TQ Campaign Final

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A Strategic Communications campaign for Tristans Quest

Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for Com 452, Spring 2012
Rebecca Ashland, Kierstin Coatney, Gretchen Cundiff, Alexandra Johnston, Katie Yahner

Table of Contents

Introduction 1

Team Bios 2

Background and Current Situation 3

Secondary Research 6

Primary Research 12

Goals and Objectives 24

Strategies and Tactics 26

Evaluation 35

Budget 38

Timeline 41

Calendar 45

Conclusion 51

Appendices 52

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Tristans Quest, Inc. is a 5013 nonprofit organization located in Greensboro, N.C. It was
founded in 1999 and is dedicated to serving children with emotional/behavioral issues and their

Our team at Celtic Communications has compiled a strategic campaign for Tristans Quest that
incorporates a creative concept emphasizing the importance of childrens mental health. Our
strategies and tactics will enable Tristans Quest to attract new donors and expand its marketing
efforts. They will also help to educate the community about the organizations social services
and educational programs.

Our proposal will assist Dr. Jean Allen, the executive director of Tristans Quest, in building
brand recognition to raise awareness of the organization and connect with its target audiences
through various communication channels.

Our team is composed of five Strategic Communication majors at Elon University, who have
various professional and academic experiences in the public relations field. Using the skills and
knowledge acquired from these experiences, we have created a campaign that addresses the
needs of Tristans Quest in a strategic way.

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Rebecca Ashland is currently a junior majoring in Strategic Communications with a
minor in Digital Art at Elon University. As a Creative Coordinator at Live Oak
Communications, she has gained valuable experience working with eight professional
clients and creating materials for them. She has also been able to serve on campus
organizations through Creative Resolutions by creating promotional material. Rebecca
hopes to gain more experience through internships in the future and by participating in
the Bridges to Los Angeles program upon graduation.

Kierstin Coatney is a senior Strategic Communications major with minors in Music
and Italian Studies. She started her public relations career as an intern at JDS Public
Relations in Los Angeles, C.A. At JDS, she was able to explore the fields of publicity
and talent management at a boutique entertainment agency. This experience led to her
current internship at RLF Communications in Greensboro, N.C. RLF has given her the
opportunity to understand corporate public relations. Kierstin is looking forward to
graduating in May and hopes to secure a position in entertainment public relations in
New York City or Los Angeles.

Gretchen Cundiff began her communications career as a PR assistant at Goodwill
Industries in Greensboro, N.C. followed by PR internships in Richmond, Va. at The
Faison School for Autism, Broderick Communications, LLC and the National Kidney
Foundation. She gained valuable experience while serving as a PR Liaison for Elon
Universitys Campus Kitchen chapter. Gretchen also worked as an Account Executive
at Live Oak Communications, where she managed client accounts for the Durham Arts
Council and oversaw a promotional campaign for Elons Greek Life Office. This
summer, Gretchen looks forward to interning at RLF Communications in Greensboro.

Alexandra Johnston has held various creative positions through her career as an Elon
undergrad in accordance with her Strategic Communications major and Art minor. She
has worked with the graphic design team at Kansas City Public Television, film and
television casting director Gillian Reynolds in Dublin, Ireland and concluded her
internship experience as the digital photo editor at Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia.
In her time at Elon, she initiated the fashion column at the student newspaper, The
Pendulum, served on the inaugural advertising team for a student produced sports
show and served four semesters at Live Oak Communications, two as Creative
Director. In May, she will be moving to New York City to pursue a career in photo

Kathleen Yahner is a junior at Elon University where she is studying Dance
Performance and Choreography and Strategic Communications with a focus in
Photojournalism. She is a member of the Elon Dance Company and the Public
Relations Chair of DanceWorks, Elons student-run dance organization. Kathleen
interned with Parsons Dance in New York City and worked as a communications
consultant for Alamance County Public Libraries and the North Carolina Therapeutic
Riding Center.

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Background and Composition
Dr. Jean Allen and her husband, Richard Allen, founded Tristans Quest in June of 1999
in honor of their son, Tristan. For sixteen years, Tristan and his family struggled with his bipolar
disorder and depression, which caused extreme and sometimes violent mood swings. Tristans
mood swings and suicidal thoughts became so severe that he had to be institutionalized. He died
after six days in the facility when five staff personnel improperly restrained him.
With over 30 years of experience working with special needs children, Dr. Jean is an
advocate for childrens mental health awareness within the community. Richard Allen currently
serves as the coordinator for program logistics and tutoring, while Ellison Hargis, a child
developmentalist, assists Dr. Jean in providing education and support for families trying to cope
with their childrens conditions. Additional programming support comes from six interns who
are students at local colleges and universities in the Triad region.
In addition to maintaining strong relationships with students in the community, Tristans
Quest relies on its board of directors to provide guidance and further the mission and values of
the organization. Ten individuals were invited to serve on the board; these individuals include
business associates, parents of students who use Tristans Quests services and health
professionals. Dr. Lucas, a pediatrician, serves as the board chair, while Richard Allen acts as
Currently, Tristans Quest relies mainly on the support of families and friends of the
children it serves. Additional donations are received during the annual golf tournament held in
the fall. Every year, this tournament is Tristans Quests largest fundraising event. The
organization has also applied and received several grants over the years, but it competes against
almost 500 other organizations for these funds. Furthermore, the economic downturn has limited
sources of government funding that Tristans Quest has relied on in the past.

Relevant Publics
Tristans Quest serves children and adolescents with emotional/behavioral challenges and
their families from six different counties in North Carolina: Guilford, Alamance, Rockingham,
Forsyth, Randolph and Davie. The nonprofit works with children who have various types and
severities of diagnoses, including ADHD, Aspergers Syndrome, Autism, SPD, depression and
Families are a public deemed important for this campaign, specifically parents with
children that have emotional/behavioral challenges. It is important to reach out to these families,
as there is not another organization comparable to Tristans Quest in the area. Other important
publics to keep in mind are hospital staff, doctors, nurses, and other health care professionals,
psychologists, psychiatrists and therapists because they often refer clients to Tristans Quest.

Competitive Frame
Tristans Quest is a developmental center that helps children with emotional/behavioral
challenges. Through its programs, Tristans Quest works to enhance childrens self esteem and
provide emotional empowerment to children with mental challenges. It is important to note that
Tristans Quest is the only organization providing these types of programs for special needs
children in the Greater Greensboro area, thus its competitive frame is rather small. Although
there may be some indirect competition with psychologists, psychiatrists and/or therapists,

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Tristans Quest does not provide typical counseling sessions. Thus, these medical professionals
often refer clients to Tristans Quest, making them key publics.

Current Position
Tristans Quest works with children from six counties in North Carolina. Families who
have children with special needs may be struggling with how best to care for them; Tristans
Quest provides assistance for these families. The organization has created developmental
programs that work on overcoming a childs challenges through understanding the childs gifts
and talents. In addition, the organization collaborates with nine colleges in the local community
to enable students to intern while gaining educational and professional experience.
The community places Tristans Quest in high esteem, and the organization is known for
the invaluable work it does. Tristans Quest receives referrals mainly by word-of-mouth, which
attributes to the communitys high regard for the organization. Referrals are also received from
public and private schools, preschools, daycares and various health care professionals. All of
Tristans Quests programs have been created due to needs recognized through community
requests, focus groups or phone calls with parents. Dr. Jean is passionate about Tristans Quest
and was named Mental Health Professional of the Year (2011) by the Greensboro Mental Health
Because of its unique programs, Tristans Quest does not currently have any direct
competitors in the area. The organization is constantly working to serve its clients to the best of
its ability and to provide programs that will help the children throughout their lives. It has
created a number programs that not only benefit children with special needs, but also support the
families and siblings of these children. Tristans Quest currently has the only program doing
social skills work with preschoolers in the area. Another important thing to note is the
affordability of Tristans Quest. Although there are no full scholarships offered for children
participating in the programs, the organization has never turned away a family due to a lack of
financial resources.

