air Force base and community


beSt-preServeD fort in america

Fort Concho hosts visitors, community events

d e Pa r tm e nt s
8 almanac 36 biz briefs 38 chamber report 39 economic profile 40 local flavor 42 health & Wellness 44 arts & culture 46 Sports & recreation 48 education 51 See the city 56 community profile
on the cover San Angelo River Walk by Chamber Visitor Center Photo by Staff Photographer
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2012-13 |

San angelo, texaS

SucceSSful Symbiotic relationShip

Volunteerism, cooperation benefit base and community

on the hunt


Ranches cater to hunters from around the world

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eat, Drink, explore

Spend a weekend in San Angelo
SponSoreD by the San angelo chamber of commerce

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Story By Cary EstEs

On the

arEa ranCHEs CatEr tO HuntErs frOm arOund tHE wOrld

n most large cities, about the only thing there is to hunt is a parking place. That is why outdoor sporting enthusiasts flock to San Angelo to enjoy the wide array of hunting options offered on both public land and at various private ranches throughout the region. The hunting around here is just amazing, says Chris Sloan, a schoolteacher who has lived in San Angelo since 1986. I dont know anybody who doesnt hunt. In most cities the rush hour is Monday through Friday. Ours is Saturday and Sunday, with everybody heading out of town to go hunting. In addition to free public hunting lands such as the Twin Buttes Reservoir, there are more

Staff PhotoS

Clockwise from left: Big Horn Sheep at the Mayfield Ranch, The Mayfield ranch offers huting for


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Experienced and professional staff specializing in design, construction, and installation of custom fiberglass swimming pools and spas. Products: Pumps Filters Chemicals Services Installation Restoration Service

Featuring Viking Pools, an award-winning leader in fiberglass pool design

2205 Austin St. San Angelo, TX (325) 653-5000

SAn Ang e lo

San angelo, tex aS

content Director LiSA bAttLeS proofreaDing manager RAVen Petty content coorDinator JeSSiCA WALkeR Staff Writer keVin LitWin contributing WriterS JACkie DiShneR, CARy eSteS, M.V. GReene, keVin LitWin, John MCbRyDe, JeSSiCA WALkeR Senior graphic DeSignerS LAuRA GALLAGheR, kRiS Sexton, JAke ShoReS, Vikki WiLLiAMS graphic DeSignerS tAyLoR nunLey, kACey PASSMoRe Senior photographerS JeFF ADkinS, bRiAn McCoRD Staff photographerS toDD bennett color imaging technician ALiSon hunteR integrateD meDia manager Ginny eLLSWoRth aD proDuction manager kAtie MiDDenDoRF aD traffic aSSiStantS kRyStin LeMMon, PAtRiCiA MoiSAn chairman GReG thuRMAn preSiDent/publiSher bob SChWARtzMAn executive vice preSiDent RAy LAnGen Senior v.p./SaleS toDD PotteR Senior v.p./operationS CASey heSteR Senior v.p./client Development JeFF heeFneR Senior v.p./buSineSS Development SCott teMPLeton Senior v.p./agribuSineSS publiShing kiM hoLMbeRG v.p./buSineSS Development CLAy PeRRy v.p./external communicationS teRee CARutheRS v.p./viSual content MARk FoReSteR v.p./content operationS nAtAShA LoRenS v.p./travel publiShing SuSAn ChAPPeLL v.p./SaleS RhonDA GRAhAM, heRb hARPeR, JARek SWekoSky controller ChRiS DuDLey Senior accountant LiSA oWenS accountS payable coorDinator MARiA McFARLAnD accountS receivable coorDinator DiAnA GuzMAn SaleS Support coorDinator ALex MARkS SaleS Support project manager SARA quint SyStem aDminiStrator DAnieL CAntReLL Web creative Director ALLiSon DAViS Web content manager John hooD Web DeSigner ii RiChARD SteVenS Web Development leaD yAMeL hALL Web Developer i neLS noSeWoRthy photography Director JeFFRey S. otto creative ServiceS Director ChRiStinA CARDen creative technology analySt beCCA ARy auDience Development Director DeAnnA neLSon neW meDia aSSiStant ALySSA DiCiCCo DiStribution Director GARy SMith executive Secretary kRiSty DunCAn human reSourceS manager PeGGy bLAke receptioniSt LinDA biShoP

Images San Angelo, Texas is published annually by Journal Communications inc. and is distributed through the San Angelo Chamber of Commerce and its member businesses. For advertising information or to direct questions or comments about the magazine, contact Journal Communications inc. at (615) 771-0080 or by email at for more information, contact: San Angelo Chamber of Commerce 418 West Avenue b, San Angelo, tx 76903 Phone: (325) 655-4136 Fax: (325) 658-1110 viSit Images san angelo, Texas online at Copyright 2012 Journal Communications inc., 725 Cool Springs blvd., Suite 400, Franklin, tn 37067, (615) 771-0080. All rights reserved. no portion of this magazine may be reproduced in whole or in part without written consent. Member the Association of Magazine Media Member Custom Content Council

Member San Angelo Chamber of Commerce


Welcome to San Angelo

An intRoduction to the AReAS people, plAceS And eVentS

the universe in high Definition

Angelo State university offers something special: access to a planetarium that helps audiences appreciate the scale and majesty of the solar system. the planetarium offers this opportunity to about 9,700 students each year, as it is available to nearby schools, ASu students and the public. the planetarium displays more than 500 million stars and celestial objects through its Sci-Dome high-definition digital projector. Shows at the planetarium include MarsQuest and Passport to the Universe. Learn more by visiting

home of the texas State Water Lily

known as the indiana Jones of the water lily world and the species lily guy, kenneth Landon is a resident of San Angelo and a man with an uncommon passion for water lilies. his enthusiasm and expertise have led him to create several unique hybrid water lilies, help found the international Waterlily & Water Gardening Society and develop optimal fertilizer formulations for water lilies, not to mention helping egypt reintroduce the Lily of the nile. Landon also created the texas Dawn water lily, which features brilliant yellow flowers, in the 1980s. in 2011, texas adopted the texas Dawn as the official water lily of the state. See more at

