The Quest For God and Infinity

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The quest for God

Quest for infinity is the quest for God. Philosophers, mathematicians, theists and atheists search for it and come up with contrasting and controversial answers. Whether one gets an answer or not, whether the answers are different or same The quest itself is a enlightenment . The Bliss of search and Re-search by generations of Human race will continue for ever !!!!
Chapter 1: Patheyam , my spiritual autobiography describes some of my experiences and discusses Noetic science, its reproducibility and acceptability in Modern scientific world . chapter 2.Aswatha ( banyan) leaf as a Triangular globular structure as a origin /root /yoni of universe, some Trigonometric, spherical geometry and squares of Indian vasthu sasthra are discussed and the concept of creation of Universe according to Indian sciences mentioned and its evidences in Harappan and IVC times . Chapter 3 is the quest for God and Infinity . In this chapter explanation of several magic squares is given. Magic squares , though called Leela (Play) in India were not merely games . They were symbols by which the cosmos and the earth, the matter and spacetime , brahmanda and Pindanda were balanced . Leela is not only childs play but also the play of God , Almighty. This Universe, cosmos as Leela of God is shown by the Leela , also called Gnan choupad ( chess of wisdom) . The mathematical wisdom of India is in the symbol zero , which represents Brahman , the field without a paridhi ( or limit) but can be cognized by human mind with a figure showing a paridhi which is calculable using 22 sruthi and 7 swara .This is Truth( sath), chith( energy field) and the most blissful (Aananda) experience that a human mind can attain. Beyond that no words or senses can fathom. The mystical experiences happen only when your mind is clean , and devoid of distractions and Yoga is for that power of concentration . How modern medicine view the subject by its psychological and neurological studies and Neuropsychoimmunology is important in understanding mystical experiences of people - both scientists and common man . SUVARNA NALAPAT; TOSHIBA 1/1/2012

I had a recurring dream from the age of eight . I had described it in many of my books , both Malayalam and English .When I speak of the dreams and the effect such dreams had on my life , people may think that it is rather unscientific from a scientist , like me. But what is science and what is not science is difficult to define in certain circumstances . Here I am trying to recapture some of my experiences , discoveries on my Quest for Infinity which is also known as God. Chapter 1 .Paatheyam - My spiritual autobiography.

Patheyam means food which we take on a journey . Life is a journey. The spiritual autobiography is a food for thought on this short journey called Life. In my autobiography I have given only some seemingly strange experiences I had in my life , and none of the mundane and professional experiences are mentioned. Because , I felt the seemingly strange and unusual experiences have made me what I am and have given me insights into life and the strength to face several difficulties in life and come out successful in every situation. It is because of these experiences and my life long scientific enquiry into its roots and the reality of it that I became a scholar in my life and could comment upon various scriptural texts and compare them with modern equivalents. For a person who never had formal education in Sanskrit or Tamil and Mathematics or Astronomy or even in Music , how was this possible ? This question I asked myself . That is why I became a researcher of Noetic sciences ,though I didnt have any belief or faith in occult sciences at all . Faith has to come from evidence and I had direct evidence and this was proven every day for me to fathom the wisdom of the ancient as well as the consciousness of me in the sea of consciousness of all the living world of existence. State of insight into depths of Truth unplumbed by the discursive Intellect ; Illuminations, Revelations, full of significance and importance , and which carry with them a curious sense of authority . What is this definition ? It is a definition given to Noetics by a 20th century Psychologist of Harward University, William James. Noetics come from Greek word noesis/noetikos meaning intuition or direct inner knowing. I happen to be a scientist trained in the modern Medical science and Biology .Science is a systematic way of gaining knowledge by repeated measurements , use of inductive and deductive reasoning , hypothesis formation and testing ,consensus review of ideas and data and development of Theoretical explanations for observed data . Noetic science is a branch of science that uses rigorous scientific methods, focused by multidisciplinary scholarship, to study the nature of our direct inner experiences and intuitions, and understand the boundaries between subjective and objective. It investigates role of consciousness in the physical world and the nature of reality/Truth. The quest for Truth or reality and the quest for understanding our most important inner experiences and insights make us a Noetic scientist .What is reality? Is this world of sensory experiences which we see, feel and hear day to day the real truth? Many think so. But it is only a shadow of the real world as the Astrophysicists are proving every day. And Neurosciences tell us that what we thus see and understand is not even a fraction of what our nervous system channels perceive and process per day. When we try to stop the torrents of

3 information processing by our nerve channels we are seeing only a very very small fraction of reality .Moreover the building blocks of reality-spacetime,energy ,matter are not primary as they appear to be , but have a flexible relationship. I didnt know anything about the psychic phenomena, psi, when I first had an encounter with it. My entire life had been a quest to understand such beautiful but unusual experiences of mine. Psi has a nature of perceiving events and objects beyond the range of ordinary sense organs. It can cause actions by mental power at a distance too. When we wish and pray for cure of a loved ones illness our mind actually does it at a distance. These are not paranormal or parapsychology and not supernatural either. They are natural actions and reactions of a powerful mind .Carl Sagan admitted that human thought can change numbers on a computer, people can project thoughts on others and that young children do report memories of previous lives which on checking has proved to be true. Precognition experiments were well studied the world over and proved by science to be true. The essence of the Psi is that human mind can positively move and stimulate other minds because everything is connected to everything else in the cosmos, and this can be used in health sciences for self healing .Dean Radin, a senior scientist has given many evidences for Noetic science and Psi in his work Noetic universe (Transworld publishers 2009).

What was the Motivation for me to search? It was neither a scientific temper nor a knowledge of such phenomena which struck me at the age of 7 or 8 when I heard a distinct familiar voice singing and uttering the word Vridhachalam and seeing a beautiful golden ocean of light sparkling and glittering and in the middle of it a mountain peak and me sitting on it alone in a meditative posture. I hadnt had previous knowledge of such a name, such music or of any yoga practice. And as a child of 3 I used to tell my parents that I had seen the place where the banyan tree is split to 2 for passage of Markandeya , when God of death approached him. The shiva and Vishnu temples nearby were never seen by me in this life, yet I remembered seeing them distinctly. Another is a story which my mother and grandmother used to believe in. Nalapat Narayana Menon had a cheriyamma (Kutticheriyamma) his mothers younger sister who lived a life of celibacy as bride of Krishna. She had died before I was born. When I was born, I had some ill health and doctors of the locality said it is difficult to treat me and my life is in danger. My grandmother, a devotee of Guruvayur Krishna, just as Kutticheriyamma, took me to the temple and dedicated me to Krishna saying: If she survives she will be yours. And I survived and became healthy. They thought I am the reincarnated kutticheriyamma, the bride of Krishna and I was ill because I could not see Krishna, and every Ekadasi day grandmother took me to Guruvayur. Not only I, but my younger brother and sister also used to tell that they remember their past lives. But they forgot it soon.I never forgot my vivid experience of the sparkling ocean and the beautiful music and the sound which I heard in my vision. I didnt have any particular memory of human beings in my past lives but I had beautiful visions of a past and a sruthi of music with it in an ocean of light and energy. It was this experience which recurred several times (and still recurs sometimes) which made me search for truth and my Krishna, the Truth beyond Truth. When I became a scientist, the search became scientific .I started to do some sort of metaanalysis of such experiences and search for more and more evidences. The experience was something which transcends all time and space as we know of them. It sometimes took me to depths and timelessness which is

4 unfathomable. The subjective objective dichotomy fades into realm of nothingness when self healing occurs by such memories. Definitions of some psychic phenomena:1 Telepathy:-Information exchanged between two or more minds, without the use of ordinary senses. 2 Clairvoyance: Information received from a distance between two or more minds, beyond the reach of ordinary senses. Clear seeing: or remote viewing. Telepathy and Clairvoyance are then two corollaries to each other. One is receiving and the other is exchange. These two are not different in essence. 3. Psycho kinesis: Mental interaction with animate or inanimate matter .Experiments suggests that it is more accurate to think of it as information flowing from mind or matter, rather than as the application of mental forces or powers. (Synonyms: Mind-matter interaction, PK, Telekinesis) 4 Precognition:-Information about future events, where information could not be inferred by ordinary means.Premonitions, about future events, presentiments, a sensing of future events/emotions. 5 ESP: Extrasensory perception. Information received by Telepathy, clairvoyance, or precognition. 6. Psi: used as neutral term for all ESP type and psychokinetic phenomena. Related phenomena: 1 OBE: out of body experience. This is accompanied by visual perceptions, reminiscent of clairvoyance. 2. NDE: Near death experience. A feeling of peace, OBE, seeing lights and other phenomena .Related to psi by similarities to clairvoyance and telepathy. 3. Reincarnation: Rebirth after death. The strongest evidence comes from small children, who recollect verifiable details of previous lives. Related to psi by similarities to clairvoyance and telepathy. 4. Haunting: Recurrent phenomena in particular locations, seeing apparitions, hearing strange sounds, movements of objects.Related to psi by similarities of psycho kinesis and clairvoyance. 5. Poltergeist: Large scale psychokinetic phenomena previously attributed to spirits, but now proved to a living person, usually an adolescent. (A Noisy spirit German word). Mysticism: - Is the direct perception of reality. Knowledge is derived directly by experience.Surprisingly Mysticism is akin to science because it has a systematic method of exploring the nature of the world.Science concentrates on outer objective phenomenon and data .Mysticism concentrates on inner experiences or subjective data concerned with mind, intellect and its functions which is the realm of neurosciences as well. Numerous scientists, scholars and sages over centuries revealed the deep underlying similarities between the goals, practices, and findings of

5 science and mysticism.Some of the scientists have written in terms indistinguishable from the writings of mystics. Einsteins spirituality can be seen in his words

1.True value of a human being is primarily determined by the measure and sense in which he has attained liberation from the self ,and the example of a great and pure individual is the only thing that can lead us to noble thoughts and deeds.

2. To reach the elementary laws of the cosmos, there is no logical path; only intuition resting on a comprehensive understanding of human experiences can reach them

3. In a conversation with another scientist, when he asked how could you grasp the vibration of an inertial coordinate system Einstein replied:It is merely a useful fiction and I have no idea how to realize it. If I could only get far
away from all material bodies and free myself all external influences, my coordinate system would then be inertial.(Evolution

of Physics).

4. Einstein said while delivering a lecture in Japan I was sitting in a chair in a patent office at Berne when all of a sudden a thought occurred to me.
If a person falls freely he will not feel his own weight. I was startled. This simple thought made a deep impression on me. It impelled me towards a theory of gravitation. It was a pure intuition.

While sir Frank Dyson , the English astronomer was experimenting to prove the Einstein theory , during the 1919 solar eclipse on May 29 , Einstein wrote to his friends:I do not doubt the correctness of the whole system
(general theory of relativity) whether the observation of the solar eclipse fails or not.

5.Religious feeling is the strongest and the noblest motive for scientific research. Religious feeling does not mean the power of punishment from a superior power. Nor is it the moral, ethical feeling leading to social impulses like serving humanity or a community. It is the cosmic religious feeling which occurs, according to Einstein,in individuals with exceptional endowments who want to experience the universe as a single significant whole. This shows a scientist like Einstein speaks just as a mystic does.