Our campaign for Tristans Quest presents numerous opportunities for us to address our
clients current problems and propose solutions to these challenges. Some key challenges for
Tristans Quest include insufficient funding for its programs and a lack of general awareness
within the local community.
Limited funding is a huge challenge for Tristans Quest. For example, its SKIP program
(Support for Kids of Incarcerated Parents) received national acclaim for its establishment of
support groups for elementary school children whose parents are in prison. The program kept the
children connected with their incarcerated parent by allowing them to either write or draw
something for their parent each week. A volunteer from Tristans Quest worked with the school
social worker or a counselor to co-facilitate the SKIP group together. Two years ago, the SKIP
Initiative served 150 children in 24 elementary schools, and last year it served 100 children in 14
schools. However, this once successful program no longer has the government funding necessary
for its continuation.
Even though family and community members have contributed individual donations to
Tristans Quest, there has yet to be a source of consistent financial support. While our client
generates roughly $175,000 in annual revenue, this amount is not enough to sustain or enhance
Tristans Quests operations. Examining additional sources of potential financial support,

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proposing new fundraising initiatives and increasing the extent of individual donations are
several of our campaign goals.
Another challenge Tristans Quest faces is a lack of public awareness of its existence and
its corresponding services. Families in the Triad region often say that they wish they had known
earlier about the existence of this facility because its programs provide invaluable resources and
support for special needs children. Currently, Tristans Quest relies mainly on word-of-mouth
referrals to attract new clients. Tristans Quest needs to work on raising awareness in order to
reach out to the greatest number of children in need. We propose expanding Tristans Quests
marketing efforts using a variety of communication channels to target potential clients. The
allocated budget for this campaign, ranging from $4,300 to $9,000, would allow for the creation
of a realistic, cost-effective proposal that our client could implement.

Dr. Jean expressed, above all, her interest in promoting Tristans Quest as a unique
organization with an exceptional contribution to its clients and the community. She wanted to
differentiate Tristans Quest from therapy or other organizations, while emphasizing
socialization with equal importance. General awareness of Tristans Quest needs to be increased
not only for potential clients but also to bring in additional sources of funding. While the
organization wants to continue to increase its client base, funding currently will not support new
clients. If Tristans Quest receives too many new clients that cannot be served by its modest
budget, Dr. Jean fears she will have to begin turning away clients. Dr. Jean would like to
increase Tristans Quests grant and donation funding to allow for an increase in clientele. Dr.
Jean also mentioned she would like to hire a full-time volunteer or another paid staff member,
which would be possible with a larger budget.
Dr. Jean expressed our role as primarily twofold. She expects us to raise awareness of the
uniqueness of the organization while also proposing ways to increase funding. The client also
mentioned the stigma associated with childrens mental health. Our team wants to find a way to
make childrens mental health more warm and fuzzy, in hopes that Tristans Quests cause will
appeal to a greater number of donors. Dr. Jean mentioned using social media, making
modifications to the current website and producing printed promotional materials as possible
ways to address these issues. She seemed open to any reasonable recommendations our team
could make within specified budget limitations.

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Executive Summary
Research revealed that our target audience - families with special needs children who
have emotional, behavioral or learning disabilities - are often unaware of the different diagnosis
and intervention options available to treat these mental health issues. Fundraising is a difficult
point for many nonprofit organizations because the majority of donations come from consistent
donors and those personally affected by the organization. We found that social media is an
excellent tool for nonprofit organizations to utilize in order to raise awareness and increase
donations. We determined that few nonprofits have any concept of using social media
strategically, which leaves them in search of an online purpose when creating postings.
Therefore, it is important for nonprofits to not only target donors on their website, but to target
the media as well.

Statement of the Secondary Research Objective
Through our secondary research, we wanted to better understand the issues associated
with mental health disorders and how families and their children are impacted. We also analyzed
the existing strategies and tactics of comparable organizations that successfully implemented
media relations tactics and raised public awareness.
The secondary research was divided into the following sections: an overview of
childrens mental health information, the importance of early intervention, the benefits of social
and emotional training, social thinking, an analysis of social media usage and website content of
other organizations, May as Mental Health Month, media coverage of Tristans Quest and other
fundraising strategies.

Sources of Information and Method
Sources of information included: scholarly journal databases, Tristans Quests website,
other nonprofit websites, medical resource websites, Google searches, Facebook and Twitter.
Analyzing the information required compiling it from various sources and pulling together the
facts most relevant to our cause. Our team has interpreted the findings for the client and
discussed relevant implications.


The Importance of Childrens Mental Health/Early Intervention:
The prevalence of childrens mental health disorders often goes unreported despite the
fact that it is a serious issue that personally affects the overall emotional stability and well-being
of an individual. Roughly one in six (17%) children under the age of 18 in the United States have
a developmental or behavioral disability such as autism, an intellectual disability or ADHD.
According to the Department of Health and Human Services, an estimated two-thirds of all
young people with mental health problems fail to have their condition diagnosed before starting
school. By not intervening early, time that could have been used for treatment may instead have
allowed the childs mental condition to worsen.
A study by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services found that one in 10
schoolchildren have some form of a learning disability, and as many as one in 10 young people
have an anxiety disorder. Clinical depression is an issue that affects as many as one in every 33
children and one in eight adolescents. The Center for Disease Control and early childhood

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professionals agree that the earlier children receive appropriate assessment and intervention, the
more that can be done to help them reach their full potential.

The Benefits of Social & Emotional Learning (SEL):
Social and emotional learning is a process for helping children to develop the
fundamental skills necessary for their social and emotional development. These skills include the
ability to identify and understand ones own feelings; accurately read and comprehend emotional
states in others; manage strong emotions and expressions in a constructive manner; regulate
ones own behavior; develop empathy for others and establish and sustain relationships (National
Institute for Early Education Research).
These skills help to promote positive behaviors starting before the child enters
kindergarten and extending into adulthood. If these skills are not developed, it can result in
problems later in life. SEL promotes academic success, health and well-being while also
preventing alcohol and drug use, violence, truancy and bullying. It also helps children become
good communicators, cooperative members of a team and effective leaders. Training has proved
to be effective in improving childrens social-emotional skills, attitudes about self and others,
and social interactions (CASEL).

The Role of Social Thinking in Childhood Development:
Social thinking is a theory that views social skills as being dynamic and situational. They
cannot be taught and replicated, but rather the skills evolve from ones thinking about how they
want to be perceived (Social Thinking).
According to Michelle Garcia Winner, social thinking is what we do when we interact
with people; we think about them. And how we think about people affects how we behave
toward them, which in turn affects how others respond to us, which in turn affects our own
emotions. We are constantly analyzing the thoughts, emotions and intentions of those around
us. Social thinking is an intuitive process, and we develop the skills from birth by learning and
observing social information to know how best to respond. For some individuals, this process is
not natural (Social Thinking).
Today, there are many treatment programs whose strategies share common traits and
analyze the thinking behind being social. These strategies include teaching individuals how their
social minds work; why they and others react and respond the way they do; how their behaviors
affect those around them; how behaviors affect their own emotions; and how their responses and
relationships with others extend across different social contexts (Social Thinking).
For individuals undergoing treatment, the objectives of these strategies include the ability
to recognize the different levels of their own and others social minds and navigate their
behaviors for more rewarding social outcomes. These include considering how others perceive
and respond to behaviors and learn to adapt to the people and situations around them across
different contexts (Social Thinking).

The Impact of a Nonprofits Social Media Presence and Website Content:
The Internet is an incredible tool utilized by nonprofits as it is inexpensive,
straightforward and provides access to the public at large (Kenix, 2008). Nonprofits, in
particular, can benefit from adopting a social media strategy into their promotional agenda
because they often have funding limitations (Lindley, 2010).
Social media also has great potential to inspire fundraising and donations for nonprofit
organizations (Livingston, 2009). An example of this potential lies with Charity: Water, a

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nonprofit that raised $250,000 in one night through the use of a social media campaign on
Twestival, a Twitter-based series of more than 200 concurrent networked fundraising events
(Livingston, 2009). The startup nonprofit aimed to show people, not tell them of the issue
involving unsafe drinking water across the world through the use of videos on the web. The
company also dedicates 100% of its public donations to building wells in areas with unsafe
drinking water. There is currently no social media dominant voice for charitable giving, as
philanthropy and social media are still at an early phase of coexistence. Research shows that the
most high-dollar donors that participate in social media philanthropic activity are between the
ages of 30 and 49. This donor interest only applies if the information provided by the nonprofit is
a trusted source that shows community-oriented participation (Livingston, 2009).
Because information on the Internet oftentimes lacks credibility, it is important for
nonprofits to establish an Internet presence with credible standards. However, a survey of
journalists showed that they regard most nonprofit sites to be more credible sources of
information than business websites (Kenix, 2008). Therefore, it is important for nonprofits to
view their websites in terms of not only their publics but also as a form of media relations. A
recent study found that while 82% of nonprofit websites targeted donors on their front page with
a donor button, only 23% of websites made any effort to attract media attention (Ingenhoff,
Currently, there has been little to no research evaluating the perceptions of those who
create the social media strategy and content for nonprofits. There appears to be
miscommunication within nonprofit organizations between those implementing the Internet and
social media strategies and those creating the organizational goals. Focus groups have shown that
many nonprofit practitioners saw the Internet as a valuable tool for nonprofits, but they felt that
the current needs of their organization were too pressing to make a web investment at this point
(Kendix, 2008).