Flying on the Water

Fans of high-octane action show up each year to Lake nasworthy in San Angelo to see the Showdown on Lake nasworthy. the Showdown in San Angelo Drag boat Race is a nationally televised event sanctioned by Lucas oil and features drag races between specially built boats. Started in 2007, the Showdown attracts about 10,000 spectators from around the country. Spectators and event participants create an economic boost of about $2.4 million for local businesses. the latest Showdown included the addition of a pre-race event day to enable fans to meet the boat pilots and to allow teams to fine tune their boats. For more, visit

SAn Ang e lo

Fast Facts Running Wild

Lizards run rampant in San Angelo, but these are not lizards of the reptilian variety. instead, these lizards are members of the San Angelo Road Lizards family, which is a club dedicated to helping members enjoy the challenges, beautiful scenery and health benefits that come with running. this club has been around for more than 30 years and is a great organization for anyone interested in getting a little more exercise or participating in a marathon. For the experienced athletes who do participate in marathons, San Angelo regularly hosts the Wool Capital triathlon, which is an annual three-stage race that is the oldest olympic distance triathlon in the Southwest. now in its 25th year of competition, the race offers a tough challenge for any competitor with a 400-meter swim, a 24-kilometer bike ride and a five-kilometer run. Find additional information at n Stephens central library, the main branch of the tom green county library System, moved into a new, state-of-the art 85,000-square-foot facility in 2011. n open since the late 1920s, the cactus hotel was one of conrad hiltons original hotels. While its no longer a traditional hotel, the structure is San Angelos tallest building and hosts special events. n once known as the wool capital of the world, San Angelo has a Sheep About town program that began in 2007 to honor its history. today, 60 life-size fiberglass sheep can be found in the city, especially in the downtown area. n concho pearls are a San Angelo specialty as the jewels are created by freshwater mussels in area lakes and rivers. instead of the traditional white color, concho pearls are pink, peach and purple. n the San Angelo Stock Show & Rodeo is an annual event that is one of the highest-paying stops on the professional Rodeo cowboys Association circuit.

the Monks of Mt. Carmel

named after a group of hermits who lived on Mount Carmel in Palestine, the Mt. Carmel hermitage Monastery is home to a group of self-supporting monks dedicated to a contemplative lifestyle of silent meditation, reflection, prayer and humble manual labor. the work they do includes gardening, tending to livestock, and making craft items and edibles like chocolates and jellies. the monks live off some of the foods they prepare and sell the rest through their website to support their monastery. these concoctions include such delicacies as apple jelly, rocky road fudge and white-chocolate-covered pecans, to name a few. Magnificent fields of bluebonnet flowers surround the monastery, and the newly renovated entrance to its chapel near Christoval includes six locally crafted stained-glass windows. Visitors can see these exquisite flowers and windows on the way to attending one of the monasterys public religious services. Visit to learn more and order selected products.

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A Sheep-Fueled Festival
Residents flock downtown for the Wooly bully Festival, which mixes sheep, cattle, kids activities, music and dancing. the festival has stick-horse barrel races, dummy steer-roping, a contest for the best-dressed cowboys and cowgirls, and a mutton-bustin competition, in which children ride sheep like rodeo riders. San Angelo also holds the Miss Wool beauty Pageant, during which residents vote for their favorite fiberglass sheep that are sponsored by local businesses and decorated by local artists. the city celebrates the pageant with a river flotilla during the festival. Find out more at

san angelo at a glance

population (2010 cenSuS) San Angelo: 93,200 tom Green County: 110,224 location San Angelo is near the geographical center of texas, about 130 miles from Midlandodessa, 200 miles from Austin and San Antonio, and 250 miles from Dallas. beginningS San Angelo was founded in the late 1860s as a frontier town and was known as Santa Angela and San Angela before adopting its current name. the city was incorporated in 1903 and is the county seat of tom Green County. for more information San Angelo Chamber of Commerce 418 W. Ave. b San Angelo, tx 76903 Phone: (325) 655-4136 Fax: (325) 658-1110

Whats online
Check out photo galleries and videos of San Angelo at

City hall, overhauled

opened in 1929, San Angelos city hall has undergone major renovations to update the building to modern standards while preserving its historical features. the renovation included removing asbestos, replacing plumbing and electrical systems and installing new carpeting. the buildings outdated mechanical elevator has been converted to a safer electric elevator, and an efficient central heat-and-air unit has replaced the structures outdated windowmounted air conditioners. the project cost about $11.1 million and is expected to yield dividends in terms of employee and citizen satisfaction, as well as save money over the long term because of reduced water and electric usage. Learn more at


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San Angelo



San Angelo



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downtown San Angelos concho Street


SAn Ang e lo

eat, Drink, explore

SpenD a WeekenD in San angelo
StoRy by jackie DiShner

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amed one of the states eight Texas Treasures, San Angelo earned the recent designation partly because of the frontier military outpost, Fort Concho, from which the city emerged after it was established in 1867. With the city still proudly connected to its Old West heritage, visitors will find living history, an active arts community and an abundance of outdoor recreational pursuits in

this city on the banks of the Concho River. Day 1 the waterfront 3 p.m.: Begin at the visitors center Get an introduction to the city at the San Angelo Visitor Center. Constructed of Texas quarried limestone with floors crafted from native mesquite, the center features a large window wall with an open view of the riverfront park where Celebration Bridge provides access

to the historic fort across Concho River. Rent a boat at Concho Cruises and spend an early evening relaxing on the park-encircled Lake Nasworthy, six miles west of downtown. 6 p.m.: Dine with a view Steer your way over to Stillwater Bar & Grill to dock (or beach moor) for dinner and drinks with live music at the lake. Start with macaroni-and-cheese bites and wash them down with one of the