6 Science needs reproducible evidence. Can a person reproduce his own mystical experience? Can we reproduce what one visualised just as it is? Can we replicate such experiences? It is a difficult thing to do. But we can collect data from various people who had similar experiences and collect them as data and analyse them. In fact it had been done many scientists in the west as well as the east. We can make Boson or God particle in laboratory but can we replicate real creation of cosmos in a laboratory? Therefore replication of certain experiments just proves the theory of creation, but it does not replicate the creation itself. This has to be born in mind when we consider the reproducibility of mystical visions as well. Sociologist Harry Collins studied the reproducibility of scientific experiments and came to the conclusion that positive replications are extremely rare in science .Only by several trial and errors; the few positive experiments were proven. So, by looking at one or two negative results, saying that all mystical experiments are unscientific will be a most unscientific thing to do. Psi cannot be easily replicated.The written experimental procedures are extremely rare for others to understand it. Most of the practical methods are oral traditions. Investigators may change the experiment and effects by altering them over centuries so that original oral methods are lost. Therefore, unless a person experiments scientifically and gets the effects himself/herself we cannot have a replication. And this is a rare phenomenon in the modern world. Complications in experimental designs also affect the replication. Can you replicate a supernova or a meteor occurring in heavens? But observation of it is science. The mystical experiences of rare personalities should be studied, observed and data recorded from the effects of such experiences on their life .Only then the science of mysticism will be better understood. This study is called the Noetic science . People say: I will believe it when I see it. It should be: I will believe it when I experience it, in Noetic science. But for experience we need a certain systematic way of life akin to systematic organised science of living.Without that we will not get the experience. And that is why you are not believing it.So your disbelief is as subjective as you think about all psi alike. Unless the study, practice and observation are scientific and systematised, and if it is not properly studied, you will not be able to experience or replicate it just as any scientific research. Meta-analysis:-Thomas Chalmers said that Metascience is going to revolutionise how the sciences ..handle data. And it is going to be the way many arguments will be ended.Since independent replication is the key for acceptable scientific evidences, ways of measuring how much replication has taken place. The technique accepted most today is Metaanalysis. Metaanalysis is simple. The high confidence level in performance of a batsman or a bowler does not depend on analysis of a single game. But on the life time performance and an average of that. Similarly, by a single proof no one will accept a medical experiments success which could be sponsored and influenced by a drug company or by some other lobby. In the case of a psi, a persons experience of psychic power and his/her outstanding performance in life has to be taken into account. The success in such people had not been a mere coincidence .In a Cricket team there are many players. Similarly in a community there are several citizens. Among them, the performance of a really psychic experience person, if he/she performs at a higher intellectual/mystical level and its effects are seen in society around one can definitely think of a cause and effect relationship rather than co-incidence. For psi experiments we can ask not only how the individual performed, or how a group of people performed in a given experiment, but how people perform in general across many experiments. Asking Meta questions allow us to get a higher confidence level about performance in general, without getting into the

7 specifics of individuals, groups of individuals .The more the data we get, the more is the confidence level. For measuring replication data and rates across experiments requires research to be reviewed .There are 4 types of reviews of research.

Identify and discuss recent developments in the field, focusing on a few exemplar experiments.Seen in popular science magazines. Uses a few research results to highlight/illustrate a new theory or propose a new theoretical framework for understanding a phenomenon.It is not comprehensive .Just illustrates a general theme. Organise and synthesise knowledge, synthesise knowledge from various areas of research. Narrative reviews are not comprehensive .A few exemplars of best studies only use to illustrate and synthesise. Integrative review or Metaanalysis. A structured technique for exhaustive analysis of a complete body of experiments .Draws generalisations from a set of observations about each experiment.
Metascience is a method of statistical analysis wherein units of analysis are results of independent studies, rather than response of individual subjects. In a single experiment the data points are the participants individual responses. In metaanalysis the data points are results of separate experiments .Today the behavioural, social and medical sciences accept metaanalysis and metascience.All needed a method to determine whether the highly variable effects measured in their experiments were replicable. Metascience combine data from a group of similar experiments, the technique involves some re-evaluation of original data.Coding and quantifying the experimental procedures used, the type of controls, where and when the reports were published, number of participants etc. Then if there is any clear pattern is recorded.Metaanalysis allows to test quality of method to actual results obtained.It gives a more accurate assessment of a body of research. Since both quantity and quality, both subjective and objective are analysed and quantised statistically metascience is more accurate.

When a psychologist try to measure some aspect of human behaviour, or a sociologist try to measure some aspect of society the measuring tools questionnaires, surveys, psychophysiological measurements require statistics to make sense of resulting data.This is because of random variations, the noise in living systems, tends to be huge.Accuracy and precision are primary basis for distinction between hard and soft sciences. Using metaanalysis, psychologist Larry Hedges of University of Chicago discovered a surprising result. Experiemnts in soft sciences are as replicable as in hard sciences. Motivation to take up such studies in Noetics comes from experiences. But such experiences require scientific evidence, independently replicated and controlled experimental studies. Is there evidence for Psi or psychic experiences? Telepathy:Many scientists and lay people have given narratives of their telepathy experiences in their books, reminiscences which combined makes a metascientific evidence for existence of telepathy .Telepathy is feeling at a distance . We instinctively feel that our near and dear ones need us. My experience happened in 1998. One morning I felt a sort of empty feeling and I thought my son wants me to come to Hyderabad where he was studying at the time. The entire morning I was a little bit moody and I told my colleagues that I am not feeling well and went home taking a half day leave. When I reached home , my phone bell was ringing and my cousin Madhavikuuty was calling .She told me that my son had fallen down while trying to climb into a bus and is in the hospital and a Malayali Nurse had called her , because she knew her number .And I was wanted there immediately . This is an example of telepathy. Justice V R Krishna Iyer had written about some psi experiences in his book. Dean Radin ( senior scientist in Institute of Noetic sciences , Founder of consciousness research laboratory at uty of Nevada, Las vegas) in his book Noetic Universe has given several such experiences from different people .Pulitzer prize winning author and social activist Upton Sinclair was a realist and his wife was doing some telepathy/clairvoyance experiments with his and others drawings. He noted that the experiment actually proved clairvoyance. He asked Einstein, his friend, what was his opinion about it .Einsteins reply is quoted in Sinclairs book:Mental Radio. (1930). Einstein writes : I have read the book of Upton Sinclair with great interest and am convinced that the same deserves the most earnest consideration, not only of the laity, but also of the psychologists by profession. The results of the telepathic experiments carefully and plainly set forth in this book stand surely far beyond those which a nature investigator holds to be thinkable. On the other hand, it is out of the question in the case of so conscious an observer and writer as Upton Sinclair that he is carrying on a conscious deception of the reading world; his good faith and dependability are not to be doubted.

Dr Walter Franklin Prince , research officer at Boston society of psychiatric research conducted an independent analysis of the sketches and notes of Sinclair and excluded the possibility of pure chance, kindred ideas of relatives and their educated guess influencing each other,conscious or subconscious fraud,even involuntary whispering .Taking the most conservative position he concluded that telepathy had been demonstrated based on tests conducted on experiments between Mrs Sinclair and her brother in law living 30 miles apart and experiments conducted in separate rooms. The second edition of Sinclairs book (1960) contains Dr Princes testimony.

As I was a child I often heard about a dream telepathy that occurred between my Grandfather (Mothers father) and Balamaniyamma (my mothers sister). Grandfather was in his deathbed. He was asking for Baal, because she was not there while all others were around him. Baal was in Calcutta at that time. She had a dream vision at that time , and in it she saw her father in a short mundu ( cloth around loin) calling out her name. She was surprised to see him like that. Because grandfather never wore such a dress. Always had a very long mundu which reached his ankles. When she came home she and her husband V M Nair were speaking about this vision .Then my grandmother and mother told them that , in fact on his deathbed he was wearing a dress a short mundu- the first and the last time they have seen him like that. How did Bala see him like that remained a question ever since in the household. When my mother died in 2002 , I had an almost similar dream vision. At that time I had been working in Amrita Institute of Medical sciences. I used to visit her on every Saturday, stay with her for the weekend and come back on Monday morning for work. One day while I was about to leave, my mother told me Swarna, we may not meet again as if she had a premonition of her death. That Thursday night , I had a dream in which my mother came and told me Swarna, I am leaving to my amma and ammamans place and on Friday I called my sister sudha and asked should I come and is there anything wrong with mother . She told me amma is as usual and you need come on Saturday as usual. That afternoon, while mother was having a little nap, she suddenly jumped up from the easy chair on which she was lying down and called Ammamma, amme, I am coming and then suddenly went to sleep as if exhausted by the effort. And next day morning after her usual bath and drinking a cup of tea which my sister had brought she said: sudha I am not well and softly bend her head on to my sisters chest and breathed her last. The first thing I heard on Saturday morning (while I was about to go home) was that my mother is no more. The same night at Calicut, in my sisters home a big Krishna statue had a broken neck and it was standing with its head bend, just as my mothers head bend on my sisters shoulders. When Nalapat NarayanaMenon died in 1954 his wrist watch and the old grandfather clock suddenly stopped. When my husband died his wristwatch which he had been wearing from 1965 (as a medical student) to 1995 suddenly stopped working .One dream telepathy experience which my neighbours had is worth noting. Bhanu and Suja are living in old Ambazhathel house at that time.One day suja had a dream. Her mother in law and her mother appeared together and asked her not to go to the kitchen. She was wondering how these two people (both dead) come together and say the same thing. Next day morning the kitchen wing of the old Ambazhathel house fell down and fortunately

10 Suja was not under it.Collection of such experiences by free reporting of the experiencers was the data collection method used in early studies as reported by Sinclair. Ganzfeld telepathy experiments: In dream telepathy studies Charles Honorton (Miamonides project) William Braud (uty of Houston) and Adrian Parker (Uty of Edinburgh) showed great progress. They noticed that description of mystical, meditative and Samadhi states often include anecdotes about psi experiences and Association between reduced mental noise and spontaneous emergence of psi is present in ancient Indian texts of India, like the Veda and pathanjali yoga sasthra .They also noticed that states similar to deep meditation occur naturally during dreaming, prior to falling asleep, quite naturally without any drugs or hypnosis. The mental state is alert, receptive combined with reduced sensory input (shown on EEG waves). That means, when mental noise of the Jagrad state settles down, mind is able to concentrate and attend more sharply, effectively. Henri Bergson, a Nobel laureate for literature (French philosopher) also opines thus. He said human brain and Nervous system function is not only a detector and processor but also a filter of sensory information. This filter prepossesses overwhelming mass of sensory information that constantly bombards us , and selectively presents to conscious awareness only those fragments of information that we consciously wish to attend to , or are likely to find useful for survival purposes.Grenzfeld is a German word for whole field. They were extensions of the dream telepathy studies. Grenzfeld experiment has 3 phases. 1. Prepare the receiver and sender 2. Send the target 3. Judge the outcome At the annual convention of parapsychological association in 1982 Charles Honorton presented a paper summarising all results of known grenzfeld experiments. Psychologist Ray Hayman independently analysed the same studies. Thus 2 separate metaanalyses happened published in 1985. Later Independent replication was achieved by 8 laboratories. A review of history of science reveals that most discoveries are initially weak and sporadic. Only years later, after much hard work and technical refinement do we begin to achieve the degree of reliability expected of a mature science. Honortons programme( 1994) :100 males; 140 females Age group; 17-74 8 different experimenters including Honorton 3 preliminary and 8 formal studies 5 of the formal studies employed only novices- receivers in one session only Total of 354 sessions. 122 were direct hits. 34 % hit rate. This compared to metascience experiments of 1982 ( 37 %).Honortons autoganzfeld effect was thus proven.Total of 2549 autogrenzfeld experiments in 1997 gave a 95 % confidence interval.( in 40 publications). What Sigmund Freud said about telepathy? :You should think more kindly of the objective possibility of thought transference and therefore also of telepathy.