Recognizing May as Mental Health Month and Media Coverage of Tristans Quest:
May was established in 1949 as Mental Health Month to raise awareness for mental
health conditions and well-being for all ages. Last years mental health month focused on young
people, which roughly affects 20% of Americas youth (Mental Health America).
Tristans Quest has not received prominent media presence for almost a decade. While it
received significant attention, including a CBS 60 Minutes special during the founding of the
organization, it has received little attention since then. Published articles have focused on
highlighting individual members of the organization (such as community awards to Dr. Jean)
rather than Tristans Quest as a whole.

The Significance of Fundraising:
Most comparable organizations we came across in our research used traditional
fundraising methods such as a donate now page on their website, direct mail to consistent
donors and annual fundraising events. Silent auctions and yard sales are other popular forms of
fundraising for these nonprofits. The audience for these fundraising events is typically the local
community, as well as those who have been impacted by the cause that the organization serves.

Application / Interpretation
This information is beneficial in discovering the strengths and weaknesses of Tristans
Quest in order to create a campaign that will raise awareness and increase funding for the

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organization. This research examined issues related to mental health and social thinking,
nonprofits usage of social media and the effects of social media on nonprofit organizations.

The Importance of Childrens Mental Health/Early Intervention:
Research has shown the importance of understanding specific techniques that help
children cope with depression, anxiety and self-esteem issues. Through the use of social skills
instruction, anger management techniques and behavior analysis, children are given the tools to
understand and manage their mental health.
It is important for Tristans Quest and comparable nonprofits to recognize the importance
of early intervention through the use of social skills instruction, anger management and
behavioral analysis. Tristans Quest needs to educate the greater Greensboro community on the
importance of early intervention when dealing with childrens mental health issues.

The Benefits of Social & Emotional Learning (SEL):
Research establishes that SEL training is an important treatment technique in the
development of a child. Without this set of skills, children may have social/behavioral issues in
the future.
It is important for nonprofits like Tristans Quest to be aware of this treatment technique
while working to create the best possible programs for its clients. While Tristans Quest already
has a number of successful programs, it is important for the nonprofit to be aware of the latest
research in the world of childrens mental health so that it can successfully assess all of its
options when treating the children.

The Role of Social Thinking in Childhood Development:
Research has proven that social thinking will help us gain a better understanding of what
the children in programs at Tristans Quest experience in their daily lives. This information is
another way of looking at childhood development in children with mental illnesses.
It is necessary for Tristans Quest to be aware of the existence of this research while it is
creating new treatment programs and adjusting its current programs. Having knowledge of the
treatment programs at other organizations will also allow Tristans Quest to assess its current
strengths and weaknesses, helping the organization create the best possible programs.

The Impact of a Nonprofits Social Media Presence and Website Content:
Research on this topic shows that social media is an important tool for nonprofits to
utilize in order to help raise awareness and increase funding for its cause. This is an area that
Tristans Quest could utilize more effectively as it could increase awareness for the organization
at very little cost.
It is important for nonprofits to not only address potential donors on their website, but to
also make their website media-friendly in order to garner media attention and form relationships
with journalists. While social media and website structure is important, the credibility of the
information is far more important in order to encourage donors and journalists alike to trust the

Recognizing May as Mental Health Month and Media Coverage of Tristans Quest:
While we found little research backing May as Mental Health Month and only a small
amount of media coverage, we have discovered that this is an area that Tristans Quest needs to
concentrate some of its efforts.

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Tristans Quest should concentrate some of its promotional efforts on informing the
community that May is Mental Health Month in order to gain community recognition of the
importance of celebrating good mental health. These promotional efforts could be simple
mentions of May as Mental Health Month in a newsletter, tweets on its Twitter account or flyers
discussing the importance of childrens mental health and reminding people that May is Mental
Health Month. Tristans Quest should consider targeting local media outlets to bring attention to
not only the organization but also the issue of childrens mental health.

The Significance of Fundraising:
This information will be helpful when considering ways to raise funds for Tristans
Quest. We found that many nonprofit organizations rely on traditional fundraising methods but
have not thought outside the box in terms of creative ways to increase donations. Therefore, we
have an opportunity to surprise our audience and change the way they think about fundraising.
Based on secondary research from similar organizations, we will come up with the best ways to
reach Tristans Quests target audience. Our findings show that traditional fundraising methods
work well when targeting individuals who have given in the past or are somehow affected by the
organization. Now, we can move past typical fundraising techniques and focus on ways to target
audiences that are not currently donating to Tristans Quest, such as foundations, community
members and medical professionals. We will decide which publics to focus on through primary

Scholarly Journals:
Ingenhoff, Diana and Martina A. Koelling. The potential of Web sites as a relationship
building tool for charitable fundraising NPOs. Public Relations Review 35.1 (2009): 66-
73. EBSCOHost. Online.
Kenix, Linda Jean. Nonprofit Organizations Perceptions and Uses of the Internet.
Television & New Media 9.5 (2008): 407-428. EBSCOHost. Online
Lindley, Curtis, Carrie Edwards, Kristen L. Fraser, Sheryl Gudelsky, Jenny Holmquist,
Kristen Thornton, and Kaye D. Sweetser. Adoption of social media for public relations
by nonprofit organizations. Public Relations Review 36.1 (2010): 90-92. EBSCOHost.
Livingston, Geoff. High-Dollar Nonprofit Donors Would Embrace Social Media.
Journal of New Communications Research 4.1 (2009): 87-94. EBSCOHost. Online.
Satchell, Christine and Marcus Foth. The Re-creation of Identity in Digital
Environments and the Potential Benefits for Non-Profit and Community Organisations.
3CMedia: Journal of Community, Citizens & Third Sector Media & Communication 4
(2008): 16-27. ESBCOHost. Online.

Nonprofit Websites:
Achievement Centers for Children- www.achievementcenters.org
Activate Good- www.activategood.org
AWAKE- www.awakecacenter.org
FAVOR- www.favor-ct.org
Child Development Centers Inc.- www.cdcenters.org
Early Intervention Center- www.earlyinterventioncenter.org
Early Signs of Autism- www.earlysignsofautism.com

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Lekotek- www.lekotek.org
Oregon Health & Science University The Child Development & Rehabilitation
Center- www.ohsu.edu/cdrc
Tristans Quest- www.tristansquest.com
Young Minds- www.youngminds.org.uk

Other Websites:
Mental Health America- www.mentalhealthamerica.net/go/may
My Child Without Limits: Autism- www.mychildwithoutlimits.org/?page=autism
American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry- Children With Learning
Disabilities- www.aacap.org
Texas Department of State Health Services- National Children's Mental Health
Week and National Children's Mental Health Awareness Day-
Social Thinking- www.socialthinking.com/what-is-social-thinking/introduction
National Institute for Early Education Research- www.nieer.org
CASEL- www.casel.org/why-it-matters/benefits-of-sel/

News articles:
CBS 60 Minutes follow up-
Incident report in local newspaper- Mount Airy News

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Executive Summary
We conducted primary research consisting of phone interviews and case studies of
websites of other nonprofit organizations to determine the strengths and weaknesses of their
communication strategies. We found ways to engage donors and target audiences through
fundraisers, creative marketing strategies and materials, social media, and partnerships with local
and national organizations. The interviews and website assessments revealed that there are many
tactics Tristans Quest could use to enhance its online presence, such as promoting fundraising
events on its Facebook page or tweeting daily facts about childrens mental health on its Twitter
account. We noted the best way for Tristans Quest to reach out to new donors and increase
community awareness is through the implementation of strategies and tactics used successfully
by other nonprofits, including keeping a record of the time periods that certain donors give
money to the organization and reaching out to current donors with an e-newsletter that keeps
them informed. We also compiled a list of potential donors, sponsors and partnerships for
Tristans Quest.

Statement of the Primary Research Objective
Through primary research, we hoped to discern what other mental health centers are
doing well to promote their causes by examining their websites and conducting phone
interviews. Our goal was to find examples of organizations that engage target audiences
efficiently, communicate with donors effectively and maintain a strong social media presence.

Research Questions
We based our research on the following questions:
1. What are centers across the country doing to effectively communicate with audiences?
2. How are centers effectively utilizing social media to achieve their organizational goals?
3. How are centers connecting with potential donors and keeping current donors engaged?
a. What types of businesses/individuals are these centers targeting as donors?
4. How have organizations focused their fundraising efforts to support their cause?
5. How are other organizations presenting the issue of mental health and advocating for
increased awareness?