SAn Ang e lo

restaurants weekly frozen-drink specials. Order the fried alligator or steak. Both go well with Texascrafted Lone Star brews. The Coppertop Lighthouse Bed and Breakfast is close enough to check in for your weekend stay. Day 2 Downtown San angelo 8 a.m.: Breakfast in bed, coffee downtown Enjoy quiche, fresh fruit,

muffins, coffee and juice in your room. Then walk the Coppertops lakefront labyrinth. Head back downtown to try the frozen hot chocolate at the Library Caf. Housed in the citys new awardwinning Stephens Central Library, the restaurant opens at 9 a.m. 10 a.m.: Time to shop and tour Tour the new library, then visit the family-owned M.L. Leddys to buy handmade cowboy boots and Eggemeyers General Store for

everything else. Inside the green building with the Old West faade, youll find souvenirs, vintage signs, chocolate you can sample and a new wine bar. 1 p.m.: Lunch at Miss Hatties For lunch, consider the awardwinning Brothel Burger at Miss Hatties Restaurant & Saloon. The historic bank-turned-restaurant was once home to a bordello (now a museum). A tunnel inside the restaurant led to the Victorian

from left: Joes brewhouse in downtown San Angelo; A boy dives into the concho River near celebration bridge.

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SAn Ang e lo

bRiAn M c CoRD

parlor operated by Miss Hattie next door. 3 p.m.: A cultural fix Cross Celebration Bridge and spend the afternoon browsing ceramics, American folk art and Spanish Colonial treasures at the San Angelo Museum of Fine Arts. At the head of the landscaped walkway known as El Paseo de Santa Angela, the museum also houses a ceramics studio, research library and rooftop sculpture terrace. 7 p.m.: Romance the night away For fine dining, make reservations at River Terrace Restaurant west of the museum. It offers an extensive wine list, creative appetizers and tasty sides. For the main course, order the grilled salmon. The chile-lime glaze gives it just the right kick. 9 p.m.: Turn on the blues For after-dinner cocktails and late-night entertainment, head over to Sealy Flats for live and local blues sounds. Day 3 Waterlilies and wine 8 a.m.: Explore Make your way through the Coppertops lighthouse on the lakefront and check out early to visit Roxies Diner for a stack of thick, fluffy pancakes or an omelet. Afterward, stroll through the International Waterlily Collection at Civic League Park, where eight reflection pools are home to unusual hybrids and night bloomers. 11 a.m.: Stop off at Christoval Vineyards Take a vineyard tour, enjoy small-plate snacks and wine tastings inside the French chateaustyle winery, and toast your lovely weekend goodbye.

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clockwise from left: Sealy Flats inc.; San Angelo museum of Fine Art; San Angelo Visitor center

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area rancheS cater to hunterS from arounD the WorlD
StoRy by cary eSteS

on the
n most large cities, about the only thing there is to hunt is a parking place. That is why outdoor sporting enthusiasts flock to San Angelo to enjoy the wide array of hunting options offered on both public land and at various private ranches throughout the region. The hunting around here is just amazing, says Chris Sloan, a schoolteacher who has lived in San Angelo since 1986. I dont know anybody who doesnt hunt. In most cities the rush hour is Monday through Friday. Ours is Saturday and Sunday, with everybody heading out of town to go hunting. In addition to free public hunting lands such as the Twin Buttes Reservoir, there are more

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clockwise from left: bighorn sheep at mayfield Ranch in christoval; two men hunt at mayfield Ranch.


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than 40 ranches in the greater San Angelo area that provide hunting opportunities for both native and exotic game. This attracts tourists seeking an experience they simply cannot find in their crowded hometowns. The hunting industry has had a huge economic impact on this area, says Stanley Mayfield, owner of the 3,000-acre Mayfield Ranch. People come from all over, from California to Florida. Weve had European hunters. Anyplace where its difficult for people to hunt, they come here. During peak times, the industry can increase revenue at local businesses by 65 to 70 percent. All told, it is estimated that hunting tourism provides an economic impact to San Angelo that can range from $2.5 million to $3 million annually. from antelopes to zebras The San Angelo region is where the deer and the antelope play, along with turkey, quail, dove and such exotic species as oryx, wildebeest and zebras. The native

species can be hunted only during official hunting season, but the exotic animals are available year round. For years, this region has been considered a premier destination for hunters around the country who like to travel and go on different hunting trips, says Greg Simons, founder of San Angelobased Wildlife Systems Inc., which provides hunting services including outfitted trips. Ranches offer a variety of packages, from quick day trips to multi-night and even weekly stays. Professional guides help coordinate the hunts. Many ranches provide meals that are prepared daily on site, as well as transportation to and from the San Angelo airport. Simons says the quality of hunting is so good in the San Angelo area because of the varied geological conditions found in the region. San Angelo is on the western edge of the Edwards Plateau, on the southern edge of the Rolling Plains and sits just to the north of the Great Plains. Were at a bit of an eco-

crossroads here, Simons says. With that diversity of landscape features you also have a diversity of wildlife that you find in those different regions. This is just a hotbed for folks who like to travel and hunt different types of animals. hunt for heroes The city of San Angelo combines its love for hunting with its respect for U.S. war veterans during an annual Hunt for Heroes celebration. Each November, in the middle of hunting season, 25 veterans from around the country who were wounded in military conflicts are brought to San Angelo and honored in a parade through the downtown streets. That is followed by an allexpenses-paid hunt and a steak dinner at the ranch where the hunt takes place. Its turned into quite a festive annual program, Simons says. Its yet another example of how the hunting community has facilitated and developed some great humanitarian-based programs and activities.

clockwise from left: Scrimitar-horned oryx at mayfield Ranch; dustin lee hunts at mayfield Ranch.


