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Latest prices of West Texas oil

(Albertas benchmark)

Cost in lost royalties to the Alberta Government for every $1 drop in the price of oil:

$223 million
AlbertA government future oil price Assumptions:
average annual price of a barrel

AlbertA government future oil production Assumptions:

in million barrels a day

2012/13 2013/14 2014/15

$99.25 $106.25 $108.25

2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2014:

2.53 2.73 2.92

Future assumptions of capital investment in the oilsands

(from the Energy Resource Conservation Board of Alberta)

billion billion billion

expected growth in world oil demAnd, 2010 to 2035:

$18 $21 $20



ExpEctEd growth in total world EnErgy dEmand from 2010 to 2035:



(World Energy Outlook 2011 report of the International Energy Association)

from 87 million barrels a day to 99 million barrels a day.

FossiL FueL share oF ToTaL WorLd energy demand

81% 75%


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