In conducting research, we concentrated our efforts on examining the websites of
nonprofits comparable to Tristans Quest. We assessed these websites based on donor relations,
community outreach, fundraising initiatives, marketing materials, social media engagement and
potential partnerships. After selecting the websites with the information most relevant to our
campaign, we contacted several employees at these organizations to discuss fundraising and
social media efforts.
Finding the answers to these questions will help us select strategies and tactics that have
successfully been implemented by other nonprofits similar to Tristans Quest. Furthermore,
examining comparable organizations will help us gain a better understanding of the forms of
communication that are most and least effective in reaching our target audience and attracting

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Method & Analysis
We conducted initial research by evaluating the websites and social media presence of
approximately 25 nonprofit organizations, childrens health centers and/or mental health
organizations across the country. Our goal was to learn how these organizations have
successfully communicated with their target audiences, connected with donors and garnered
media attention.
We focused more specifically on 11 organizations whose donor relations, fundraising,
social media and media relations tactics could provide valuable insight for Tristans Quest. We
also examined how these organizations have formed partnerships within their respective
communities. We either spoke directly with employees at the following organizations or
conducted extensive case studies of their websites.

National Federation of Families for Childrens Mental Health
The St. Baldricks Foundation
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
Behavioral Health Services
Aurora Mental Health Center
Kitsap Mental Health Services
Be Early NC
Howard Brown Health Center
Achievement Centers for Children
The New England Center for Children

We also contacted Dr. Jean to determine the organizations that Tristans Quest currently
maintains a partnership with or has collaborated with in the past. She supplied us with a list of
corporations and/or local businesses that have contributed funds to support Tristans Quest. This
included a list of foundational grants that Tristans Quest has received as well (Refer to
Appendix A for specific donor, partnership and grant information).
Furthermore, we identified potential donors, sponsors and partnerships that Tristans
Quest could pursue based on businesses current philanthropic endeavours and/or support of
other mental health centers or nonprofit organizations (Refer to Appendix A).

National Federation of Families for Childrens Mental Health
The National Federation of Families for Childrens Mental Health (NFFCMH) is a
national family-run organization that currently has more than 120 chapters and state
organizations across the country. Its focus is on children and youth with emotional, behavioral
and mental health needs, as well as providing support for families.

Website Analysis:
While NFFCMH does not have the most appealing website of all of the organizations we
examined, it is informational and well organized. It features a video from a fundraising event on
its homepage, helping users to become more familiar with its cause. A link to its Facebook page
also appears on its home page. Other headings on its website include tabs that explain the
organizations background, a place to donate money or volunteer, future conferences and events,
and a link to the organizations blog. The website is user-friendly, and information about the

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nonprofit is easily accessible.

Marketing Efforts:
NFFCMH has created several marketing materials to help promote its organization on a
national level. These materials include a poster for Mental Health Awareness Week, which the
organization celebrates the first week in May, and taglines to help make the organization more
memorable and recognizable. Individuals can also buy green ribbons, which are sold on the
NFFCMHs website for .25 cents apiece, to help raise awareness for mental health.

The NFFCMHs partnerships include Mental Health America, the American Academy of
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Parents Magazine, Hunter Boot, and the Substance Abuse and
Mental Health Services Administration.

The St. Baldricks Foundation
St. Baldricks is the worlds largest volunteer-run fundraising program for pediatric
cancer research. It also funds more research grants than any organization in the U.S., aside from
the federal government. It is most well-known for its nationwide head-shaving events that are
designed to raise awareness and funds for childhood cancer research.

Website Analysis:
The St. Baldricks Foundation has an uplifting, informative website that is user-friendly
and appealing. On the homepage, it has a slideshow of pictures with children currently
undergoing treatment for pediatric cancer, along with their names, ages and type of cancer. Also,
its home page includes a progress report for fundraising efforts in the last two years, showing its
users how much money has been raised and how many attendees have participated. This is
informative for donors, as they can see that their donations are going toward a worthy cause.
Along the bottom of the homepage are buttons linking to all of its various social media pages,
including Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Flickr and LinkedIn, along with some featured sponsors
of the organization. Further exploration of its website leads to a list of donors, a press kit, ways
to get involved, an annual report, testimonials from cancer survivors and photos.

Donor Relations:
St. Baldricks target audience includes primarily Americans with average household
incomes who are able to donate between $5 and $1,000 toward pediatric cancer research. Other
audiences the organization targets include parents with children who are battling or have battled
pediatric cancer and medical health professionals across the country. The organization also
includes a list of donors on its website, including individual supporters, business supporters, and
organizational and foundation supporters.

Marketing Efforts:
Its marketing efforts include social media, volunteer celebrity endorsers at its head-
shaving events, PSA campaigns, placing dynamic cancer stories in the media, press releases,
selling t-shirts and an online press kit. These materials not only raise awareness but also help to
create transparency for the organization, allowing people to understand what St. Baldricks does,
while also encouraging visitors to get involved.

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The organization was founded on March 17, 2000, when three reinsurance executives
decided to turn their companys annual St. Patricks Day party into a head-shaving benefit for
children with cancer. At this event, they were able to raise over $104,000. Currently, St.
Baldricks hosts nation-wide head-shaving events where men and women of all ages sit side-by-
side and have their heads shaved in an effort to raise money and awareness for pediatric cancer.

Social Media:
The organization has a large social media presence with a Facebook page that currently
has 47,465 likes. St. Baldricks allows people to post about the organizations events on its wall,
which helps to promote interaction and engagement on its page. St. Baldricks also has 4,490
Twitter followers, and it posts on Twitter very frequently. Other social media presences include
accounts on Flickr, LinkedIn and YouTube.

Getting Involved:
Aside from donating or participating in its head-shaving events, St. Baldricks dedicated
a section of its website to other ways people can get involved. The heading, titled, Other Ways
To Help, included Join the St. Baldricks Rally Team, Give a Matching Gift, Make a
Tribute or Memorial Gift, Donate through the Combined Federal Campaign, Shop & Sell on
Ebay, Give a Gift of Stock, Volunteer at the St. Baldricks Office, Donate Goods or
Services and Run a Half Marathon with St. Baldricks and the Rally Foundation for Childhood
Cancer Research. This lengthy list provides ways for people to get involved in the organization
without donating large sums of money or participating in the organizations head-shaving events.

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) aims to
reduce the effect of mental and behavioral disorders on Americas communities through
improving the lives of those living with these disorders. Since its founding in 1992, it has done a
great deal of research in addition to providing services to the citizens of Maryland.

SAMHSA recently announced a partnership with the National Suicide Prevention
Lifeline, as well as Facebook, which shows a creative use of not only social media but also
collaboration with organizations that have similar goals.

Social Media:
From SAMHSAs website, we observed that it has a good grasp of social media. The
organization has a very comprehensive Twitter that not only updates followers on the
organizations news but also about what is occurring in the mental health world. SAMHSA has
the ability to share all of the information on its website on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn or via

Behavioral Health Services
Behavioral Health Services is a nonprofit organization serving the residents of southern
California. BHS provides transitional housing for those struggling with substance abuse, as well
as counseling and education for individuals affected by mental illness.

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Donor Relations:
The Donate page on the Behavioral Health Services website is quite different from
other nonprofits websites. It tells the visitor how much of each dollar donated will go towards
client services. It also includes a breakdown of what the organization can do with donated funds.
For example, $45 will pay for a group therapy session and $95 provides transportation for
medical, psychiatric and job search appointments for a month (bhs-inc.org). Along the side of
this page, there are links to success stories of clients and testimonials from current volunteers.

The Behavioral Health Services website has a link for companies interested in becoming
corporate sponsors to contact the organization and set up a meeting. There is also a page that
allows companies interested in partnering with Behavioral Health Services to contact the

Aurora Mental Health Center
The Aurora Mental Health Center is a private, nonprofit mental health organization
located in Aurora, Colo. that serves people with a wide range of mental health needs. Its goal is
to promote mental health awareness and enable people to live their lives to the fullest by treating
those affected by mental illness.

Marketing Efforts:
The organization has a seasonal newsletter, which helps keep families, donors and
community members informed of relevant mental health issues, news and events in the
community. A copy of the newsletter can be requested via email or traditional mail. The Aurora
Mental Health Center also has brochures available in English and Spanish. Examples of the
different brochure categories include a school brochure, child & family services, childrens
mental health and mental health first aid. Using the tagline, Mental Health is Health, the
nonprofit runs PSAs that feature Jeannie Ritter, the First Lady of Colorado. The website includes
four video testimonials of people whose lives have been changed by the services that Aurora
Mental Health Center provides.