11 In clairvoyance no one is sending information to us. Though clairvoyance means clear seeing it can be clear hearing, clear experience of a touch, smell or even taste.In that case it is called a clear sentience or a clear audience etc. My experiences with clairvoyance: Once I had a dream. Two Devi- one is dark and the other is white-are cycling in a wheel like fashion in the sky .In between them , I saw Janaki Amma going up into the unknown realm of heaven. Janaki Amma was an aged woman looked after at our house by my parents, since she was discarded by her own relatives and her only son. Next day after this dream, my sister Sudha called me and told that Janaki Amma died yesterday (that is, on the day of my dream) at twilight. The twilight between dark and white ... I was surprised at the dream vision and its clairvoyance of prediction of a future event. My recurrent childhood dream of a sparkling golden ocean, at first with waves and then quiet like a lake, and in the middle, my meditating form and all around a sweet melodious voice came at age of 7 or 8 and at the end of the dream I heard a clear voice speaking to me and I remembered just one word when I woke up: Vriddhaachalam. What is it and where is it? No one could tell me that. And at age 45 I found out that Vridhachalam is a sacred place for Siva, and according to Tamil Tradition it means the only peak that stood out above flood waters. And later I found that in Saamaveda , the vriddhaswara is a beautiful melody using all 7 swara ( sampoorna) and that Vridheswara is having Karshana (aakarshana or attraction / suavitas) and therefore it is also called Krishna , the most attractive . Krishna says he is samaveda itself. Another surprising discovery was that Vridhachalam has only 72 karana (unlike 108 in other temples) as mudra which is the number of 72 Melakartha ragas and the 72 Melakartha use sampoorna swara (7 swara) and are thus Vridhaswara / Krishna. And surprisingly, on my day of birth my granduncle Nalapat NarayanaMenon has written in his diary about 72 Melakartha Raga and Music Therapy. And when I distinctly remembered this beautiful dream of Vridhachala, he was just dead .Even before that I used to see the dream but with much less clarity. When I think about these facts, I feel that my research into Krishna, musicology and my creation of Melakartha Raga were predicted by that childhood recurring dream. But to understand that I took many years of learning and experiences. The fact that I have been telling my parents that I have seen the place where Markandeya lived and where he was rescued by Vishnu and shiva from Yama may be a carry over from my previous janma as a sivabhaktha , since in this janma I had been a Krishna bhaktha. And the name Vridha is for both Siva and Vishnu is an advaitha which makes Godhead inseparable to name and form. In Nepal I saw BudhaNeelkanta ( from name one may think it is Buddha and a Shiva with blue throat ) .It is a blue idol of reclining Vishnu on Anantha in a huge pond .It is the oldest discovered statue in Nepal and Buda is old/vriddha / the Puranapurusha .Not used as Buddha , though pronounced like that. In 1964 when the great tsunami struck dhanushkoti, I had been a witness of the first few waves. Our guide told us that it is a tide and when sea goes back zoology students like us can collect as many specimens as possible. And we were doing that. Suddenly we heard a couple of donkeys braying and running in fear. When we looked back...a great blue line in horizon with a deep sound ... and we ran for our life right in time... What even a donkey understands, human beings cannot understand. 40 years after that, when I was in Chennai, for a music festival season something peculiar happened. I had gone to Mahalingapuram

12 Guruvayurappan Temple, just before a Yesudas Kutchery on December 25th 2004. I had a strange feeling. Usually in my visions Krishna is a chid. He never grows up beyond 11 years . But this evening, I saw him in his Viswaroopa and I felt he is walking towards me with all his ornaments and weapons making rhythmic sounds and I was terrified to look at his form.I fled to my car and left for the Kutchery. But I felt Krishna in all his splendour is travelling with me in the car.. And when I reached the kutchery place and was about to enter the hall, he just touched my shoulder and asked: Do not go for kutchery today.Go back home, I want to speak to you. When I was reluctant he said: Touch me and look at the people in the sabha. See what there is! And when I looked I had a shocking experience. I saw everyone in the hall floating as corpses in an ocean that was devouvouring everything. Then I turned back and went home. When I reached Velachery, my sister in law asked what happened. Didnt you hear the kutchery. I just went inside my room and lied down exhausted . Then, the incredible happened. Entire night I heard the Lord waling up and down in his viswaroopa making Thud thud noises and speaking to me in hushed comforting tones. In the morning my brother in law said: I think there had been earthquakes at night somewhere. Because some of the vessels were making a sound. I immediately said: That was Vishnu walking up and down and with his footsteps there had been great chasms created like the ones produced for Sita to disappear under the earth. I dont know why I said that. But later in the noon we knew that tsunami had struck and it had reached Tamil Nad coast including Chennai .And I had a premonition of it, just like a donkey, or like an ant in the cosmos!!!!! These are only some of the experiences. There had been so many .Like the dream showing an ancient temple in which a Yogin takes out several ant-eaten old manuscripts from a deep well, using his hands alone and showers them on my head as if they are flowers and, after that I get several old books including Panchasidhanthika of Varahamihira and Saradathilakathanthra. (After a dream of the 7 Rishis floating as very small swans in a lake in my courtyard). And surprisingly I am able to decipher them, though they are technical books on Astronomy and Vasthusasthra, and I dont have any formal education in either of these disciplines and in Sanskrit. How can I explain such dreams! When I had the recurrent childhood dream in 3 consecutive years from 1977- 1979 on the same day (May 17th) I was convinced that I have a mission in life and all such experiences are for me to realise the purpose of my life. They were messages from a higher power for me to take up a challenge in life. And I took up the challenge and the result is my Mahaa Advaitha for the 21st century in which I integrate science and arts for the healthy, peaceful living of entire humanity. What is the application of such experiments and experiences in our life? How our inner experiences (psi) can change the external world (mind-matter exchange) for positive results? Only scientists are concerned about the data and the procedures. The common man looks at whether it works in his/her case or not. Medical application of psi is traced back to antiquity. Shamanism, spiritual self healing, psychic healing, psychosomatic healing are various names applied to such procedures in medical field. The therapeutic touch is not only of the hands but also of the mind of the healer .Touching the mind of the client by the healers mind requires a purity of thought in the healer. Even distant prayers and positive thoughts have worked wonders in healing experiments the world over. In cancer patients this is a method used.

13 Another field of interest is the psychic or intuitive diagnosis. Edgar Cayce (died in 1945) documented and analysed thousands of such diagnosis.Dr Lawrence Burk (Duke uty medical center) in 1995 described the case of a girl of 13. Without seeing the X-ray or scan reports or biopsy the case was diagnosed as a cancer of pelvic bone spreading to spine and later biopsy proved it. Burk later found that many doctors belonging to the Alternative Medical practice has this remarkable intuitive ability to diagnose. In 1993 and in 1995 conferences the topic of intuitive diagnosis was discussed in detail by physicians. That is, for the pragmatic modern medical man, it is immaterial whether the diagnosis is coming from MRI, Biopsy or from Psi or blood tests. The only concern is that the diagnosis should be dependable, correct and useful for treatment and the treatment should be result-oriented, client-oriented and not oriented towards any lobby. This is the real scientific attitude of a medical scientist. But unfortunately in India , this attitude is lacking and people , without any logical reason just believe that all psi are myths and not useful either for prevention, cure or diagnosis and categorise them as fake medicine. This is due to several reasons, many of them not medical, but business and marketing .The Television show of Amir Khan (satyameva jayathe) was addressing the business and marketing side of medical science and not the scientific part of it, yet we saw how the medical professionals reacted to it. Research implications, economic implications, intelligence implications, educational implications etc are numerous. Scepticism is needed. But it should not be misplaced. It should apply logic and the use to entire world, to humanity as the outcome of an experiment or experience .Is it useful to entire humanity? Is it having logically explainable data and analysis and is this data used for positive effect or not. These questions are important in accepting a new idea. The valid criticisms and invalid criticisms are to be separated and assessed, analysed by a thoughtful mind and a conclusion reached. There are 4 stages by which we, the scientific community accept a new idea. 1 The idea is flat out impossible and is a fake 2. It is possible. But is weak and is uninteresting 3. Idea is important. The evidences are strong and persuasive 4. Every one starts claiming that he/she thought of it first. That means, all wants the idea because it has become acceptable to all. Modern science in 16th century was the 1st stage about eastern mysticism and yoga, and about use of Music as healing etc. And it has moved to the 3rd and 4th stage in all regions and research centers except India. Indian intellectuals are the only people who think now that eastern ideas are all fake. When I started to speak about Music Therapy for integration and healing as Nadalayayoga, I had to face the first 3 stages from my colleagues. Now the 4th stage has come. I can hear many people claiming that they have started the idea first. That shows the success of the programme.

Chapter 2 :Aswattha leaf and Yoni :

14 The Yoni is constructed as a leaf of banyan tree (.with an infant Krishna in it) Yoni has a triangular shape .Usually the Yoni is fixed at the western Mekhala (west coast) or in the southern mekhala (south India). The fire in front is facing the East. South and East are Yaamya .West and north are watery. The yoni of 9th Kunda is within water (ocean) called the Akshajala (water of axis). That is why the banyan leaf as floating in water is depicted by iconographers. The 9th Kunda (which is beyond the 8 directions) is the Aksha (axis) with tip at North and Kunda at South. The pramaana of it is Mushti. (Fist as measure).A yoni with 6 and 12 amsa becomes a natural kunda. (Thanthraanthara). The visthaara or area is according to Kriyaasaara Ekamekhalaapaksha: For aayathachathurasra of 6 and 4 sides it is 24. For 6 and 12 it is 72. For 6 and 2 it is 12 For 8 and 2 it is 16. According to Swaayambhuva the yoni is in the middle of Mekhala and is the area of the Yoni.Sidhanthasekhara, prayogasara, Naaradeeya, Thrailokyasara, Pingalaamatha all give their measurements with slight differences. Yoni has 12 swara. Or 12 positions of swara. Therefore its height is 12 inch in a scale. That is 1 inch makes one position. If we have 6 such scales we get 72 as an aayathachathurasra. The ratio difference is only the difference used by a separate Guru but the formula remains the same. If 1=x area x is the height 1/4x is the top end. That means if 12 is height the area is 24 and tip is 6.If 2x is area height should be 1 and tip .If 3x is area the height is 1.5 and tip .75 For 4x area the height is 2 and tip is .Yonikundam is for getting children and is very auspicious for perpetuation of races (both west coast and south India being rich in rain and rain forests and biodiversity these are the yoni for India for sustenance of races of multitudes of living things including human beings). The square and sarvathobhadra are meditated upon by Brahmins for sarvasidhi and for auspiciousness for all. It is the form of paramaprakruthi and includes circle and triangle within it. Circle is valana or geodesic or chakra (dharma chakra) and is worshipped by kings and kshathriya class for perpetuating dharma (law and order). It is used by them for all shaanthikarma. Triangle is for destruction of enemies and the soodra class desires pooja of that .Merchants and businessmen, travelers to foreign lands for trade and commerce use ardhachandra ( half moon) for prosperity in their endeavors. Ashtadalapadma or 8 petalled lotus is worshipped by all for lot of rains, enough water supply, and healing of all types of diseases and healthy living. Vedika is an auspicious construction with the 4 parabolic curves of fish signs and sarvathobhadra having perfect square shape and circle .The Geometric construction of such structures is described in detail in saradathilakathanthra. It is important to remember that the 4 fish signs intersecting each other are done on potsherds, paper etc for teaching purposes, and with Rajju (threads) for construction of vaasthu on earths surface, but it really represents the Thrikonamithi or Trigonometry on the skyscape and time space field. That vaasthu which has 16 Koshta one within the other is very prosperous. 64 koshta is said several times as very auspicious .

