Prose Section: English IX Section "D" (Short - Question Answers)

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English IX Section D (Short - Question Answers)

Prose section
Q.1 what was the occupations of the people of Moen-Jo-Daro? Q.2How was the city of Moen-Jo-Daro planned? Q.3 Name any four objects on exhibition in the Moen-Jo-Daro Museum? or Name any four findings of Moen-JoDaro? Q.4 How do we know Moen-Jo-Daros probable age? What can help us to know more about civ ilization?Q.5 What do you know about the ancestors of Shah Abdul Latif? Q.5 Why is Shah Latif known as Saint of Bhit? Q.6 What is the message of Shah Latifs poetry? or What according Shah Latif is the goal of life? Q.7 What do you know about Shah Latifs music? Q.8 On what principles was the Islamic Society founded? Q.9 What does the last sermon teach us? Q.10 What did Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H) ask the Quraish to do? Q.1 1Who was Bi Aman? Why is she remembered till today? Q.12 Why is Miss. Fatima Jinnah called Mother-e-Millat? Q.13 How did the Muslim women work for independence? Q14 In which year did Helen Keller fall ill? How old was she when she fell ill? What was the result of her illness? Q.15 Who was Miss. Sullivan? How did she teach Helen Keller? Q.16 Why do you think Helen Keller was a wonderful lady? Q.17 When did Helen Keller visited to Pakistan and why? Q.18 What was the message to the blind and deaf children? Q.19 Write about the education of Allama Iqbal? Q.20 What was Quaids message on the death of Allama Iqbal? or How did Quaid-e-Azam praise Iqbals role in the message on his death? Q.21What does the Quaid-e-Azam mean? Why the Muslim of Sub-continent give him this name? Q.22 What type of education did the Quaid stress on in the message at the Pakistan Educational Conference held in Karachi? Q.23 What did Quaid ask the people to do for the progress and prosperity? or What advice did the Quaid give to his people? Q.24 What did Quaid-e-Azam said about education?

Poetry section
Q.1 How can the Neem Tree prevent the burning heat of the sun from troubling us? Q.2 Why does the poetess say that Neem Tree is unafraid? Q.3 How does the poetess compare the Neem Tree to man? Q.4 What according to the poetess is the highest aim in life? Q.5 what is a Daffodil? Where did they see the Daffodils? Q.6 what are two moods of the poet in the poem Daffodil? Q.7How did the poet looking at Daffodils? Q.8 How can the birds and the sunshine be in the hearts of the children? What does the poet mean? Q.9How are the children different from the poet? what does the poet mean by the addressing children, For ye are living poem,? Q.10 Why does the poet ask the children to come to him? Q.11 What songs does the poet wish to be whispered in the ear? Q.12 How are children important for elders? Q.13 The poet call the children living and the rest all dead. Why does he say this? SM DANISH

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