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airmen and women march across campus at goodfellow air force base.


SAn Ang e lo

volunteeriSm, cooperation benefit baSe anD community
StoRy by m.v. greene

an Angelo truly loves having the Goodfellow Air Force Base as a partner in the city of 93,000. And Goodfellow, for its part, loves having the support and opportunities to assist the community. It really is a symbiotic relationship, says Kent Cummins, chief of Goodfellow AFB public affairs. No kidding. I have never seen community relations as good as what we have here. Its both ways. It is impressive. training facility Goodfellow AFB is home to the Seventeenth Training Wing, a training facility of the Air Forces Air Education & Training Command. The facility prepares more than 2,100 soldiers, sailors, airmen, marines and Department of Defense civilians for cryptology and general intelligence careers in the Army, Air Force, Marine Corps and Navy. Cummins says he has served around the country at Air Force and Army installations, and San Angelo and Goodfellow AFB (named for San Angelo native and World War I pilot First Lt. John J. Goodfellow, Jr.) have set a high bar for civilian-military cooperation.

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annual appreciation picnic One example is the annual Goodfellow Appreciation Day Picnic San Angelo throws for the bases personnel each May, serving up hearty helpings of Texas barbeque and staging fun activities for personnel and their families. The event, coordinated by the San Angelo Chamber of Commerce, is held at the Goodfellow Recreation Camp at Lake Nasworthy. I have never seen that done. They do all the work and have activities for families. Its really outstanding, Cummins says. Phil Neighbors, San Angelo Chamber of Commerce president, says offering appreciation to the

base and its people is very much warranted. $513 million economic impact Not only did the base contribute $513 million to the San Angelo area economy during fiscal year 2011, but the installation is the countys largest employer, with 4,998 workers in 2011. But Neighbors says as important as the economic impact is the role the base plays in volunteering in the community such as at schools, advisory councils, the Stock Show & Rodeo, Boat Races, parades, community cleanups and charities like Big Brothers Big Sisters.

What San Angelo and Goodfellow AFB do is literally join hands on projects and initiatives to serve the community, Neighbors says. They are a fantastic partner in all of our community activities, Neighbors says. They spend thousands of man hours in the community every year. It is significant that they spend time and quality effort in serving the community while they are here. Strong volunteerism Cummins says volunteerism is so important to the base that a dedicated person serves as the volunteer coordinator. The relationship between San

above: An airman walks through a building on goodfellow Air Force base that features the department of defense Fire & emergency Services emblem. right: A b-25 mitchell aircraft is on display at goodfellow Air Force base.


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SAn Ang e lo

Angelo and Goodfellow shows that sometimes you can do things for the military community that dont require any money theyre just a way of saying thank you, says Air Force Col.-Retired Johnny Griffin, who chairs the Chambers Military Affairs Committee that brings together people from the base and community to work on projects. People in Texas and San Angelo are supporting the military and through that are supporting the people of the military. The military is an entity. What you are really supporting are the people, Griffin says.

clockwise from left: Kids play at the goodfellow Appreciation day picnic; Seventeenth training Wing at goodfellow AFb; goodfellow Airforce base firefighting training.


SAn Ang e lo

fAMeRiCA rt in
fort concho hoStS viSitorS, community eventS
StoRy by kevin litWin


ort Concho is one of the most visited landmarks in Texas and has been declared Americas bestpreserved fort by readers of True West magazine. The San Angelo attraction was constructed by the U.S. Army in 1867 when virtually nothing but nature existed in this part of western Texas, and the fort became the regions first permanent

settlement. It was strategically constructed along the banks of the Concho River, since water in west Texas was vital and rare in those days. The fort is the reason why the city of San Angelo exists today, says Bob Bluthardt, Fort Concho National Historic Landmark site manager. Originally a military post, it was deactivated in 1889, became a museum in 1928, and

today is toured annually by about 60,000 people from throughout the country. 35,000 artifacts The original property spanned 1,600 acres and today measures 40 acres. The fort is owned and operated by the City of San Angelo, and its main attraction is the Fort Concho Museum with a collection of more than 35,000 artifacts.

left: A group of re-enactors, the Fort concho Artillery detachment, fire a canon at Fort concho.

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Plan your trip

Located near San Angelos downtown area, Fort Concho is open to the public seven days a week from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. Monday through Saturday and from 1 p.m. until 5 p.m. on Sundays. Both guilded and self-guided tours are available, with admission ranging from $1.50 to $5. To learn more, call (325) 481-2646 or visit

There are 24 buildings on site - 17 of them original, and visitors can tour most of them, including the enlisted mens barracks, post headquarters, hospital, the school, chapel and the officers row and their quarters. The fort also hosts more than a dozen annual events. The fort holds historical significance to tourists visiting our area, but it also serves as a gathering place for the community, Bluthardt says. community magnet Residents come together at the Fort for such events as Buffalo Soldier Heritage Day in February, Frontier Day in April, Texas Mesquite Arts Festival in April, Armed Forces Day as well as Memorial Day in May, and both Independence Day and National Cowboy Day in July. In addition, the fort hosts National Museum Day in September and the Concho Valley Archeology Fair in October. Perhaps the two most-attended events at Fort Concho each year are the free Speaker Series held every Wednesday at lunchtime throughout April and September and an annual Christmas at Old Fort Concho each December. 2,000 volunteers Joyce Gray, president of the Daughters of the Republic of Texas-Fort Concho Chapter, is among more than 2,000 volunteers responsible for making Christmas at Old Fort Concho a success, and she also helps book the popular speaker series. For the holiday event, Gray oversees musical entertainment and also runs a booth exhibiting Native American artifacts. There are campfires each night, military re-enactors, carolers, Texas food, decorations and live musical acts, Gray says. The Christmas celebration is another aspect of why the fort is so valuable to the entire community, and is such a defining place. I thank the City of San Angelo for keeping the fort going, thereby preserving history for young and old to enjoy.