The organization hosts a golf tournament every year, entitled Aurora Vistas Foundation
Annual Golf Tournament. The tournament is designed to help raise funds to provide mental
health treatment and innovative programs to children and families within the community,
especially those who cannot pay for the necessary treatment. The tournament includes a
continental breakfast, a morning on the green and a barbeque lunch filled with prizes, awards and
a silent auction. Contact information for registration or sponsorship of the event is listed right on
Auroras website.

Community Outreach:
On Auroras website, there is a resources link to a library and information center
containing articles on featured topics such as family and relationship issues and childhood
mental disorders and illnesses. The center also provides an events link. Mental Health First Aid
is a 12-hour certification course that helps communities better understand mental illness and
respond to psychiatric emergencies. It trains people to provide initial assistance to a person

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showing signs of mental illness or in a mental crisis until the appropriate professional help is
available. The website encourages educators, school administrators, human resource
professionals, church members, nurses, police, firefighters, first responders, policymakers, social
workers, friends and family of individuals with mental illness and caring citizens to attend.
Under the resources tab, its website also includes mental health tips, mental health links and a
mental health dictionary.

Kitsap Mental Health Services
Kitsap Mental Health Services (KMHS) is a private, nonprofit community mental health
center that provides both mental health and behavioral health care services to children, families,
adults and seniors in Bremerton, Wash.

Donor Relations:
The Silver Rose Society recognizes those who are KMHSs most devoted and consistent
supporters. Membership is based on consistent giving and/or long-time service to KMHS.
Platinum Rose members of the Silver Rose Society are those who have arranged to make a
future gift through their wills or estate plans.

Marketing Efforts:
The organization sends out a seasonal newsletter called Happenings that is also
featured on its website. The newsletter includes a letter from Executive Director Joe Roszak,
information about community news and KMHS updates.

Since 1993, KMHS has worked with the Kitsap County Health District to provide a
school-based health clinic at the Spectrum Alternative School in Kingston. KMHS collaborates
with Early Head Start, Head Start/ECEAP (Early Childhood Education & Assistance Program)
and Kitsap Community Resources to provide mental health consultation to classroom teachers
and family advocates. KMHS and the local school districts special education directors
contribute funds to support the Madrona Day Treatment program for children and youth with
severe emotional and behavioral problems.

Community Outreach:
Its website includes a Journeys of Recovery tab, which highlights client successes.
Journeys of Recovery was launched in 2004, and it praises KMHS clients who have reached a
high point in recovery. The individuals have agreed to show their faces and tell their stories
about confronting the stigma of mental illness.

Marillac is a school, hospital and extra curricular programs facility serving the greater
Kansas City area. It offers both residential and acute care options for children dealing with
mental health issues from autism and ADHD, to severe depression and social inhibitions.

Donor Relations:
Every child that walks through Marillacs doors receives an individualized plan, and the
organization chooses to take the same approach with its donors. The team designates each donor
a category and assigns him or her a time or times each year that they will be contacted. If

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Marillac knows that the donor will only respond to the holiday giving campaign, it will only
contact them during the holidays. Most of its referrals are by word-of-mouth, so Marillac tries to
get its team out of the office as much as possible to recruit potential clients.

Each year, Marillac hosts three to four major events to attract new donors and often
partners with other Kansas City organizations such as the KC Autism Society. Using this tactic,
the larger organization, i.e., KC Autism Society, can organize and promote the event, while all
proceeds benefit Marillac. Another community partner is Gordan Biersch, a restaurant located
downtown. Marillac partners with the restaurant to host an event that invites all of Gordan
Bierschs constituents and introduces them to Marillacs cause while providing opportunities to
become potential donors.

Social Media:
Marillac focuses on what it does well and on making improvements where necessary. Its
donor page allows potential donors to choose between different donation plans, such as a
memorial, yearly or one time donation. It also offers potential donors the opportunity to
participate in the Target Give Back to Schools program by designating Marillac as their school
of choice. Its Facebook and Twitter pages are updated regularly with facts and articles about
mental health. These pages also include promotional announcements about events in the area
benefiting Marillac.

Community Outreach:
Marillac recognized and admitted to experiencing similar difficulties in presenting the
issue of mental health to the donor community. Throughout the years, it found that the best
approach was educating the community about mental health. Its speakers make sure to
acknowledge that people in the audience are affected by mental health in various extremes. Since
it is not appropriate to have children accompany them for these speeches, the Marillac
representatives do their best to share the stories of the children themselves. Marillac recognizes
that mental health is a very sensitive issue. As a result, its donor database is smaller than many
other nonprofits in the area. The team, however, tries to promote the organization as much as
possible by running PSAs at local movie theaters to inform the community about its services.

Be Early NC
Be Early NC is a campaign sponsored by the North Carolina Infant-Toddler program.

Marketing Efforts:
Since it deals with children, but also with a sensitive subject (slowly developing
children), Be Early has to tread carefully on how it presents the issue. It created a campaign
around a cute graphic bee design. The text is short and sweet but communicates its message in a
creative way. The web design was then carried into print and other digital materials for
distribution in the community. The designs are eye-catching and age appropriate, but still serious
enough to show parents the warning signs of underdevelopment.

Howard Brown Health Center
The Howard Brown Health Center, located in Chicago, specializes in providing support,
counseling and medical care for members of the LGBTQ community, including those with

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HIV/AIDS. In October 2010, a financial crisis threatened to shut down the center if it did not
raise $500,000 in 50 days. The organization posed the campaign as a countdown of 50 days to
save Howard Brown as a way to express the urgency of the situation to donors.

Social Media:
During the campaign, it posted weekly online updates and continually sent out news
releases to local and relevant media sources including both LGBTQ centered and general news
sources. The urgency of the campaign attracted the attention of many news sources. Facebook
also increased media attention with a matching pledge for each new fan. Within a week, Howard
Brown had reached its goal and added almost 10,000 new fans and a pool of new potential
donors. However, perhaps the most powerful part of the campaign was the 50 stories in 50 days
video segments broadcast on YouTube throughout its duration. The videos centered on Howard
Brown success stories and were eventually sent out as mailers to donors. The videos were not
especially high quality or high in production cost; they simply told the stories. In addition, the
videos page features a donate now button for easy contributions.

Achievement Centers for Children
The Achievement Centers for Children, located in Cleveland, Ohio, is a nonprofit
organization that provides support, services and programs that help children with a wide range of
physical, emotional, neurological or developmental disabilities achieve their full potential.

Marketing Efforts:
Targeted newsletters are mailed seasonally to families of children who participate in
specific programs and to current and/or potential donors or sponsors. These individuals on the
mailing list receive e-newsletters in a PDF format with the same information. Also, an annual
report, which lists corporate sponsors, community partnerships and individual/business donations
is included on the Achievement Centers for Childrens website.

The Achievement Centers for Children hosts several annual fundraising events that raise
thousands of dollars to support its programs and services through local businesses and national
corporate sponsorship. Community members are encouraged to attend these events and consider
donating money or volunteering. The most successful fundraising event is the Sparkle, Shimmer
& Shine Gala, a black tie affair that features a cocktail reception, catered dinner, a silent and live
auction, and a raffle.

Media Relations:
The Achievement Centers for Children has formed a close relationship with local media
contacts in the Cleveland area by pitching potential human interest stories to newspapers, news
channels and radio stations. Audiences have been impacted by the personal accounts of children
who have benefited from the its programs and services. Also, fundraising events have been
promoted through print, radio and television advertisements and featured in several calendar of
events listings on websites and in publications.

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Social Media:
The Achievement Centers for Children has utilized social media through a variety of
outlets including Facebook, Wordpress, Flickr and YouTube. Its Facebook page is regularly
updated several times a week with the latest news about upcoming Achievement Center
fundraising events, employee accomplishments and programs initiatives. The organization also
maintains its own YouTube channel, with over 30 video uploads about childrens mental health
success stories that have been viewed by 20,000 people.

The New England Center for Children
The New England Center for Children (NECC) is a private, nonprofit autism research
education center located in Boston, Mass. It is dedicated to transforming the lives of children
with autism worldwide through education, research and technology.

Partnership Building:
The NECC has formed some unique partnerships with local retailers who donate a
percentage of sales to support the organization. Programs including the Stop and Shops A+
School Rewards and Box Tops for Education have generated thousands of dollars in
contributions to the NECC. Ebays Sell for Charity program has enabled sellers to pledge to
donate any portion, from 10-100 %, of the final selling price of their items to the NECC.

Fundraising Initiatives:
The NECC organizes and participates in a number of annual fundraising events that are
open to all community members and are key to raising funds and awareness of its cause. Its main
fundraising event, A Night of Music, consists of musical performances, an auction, dinner and a
dance, all supporting the NECCs Annual Fund.