15 The fish signs give 4 soothra . The space in between (antharaaala) the fish signs are again made giving 4 more. In this way from 4 koshta , 64 koshta are made. In this way 200+ 56 pada are constructed by a Manthri ( one who is a scholar in manthrasasthra).Thus 16 X 16 =256 koshta are constructed. In the middle of 36 pada a lotus is drawn , Outside 5 peeta, 2X5 =10 veethika, and dwara (doors) in proportion .(112 for dwara ) .Padmakarana is a mathematical construction rather than a mere religious custom .The one with 64 koshta is called mandookapada and one with 81 koshta is called paramasaayikapadam .They are shown below. 64 koshtam (mandookapadam):N

S 81 koshtam ( paramasaayikapadam ) Also called Navanaabham or Navanidhimandalam .:-

The central one is divided to 9 parts as madhyamor Brahmam and the 8 around it is Devaveethi . This navanidhimandala or navanaabha as the ultimate reclining place of Vishnu ( paramasaayikamandala) is very famous in Kerala vaasthu and when a poorna vasthu is made as in Thiruvananthapuram Padmanaabhaswami temple , the navarathna treasury is placed beneath, for

16 protection of entire Indian races .( including all living things- plants and animals).The padma which the Thanthriks make for pooja and the Kola which women draw on doorsteps etc are only symbols of these geometric construction and are mathematical . The sreeyanthra contains all types of geometric constructions assembled in one.The model is based on the model of the cosmos. Panchaasad varna or 51 aksharavarna are 51 kala and are formed due to difference in the thaarapanchaka (thaarapanchakabheda) . Ashtathrimsad (83) +panchaasad (51)+ gupthakala ( 5 Icha,jnana,kriya,chith,anandam) =49 devathaathmaka Vaayu which gives us life. ( 7 X 7=49). Sankaracharya says : First Prakruthi Hamsa ;next Vishnu that spreads everywhere, next thryambaka , 4th the place which is beyond these 3 (thureeya) and 5th is vishnuyoni or the root from where Vishnu originate .Chathurnavathi ( 49 and vipareetha 94) devatha are manthraathmadevatha worshipped outside .

Hamsam : white Vishnu : blue Thryambakam : Brown Paraadhikam: Grey Vishnuyoni : Yellow gold Around it the shape of Shivalinga is colourless. When we sing Rks and samamanthra with the thaarapanchaka , joining the different kala one by one , we can create endless .In chathurnavathi number all these endless arts and sciences are present .( Avaahanam of all done ).Praanaprathishta is done in vasthu . Everything is the pada of praana. Vaak,manas, eyes,nose, ears and every Kosa in body is its pada.It is everywhere and it is sarvavyaapi.This vyapanaseela of Hamsadwaya (praana) gives it the name Vishnu . The two praana

17 (praanahamsadwaya) is also called the two agni or energy of life (Bioenergy) and this has a secret name . This is drawn as two circles one above the other or one on side of the other .

This is the sarvajeevapradaayaka or the life-giving principle for everything on earth. This is the Lemniscates or Anantha symbol of Vishnu and is a mathematical phenomenon discovered by Indians as Poojya or soonya which has no dik,desa,kaala,gathi or phala and called Zero or Hindsath. The symbol is part of sacred geometry and is seen in Indus valley , Harappan art. The symbol forms an engraving within a bangle in Harappan civilization and bangles as the sign of permanence of a healthy long married life and racial continuity ( serpent symbol) is worn by Indian women till date. Kshudradundubhi sign : Padmapaadaachaarya says when two squares conjoin and make a 8 pointed structure, two straight lines each join in middle ( parasparam lagnam as co-ordinates between each other) and creates the shape of a Kshudradundubhi. This is what we see in a Light cone of Einstein. Draw 2 circle around the kshudradundubhi .The 8 ends of the outermost circle is made into 8 petals . The third circle is created around it. Then make a ghata ( pot) around all these 3 circles .This is described as a yanthra or instrument creation. Because of union of squares there are anantham ( endless) koshta possible, and makes blessings to all users. In dakshinamoorthisamhitha 2 bhoobimba ( earths symbol 2 numbers) are conjoined to get a beautiful ashtakon ( 8 angled structure) and the lines at the angles are elongated to get a beautiful Arggala shape on the line. With one measure of it make a arggalaashtakam . At its end draw a moon shape (circle). Inside it another circle and thus a Vasukoshtayugam is gradually formed. Because of the angles the vasudwaya happen with equal and beautiful form. In this Triangle, square and circle ( Thrikona,chathura, vritha) are equal . Above it the kesara of the ashtadalapathra is Maaayaaswara.(The 4th swara is maaya). This is EE ( in Indus valley and Egyptian Moscow papyrus and in Thovary cave of North Kerala it is shown as

18 This when written in upside position is the same pronounciation script in Tamil .This represents the ashtadala, thrimoorthy, left eye, God or Eswara, Koutilya(curved line ), Vaagmi(oratory), suddha (pure) ,jihua ( tongue) and is reveled by Maayaaavishnu (Maayaaavishnuprakaasitha). Figure :

visualizing ThrailokyaMohini in Thrikootapadmapeeta with an inverted Triangle as India :This is in the Peetadhyaana part since the peeta or dwelling place of Indians is the Indian subcontinent . Its vasthu is meditated upon.


The structure is inside a trough filled with water called Suraabdhi all around the three sides . Padmam is a poojaayanthra and 9 yoni is the padmakarnika or center of lotus. In it are the 9 sakthi or powers. Draw a circle and divide the eastern soothra into 4. part of it is avoided and from 2nd part onwards upto end of 3rd part is taken.At the lower part of this section make an arrow, and the point of intersection (first part to third part) make arrows to get a navayonimandala. Around this karnika draw the padmadalavritha and bhoogriha .

kaamalingayanthram (Devakeeputhrayanthram):-

20 Make a square . In angles soolam and 2 valayam ( circles ) and 8 slokavarnakshara are written. Around it 12 parts and around it the Devakiputhrayanthra. The 111th sloka , second line if reversed we get the first line . Sloka 111 : tham sukeedeva deve tham tham deve varatho rat ham Tham ratho rava tho khyaa tham tham khyaatham devakeesu tham .This is considered as the most ancient and the most secret Simsumaarayanthra of Mahavishnu , described in the Veda. Figure :-

This is the basic structure and it represents the letter KAa in Indus Brahmi script for Brahmalinga as well as Kaamalinga . The whole simsumara thus constructed is as follows : Figure from my manuscript :-


Jwaragna or BHOOMAA :-

Has 64 squares .In outer square 28 smaller ones : write letter yam ( maruth /praana with Krishna colour essential for life on earth). The next one is raktha , fire or energy (bioenergy field) and it has 20 smaller squares on which Ram is written. The next one is 12 small squares on which Lam ( prithwi or earth proper is written and it has Golden yellow colour ). Inside the 4 small squares represent water and hence write Vam on it and give white colour. The 4 bhootha are thus represented . the sushira or holes which exist in all bhootha is Akkaasa or field of spacetime and this is Ham which is suklatharam ( the most white and sathwik) and represents Brahman itself. It is everywhere .Both in and out of everything as Naada and prakaasa (vibratory particles ).


When a vasthu is constructed with 64 squares like this the outermost ( beyond the Yam ) is left free .The black space all around is for war , burial grounds, and industries involving butchery and making of leather goods. This is to prevent pollution of water and air inside the city which can cause severe environmental problems. ( which we do face today in every city of India ). The red space is for hospitals, diseased and lame ones , those who have severe thirst and hunger ,desires and mental diseases due to these. The red colour denote desires (kaamakrodha, and ragadwesha ) and people with desire for killing are kept there too. Inside is the golden earth with its plentiful bounty , and the defence fortress from the greedy living outside. It is raksha (defence) and wealth and protected area . Most inside is the white the colourless water which is pure . The functions of saanthikam,poushtikam ,aakarshanam etc are here and this is dwelling space for the sathwik people, women and children, people who do agricultural activities and educational activities. The suddhatheertha are the pure sacred waters around which people of this type dwell . Thus developed the River valley civilizations on ancient Indian soil. Since ya is 1;ra is 2;la is 3 and va is 4 :1X28=28 2X 20=40 3X12=36 4X4=16 makes a total of 120 and this is 1/4th of a circle (120 X4 =360).

In a previous chapter we had spoken about the creation of universe and the sushirachihnam and Brahman as the sath or Hindsath, the truth of Indians zero. This is not empty space and it is called Soonya , not because it is empty but , because it has no directions, measureable spacetime, gathi or movement , and cause and effect etc .It is full of energy .Therefore this sath ( Truth) is called Chidroopa. Its form is chid or enrgy.That is, it is not empty space but a field of energy. Full of energy . The definition of Minskousky space and its outcome : A field-free space does not exist , may be coming to our minds. The enrgy in it has only one quality. What is that ? The Indian sciences say- Naada or orderly sound . That being the own quality of the Truth it is called Swam (own) and being energy , it is Ra . Thus swara is a specific name for that orderly rhythmic waves of energy which makes us happy (Blissful/Ananda) and since it makes us happy it makes our heart united (Ranjayathi) and by their movement the music created is Raga . ( Ranjayathi and Gamana ).Gamana and gamaka are the movements of the Nada waves producing different Raga. Though this music of the space-time continuum is eternal , it is reaching our ears only if there is a vayumandala around our planet. Without Vayumandala , life is not possible and enjoyment of senses including Nada is impossible. The chalana or gathi of the Vayu or air around our earth is like two twin divine beings The 2 Monsoon winds which bring bounty, rain, wealth, fauna and flora . This is especially so in a Tropical area like India, and thus developed the concept of the 2 Aswins . The Aswin means the people who travel on Horses, Aswa also means breath. The Vaayuchalana is movement of the aswins. They move with a Gana (guild) of Maruths ( 7 X7=49

23 numbers which is a perfect square ) so that they encircle the globe with their trade and commerce and these trade winds and their course was known to Tropical people from ancient times. The two bangle sign seen in sacred geometry of Indus valley and Harappan people is the two sushira intertwined , a sign of Aswins and of movement of winds . when the movement is mature it becomes Agni

with a Triangular shape of 3 globes.when the 4th one is added its rasa is water .It has a movement with wavy pattern having sines and cosines just like the wave of eternal sound in the eternal sushira of Brahman.Thus the same sakthi (power or energy) is manifested in five different ways in the same sushira or Brahman. It is the same sakthi which is manifested in the universe that is functioning on our earth as well as in our body , mind and intellect. That functions in everything, everywhere. The abhivyakthi is called Sarggam .Thus creation is a manifestation of the unmanifested sakthi (energy) in different ways .This is the story of evolution in Indian science which is very scientific when we look at the modern science and its views. In the soundwave energy of spacetime (Naada) all other qualities of the universe are residing in an unmanifested state. This subtle form of energy manifest one by one as different elements as a sphota .( what may be called a Bang )and this sphota is abhivyakthi or manifestation and it is a natural law. When knowledge , poetic words manifest in mind of a human being , that also is called a sphota , because it is a manifestation akin to manifestation of power of Naada.When sphota happen it has the shape of a Kshudradundubhi ( In Malayalam it is an Udukku. It is a katunthudi or the Dakka in hands of Siva). . It has 4 faces, 2 lines of energy , and moves as a swasthika making what we now call the Einsteins light cones.These are shown in the diagrams above. Coming to the earth it is said that Savajrakam chathurasram bhoomi. Bhoograham chathurasram syaadashtavajravibhooshitham according to Sounaka an ancient astronomer of

24 India. Vajram is a co-ordinate union of 2 Rekha , making 3 faces facing each other.In the middle of the union is the 2 lines . (Sambandhamadhyam rekhaadwayam). In Indian iconography it is like this :

It is two hemispheres separated and placed upside down and united by the Rekhaadwaya. The upper hemisphere is the upper worlds and lower one is the earth and the Vayumandala and the space above it makes the thw lines connecting them.It also represents the human body with the head, and pelvis connected by a trunk.Thus Pindanda and Brahmanda represented by a single diagram and the trunk contains the spinal cord and sushumna which makes us able to understand the structure of the entire universe by the communication channels of energy from all over the body. The hayaravala are 8,1,2,4, and 3 respectively and a yoga called lavarayaha ( 34218) is a mnemonics for opposite union like this. When thrivithkarana is done the three parts may or may not be equal and such unbalanced and different ratio creations give rise to biodiversity, and diversity in creation. In vaasthu we spoke of malsyachathushkam and soothrachathushkam in its middle. Thus we get a square with 4 equal squares within. The process of dividing this into 64 is described . In this way the vaasthusareera which is actually a circle or globe , ( earth as a globe/circle) is made into a square for construction purposes . The process is called chathurasreekarana. ( Making squares from a spherical geometrical shape ). To get 64 squares one has to do 7 functions or Kriya.In vasthupurushathanthra , it is said that the oldest chakra or wheel (cycle) is the Ahichakra (serpent wheel) also called Raahuchakra ( since it is concerned with the earth having ahas and rathri , due to its revolution). This is the Raahumandala or field of energy of the earth which human race first observed and recorded for posterity.

