Utlnghorn1@mail - Utexas.edu: MATLAB Programming For Engineers, S. J. Chapman, Brooks/Cole, Fourth Edition, 2008

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THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics ASE 201: Introduction to Computer Programming

SPRING 2010 SYLLABUS Unique Number: Instructor: 13185 Travis Mercker Office: WRW 414B E-Mail Address: utlnghorn1@mail.utexas.edu Office Hours: Tu 12-2 pm, W 2-4 pm, Th 12-2 pm Or By Appointment Time: Location: Teaching Assistants: MF 10-11 am WRW 102 George Jacobellis E-Mail Address: georgejacobellis@mail.utexas.edu Office Hours (LRC): W 4-5:30 pm, Th 3:30-5 pm Web Page: UT Blackboard (www.courses.utexas.edu)

Catalog Description: Fundamentals of a programming language, with applications to simple engineering and physics problems. Introduction to computer resources available in the Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics. Two lecture hours a week for one semester. Course Objectives: To introduce students to modern computer programming practices using MATLAB and to introduce them to scientific computing for engineering applications. Prerequisites: None Text: MATLAB Programming for Engineers, S. J. Chapman, Brooks/Cole, Fourth Edition, 2008. Class Format: The class meets twice a week for an hour of formal lectures. Each week on Friday a computer project is assigned. Lecture time will be spent discussing topics pertinent to the homework assignments and providing relevant examples. Each Monday a 20 minute quiz is given in class on the topic discussed over the past week. Attendance: Note that regular attendance is expected and the student must make prior arrangements for an excused absence. Any absences as a result of illness must be accompanied with a note from a doctor. Quizzes are given every Monday and they can not be made up without an excused absence.

Grading: 40% Weekly Homework Assignments (1 Drop) 40% Quizzes (2 Drops) 10% Final Quiz 10% Final Project Grades will be posted weekly using eGradebook which is available through the Class Information Pages (CLIPS) and it is the students responsibility to check grades frequently and to notify the instructor immediately of any discrepancy. Note: If your quiz average is 10 points or more below your homework assignment average, then your final grade may be determined by your quiz average. Homework Policy: Homework assignments are assigned weekly and students will have approximately one week to complete the assignment (with the exception of the final project which will last for two weeks). Homework is due BEFORE the beginning of class. Homework must be handed to the instructor before lecture begins. Assignments turned in after lecture begins will be considered late. Two late programs will be accepted up to one week late and will be graded for 75% credit. Assignments that are more than one week late will not be accepted without prior approval. In addition, one assignment grade will be dropped at the end of the semester. Students are expected to complete their assignments independently. Students are encouraged to discuss class topics and general programming procedures amongst themselves; however, any sharing of code will be considered an act of academic dishonesty and will be dealt with severely under the Code of Conduct of the university. Examinations: A 20 minute quiz will be given each Monday at the end of class. Quizzes can not be made up unless an absence is due to official UT business or has been pre-approved by the instructor. The two lowest quiz grades throughout the semester will be dropped. In addition, a final, comprehensive quiz will be given the final day of class. This quiz must be taken and cannot be dropped. NO FINAL EXAM WILL BE GIVEN. Computer: The computer will be used weekly to complete programming assignments. MATLAB will be used for all assignments and is available for use in the LRC (WRW 205). Design Assignments: None Laboratory Assignments: None Class Topics / Outline: 1. Introduction to MATLAB (using MATLAB, classes, calculations, arrays, etc.) 2. IF Statements 3. While Loops 4. For Loops 5. Plotting 6. Functions 7. Symbolic Calculations This list is not inclusive of every topic to be covered but is a basic outline of the main topics of the class. Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities Students Should Have Before Entering This Course: None Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities Students Gain from this Course (Learning Outcomes): Programming in MATLAB and the ability to incorporate engineering phenomena into a working computer model. Impact On Subsequent Courses In Curriculum: The skill of subdividing problems into logical sequences of steps is applicable to all future engineering courses. MATLAB computing plays an important role in many ASE classes.

Relationship of Course to Program Outcomes: This course contributes to the following ABET Criterion 3 outcomes and those specific to the EAC accredited program. Outcome a. An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering b. An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data c. an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability. d. An ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams e. An ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems f. An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility ABET Program Criteria Achieved: Program criteria are unique to each degree program and are to be compiled from the program criteria given for each degree program and listed in table format below. The faculty should check which of the program criteria are achieved in the course. Criterion A. Aerodynamics B. Aerospace Materials C. Structures D. Propulsion E. Flight Mechanics F. Stability and Control Criterion G. Orbital Mechanics H. Space Environment I. Attitude Determination and Control J. Telecommunications K. Space Structures L. Rocket Propulsion Criterion M. Preliminary/Conceptual Design N. Other Design Content O. Professionalism P. Computer Usage Outcome g. An ability to communicate effectively h. the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context. i. A recognition of the need for and an ability to engage in life-long learning

j. A knowledge of contemporary issues k. An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice

Professionalism Topics: The principles of technical communication and multi-disciplinary projects are incorporated into all class lectures and assignments. Important Dates: February 3 Last day to drop a class for a possible refund February 15 Last day to drop a class without possible academic penalty March 29 Last day a student may drop a class with Deans approval or change to CR/NC. Special Notes: The University of Texas at Austin provides upon request appropriate academic adjustments for qualified students with disabilities. For more information, contact the Office of the Dean of Students at 471-6259, 471-4641 TDD or the College of Engineering Director of Students with Disabilities at 471-4321. Evaluation: Note that the Measurement and Evaluation Center forms for the College of Engineering will be used during the last week of class to evaluate the course and the instructor. Prepared by: Travis Mercker Date: January 15, 2010

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