Application / Interpretation
Research shows that donor relations, marketing initiatives, fundraising efforts, media
relations, community involvement and social media are very important parts of raising funds and
awareness for a nonprofit. These are areas that Tristans Quest needs to examine closer in order
to effectively increase its donor base and raise awareness within surrounding communities.

Recommendations for Website Redesign
Several organizations websites featured design concepts or interactive features that could
serve as a model for Tristans Quests website. It might be useful for Tristans Quest to model its
Donate Now page after that of the Behavioral Health Services, which includes a list of
contributions and how they were allocated to support specific programs. Aurora Mental Health
Center has a list available with the contributions and grants received from individuals,
corporations and foundations. This allows potential donors to see who is currently supporting the
organization financially and encourages others to get involved. Aurora has also established its
credibility and transparency by including its annual report on its website. Tristans Quest should
consider adding a donor list to its website to show who made contributions and supplied grants in
addition to creating an annual report.
St. Baldricks has a section dedicated to other ways people can become involved with the
organization. Tristans Quest could incorporate a section like this on its website to invite people
from the community to help out in different ways by volunteering at the organization, buying
supplies for the classroom or donating money to sponsor events. Also, linking success stories or

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client testimonials to the Donate Now page may make donors more inclined to donate to the
organization. Tristans Quests website currently does not provide any personal stories of the
children and families it has assisted, and this is one component that it should consider adding.

Recommendations for Enhancing Social Media Usage
Tristans Quest should look to how the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services
Administration is using social media in order to utilize a more aggressive social media presence,
thus raising awareness for the organization. This organizations website includes a button that
allows viewers to share any information on the website or blog via Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter,
etc. This could be beneficial for Tristans Quest to enable visitors to share information from its
website via social media.

Recommendations for Expanding Marketing Efforts
Other organizations have utilized their marketing tactics effectively and garnered the
attention of community members by inspiring individuals to donate to their cause. The National
Federation of Families for Childrens Mental Health currently sells green ribbons for people to
wear at .25 cents apiece. These ribbons represent mental health awareness and encourage people
to acknowledge the importance of mental health. This is an inexpensive idea that Tristans Quest
could look into implementing to raise awareness of its services. These ribbons could be sold to
local organizations, companies and schools.
Aurora Mental Health Center sends out a seasonal newsletter to stay connected with
families, donors and community members and update them about upcoming fundraising events.
Kitsap Mental Health Services also publishes a newsletter containing a letter from its executive
director. Tristans Quest should consider including a letter from Dr. Jean if a newsletter was
created for the organization.
The Achievement Centers for Children formed close media relations with print and
broadcast news outlets in the Cleveland area by compiling press releases or PSAs for
promotional purposes. Tristans Quest could utilize these tactics to increase the number of media
impressions made in the greater Greensboro community.

Recommendations for Raising Awareness of Mental Health
The National Federation of Families for Childrens Mental Health celebrates Mental
Health Week, the first week in May, and the organization has created posters to place around the
country to help raise awareness for this week. This is one creative concept that Tristans Quest
could consider when promoting May as Mental Health Month. NFFCMH has also created
several taglines for its organization that are memorable and distinctive. This is something that
could help Tristans Quest become more well known within the local community.
Aurora Mental Health Centers website provides resources about mental health including
statistics, resource guides and FAQ sheets. Tristans Quest may want to incorporate a Mental
Health 101 section on its website to help advocate and raise awareness about mental health.
Also, the Be Early campaign is a great example of how to take an abstract idea that is not
easy to convey or fun to talk about and make it easily accessible to both parents and the
community. Tristans Quest could attempt to convey issues of mental health in the same way.

Recommendations for Forming Partnerships
Tristans Quest could benefit from attaching its cause to pre-existing events like Marillac
does with Gordan Biersch or the KC Autism Society. One interesting tactical idea is the donated

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PSA spots before movies at AMC. If Tristans Quest could partner with local movie theaters, it
could use the advertising space to educate parents, children and the community about mental
health and its importance.

Recommendations for Enhancing Fundraising Efforts
The Howard Brown Lifeline campaign is a realistic start for Tristans Quest because an
idea like that could potentially allow the organization to obtain major donations in a short period
of time. Tristans Quest could think of a fundraising effort as a promotion and limit the number
of days people have to donate in order to give it the sense of urgency people need to actually
commit to donate. It would also enhance the likelihood of the media to pick up on the donation
campaign. Instead of it being a long-term venture with media coverage spread out over months
or years, a short push campaign could enable all types of media to cover the issue at once. This
would educate the most people in the least amount of time. Tristans Quest could also adopt the
50 stories in 50 days idea presented by Howard Brown. Instead of having the children tell their
stories (which depending on their level of communication might not be possible), it would be
great to have parents or staff talk through a childs journey with accompanying images of that
The National Federation of Families for Childrens Mental Healths website also enables
businesses that wish to sponsor particular fundraising events easy access to downloadable PDFs
that list sponsorship opportunities. There is a separate link to additional information on its four
fundraising events, which enable individuals to register online for volunteering opportunities.

Potential Sponsors/Partnerships
Hospitals provide invaluable medical services to thousands of community members every
year. We feel that these organizations may be interested in partnering with Tristans Quest to
sponsor a mental health event or provide financial support to sustain its current programs.
Tristans Quest already has been in contact with health practitioners from some of these medical
facilities and would be able to foster a mutually beneficial relationship with them. By
communicating with these hospitals on a regular basis and keeping them up-to-date on its latest
mental health practices, Tristans Quest can establish itself as a potential referral source for their

Arts/Entertainment Venues:
The art and entertainment venues that we identified as potential partners would mainly
serve to advertise the issue of mental health and Tristans Quest. For example, to raise more
awareness of the issue of mental health, an advertisement for Tristans Quest could air before a
movie. This could attract potential clients and donors. Partnering with the childrens museums
would include having discounted group ticket sales or a special day to recognize mental health.
For Tristans Quest, it would be a way to increase awareness about the organization, and the
museums would receive more business.

Restaurants as potential donors can take a variety of avenues. First off, many restaurants
have grant programs that support childrens health organizations. This would be a direct
monetary or consumable donation to help offset Tristans Quests operation costs. Secondly,
restaurants are often willing to sponsor profit shares, where a portion of the proceeds on any

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given night go to support the nonprofit organization. Finally, as shown through the Marillac
research, partnerships with restaurants for community events can yield not only monetary
donations but also new base of potential future donors for Tristans Quest.

Nonprofit/Mental Health Organizations:
Nonprofit and mental health organizations are good potential partners for Tristans Quest
because they have similar goals and missions. Partnering with other nonprofits and mental health
organizations is a way to spread awareness of Tristans Quest, as well as publicly supporting mental
and behavioral health. Partnering with more well-known mental health organizations will make
relevant publics aware of its presence and services. Many of these organizations already have a
stable financial backing and could serve as model programs for Tristans Quest in the future.

Using corporations that are recognizable will help get Tristans Quests name out in the
community, raise awareness for the nonprofit and help to increase its funding. This would make
them good partners for Tristans Quest while also providing philanthropy for the corporations.

While the research we obtained provided some valuable insights for Tristans Quest, not
all the information would be applicable to the organization based on size, budget and target
audience. Several of the tactics mentioned above were utilized by larger, more established
organizations that have substantial funding and an extensive donor base. In the future, Tristans
Quest may consider certain marketing approaches or fundraising initiatives that would not
necessarily be feasible at this time.

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GOAL: Increase awareness of Tristans Quests services in the greater Greensboro community
A focus group and interviews with other nonprofit employees revealed that there is a
need to create awareness of Tristans Quest within the local community. It is important for the
nonprofit to increase awareness of its existence so that it can help a greater number of children.
Case studies showed examples of ways in which similar nonprofits raised awareness within their
communities. It is also important for Tristans Quest to reach out to the media. Media
impressions will create awareness for Tristans Quests name and cause within the community,
therefore increasing its credibility as an organization to its clientele and donor base.
Objective 1: To obtain at least five new clients by fall 2013
Objective 2: To achieve 200 media impressions weekly by fall 2013

To measure the success of our first goal, we will determine how many new clients Tristans
Quest has obtained since the implementation of our campaign. In order to increase Tristans
Quests media exposure, we will track how many times it has been covered in the media.