25 Ahichakra : 8 lines above. 5 lines in opposite directions. Thus ashtavimsathi koshta or small squares. Ashtavimsathi is 84. The 7 dhruva ( which does not move ) are the 7 stars Pousha, Aswini, Yaamyam, Krutthika,Magham, Utharaphaalguni, and bhaagyadam. In this 100 aksha are drawn. The second pamkthi has pushya and hastha. The 3rd has Abhijith, Vishnu, Dhanishta, soumya, Roudra,Punarvasu, chithra .These 7 are called the seven of Vishnu ( Vishnaasya sapthakam or dhishnaasya sapthakam). The 4th is viswarksham,thoyabham,moolam,jyeshta,maithram,visakham ,swathi.Thus 28 stars are given places . 1st pankthi: Revathi,aswathi,bharani,karthika,magham,poorvotharam 2nd: Uthradam,pooraadam,moolam,thrikketta,anizham,visakham,chothi 3rd: abhijith,Thiruvonam,avittam,makayiram,thiruvathira,punartham,chithra 4th :Uthrattaathi, poororuttaathi, chathayam,rohini, aayilyam, pooyam, attham These are drawn (Prasthaaram) in a shape of serpent (sarppa). Uthamamandalam has 9 X 9 =81 hastham as kshethraphalam (area) Madhyama has 7 X7 =49 Adhama or kaneeymandala 5 X5 =25 According to prathishtaasarasamgraham each increase is by 2 . 12, 14, 16, 18, 20 , 22, 24 so on. Dwidwihasthapravruddhitham according to sidhanthasekharam. Madhyamam is less than 10 sunrays . It is good for only one particular community. It is a samanyaparimanam only ( a general measure ). If one wants to bring about good for entire world it is not enough. It will be good then to use 12 X 12 measurement ( 144 being the entire earth measure ). Thus Dwadasamandala of zodiac is for entire world. In the dwadasamandala eruct 16 sthambha and in it 4 should be in middle . 8 should be very high. The Madhya is the chathurvedi (sthambachathushkamadhyam vedika). 16 hastham is height of the sthamba. Its 1/5th (panchamaamsam) is recorded on a a scale as. For 12 , 2.4 inch is 1/5. Instead of scale the word sthambapramaanam is seen. Pramaanam is thus a measuring scale .For 120 it is 24 . This is the 24 hour measuring scale for time as days.In sthoolaparidhi ( gross circumference) divide the 7 kulasaila ( sapthakulasaila of India) with 22 .It represents PA or paridhi (Now called pai ). If 10 is the diameter 220/ 7 is taken .Then we get 31 and shishtam (balance) 3. 51 aksharavarna are present in Sanskrit and many other Indian languages. This multiplied by 3 gives 153 which according to Indian Jyothissasthra is the Raahumaana or measure of Rahu. Every 75 to 76 years we find the puccha (tail ) of Rahu (earth) as a dhoomakethu ( flag of smoke ) and this (76 X 2=152) is recorded by astronomers. 152 + 1 is Rahumanam. This oldest Vaasthuvibhaga

26 of earth is very important since man can assess the universe only from the earth. The calculation I have already discussed in my other books . So that I need not repeat it. Gayathri japam: Thathwalaksham is chathurvimsathilaksham or 24 lakhs. If one person do japa of gayathri 3 times in 3 sandhya every day he is doing japa 9 times /day. If 24 people do it in unison it becomes 9 X24=216/day If 24 people X 12 days =2592 times /12 days If 240 people do it for 3 months (90 days) =259200 times The same number is achieved if 2400 people for 12 days .That is we can lessen time (number of days) and increase number of people to achieve the desired effect within short period. This si a practical demonstration of co-operative spirit as well as a demonstration of a mathematical principle. 259200 is the total time for one ayanamsa cycle . 216 X 11 =2376. To achieve this we need 11 days 24 people.This is a simple way of teaching mathematics without the high and mighty elitist formula which is digestible only to a few people. Aksharam 1X1 =1 2X2=4 3X3=9 4X4=16 5X5=25 6X6=36 7X7=49 8X8=64 9X9=81 10X10=100 11X11=121 12X12=144 13X13=169 14X14=196 15X15=225 16X16=256 17X17=289 18X18=324 19X19=361 Sikha 1X2=2 3X2=6 4X2=8 5X2=10 6X2=12 7X2=14 8X2=16 9X2=18 10X2=20 11X2=22 12X2=24 13X2=26 14X2=28 15X2=30 16X2=32 17X2=34 18X2=36 19X2=38 20X2=40

In the first column the differences are odd numbers like 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, .etc and manyof them are primes. In the second column the differences are even numbers. Now , we understand how to construct a perfect square and how to make Sikha or sikhi ( dhoomakethu ) from it . For constructing a sathaakshari we need 100 akshara and 11 lines , and 22 sikha .


Sathaakshari: 11 rekha (lines) are drawn with 22 sikha (flames) The outermost 36 small squares and the central 4 squares are omitted and then write 100 numbers within all the other small squares .. This is sathaakshari.

Quest for God , infinity and a mystical dream The experience of infinity is a metaphysical one. One who gets that experience is fascinated by it, and an intellectual search of absolute infinite follows. It is not a dry academic search. As George Cantor said, it is a souls quest for God.One may or may not reach the goal and see God or not. In either case, the quest itself gives enlightenment to the seeker.My quest for infinity started at a very young age while I was just 7 or 8 years old . And I have traversed the paths of various arts and sciences and in the wonder and beauty of the infinite Truth I have lost myself in a reverie on my luck and good fortune to have lead such a fruitful life of enquiry. In Lalithasahasranama commentary , I had described the numerical value of the first and last names of the sthothra as 256 ( a perfect square of 16 X 16) and the 33631 ( 336 being 16 X 21 and 31 being

28 (16 X1)+ 15 or 32-1 ) Add the 2 we get 16 X22=352 +15=367 which is 366+1 (366 being the paithamahapanchavarsheeya number of days in a year ) . Letter Number Ka,ta,pa,ya 1 Kha,Tha, pha,ra 2 Ga,Da,ba,la 3 Gha,Dha,bha ,va 4 Ng,Na,ma,Sa 5 Cha,tha, sha 6 Ccha,thha,sa 7 Ja,da,ha 8 Jha ,dha, 9 Nj, na 0 All swara have 1 number.This is the katapayaadi numerical system. 33 vyanjana and 16 swara (49 total which is a perfect square of 7 is thus obtained for 49 varna or 49 praanamaruths. In Arabic 28 letters and their numerical value is l (Ref .Diary of Nalapat Narayanamenon):A Ba Tha Ssa ja Hya Hha Da Rra RA Sssa Sa Sha Swa Ppa Tho Lla Lnu Ga Ph Ko Ka La Ma Rla Va Ha Ya 1 2 400 500 3 8 600 4 700 200 7 60 300 90 800 9 900 10 1000 80 100 20 30 40 50 6 5 10

Read with this numerical value the first line of Khuran gives 786.

29 The magic square of Mercury (Budhagraha) used by ancient Arabs had a numerical value as below . Figure :1 Arabi letters and numerals .Page from Nalapat Diary .

Figure 2 : Magic square of Mercury used by Arabs before Islam .


Lalithasahasranaama tables for Nithya ( page 81) gives a difference of 63, 17, 36, 06 , 69,77, 64 and 65 . and ( page 210) gives the numerical values of the 7 devatha, from dakini to yakini as 16,12,10,6,4, 2 in order , a total of 50 letters each having a different colour .The visual imagery of Sreedharas mathematical formuls is of 3 types ( see page 233) .These are :1.Meruprasthaana ( 16 thithinithya method) 2.Bhooprasthaara ( 8 vagdevatha method) 3.kailasaprasthaara ( 50 +1 =51 maathrukaavarna method Beyond kailasa is mahakailasa which is beyond any calculation or imagination and hence infinite.36 thathwa makes all universes and + 1 =37 means a infinity which is beyond all, beyond even word and thought.Kailaasa asseth kila means that which was there before creation. It is not a particular mountain top .Meru also is not a particular area , but a state beyond reach .The bhooprasthara of 45 degree is a reachable knowledge , has a limit ( paridhi ) and it has 4 types of vidya which tries to explain and grasp the nature of the universe and beyond. 1. Yajnavidya : All the known Karma and actions human beings and other living things do including medical science ,arts etc

31 2. Mahaavidya : All meditations, concentration, thoughtful contemplations, upasana and yogasadhana 3. Guhyavidya :Esoteric, manthra, thanthra, mathematics or ganitha ,jyothisha, secret doctrines 4. Aathmavidya or Brahmavidya : Wisdom of the self ( vedantha , veda , darsana etc ) The bhooprasthara is a limited space with 8 nagara ( towns) where the 8 dikpaala ( protectors of 8 directions reside ) and they are servants of the soorya (sun) .Each dik has 45 degree limit under each of the dikpala. This is part of a 120 degree limit empire of 3 people city of sunrise, city of middle and city of sunset. Due to cyclical, varthula gathi or movement of bhoodevi , 5/8 of the sphere has sunlight and that part is called Sooryapragya. The decimal fraction is .625. 3/8 has no sunlight and has to be lighted up with a deepa ( lamp) for human beings to see , therefore called deepapragya. The decimal is .375. 8/8 =1 .625+.375=.1000 or simply .1 . Vaasthugriha of bhoodevi is placed in the cosmos with 27 stellar fields all around . Of these 10 kala is of Brahmaagni, 12 kala of sun and 16 kala of moon .Thus the Thejomandalakala is 38 The ratio of Brahmamandalakala is 10:10:10:4:16 for Brahma,Vishnu,Rudra ,eeswara and sadashiva. The total is 50 kala Man utilizes 64 kala per day . The total kala thus becomes : 38+50+64 = 152 kala which is called the Raahumaaanam or measurement of the serpent of Ahorathra ( serpent of day and night / or earth as a naagadevi). Kala means a small measure . 18 nimesham is one kala. It is not measurable . one nimesham means the opening of one eyelash. 100 such nimesha or drushtikaala is a veda which also is immeasurable. 3 veda (thrayi) =300 drishti=1 lavam which is the smallest measureable time .It is time needed to prick a lotus leaf with a very sharp needle tip. From here onwards time is orderly measured as follows : 3 lava= 1 nimisham 3 nimisham-1 kshanam (9 lavam) 5 kshanam ( 15 nimisham or 45 lavam) = 1 kashta From kashta onwards the sthoola or gross body with 10 directions starts . It is the smallest unit of a gross body . The unit of the cosmic Bheemaakaara gross purusha is this body of mother earth . 15 such kashta is one laghu ( measured in music also as time of aksharakaala) or maathra. 15 laghu makes one naadi and 2 naadi makes one muhoortha , and 6 muhoortha is one yama and eight such yama makes one day of 24 Hora which is equal to= 1440 muhoortham,468000 nimisham, 972000 lavam .If we try to see this in a mathematical way , we will get the concept of infinite time in Indian mind . This will become the Koch curve with its infinite spikiness due to infinite angles making infinite squares and circles. What cantor said about infinity ( that it is not a mere concept but various degrees of infinity does exist) was described by Indian mathematics in this way.1/3rd of a 24 hr is again divided into 8 yama, making it 1/8th of the 1/3rd and a muhoortha 1/16th, a naadi is 1/36th , a laghu is 1/540th, a kaashta is 1/8100 th and a kshana is 1/40500th a lava is 1/121500th of a day . Thrayi is 1/ 364500th , and one veda is 1/3rd of it . Veda or sruthi is thus a very subtle immeasurable wave or vibration od sound in the cosmic infinity.