clockwise from left: christmas at old Fort concho; Re-enactor at christmas at old Fort concho; Fort concho Artillery detachment


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We Mean

Several partnerS plan for economic Development


SAn Ang e lo


StoRy by kevin litWin

ohn Dugan says that in 2012, a strategic plan for economic development was drawn up a collaborative effort between the San Angelo Chamber of Commerce, City of San Angelo, Angelo State University, Howard College, Downtown San Angelo, Workforce Solutions of the Concho Valley and the Concho Valley Center for Entrepreneurial Development. We are taking economic development seriously. For example, one of the priorities is to establish a one-stop business resource center that all of the strategic partners can use, says Dugan, vice president of marketing and recruitment for the San Angelo Chamber of Commerce.

Of course, it is always good to attract new companies to San Angelo, but speaking for the chamber, our big push going forward is to formalize a business retention and expansion program. We are doing everything in our capabilities to help our existing companies grow, so they all become bigger success stories. time clock Solutions Two examples of established successful companies in San Angelo are Data Management Inc. and Western Towers. Data Management Inc. was established in 1988 to develop time clock-plus solutions for employers, to track employee labor production in real time. DMI

above: A Western towers technician works on a tilt-down tower. left: A Western towers worker welds a tilt-down tower.

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SAn Ang e lo

is a recognized leader in time, attendance and employee labor management technology. Data Management employees are a combination of sales and technology-savvy individuals, and they celebrate the fact that their workforce comprises diverse people, Dugan says. I recently visited their building and noticed many national flags hanging in the various cubicles, and the company celebrates that aspect of their success. tower of power Another San Angelo success is Western Towers, which fabricates, manufactures and distributes towers throughout the United States and globally. In the U.S., we mostly serve the railroad industry by installing 40- to 80-foot-tall communications towers that are used to keep trains from running into each other due to human error, says Daniel Anderson, co-owner of Western Towers with his brother, Charles. Our company is in San Angelo because thats where it was started, and our families still reside here today. Western Towers also uses a technology called tilt towers, which allows the towers to be tilted to the ground in case maintenance is needed. The company is constructing 5,000 tilt towers for three of the major railroads. Our overall technology saves lives by allowing outside controllers to operate the locomotives and disable them in case of emergency, Anderson says. In addition, at our manufacturing facility, we eventually want to install a robotic assembly line that will allow us to hire disabled veterans for our workforce, which is one of our goals.

Our customers are our neighbors

When you call your electric cooperative, chances are youre speaking to the same people you spoke with last time you called, whether that was last month or last year. Concho Valley Electric Cooperative is local and operated by local people. That means were familiar with your account and its history. Whether youre calling about billing, installation, maintenance or anything else, youll get attention from someone with experience and knowledge, someone you know and who knows you not a temp in a cubicle in a service center in some other state. Were faces you know and people you can trust.

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clockwise from top: (left to right) Scott turner, mark moorman, ernie nabors and carol barton with dmi, overseeing their new facility expansion; dmi employee answers calls; timeclock plus software, hardware

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Biz Briefs
buSineSSeS both lARge And SmAll thAt help deFine SAn AngeloS economic climAte

buSineSS at a glance

$2 billion
annual retail sales

retail sales per capita

$174 million
annual hotel and food sales

total number of firms
source: U.s. Census QuickFacts (2007 numbers)

SunSet mall Biz: Shopping mall Buzz: Head to Sunset Mall for national retailers like American Eagle Outfitters, Bath & Body Works, Dillards, JCPenney and Marshalls, as well as special community events like the Summer Kids World program for youth ages 12 and younger. The mall is open from 10 a.m. until 9 p.m. Monday through Saturday, and from noon until 6 p.m. on Sundays. 36
SAn Ang e lo

patriot automation & control inc. Biz: Electrical systems Buzz: Patriot Automation & Control Inc. works with various industries, including oil, gas and power generation, to design, construct, implement and operate electrical systems. The company has served the San Angelo area since 2001. performant DcS-vfi-hcS Biz: Government recovery and medical auditing Buzz: Three branches of Performant Financial Corporation (DCS/VFI/HCS) operate a call center and medical auditing division that works with government and private agencies to provide student loan debt recovery and solutions for non-defaulted student loans, and identifies improper payments under the Medicare reimbursement program. armStrong, backuS & co. llp Biz: Accounting firm Buzz: Accountants at Armstrong, Backus & Co. LLP assist clients with personal and business-related finances. Services offered include tax planning and preparation, business consulting and more. The firm has been serving the San Angelo community since 1961 and is licensed by the Texas State Board of Public Accountancy to practice as a Certified Public Accounting firm. bepc inc. Biz: Technical consulting Buzz: Founded by Oscar Casillas, BEPC Inc. which stands for Business Excellence Professional Consulting works with corporations to improve their processes and operations by offering flexible, cost-effective solutions. Based in San Angelo, the company primarily serves clients in the United States, Mexico and Costa Rica.