GOAL: Educate the greater Greensboro community about the prevalence and importance of
childrens mental health issues
Community surveys and client supplied information revealed that the majority of the
greater Greensboro community knows little about the issues surrounding mental health. Even
those who are educated about mental health are rarely aware of the importance of early
intervention for these children. Case studies supplied examples of similar mental health
organizations that made it a priority to educate the community about these issues before
promoting themselves as a solution to these challenges. One of the case studies also recognized
the need to make mental health more accessible, more warm and fuzzy, to the community by
ensuring that everyone had basic knowledge about these issues.
Objective 1: To implement a new monthly community education workshop focusing on
art therapy by fall 2013
Objective 2: To increase the number of partnerships with local community organizations
by 5 percent by fall 2013

In order to evaluate the success of our second goal, we will determine whether or not the
monthly art therapy workshops have gone into effect by the determined date. We will also
examine the number of partnerships that Tristans Quest has formed in the local community from
our campaigns start and end dates.

GOAL: Expand Tristans Quests fundraising efforts and donor relations initiatives
One challenge that Tristans Quest faces is its lack of funding to sustain and improve its
current programs that serve children with mental health disorders. Through our primary research,
we determined that corporate giving, either through donations or event sponsorships, could
provide a large share of the philanthropic support Tristans Quest receives each year. Thus, we
propose that Tristans Quest increase the number of corporate sponsorships it has formed to help
enhance its fundraising efforts. The organization has relied on financial support from grants and
individual donations in the past, and we encourage Tristans Quest to make efforts to expand its

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donor base. Furthermore, we believe that Tristans Quest could financially benefit from
organizing another fundraising event that would promote community participation.
Objective 1: To increase the number of individual donors by 5 percent by fall 2013
Objective 2: To increase the number of corporate sponsorships by 10 percent by fall 2013

In order to measure the success of our third goal, we will track the number of individual
donations that have been made to Tristans Quest over the course of our campaign and compare
it to that of previous years. For corporate sponsorships, we will also evaluate the number of new
funding sources that have been acquired in comparison to before the implementation of our

GOAL: Enhance Tristans Quests current website and implement more targeted social media
A focus group with Tristans Quests stakeholders revealed a need to improve its website.
Tristans Quest understands the importance of having a well-designed website with information
and resources to provide for its publics. Case studies gave examples of other nonprofit
organizations that have excellent websites and contain valuable information and links for their
publics. Tristans Quest currently has a Twitter and Facebook, but these are not being utilized to
their full potential. Social media used strategically can effectively raise awareness for Tristans
Quest. Case studies from similar nonprofit organizations have shown that using social media can
successfully educate the public about mental health.
Objective 1: To increase Facebook fans by 25 percent by January 2013
Objective 2: To increase Twitter followers by 20 percent by January 2013
Objective 3: To increase weekly website hits by 15 percent by fall 2013

Finally, to measure the effectiveness of our social media efforts, we will examine the
number of additional Facebook fans and Twitter followers that have been acquired and evaluate
their online engagement using Google Analytics. In addition, we will track the current number of
weekly hits that Tristans Quests website receives and compare it to its hits after our campaigns

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Executive Summary
This campaign is designed to raise awareness of Tristans Quest, increase public
knowledge of childrens mental health, implement more targeted social media efforts and expand
current sources of funding, partnerships and sponsorships for the organization. Our Picture
Their Future campaign connects the mission of Tristans Quest, making childrens mental
health a priority, to creativity, goal setting and achievement. An image of a Polaroid will thread
through all of our creative materials, tying them to our overarching concept, creating a positive
image of childrens mental health. Our idea is that Tristans Quest allows children to start fresh
with a blank canvas on which they may paint whatever they please. In turn, the children will
leave Tristans Quest with a brighter future.

Publics Addressed
The audiences that this campaign will target include:
Children with mental health issues
Parents of children with mental health issues
Community members
o Corporate
o Individual
Medical professionals
o Psychologists
o Psychiatrists
o Therapists
o Hospital staff
o Pediatricians

Tristans Quests main audiences are the children with mental health issues and their
parents. For the purpose of this campaign, we will focus on community members and donors
because it is crucial to raise awareness of Tristans Quests impact on childrens mental health.
We believe that educating the community about the issues surrounding childrens mental health
will help to counter the negative stigmas associated with it.
From our initial meeting with Dr. Jean, she expressed the need to expand Tristans
Quests donor base by appealing to both corporations and individuals. More donations will allow
the organization to sustain its current programs and potentially serve more children in the future.
Currently, Tristans Quest receives most of its donations from individuals, but we believe that
reaching out to local corporations would also be beneficial. We will utilize medical professionals
as a resource because they serve as a referral base for Tristans Quests clients and educate
patients about childrens mental health. It is important that the organization maintain solid
relationships with these individuals because they act as credible references and can speak well on
behalf of Tristans Quest.

Creative Concept
The creative concept for this campaign features the tagline and theme, Picture Their
Future: Creating a Positive Image of Childrens Mental Health. The theme was inspired by
Tristans Quests emphasis on using art therapy to help children develop through creativity and

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expressing themselves in an enriching way. The campaign plans to prominently feature different
forms of imagery including painting, photography and other crafts. Tentatively, the campaign
logo will be a polaroid style photograph featuring both text and Tristans Quests logo. This
polaroid frame will then be used to house other imagery within the campaign materials. For
example, one frame might include an image of children instead of the text and one might include
a childs artwork. In addition to the imagery, the campaign text will feature art related terms such
as A Snapshot of Mental Health to provide updates about current mental health statistics,
Portraits of Mental Health to feature childrens successes and the analogy of children being
works of art that take time and patience to cultivate into masterpieces.

Ideas incorporated into this campaign include:
! Encouraging children to express themselves through the arts
! The importance of art therapy and Tristans Quests services
! Ensuring intervention to achieve success in the future
! Looking to community leaders to inspire excitement towards the future
! Instilling a sense of lifelong appreciation for the arts

These apply differently for each of the targeted publics.

Audience !!!!!!!!!!!!!Message
Children with
mental health issues
Emphasize expression through the arts and their ability to look to
community leaders for inspiration and a lifelong appreciation for the
Parents of children
with mental health
Emphasize the importance of understanding the warning signs of
mental health issues and intervening early
Community members Focus on the importance of the issue of mental health and its impact
on society, what services Tristans Quest provides (particularly art
therapy) to serve children with mental health issues and its ability to
make a difference in these childrens lives
Donors Focus on educating audiences about mental health issues, the
importance of Tristans Quest and rates of success through its
programming by creating a positive image of a childs future
Medical professionals Show how art therapy and other programs can be successful and how
early intervention can provide brighter futures for children with mental
health issues

! !

We are proposing to focus primarily on the strategic use of social media as one of our
main campaign strategies. We are going to measure the engagement levels of Tristans Quests
current social media outlets and work with the nonprofit to increase viewer engagement. We will
expand upon Tristans Quests current social media platforms and integrate new social media
platforms into our plan that will increase awareness of Tristans Quest online. Through strategic
usage of these social media outlets, we are hoping to reach our goals of increasing awareness of
Tristans Quest as an organization as well as educating the greater Greensboro community about
the prevalence and importance of childrens mental health issues.

Facebook Page
Twitter Account
Website Updates
Search Engine Optimization

Facebook is a popular social media platform that Tristans Quest has already incorporated
into its promotional strategy. Although it maintains a Facebook presence, the organization is not
updating the information frequently, thus limiting user interaction and engagement. Facebook
can be used to provide people with information regarding Tristans Quest as an organization,
while also educating them on the importance of childrens mental health. It can also help
promote upcoming fundraising events. We are proposing that Tristans Quest post more targeted
information on its Facebook page such as client success stories and updates on upcoming events
and fundraisers. Tristans Quest should also like comparable local nonprofit organizations and
national mental health organizations on Facebook (Refer to Appendix B). In turn, people who are
fans of these pages will also be exposed to Tristans Quest.

Twitter is a social media platform that needs to be utilized to provide people with
information regarding Tristans Quests services and to educate the community. We believe it
would be helpful for Tristans Quest to tweet a mental health fact of the day that could be sent
out on a daily schedule. We have compiled a list of websites that post relevant facts and mental
health news for this purpose. We have also created a list of other organizations that might be
beneficial for Tristans Quest to follow on Twitter. In this way, Tristans Quest can connect itself
with these other organizations, possibly gain new followers and see how other comparable
organizations are using Twitter to promote their causes (Refer to Appendix B).

Hootsuite will allow Tristans Quest to manage multiple social media sites at the same
time, thus making its social media efforts more efficient and consistent. The usage of Hootsuite
would allow updates on Facebook and Twitter to be synchronized simultaneously. It also enables
its users to plan updates on a scheduling system so that Tristans Quests staff can plan ahead on

! !
days when they have more free time available.

We propose that Tristans Quest create a LinkedIn company profile to establish its
credibility as a nonprofit mental health organization. This resource would provide an overview of
the company and make it more accessible for public viewing. LinkedIn is also a great way to
network with other nonprofits and similar organizations by following companies. Individuals can
recommend Tristans Quest on its page and connect with employees as well. Live Twitter and
Facebook feeds can also be streamed on its LinkedIn page to generate up-to-date content about
Tristans Quest. This tactic would help establish brand awareness for the organization.