32 Figure 3:-

Symbol of infinity is a double serpent in figure of 8 pattern in India , and it is called Alpha in Greek , alef in Hebrew alef , and in Mathematics the Alef Null of Cantor.Being infinite means being one without a limit . Limits are of time, space,dirction,movement ,cause and effect etc etc .That which has none of these limits is Infinite and that which has either one or more of these limits is not infinite. This infinite without limits of dik,desa,kaala,gathi,phala ( hence called soonya) is the sath or truth of the Indians (Hindus according to Persian pronounciation) and this zero or poojya or soonya (sunna) they called Hind sath ( the truth of the Indians ) . This infinite alone is truth for the Indian mind. The infinite alone is Truth .Borrowing Platonian philosophy , St Augustine said only God is infinite and only God can have infinite thoughts and hence infinite minds .This was taken up by Christian and later on Islam thinking that God is a HE , which actually limits God . They said although God is infinite , and his power unlimited ,God cannot make a unlimited thing ( an unlimted universe ) .(St Thomas Aquinas in Summa Theologia ).When Europe came in contact with India for the first time Aristotle and his disciples improved their knowledge of Astronomy, Maths and many other sciences ..In 1600 when Europe came in contact with India for a second time, Galileo Galilei said the smaller length infinity can be turnrd to the larger one by adding infinite number of infinitely small gaps.The famous Galileos paradoxis nothing but the squares and square roots from 1 to 7.He said : we cannot speak of infinite quantities as being the one greater or less than or equal to another. 1 1 2 4 3 9 4 16 5 25 6 36 7 49 It is paradoxical because, most natural numbers are notperfect squares so that the set of perfect squares is smaller than the set of natural numbers. But since every natural number is square root of exactly one perfect square , it seems there are as many perfect squares as natural numbers. In Europe the first signs of modern attitude to actual infinite in mathematics started with Galileo.Infinite numbers obey a different arithmetic from finite numbers became known only from his times in Europe.250 years later George Cantor modified the concept. The position in space as a function of time introduced calculus to Europe in 1600 . To find the velocity or

33 gathi of a moving body, whose distance from its starting point is given as function of time. To calculate Gathi /velocity at a point or instant one imagines speed over an infinitely small time interval. This infinitly small time interval is the infinitesimal. It has many strange rules 1 Added to a regular number , it can be ignored , treated as a zero. 2 It is different from zero and can be used as a denominator of a fraction 3 Adding finitely many infinitesimals together gives another infinitesimal. 4 Adding infinitely many of them, can give either an ordinary number or an infinitely large quantity. Use of infinitely small and infinitely large numbers in calculus was later replaed by limit process.In 1800s Cantor theory of actual infinite came . cochs curve is the beautiful figure that show this. He showed that infinity is not an all or nothing concept and that there are degrees of infinity. Timespace which never begins or ends is a physical infinity. Human race or any other race with continueing generations is a temporal infinity.Is matter infinitely divisible ?It may never be decided . Now scientists have used a high colliding accelerator and is calling a boson a God particle. But in next generation can a still smaller particle be produced by man using more sophisticated technology ? Infinite mindscape :-Mathematics and philosophy does not say much about the mystical wisdom.Mystically , one can experience a direct vision of whole mindscape. Vision cannot be rationally communicated but can communicate in indirect way,and it is attained at once or not at all. No gradual path for its attainment. The mindscape , the class of all sets and class of all true propositions are all infinite . But what if one argues that the mindscape , and class of sets and propositions do not exist ? What happens if one argues that God as limitless infinite does not exist is the same situation . You cant see your own mindscape, set and propositions and God , but you can experience them . The reflection principle argument is used by modern mathematicians for this. Old mathematicians also used the mirror image concept ( bimbaprathibimba).Unless the mind mirror is extremely clean the absolute infinite truth will not reflect in it. Using akarani for proof of continued magnitudes by geometrical algebra called kuttakam , which is a permutation combination is well known in India .The Indus valley weights, measures etc show this clearly.A number is rational only if it has a repeating decimal expansion. 22/7 is the paridhi aanayana number . ( the number for finding the limit or paridhi called PA , at present called Pai a transcendental number ) 22/7= 3.142857,142857,. Kuttakam of 2/7 28571428.=285714 2. 00000000 1 4 60 56 40 35

34 50 49 10 7 30 28 20 14 60 56 4. Dedekind accepted the actually infinite sets of the cut as fundamental. All different actually infinite cut-sets exists in mindscape and all real numbers are already there , whether or not they can be finitely named or constructed. Imagine a mountain , a meru , which is higher than infinity. Climb the first cliff in one hour next in hour, third in hour the nth cliff in 1/2n hours. 1+1/2+1/4+1/8+1/16+. =2 After 2 hours we pass infinitely many cliffs. Yet more and many more exists.. The transfinite or ordinals/ordinary numbers are like that.The kailasa as limitless spoken of is this mahaameru or a ziggurath (sikharam of infinity immeasurable yet experienced) Newton and Leibniz used both infinities and infinitesimals to develop differential and integral calculus .alpha was used for infinity and dx for infinitesimal numbers by them. Suppose our universe was more than omega miles diameter .Can we travel a transfinite number of miles from earth ? If we can accelerate upto any speed short of light ( 7 million per hour) it is possible. When we travel closer to speed of light our time runs slower relative to rest of universe. The first billion miles at .4 the speed of light take 2 hrs. the next billion at.6 the speed of light only one hour . third billion at .7 the speed of light only hour.After 4 hours you will be past milestone omega. Cantors theory of matter made of alef zero mass monads packed densely together like rationl number pack on a number line is interesting. He thought of alef one monads of ether of heat,light,electrical and magnetic energy also. Suppose spacetime is finite and quantized. And that a finite number of spacetime locations exist. Then a complete picture of universe could be given by specifying what is to be found at each of the locations.

Figure 4:-

35 The universe is imagined as a large, finite, four-dimensional board with white stones (matter) and black stones (antimatter) . Eduard Wette thought universe is like this with (10) 10 10 spacetime locations. ( 1000). His idea was unpopular among mathematicians. Eddingtons fundamental theory was another model. Godel was like Einstein, one who thought of developing a structure of thought which will reach not only the elite but also the layman. The incompleteness theorem is a mathematical proof but says that rational thought can never penetrate to the final ultimate truth.Rudy Rucker describes him as a very normal, smiling,laughing , humourous and friendly person quite unlike many a mathematician who pretends to be stiff and intellectual. He chose to live in isolation. He had vast knowledge and could discuss things enthusiastically like a young person.He was a thinker in love with mathematics, physics and philosophy.He said that mathematical entities exist independently of the activities of mathematicians just as stars would be there whether a astronomer is there to look at them or not.We do not create a mental object, but find them on some higher plane that the mind see into by a process not unlike sense perception.A possibility is observer-independent and therefore real, because it is not subject to our will. That which is not subject to human will is the Real . That which we think is real ( like the Empire state building _ which is subject to human will) is unreal. This is what we call mithya or maaya of samsara .He shared with Einstein a mystical turn of thought. Mysticism is not occultism.The central teaching of mysticism is reality is oneadvaitha. Practice of mysticism is finding ways to experience this higher unity directly. Godell told Rudy Rucker that mind is everywhere is the basic teaching of mysticism. illusion of passage of time is due to confusion of the given with the real. Because we think of occupying different realities. In truth we occupy only different given,Reality is only ONE. In the middle of January 1978 , Rudy dreamt that Godell was reaching out to touch a chessboard and he knocked it down .The chessboard expanded in an infinite mathematical plane and then vanished. A play of symbols followed by emptiness. The emptiness that flooded even white light. Next day morning when she woke up she heard Curt Godell died that night . The one-many (ekam-anekam) table on page 222 of Rudy Rucker Actual infinite Platonism Truth Thoughts Semantics Minds Nameable reals Mysticism Way of unity inward way Brahman= athman Everything=I am Right brain Prajna ONE EKAM Potential infinite Formalism Provability Words Syntax Machines/technology Random reals Rationalism

Left brain Vijnana MANY ANEKAM Satori

36 INTERFACE ENLIGHTENMENT Mysticism as an extreme form of monism or advaitha is simplicity . It is direct immeadiate experience of ones identity with everything in cosmos and hence with God. In that state such mystical predictive dreams do occur to individuals. Figure 5 : Geometrical analogy consciousness as circle.

Inward contraction to , . 1. Outward expansion to 1,2,4.Endless halving of inner way to expansion as unity . zero in center and alpha at periphery at same place is accomplished by concentrating on to point inside the circle first and then bending circle in to shape of a Torus as in Temporal infinities . When I speak about my personal experiences , my predictive childhood and adult dreams and my enquiries into reality and truth people might say that I dont have a formal degree in Mathematics . But the author of the book Infinity and the mind Rudy Rucker is a mathematician in Randolph Macon womans college Lynchburg . She is well aware of Indian Advaitha and Budhism and mysticism of India and compares the modern mathematics and philosophy with them and also gives beautiful examples of her own mystical experiences .She cant be labeled as a Hindu fundamentalists by the so called pseudo-intellectuals ( simply because I happen to be an Indian woman they do this to me.) . Any individual trying to realize truth whether in east or west will reach the same spot the truth as Oneness of entire creation . What we call it is not important but we experience it at least once in this short lifetime is very very important .That makes our life beautiful and blissful.

37 Vimsaankayanthra from Nalapat diary : Draw from east to west 4 lines and from south to North 4 lines .A chathushkona or chathushka with 4 angles ( square) is obtained .Write the following numbers in the small squares like this : vasu (8)nanda(9)huthaasana(3)nethra(2)muni(7)pramatthaa (11)adhipa (10)veda(4),rasa(6) in order. Since it gives number 20 in all dimenstions it is called a vimsaankayanthra. (vimsa =20).Sittting quite and concentrating imagine the form of this king of instruments . Be silent, concentrated and without any stress or distraction of mind. This is for 4 purushartha for all people .There are different types of vimsankayanthra .( see figure below). Number 20 is vimsamka .Number 15 is panchadasi . It is the unit magic square and is called Lopamudrasoothra and panchadasiyanthra and in some books as Sreeraamayanthra. In sivarahasya it is called navagrahasanthiyanthra. The letters from 1 to 9 represent the following : From east to west is sathwik and opposite is thaijasam and from south to north is vaayaveeya and opposite is earthly (parthivam) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 sun 2.moon 3. Mars 4. Mercury 5. Guru 6 venus Saturn Rahu Kethu This is for meditation on bhadreswara who gives bhadram ( auspiciousness/ protection) to all. On thursdayand Friday , Brahmana ( with teaching profession) , on Tuesday and Sunday kshathriya ( who wants victory in war, defence of own country) , on Wednesday the soodra ( who needs education, intellect ) and on Monday the Vaisya ( business and trade people,merchants ) and on Saturday the Mlecha ( who are not these 4 varna ) does japa and pooja of Bhadreswara for auspiciousness. Brahmana write in bhoorjapathra, kshathriya in thamrapathra (cheppeTu) vaisya and Yona (yavana) write on Kaagada ( clothes made of cotton, woolen and silk depending upon availability geographically), and soodra on sand and earth . All read and write , but on different material ..It is interesting to note that writing was developed by man first on sand ( earth, cave walls etc) , then on leaves and barks of trees ( called Bhoorja ) . Thus soodra became Brahmana /learned . The writing on bhooraja ( pronounced differently as boorasa ,boorjjapathra etc ) when written on leaves of a plant in another continent became paapyras,paapiraja .Even the term Cyprus ( a place) is based on a tree sypiraja, sypirasa which was used for writing notes. Woolen is called chakalaas and paper as Katalaas even now in Malayalam language showing the origin from the function of it as paper . In North India kaagaz is the term for it . The term kaagada for writing on cloth is derived from this . The terms indicate the origin of writing in earth,and caves of earth , developing to writing on leaves and barks , and then to cloths ( because when people discarded clothes of leaf and bark and used cotton, wool and silk they started to write on it) and finally on metal ( thamra or copper plates.)