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chamber report
chAmbeR lAuncheS SmARtphone App
andra Pomroy is proud that the San Angelo Chamber of Commerce is one of the first chambers in Texas to offer a smartphone app. Pomroy, the Chambers vice president of operations, says the downloadable and free app was launched in May 2012 to provide real-time information about San

Angelo businesses to Chamber members, tourists and all residents. All Chamber members are listed in the app, even by categories of business, she says. Upcoming Chamber events are also listed. For example, San Angelo hosts a big boat race in June that can be posted on the app, plus we will

share information from legislative summits we attend that might benefit our membership, she says. The app is simply another key benefit to being a Chamber member.

cornerstone Program
The Chamber is also involved in an annual Cornerstone Program, a fundraising campaign that allows the Chamber to embark upon major programs that need extra funding. The Cornerstone annual goal is $100,000, with those extra funds earmarked toward projects involving economic development, legislative affairs and major-event tourism, says Phil Neighbors, Chamber president. Neighbors says that in the last five years, the Chamber has received $580,000 in Cornerstone contributions. Projects completed with that money have resulted in more than $150 million in economic impact for San Angelo.

celebration oF chamPions
Neighbors adds that without Cornerstone funds, military leaders could not be properly hosted when they travel to San Angelo. In addition, the Texas Legislature meets every other year, and I am a registered lobbyist. Cornerstone pays my expenses to Austin to help me promote San Angelo community activities, he says. We just signed a contract to keep the Celebration of Champions equestrian competition coming back to San Angelo for several more years, and now the Chamber is working on attracting a large state athletic tournament. Cornerstone funds pick up expenses we are obligated to pay in the pursuit of such a major tournament. Kevin Litwin
SAn Ang e lo

economic profile
buSineSS climate
over the years, San Angelo has seen a transition in its economy from manufacturing into more business and personal services. While there are still major manufacturers in steel fabrication and medical devices, plus a number of smaller manufacturing operations, recent long-term growth sectors have included education and health care, trade, transportation, utilities, leisure and hospitality, and the business service sector.



major employerS
goodfellow Air Force base 4,990 employees Shannon health System 2,565 employees San Angelo iSd 2,063 employees Angelo State university 1,635 employees city of San Angelo 877 employees San Angelo State Supported living center 860 employees San Angelo community medical center 843 employees tom green county 748 employees Sitel, inc. 715 employees Verizon, inc. 578 employees city Sales and use tax

per capita income

county Sales tax

Average Annual household expenditure

State Sales tax

major inDuStrieS
mining, logging, & construction 3,200 manufacturing 3,700 Wholesale trade 1,500

total Sales tax


Retail trade 5,300 trans., Ware., & util. 1,000 information 1,100 Financial Activities 2,000 prof. & business Services 3,400 educ. & health Services 7,600 leisure & hospitality 4,600 other Services 1,800 government 9,300
thiS Section iS SponSoRed by

Associate degree

bachelors degree

graduate degree

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Local Flavor

how about some hot stuff?

mexicAn ReStAuRAntS Add Spice to SAn AngeloS Food Scene
ho doesnt love a big, stuffed burrito, a margarita with just the right hint of lime or a taco for breakfast every now and then? Mexicanstyle restaurants in San Angelo serve all this and more. to clue you in on where to go, heres a short list of some top picks:

Julios burritos
open for breakfast and lunch only, Julios burritos, a West texas fast-food restaurant, offers a menu with more than 20 kinds of burrito fillings, ranging from egg and potato to chicken fajita. Plan on taking home their house-made seasoned chips and salsa from the chips factory next door.

only restaurant serving food downtown until 2 a.m.

the eagle seaFood and mexican restaurant

Mexican seafood, italian seafood, grilled fish fillet: expect the unexpected at this restaurant that once housed a Dairy queen but is now operated by a gourmet chef from Southern California. Shrimp dishes are a favorite including the appetizer tostada. Another plus: hot and fresh chips with the salsa.

rosas caF
Rosas Caf, a drive-through restaurant, is known for its thick and fresh tortillas, because it has its own factory. Rosas also is famous for marinated beef and chicken fajitas prepared over mesquite wood fire. in addition, customers rave about the restaurants moist and creamy chocolate cake.

Fuentes caF doWntoWn

in business for 28 years, the family-style Fuentes Caf Downtown is best known for its enchiladas. the Weekend Lounge entertains guests with tejano, cumbia and hip hop music and dance, and its the

los Panchitos
youll get quick service at this Mexican restaurant (and full-

above: Sour cream chicken enchiladas are available at los panchitos, a favorite mexican restaurant in San Angelo. right: Fuentes caf downtown is the only restaurant serving food downtown until 2 a.m.


SAn Ang e lo

StAFF PhotoS

service bar) where the Sour Cream Chicken enchiladas are a popular menu item. but the chile con queso dip is also a nice treat. For dessert, try the sopapillas and order a slice of coconut or lemon meringue pie.

the original henrys diner

this landmark restaurant serves top-notch tex-Mex and is known for its white dipping sauce (a combination of sour cream and guacamole), which you can order with your chips and salsa. Fajitas, carnitas and enchiladas are the most-ordered meals here. With several rooms and lots of space, this is also the place to bring large dinner parties. Another fan favorite: top Shelf Margaritas. Jackie Dishner

health & Wellness

a Picture of health
SAn Angelo hoSpitAlS enSuRe quAlity cARe FoR ReSidentS
ith the quality of care that can be found at San Angelo Community Medical Center (SACMC) and Shannon Medical Center, residents in San Angelo and surrounding counties dont have to travel far to find a hospital to meet their needs. there are tremendous doctors at both hospitals, says America Farrell, Ceo for SACMC. For a town this size, we have excellent procedures and services, and we are truly fortunate to have such outstanding health care.

