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Statement of the Problem General Problem The TLSSM is presently using a Manual System in Recording and Retrieving students

information and their payments. In this case, several problems occur.

Specific Problem Data Redundancy Numerous paper works Slow enrolment process Time-Consuming Enrollment Activity Missing files and records.

Project Objectives General Objectives To develop an Enrollment System for TLSSM that will address the schools filehandling, and generation of forms and other documentation. In addition, proponents would also want to lessen man-power workloads and minimize time consuming enrollment activities. Specific Objectives To avoid data redundancy. To reduce overload paper works. To avoid misplacing of files and records.

Significance of the Study Due to the increasing population of TLSSM, this study will help the school regarding their enrollment transactions and activities. The proposed design aims to benefit the school in their enrollment facilities such as maintaining the files, assessment of fees and especially the Enrollment System itself.

TLSSM and its Department. The develop system will be handling the flows and problems that the organization is encountering. With regards to the registrar and accounting department, the proposed design will help the school in maintaining the data of the students and the school will not use the manual data gathering. Students of TLSSM. Students of the said school will also benefit with this system. They will not undergo time-consuming enrolment processes. The Future Researchers. For the future researchers, this study could be used for their reference in having a Computerized Enrollment with Billing System if the future researchers would like to formulate a system such as this. The Proponents. Proponents will also be a beneficiary of the study since they will value the importance of enhancing their skill and work performance while inheriting knowledge throughout the study.

Scope and Limitation

Scope The proposed computerized enrollment system design covered the major processes in TLSSM namely: registration of the current and incoming students, assessment of fees, files maintenance and reports needed (registration form, assessment slip, student master list, and other forms and reports essential to design). In addition, requisites for new student (Birth Certificate, Good Moral Character and Form 138) will be recognized in system design database by checkbox.

The proposed designs also incorporate the processing of students personal records, especially the mode of payment student will choose. The design proposed system has the ability to verify and update students payments. TLSSM do have many choices of payment for student to choose from. This was also incorporate to design proposal.

Limitation The design proposed system will be limited about the evaluation of new or transferee students. System design will not be capable to give an actual examination or evaluation of the requirements and credential of a new student. These processes will remain manual done by the directress but the result from it will be the input for the proposed ES.

In case of payments of students, proposed system design will only be limited on checking if the student was paid or not. It was not design to send any mail, SMS or reminders about unpaid school fees of the students. The cashier will print the summary of students with unpaid account and sent them to the respective adviser. Modes of payment are also fixed.

In the sense that money was involved in transactions of payments of students, design system proposal would only accept data and actually the money itself. There will be no devices used or made in design proposal that can accept money of the student as a payment.

Chapter II THERORETICAL FRAMEWORK Review of Related Studies and Literature


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