Figure : 6 Vimsaankayanthram


39 Figure 7 : Thrikonayanthram is a triangular figure.

All the desires will be fulfilled by people who have this in their hands . This is also called the Sreevalsa on the chest of Vishnu and represents Devi Sree ( auspiciousness). AbheeshtasiddhiSreehasthathalaGocharam.

Figure 8 : different types of Vimsankayanthra



Figure : 9 : Loshu (Lopamudrasoothra/navagrahasanthiyanthra, panchadasiyanthra) 8 types .



The figures of vachanasidhi, pakshi akarshana ,phalavrudhi, dusswapnanaasaka,icchaapraapthikara m and vridhiyanthra ,moododhaarayanthra ,garbhasthambana ,soubhagyavrudhi ,puthrolpathi and swanavisha ,drishtiyanthra are given below from the diary of Nalapat Narayana menon . Some of them are magic squares , some semimagical and some have been deciphered mathematically by me while others I have no idea about. Figure 10 : vachanasidhi and pakshiaakarshana



Figure 11 :Phalavriddhi and dusswapnanaasana


Figure 12 : icchaapraapthi and Vruddhi


Fig: 13 .Moododdhaara and garbhasthambhana


Figure 14: soubhagyavruddhi and puthrolppathi


Figure 15: swaanavisha and drushtiyanthra

Figure 16, 17 and 18 are three pages from Srinivasa Ramanujan Notebook showing magic squares


Fig 16


Fig 17


Fig 18


Vachanasidhi if we add numbers in transverse, vertical and in 2 dis=agonals give the following numbers. Horizontal: from a bove downwards : 169;189;187;195. Vetical from left to right : 168;188;188 ;196;diagonals : 176 and 188.This yanthra lacks 5 .From 1 to 4 and then from 6 to 9 are present .If we construct a figure with the sum of the horizontal,vertical and diagonal

Fig 19 : construction from vachanasidhi

Pakshi aakarshana has Horizontals from above downwards : 138;135;138;137;138;134;138;138 The 2 diagonals are 138 and 135.

54 Thus the figure constructed will be : Figure 20 Pakshi aakarshana

dusswapnanaasaka has letters instead of numbers. Taking the Katapayadi numbers for letters : ga is 3 ccha is 7,ja is 8,cha is 6,na is 0,TTa is 2 , and Ta is 1 .Replace the numbers with letters the yanthra is : 1st column horizontal : 3, 7, 8 ,6 + 24 2nd : 7,0,8,2 =17 3rd 2,8,2,6=18 4th 0,7,8, 1=16 The vertical columns from right to left are : first : 3,7,2,0=14 2nd 7,0,8,7 =22 3rd 8,8,2,8 =26 4th 6,2,6,1=15 Diagonals are very unequal numbers 6 and 22 .This is not at all a magic square . If we construct the yanthra it is as follows:

55 Figure 21 dusswapnanaasana

Ichaapraapthikaram also is made of letters which when translated to numbers give : Va =4;pa=1,da=8 and la =3 and therefore the verticals are all 16, while horizontals are not .Horizontals from above downwards yield : 16,4,32 and 12 .Both the diagonals are 16.Therefore this is a partial magical square .Vridhiyanthra has letters equivalent to ya=1 TTha=2;hreem =8;sreem =5;kam =1 nma =5 and dehi =88.It has a square and a 4 pointed star like figure which is a partial KA in Brahmi. Moododdhara has a special figure. The 7 fishlike structures make a Gola or sphere with a broader middle and a tapering poles. The 13, 16 and 7 in the middle as sums of numbers and 10,15 and 14 make it a very uneven sphere , almost with shape of Earth .

56 Figure 22 Moododhaara

soubhagyavridhi is a semimagic square of Vimsanka type (20) the two diagonals only making different readings 16 and 24 the sum of which gives 40 which is again twice 20. Drishtiyanthra has Hreem which is 8 written 8 times making a total of 8 X 8=64. In its middle is written Devadattham which gives number 8486. 8486 divided by 64 gives 132.6 which multiplied by 10 yields 13260so that we can remove the decimal . We know the star limit (nakshathravadhi ) of one star is 13 degree 20 minutes. If we take 27 stars with 13.20 limit we get 351 degree and 9 hours Instead of 13.20 take 13.26 as given in the yanthra , we get 361 degree which is more approximate to a circles circumference and it is also a perfect square of 19 X 19. Therefore ,Drishtiyanthra is the beejaganitha correction for the nakshathravadhi which we use for day to day practices. It avoids the errors due to human eye and its calculations and since cosmos is considered as a God given gift , it is Devadatham. With Abhijith we have 28 star clusters. 7 each is a vargga or class. (7X4=28) Karthika to aslesha is the first class .Each letter (consonant) can be pronounced with the swara ( a,e,u,ay, and o) into 5 types. So 25 letters are pronounced in 125 ways.The 4th letter in each varga is considered as one letter without any swarasambandhibheda ( no difference in swara).From Govindam (Thiruvonam/Sravanam star) 4 stars + Viswam (Utharaashadam) last quarter is abhijith star. In saradathilakam shadkootam is thripuramanthra .With vasu(8)abdhi(4)pankthi(10)swara(7) and last as visargga (:).Add 8+4+10=22 Divide by swara (7) to get the paridhi ( vrithaparidhyanayanam as 22/7).With this all creation can happen.Within the circle or sphere of cosmos all creation happen . Meditate on Mathruka as:

57 1. HA ha saim ; change first letter as Sa ha saim 2. Hasakalahreem; sahakalahreem ( reverse order ) 3. Ahasou; aa hasou ( 1st letter maathra of pronounciation changed ) 51 letters of alphabet 51 X 51=2601 types of use . These are varnnachathushka .( 2601 varna squares ). Their reverse and maathra differences make endless magic squares ,manthra, raga, languages, horoscopes, endless races of living things , and creations and this creation or srushti is also endless and beginningless..Yet it is controlled by natural laws of creation.This is the opinion about creation in the thanthra. Order of creation in figures : 1: Brahma (Ka in Brahmi) 2.Aakaasam or spacetime continuum 3. sushira (space ) 4. panchathanmaathraa creation within it The first 4 are unmanifest . 5th is subtle.Yet it is discernible to man. It is panchabhoothasrushti 5. In panchabhootha creation of manifested visible aakaasam, vaayu and akaasam, vaayu,aakaasam and agni, vaayu,akkaasam,agni and jalam and finally these 4 + earth or prithwi . sushiraroopam as zero

Figure : 23 Creation diagrammatic Thrikonayanthra and Yoniyanthra: This represents the Sree or wealth and is o chest of Vishnu.

58 If we draw thrikona with the apex on upper side and facing east and with 3 faces ( 3 kunda) then it is a Thrikonakunda in construction of vasthu of Thanthra.A problem the construction of vasthu encounters is to make a same Kshethraphala for triangle, sphere and square in making a Kunda . Kunda is the form of the Paramaprakrithi or the cosmos/multiverses . A number used in many thanthric constructions as kshethraphala is 576 (area). Construction of a kshethra with kshethraphala of varying values : Suppose one yavam( grain) is 1 inch =8 Draw upto 24 inches like that . 1X 1=1 2X 2=4 3X3=9 4X4=16 5X5=25 6X6=36 7X7=49 8X8=64 9X9=81 10X10=100 11X11=121 12X12=144 13X13=169 14X14=196 15X15=225 16X16=256 17X17=289 18X18=324 19X19=361 20X20=400 21X21=441 22X22=484 23X23=516 24X24=576 The law of algebra in vasthu ,kunda construction,fire altars, mekhala , astrophysics, timespace continuum, and in measures and weights of Indus valley Harappa is based on this law .The area of a triangle, sphere and square become one when we use this method . The different Gothra use different proportions but the general rule is the same for all and every one knows it .This is an educative technique as well. ( viswakarma thanthra). Jaimmini speaks of Integrating Functions ( dharmasamavaayam) of opposites ( + and minus) by 2 results . 13824 for dhanahasthaphalam (+) and 14724 for aparapakshaphalam ( - ve ).Add the 2 to get 28548 and of it is 14274 which is the equalizing factor (middle) for balance .This is only the measure of Mekhala of Vaasthu which is a part of the kunda ( paramaprakRuthi). To see the paridhi and area one has to use the sthoolaparidhyaanayanam ( finding the gross paridhi or pai pronounced as PA since the first letter is of paridhi is PA. This is written in old script of India almost similar to the modern symbol pai .

59 How is the Indians finding gross paridhi ? Bhaskaracharya says : Divide sapthakulasaila ( Ezhumala ) with dwavimsathi (22) This can be used for sthoolavyavahaara like constructions. If diameter is 10 this is 220/7 =31 reminder 2 .We get paridhi and Kaashta ( highest ) on dandamgula (scale) as Vishkambham .Raghavabhatta tells us we get a thrikonakundam when we make a vasthumandala which has a samabhuja and a equal kshethraphala. Thanthra says , by all means the kshethraphala is always changing (vyabhichaarini) and even the property of samabhujatha ( equal ankles and equal sizes of sides /faces etc) is vyabhicharini every moment in the kshethra ( prakrithi) . We have to suppose that it is having equal size and equal angles for day to day activities and also for construction purposes . But it is not the case with the real. Method: Divide the kshethra into 5 parts .The two external parts are then avoided ( sacrificed) .Give 2 karnasoothra ( diagonals ) in middle . Thus we get the triangle. If we get a reduction of 90 X 2 angula (inches) we get three bhuja as equal. Thus we make a 180 +180 = 360 kshethra. In sidhanthasekhara in a chathurasreekrithakshethra ( a area made into a square ) area of parts is decided on external parts on side of pratheechisoothra (western thread). A triangle which has been made by 3 threads (soothra) is called a Kunda for easy understanding. If 170 inch is less it become a vishamabhuja (unequal sides). In kaadimatha 100+36 inch reduced , will give samabhujatha . Kaamikathanthra says three fish signs which has 3 parts increased is a nisaaachara ( travelling in night). A Vritha or chakra ( wheellike sphere) which has a square form is a kshethra or kunda with 18 amsa (part) .In the chathurasrakshethra , the middle soothra is divided into 18 parts .One part of it outside the kshethra .In this way the soothra increase and because of this vriddhi or increase , there is bramana or revolutions . That part of the revolving sphere which is facing east is the agni or kunda . Suppose a circle has 18 inch 2 yavam 5 yookam diameter .In it the 2 angula, 5 yava and 2 yooka become multiplied by 2 (dwiguna) and hence 26 11/23 .Vyasam is 26 2/3 or 80/3. To make it samacheda ( divide equally) 24/9 and 24/9. First make it 216/9 ,24/9 and their Yoga or union is 240/9. Since it is three times repeated it is a varga of the vyasa . Thus the area is 508+56 =564 .From it 18 reduced is 546 and 12 increased is 576. Thus we get the changing area of sphere . The middle soothra is divided into 24 parts . 1+25 divided by 2 =13 is put on the outside. Thus the middle soothra is the earth or bhoomi which revolves as a kunda .(bramaan madhyaath vruttham kundamitheeritham). If 27 star clusters are taken 27 2/25 or 677/25 the vargga of vyasa is the area bhaanavaagni or 576 should be obtained by sookshmaganana or subtle calculation. Katyayanasulbasoothra says: imagine a square field .(chathurasramandala of energy) its diagonal (karnasoothra ) is 17 inches. 2yooka. From its middle soothra 5 inch 2 yooka is reduced. Third part 1 inch 2 thritheeyaamsa =13 inch is radius. 27 1/3 or 82/3 as diameter . From the area this is increased by 10 inch . In a madhyamasoothrakshethrapura ( bhoomi) made 16 by the mathematical experts , in between each of the increased part (parivardhithabhaaaga) as internal symbols (antharachihna) kunda or mandalakunda is revolving . That is , the geocentric universe is a mathematical construction for easy understanding , and the mathematician knows that it is