Center can now count itself as one of the elite facilities in texas after earning the 2011 trauma Center Award from the states Department of State health Services. For us to get that award was pretty awesome, says bryan horner, Ceo for Shannon Medical Center. We serve such a huge area in this part of texas, and i think that shows that even in our remote location, we provide top-notch care.

toP-notch care
When it comes to treating trauma patients, Shannon Medical

getting to the heart oF it

San Angelo Community Medical Center demonstrates the delivery of outstanding health

care in a wide variety of ways, but the hospital set the bar once again with its heart and vascular program, according to Farrell. She is referring to a milestone made in February 2012, when the hospital achieved 100 percent compliance three years in a row in what is known as Door-to-balloon (D2b) times. D2b is the amount of time it takes for a person experiencing a heart attack to get from the emergency room doors to the catheterization lab where blood flow is restored to the heart. the average time at SACMC is 62 minutes, nearly 30 minutes less than the national standard.

from left: Shannon medical center has more than 400 beds and has been serving the area for over 75 years. San Angelo community medical center has more than 160 beds and is staffed by more than 800 employees.


SAn Ang e lo

We have that process down to a very fine-tuned machine, Farrell says. that is all due to the cardiology, eR and eMS teams working together. the program is examplary in other ways, as well, including the only accredited chest pain center in the Concho Valley, and an initiative to encourage people to learn more about heart health. the hospitals website includes a heart risk assessment application. John McBryde

Whats online
For more insight on San Angelos health and wellness offerings, head to

StAFF Photo

Arts & Culture

art smart oasis

ARtS Scene RemAinS RobuSt in SAn Angelo, A cReAtiVe hAVen

ow playing: Plenty of artsrelated events and venues throughout San Angelo. here are some highlights:

neW PerForming arts center

A proposed San Angelo Performing Arts Center is planned for 2014, with fundraising currently taking place. backing the project is the San Angelo Performing Arts Coalition, which is made up of trustees from the Angelo Civic theater, San Angelo Symphony, San Angelo Civic ballet and San Angelo Cultural Affairs Council.

Arts offers three galleries, a rooftop sculpture terrace, a multipurpose meeting room and a research library. San Angelo Museum of Fine Arts also features the San Angelo national Ceramic Competition, which is held in April on evennumbered years. A juror from the local ceramics community chooses the top 100 pieces from more than 1,500 entries.

a plan to install murals to revitalize the downtown area. in 2002, the history of transportation in San Angelo became the first mural, and today there are nine throughout the district, and one in progess.

san angelo symPhony

Providing classical concerts, family events and educational programs, the San Angelo Symphony includes several orchestra members playing a variety of classical instruments.

youth theatre
San Angelo Academy broadway youth theatre is a nonprofit, educational theatrical facility for children in the San Angelo area. Participants receive an education in drama, music and the inner workings of the theater, and are taught by trained professionals.

angelo ciVic theatre

each year, the Angelo Civic theatre produces five productions (plus a summer show), offering musicals, classics and contemporary works. the theater has a main stage that seats 230, and a 50-seat studio.

Visual arts
old Chicken Farm Art Center, which provides housing and workspaces for select artists, includes two galleries and 15 artists studios. the center also offers a bed-and-breakfast and the Silo house Restaurant. San Angelo Museum of Fine

historic murals oF san angelo

hMSA began in 1997, when art enthusiast Susan Morris proposed

san angelo ciVic ballet

the nutcracker is the San Angelo Civic ballets yearly tradition, and the group spearheads the annual Spring Student Showcase and Summer Arts Conservatory.

international Waterlily collection

the international Waterlily Collection is the only premier waterlily display in north America. Created and developed by kenneth Landon in the late 1980s, the collection features rare plants and is displayed at Civic League Park. Jessica Walker & Kevin Litwin

above: the new San Antonio performing Arts center is planned for 2014; right: Sculpture at the old chicken Farm Art center StAFF photo


SAn Ang e lo

Whats online
Check out San Angelos Art in Uncommon Places video by clicking Photos & Video at

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Sports & Recreation

above: A golfer enjoys a round at sunrise at the bentwood country club, which is one of San Angelos private golf courses. right: A cowboy participates in the annual San Angelo Stock Show and Rodeo.

Play time
SAn Angelo encouRAgeS pARticipAtion in RecReAtion ActiVitieS

atersports, golf, rodeos, parks, football its all here. Check out these five things that will get you started in exploring the many recreation aspects San Angelo has to offer:

roping, barrel racing and steer roping. All activities take place at the Foster Communications Coliseum.

san angelo stock shoW & rodeo

there are a lot of bucks involved with the annual San Angelo Stock Show & Rodeo and not just bucking broncos. the event, which began in 1932, is one of the highest-paying stops on the Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association circuit, with a prize purse of $450,000. Competitions include steer wrestling, team roping, tie-down

san angelo state Park

this 7,563-acre park features hiking, mountain biking, horseback riding, camping and picnicking. there are 350 species of birds and 50 species of mammals on site, north Concho River access, and the park also offers hunting during turkey and deer seasons.

water skiing, wind surfing, camping and picnicking. Meanwhile, the Concho River is considered the crown jewel of San Angelo, winding through the heart of the city. Along the waterway is a paved river walk, gardens, gazebos, fountains, waterfalls, a river plaza and a heritage trail.

san angelo golF courses

how about this for a great name quicksand Golf Course. the course measures 7,100 yards and can play different every day, thanks to its breezy conditions. Riverside hills Golf Course is a par 72 layout that lies beside the

lake nasWorthy and concho riVer

the popular lake is ideal for boating, wakeboarding, tubing,


SAn Ang e lo

StAFF PhotoS

Concho River and spans 6,400 yards. San Angelo Country Club is a private course with several rises and slopes and might be the areas most challenging venue. Another interesting course is the private bentwood Country Club, at more than 6,900 yards. And the play at Santa Fe, San Angelos municipal golf course, is a welcoming nine-hole experience.