60 revolving. When this was taught to the Greeks they never understood the solution or the idea behind it . That is history . Figure 24:

The vyasa or diameter as 27 inches . kshethraphalam or areas 572 inches. 4inch + or is 568 to 576 . In kaamika also it is said that if of the 1/8 part of a diagonal is reduced it is a kundam. For reduction here the word sanyasa is used . The nyasa which is samyak is samnyaasa ( it is not used as a life style ). The of diameter being 1/8th of the 14 inch is changing (vyabhichaaram) . First a square is made. The pramaana is 9 parts according to kundakshethrapramaana but one part is put outside the circle. Since revolution happens in the middle , the square (chathurasra) becomes a natural circle /sphere with cyclical function. In sidhaaanthasekhara , the outside 8 parts are put in the 8 directions of the kshethra, and maanasoothra ( measuring scale as a soothra) is fixed at middle. Kunda is a vritha (circle ) which has bramana ( revolution) and braamana .(bramanabraamanainaivam vritham kundamudeeritham).30 inch diameter is thegreatest difference . 1/8 parts outside, the rest on sides, united forminh 1/8 .If diameter is 27 area is 4 inch less . This is subtle measurement and calculation. In gross calculation katyayana opinion is to be taken .The figure thus formed is :-


Figure : 25

On sides in the NS directions one part each increases. And on east and west 4 fish figures (malsyachathushkam ) are formed in a geometric construction as shown above . How to create the fishs ( Malsyothpaadanaprakaaram):- From middle of kshethra, north,east northeast in their middle make a half circle (with a compass) and make soothra in that sign to cut the half circles, making ahalf of it. Thus between east and northeast a fishsign is obtained. The same repeated in east,south and agneya directions. Then between west , and vayavya angle and also between west and niruthi angle . The 4 soothra are made .One soothra each for east and west fish .By 6 soothra , facing east , a kunda with 6 asthra (arrow) is made . In kriyasara a kshethra with 8 parts , and 6 soothra nyasa to give shadkonakundakam ( kunda with 6 angles) is given. The 4 fish signs are parabolas . It is interesting that an Egyptian quasicircle also uses 4 parabolas within the inner square (Geometric grids of the hieratic numeral signs : M A A

62 International Journal : vol .12,No 1,page 129-138, July 2012 .Hossam M K. Aboulfotouh.PhD) .In these 64 represents the area of a quasicircle composed of 4 parabolic curves , constructed on the sides of the inner square so that its diagonal equals the diameter 9 (Diameter of Egyptian circle ). One quarter of the quasicircle ( 1/4th quasicircle ) has a parabolic edge , and that is what the Indian Astronomers call a Chaapam ( with a bow shape ) formed by half a fish sign .Equation of a perfect circle being X2+y2=R2; taking the equation of the parabolic curve , equation of the chaapam or the Egyptian quasicircle and its pai (paridhi ) 256/81 ( which is 16 X 16 divided by 9X9) Area 64, approximation of Pai is 256/81=3.16 for vaasthu . But it is not so for the real universe, tells the Thanthric text which is in fact describing the entire cosmos and its geodesic or Valana ( curve) which leads to the Chakravalana ( curve of the wheel ) of Horizon .This chakravaala or chakravalana law was known to Dolavira Indians at a time BC 3500 is very important to assess Indian Mathematics and its antiquity. Sidhanthasekhara unites each pradesa (place) on garbasoothra outside the 8 parts agra (ends) in a samachathurakshethra(square area). By the garbhamadhyapramaanasoothra the instrument is made to undergo revolution. This kunda is a shadkona. In it northsouth direction of garbhasoothra increases on the east and west sides. For such a kshethra imagine 2 vishamachathurasra. Size is 30X 15 X 13. Diding the sum by lamba (13) the area is 292 . Twice that is 585 . There are 3 kshathra and in the middle you get the aayathachathurasra. If the kshethraphala of one vishamachathurasra is 270 ; two of them will give 540. If 4 it will be 1080. In sloka 63-65 commentary of saradathilakam 1087 is given as ganana result . The figures thus obtained are given below . Note that the fishsign or malsyachithra is an intersecting parabola . Ghanamoolasamavakya ( equation for cube root) or cubic equation is solved by a intersecting curved line and this algebraic equation method is what the Thanthric texts mean by a malsyachihna. The law of this intersecting parabola is used even in the Sivalinga prathishta by architects of India . In IVC signs the intersecting parabola is seen on a pot shred .Also notethat 1/8th of 576 is 72 which is the important number of Nadi, Melakartha sampoorna raga the mathematics of which I have already explained in my book Raagachikitsa (Readworthy Publications New Delhi 2008) Bhaskaracharya says divide 120000 by 60000 which is diameter of circle to get a Bhuja . (side). By The middle 12 parts of kadimatha divide brahmasoothra , and by that measure make the correction on the circle. (sphuta). In the middle of circle by measures 6 soothra are made to get a shadasthrakakundam.In the middle of kshethraphala (area) in middle of 576 reduce 72 .Then you can make bhujasamya( equalize the side) But in reality there is no equalization . To make it easy we equalize on vasthu , but in reality in Brahmandaprakruthi no such equalization is possible by human beings .It is an everchanging nature (vyabhicharini) . Divide a square into 18 parts .One part is put outside a circle. That is revolving cyclically. Imagine circles, karnika etc 3 each outside .This is called padmakunda ( in shape of a lotus).It is very beautiful. It has a square shape but inside a circle kunda, with 3 circles or karnika imagined outside .One circle. In its middle 3 circles. They are lotuslike with karnika ever revolving. The outermost circle is the dalaagravritha (circle of the tip od petal). Since a part of it is reduced (minus) it is a minus or nyna circle. Or it is a circle of boundary ( kshethraseemaavrutha) for protection of kshethra . The central 3 vritha are imagined as samavritha ( equal circles ).In padmakarana, in padmakshethra, 12 parts reduced outside

63 and middle 3 made equal .diameter 12 , padam 2 , is seemavritha (boundary circle) .Below it with same measurements ,and above it same measurement another circle ,and in middle another boundary circle. Sarvoparivritha 659; below vritha 467; total 1126 . Its 563. The padmakarana itself is called the sarvathobhadrakundala of vasthu .It is seen in the prakarana of 9 kunda. Uthamakunda ( the best kunda ) has great vyabhichaara ( great change due to revolution). With 4 petals, 8 petals,12 petals ,16 petals, 32 petals, 64 petals etc one can make such beautiful lotus formations as kshethra . The same proportion is used in construction of a Bramayanthra ( revolving wheel). Such a revolving wheel is seen archeologically in Dola Vira from 3500 BC . In Bramanayanthra according to sasthrokthi , ( as said in science of India) when the speed of bramana ( movement ) increase the area become very less. If the middle ayathachathurasra has 9 1/64 or 577/64 as one bhujam and second bhuja as 26 ,kshethraphala is 234 shadangulam 3 yavam 2 yookam . In vishamachathurasra on side + 26 is floor or bhoomi. 577/64 =9 1/64 8 63/128 =1087/128 By the result divide the sum to get area 148 shadamgulam, 5 yavam 3 yookam. This is same for the second chathurasra on sides. Adding the 3 we get 531 inch 6 yava . The 2 yava will be + and 4X4 will be minus . There is no equality for the 8 bhuja ( ashtabhujasamathwa is a myth .It never happens in a revolving field ). Suppose the ayathachathurasra has a kshethraphala of 308 inch 4 yava. The kshethraphala of the 2 vishamachathurasra is 133 inch 6 yava. Then 308.4+ 133.6+133.6= 576 Suppose the aayathachathurasra has area of 256. Vishamachathurasra has 160 each.Then also 256+160+160= 576 In this way , 1000 types can have the same area . This is explained in saradathilakathanthra.Because of this thulyakshethraphala ( equal area for 1000 types) traditional mathematicians made a general law of equal 8 (thulyashtabhuja) arrows for a kunda (thulyashtaasthradalakunda) . It does not mean that the real thing is always equal. One has to know the 8 petaled kunda (with 8 directions) in this manner by deep manana (contemplation) . Kunda is everywhere angular (konaroopa) and it is always changing position by movement . For day to day activities and for functions such subtle mathematics may not be needed. But scholars should know the truth by deep contemplation and understand the nature and its laws . It is better to make all constructions either as circular or as square . A vrithachathurasrakunda is both circle and square and it contains all angles and triangles too. Kundam is vedaasthram or varthulam ( circle/spherical) and not flat or equal . If 1 hastham kshethraphalam X 2= 2 If dwihastham 2 X3=6 Thrihastham X4=12 Chathurhastham X5 =20 and in this way 9 hastha X 10=90 .In the root of each yaamasoothra the middle soothra is taken. Here we have to remember the law for finding the Moola (Root) by Bhaskaraachaarya . 1X2=2-1 2X3=6-2 3X4=12-3=9

64 4X5=20-4=16 5X6=30-5=25 6X7=42-6=36 7X8=56-7=49 8X9=72-8=64 9X10=90-9=81 That is, 1, 2, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81.etc (squares ) . The angular soothra (konasoothra) of the ekahastha kunda is the yaamasoothra of dwihasthaka. The dwihasthakakonasoothra is yaamasoothra of chathurhasthakunda. Karnasoothra of thrihastha is yamasoothra of shadhastha. Chathurhasthakarnasoothra is the yamasoothra of ashtahastha. Panchahasthakarnasoothra is yamasoothra of dasahastha. Thus karani for each was calculated by mathematicians , says commentator of saradathilakathanthra. In these laws as well as in the laws of making mekhala , the laws of squares and square roots is utilized. The magical squares are not merely for recreation as far as an Indian astronomer is concerned . Taking measurement as 1 yava X 8=1 inch , on that scale upto 24 inches draw a kunda and mekhala as given by the thanthra . The Table is given below . 1x1 1 2x2 4 3x3 9 4x4 16 5x5 25 6x6 36 7x7 49 8x8 64 9x9 81 10x10 100 11x11 121 12x12 144 13x13 169 14x14 196 15x15 225 16x16 256 17x17 289 18x18 324 19x19 361 20x20 400 21x21 441 22x22 484 23x23 529 24x24 576 Note that the 24 squares thus constructed one inside the other is not just a recreational figure.It is the Corridors of Timespace, with the Karna or diagonals as the light cones of Einstein . It is a beautiful vaasthu of the cosmos on which model Indians make their vasthu of sarvathobhadra and Varthula (Dravida) and a combination of both as Vesara .It is both the cosmos and the earthly plane . Both spirituality and mindscape and the day to day activity of human race .

65 I am in this corridor of timespace continnum , in search of Infinity, in search of sakthi , the supreme power of cosmos, in search of God which is Truth, Energy and Bliss ( sath,chith,aananda) otherwise called BRAHMAN in Indian languages . In its search , in this beautiful quest I have been blissfully happy and contented with everything, loving everything as Brahman and living a fruitful life. If this is the result of quest for infinity, why not take this path ? Therefore, I communicate my thoughts to all. Let every soul be blessed by this sort of blissful, enquiry .. What you find out may be either negative or positive , depending on your nature.But the search makes you different Let us enter this corridors of Time..Search for infinity. Figure 26:

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