san angelo bandits

this team plays intense football, as a member of the intense Football League. With a 50-yard field and eight men on a side instead of 11, touchdowns come fast and furious, with scores frequently hitting the high double digits. home games are played at the Foster Communications Coliseum, and the season runs 14 games from March through June. there are 15-20 promotional giveaways at each game. Kevin Litwin

Whats online
Read more about getting out and active in San Angelo by visiting


18-hole championship golf course 12 lighted tennis courts, newly refinished to U.S. Open blue New and exciting pool and recreation area features including a basketball court and soccer field Instruction for all ages in tennis, golf, swimming and fitness Sister Club privileges at 17 West and Central West Texas clubs included in your Bentwood membership Home of West Texas Golf Academy, Bentwood Tennis Academy and West Texas Sports and Wellness Institute

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reaching new heights

ASu, hoWARd tAKing StepS to meet needS oF StudentS
o help illustrate the reason for growth at Angelo State university, one can look to the world of software, literally. to get an understanding of the increasing interest in the San Angelo campus of howard College, considerhardware, or capital improvements. in the case of both schools, exciting developments are under way to better accommodate students with a variety of needs.

games oF angelo state

though its been around for only a short time, the game development curriculum in ASus computer science program has already earned a reputation as being one of the countrys elite. The Princeton Review in 2010 named ASu as one of the top 50 undergraduate Game Design Programs in the u.S.

We made the list even though we had only begun the CS program in game development two years earlier, says Dr. tim Roden, program director and professor of computer science. So it was a significant accomplishment. to supplement their computer science degree, students can earn a certificate in game development by completing the four-course sequence that includes one designed for hand-held devices. the program also features the entertainment Computer Lab that promotes education and research into design and development of computer games. As a result, ASus game development program is a popular choice for incoming students. nearly 40 percent of the computer science majors from fall 2011 indicated the games program as either a primary or important reason why they chose the major. Roden, who has been on the ASu faculty since 2001, has outlined a proposal and hopes to partner with university administrators to further enhance his programs curriculum in computer game design and digital arts.

hoWards exPansion
howard College at San Angelo has hit a wall, so to speak. Weve run out of space at our West texas training Center and our St. Johns campus, says LeAnne byrd, the schools provost. We just maxed out.


SAn Ang e lo

to help remedy the space limitations for a school with an enrollment that has increased some 300 percent since 1999, a master plan has been developed for the addition of two new buildings totaling about 42,000 square feet. Construction is scheduled to start in late fall 2012, with completion expected in spring 2014. one of the buildings will house classrooms and offices for instructors, and the other will be a

student services center, which includes space for the library and testing. howard College has experienced tremendous growth. enrollment increased from 838 students in 1999 to 3,257 who had enrolled in the 2011-12 school year. there is a need in this area for a community college, byrd says. We work very closely with companies here to get our students ready to enter the workforce. John McBryde

left: ASus game development program has been named among the best in the u.S. right: instructor Kevin dosdall teaches emmanuel Simbatohana in a hydraulic class at howard college, in San Angelo.

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A-B Distributing Company Angelo State University Baptist Retirement Community Bentwood Country Club & Estate Concho Valley Credit Union Concho Valley Electric Cooperative Dierschke & Dierschke Realtors First United Methodist Church Heidi Douma State Farm Holland Jewelry Howard College Pool Pros San Angelo Christian Academy San Angelo Community Medical Center San Angelo Independent School District San Angelo Stock Show and Rodeo Shannon Medical Center SNG Satellite Springhill Suites San Angelo Suddenlink The Bank & Trust The UPS Store Time Clock Plus West Central Wireless West Texas Medical Associates

visit our


SAn Ang e lo

See the City

William Wilhelmis ceramic boots are on display at the San Angelo Museum of Fine Arts. Photo by Brian McCord

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See the City


SAn Ang e lo

Goodfellow Air Force Base is home to the 17th Training Wing and Military Firefighter Training. Staff Photo

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See the City

This Aermotor Windmill was manufactured in San Angelo. Staff Photo


SAn Ang e lo

San Angelo State Park includes a herd of longhorn cattle. Staff Photo

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Ad Index
50 A-B DistriButing CompAny C4 Angelo stAte university 27 BAptist retirement Community 47 BentwooD Country CluB & estAte 39 ConCho vAlley CreDit union 35 ConCho vAlley eleCtriC CooperAtive 4 DiersChke & DiersChke reAltors 6 First uniteD methoDist ChurCh 56 heiDi DoumA stAte FArm 6 hollAnD Jewelry 2 howArD College 6 pool pros 49 sAn Angelo ChristiAn ACADemy C3 sAn Angelo Community meDiCAl Center 7 sAn Angelo inDepenDent sChool DistriCt 50 sAn Angelo stoCk show AnD roDeo C2 shAnnon meDiCAl Center 50 sng sAtellite

Ad Index (cont.)
10 springhill suites sAn Angelo 41 suDDenlink 37 the BAnk & trust 50 the ups store 38 time CloCk plus 5 west CentrAl wireless 43 west texAs meDiCAl AssoCiAtes

community profile
San Angelo is the county seat of tom Green County. the city is located at the confluence of the north Concho River and South Concho River, which in turn form the Concho River. Local sports teams include the San Angelo Colts, a united League baseball minor league team.

$83,825 median home pric


time zone

median Rent for a two-bedroom Apartment

government: city of San Angelo tom green county, texas State of texas Fire Department: Police Department: Drivers license: texas department of public Safety
thiS Section iS SponSoRed by

July Average high


January Average low

14 minutes median travel time to work

houSeholD information

Annual Rain Fall

lanD area

median Resident Age

Square miles

19 and under

coSt of living


median household income

55 and over

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SAn Ang e lo

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