Website Updates
We are proposing several suggestions for Tristans Quests website reconstruction. First,
we believe it would be beneficial to include success stories on its website if Tristans Quest
could find clients whose parents are willing to share their stories. Along this same theme, posting
videos and pictures from past fundraising events will inspire future donors and increase
attendance at Tristans Quests events.
It would also be beneficial for Tristans Quest to create a FAQs section on its website,
which would include facts about the organization and relevant mental health statistics. This
section could include links to other comparable organizations and news websites that discuss
mental health issues and the importance of childrens mental health awareness. Furthermore, this
section could provide PDFs of Tristans Quests various promotional materials such as
brochures, posters, a copy of its updated e-newsletter and recent press releases.
It is important to point out the various awards that Tristans Quest and Dr. Jean have
received over the years. These awards give the organization further credibility and help it stand
out against organizations offering similar services.
Including a list of current donors on its website will allow its publics to see who is
donating to the organization and will encourage future individual and corporate donors. Other
potential ideas for website improvement could include a photo or video tour of Tristans Quests
facility, interviews with its staff, a calendar of upcoming events and a wish list of supplies that
people could buy for the organization, such as arts and crafts supplies for the children.

Search Engine Optimization
Utilizing SEO will enable Tristans Quest to establish a more visible presence when web
browsers type keywords into a search engine. By appearing higher up on the search results list,
individuals are more likely to visit Tristans Quests website. In turn, the organization needs to
edit its website content and HTML coding to incorporate popular search terms for people
inquiring about childrens mental health. Popular keywords that Tristans Quests target
audiences may search include mental health services, childrens mental health, North
Carolina mental health centers, treating childrens mental health, etc. Also, cross linking
between pages on its website will increase the number of search results that direct back to
Tristans Quest. Ultimately, these tactics will improve Tristans Quests prominence in search
results and increase website traffic.

Key Messages
The key messages we are hoping to convey with the Tristans Quests social media
viewers are the importance of childrens mental health through posts discussing mental health

! !
facts and the reasons that early intervention is important for children with mental illnesses. We
would also like viewers to be able to obtain information about Tristans Quests upcoming
events, such as fundraisers.


We propose creating a new fundraising event to raise awareness of Tristans Quest while
educating the greater Greensboro community about the importance of childrens mental health.
The Green Ribbon Race will celebrate May as Mental Health Month and spark dialogue about
childrens mental health while raising funds to support Tristans Quest. The event will be held
Saturday, May 11, 2013, in conjunction with National Childrens Mental Health Awareness
Week, held the first week in May. This event will work to change the stigma behind mental
health and increase public awareness of the challenges that children with mental health issues
and their families face.

The event will be held at Hester Park, located roughly six miles from Tristans Quest.
The race will be a 5K (3.1 miles) beginning and ending on the parks fitness trail. The route will
loop twice around the park, and water stations will be available for racers every half mile.
Potential sponsorships that Tristans Quest should look into for this event include Omega Sports
and RBC Bank. There will also be a 100 yd dash, Trot for Tots, which encourages
participation by children of all ages.
Participants and event attendees will be given the opportunity to speak with Dr. Jean in a
private ask the expert session in order to gain a better understanding of the importance of
childrens mental health. In addition, a featured speaker will discuss the importance of mental
health at the beginning of the event. If possible, we are hoping to recruit an athlete who has dealt
with mental health issues, possibly a Greensboro Grasshopper.
An Art and Awareness Banquet will conclude the race and feature a cookout and awards
ceremony held at a rented shelter at Hester Park. Childrens artwork will also be on display and
available for purchase at the event, with all proceeds benefiting Tristans Quest. Our hope is that
local restaurants will donate food for the cookout and supply rewards for the race winners, such
as gift cards or prize baskets.
We will incorporate an online registration link for participants to register for the race in
advance. If runners sign-up before April 30, 2013, the entry fee will be $25 and include a t-shirt.
After this date and leading up to the day of the race, registration will cost $30 in addition to
receiving a t-shirt. The t-shirt, which will feature a design drawn by a child at Tristans Quest,
will also be available for sale at the event.
Finally, the entire event will be filmed in order to raise awareness for the organization in
the future. Tristans Quest could use parts of the filmed event on its website or upload video clips
to Facebook to promote upcoming fundraising events.

Twitter and Facebook

! !
Press Releases
SAMHSA Event Posting
Selling Green Ribbons
eBay Giving Works

Twitter and Facebook
Twitter and Facebook can be used specifically to promote the Green Ribbon Race
fundraiser. People will not attend the event if they are not aware of it. Utilizing Twitter and
Facebook as promotional tools will allow Tristans Quest to connect with audiences it may not
be able to reach through printed promotional materials. The event can also be promoted by
inviting Tristans Quests fans to attend the Green Ribbon Race through a virtual invitation on
Facebook (Refer to Appendix K). Using these platforms in a strategic, organized way will allow
Tristans Quest to not only inform its audiences about the upcoming event, but also convey to the
community the importance of childrens mental health issues.

Furthermore, we are proposing that Tristans Quest create an e-newsletter using Constant
Contact, a virtual marketing tool, which will help promote the organization as well as the
upcoming Green Ribbon Race (Refer to Appendix I). This will be sent out on the second Monday
of every month. Tristans Quest can use the virtual newsletter to inform its contacts about events
that will be happening at the fundraiser, to recruit volunteers to help run the event, to highlight
successful sponsorships and to keep people actively interested in the cause.

A poster should also be created for the Green Ribbon Race that can be distributed in local
businesses, libraries, restaurants, churches, family centers and medical centers throughout the
community (Refer to Appendices C, L). While advertising for the fundraiser, the posters will also
include Tristans Quests name and logo, thus informing the community of its existence.

Press Releases
Press releases should be distributed to local media contacts, informing them of updates
regarding the Green Ribbon Race (Refer to Appendices C, F). By including the media in its
planning process, Tristans Quest will be able to inform a greater number of people within the
local community about its upcoming fundraiser. We are proposing that Tristans Quest also hire
a public relations or marketing intern to help with the creation of all of these necessary
promotional materials.

SAMHSA Event Posting
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration sparked the creation of
National Childrens Mental Health Awareness Day as its key strategy for the Caring for Every
Childs Mental Health campaign. This initiative invites mental health organizations nationwide
to promote their efforts in recognition of this day to help raise awareness of childrens mental
health. Organizations can post fundraising events that celebrate childrens mental health under a
social marketing tools section on SAMHSAs community partner web page. Tristans Quests
Green Ribbon Race can receive extensive web exposure by submitting a pledge form stating how
this community event addresses childrens mental health. This tactic would enable Tristans
Quest to share its plans with the community and collaborate with other organizations in

! !
supporting Awareness Day. A link to the Green Ribbon Races promotional materials can be
included in this listing as well (Refer to Appendix D).

Selling Green Ribbons
Another tactic we are proposing is that Tristans Quest sell green ribbons at its Green
Ribbon Race fundraiser. The ribbons stand for mental health awareness. Participants and
attendees will be able to purchase the ribbons for $.50 a piece at a booth set up at the event. In
this way, Tristans Quest can help raise awareness for mental health while also making a small
profit off of the ribbon sales. Every cent counts!

eBay Giving Works
Tristans Quest could utilize eBay Giving Works, an online component of eBay, to
further its fundraising efforts. Any eBay seller that is in good standing with the site can designate
a nonprofit organization to receive a portion of the proceeds of any sale made on his/her eBay
store. For example, as a seller, you might list a signed baseball in your eBay shop. You would
then designate that a certain percentage of the sale go directly to Tristans Quest. The buyer of
your product can see a nonprofit ribbon featured on that item as well as a brief description of
what the organization does and how the money may be used. When a seller posts an item for sale
to benefit the nonprofit, that organization is notified and allowed to review or cancel the sale of
the item in the event that it reflects poorly on the organization. After the sale has been made, a
direct method of payment is established, such as PayPal, and the organization receives sale
proceeds. Tristans Quest could make this option available to potential donors and existing
families by promoting this fundraising opportunity on its Facebook, Twitter and website.

Key Messages
The key messages we are hoping to convey to the greater Greensboro community include
the importance of childrens mental health and the unique services that Tristans Quest offers for
children with mental health issues. We are also hoping to inform the community of the need for
donations and funding in order to continue running all of the programs that Tristans Quest
currently offers its clients.


We propose that Tristans Quest partner with a local nonprofit organization, ArtQuest, to
host a monthly Art Smart workshop to be held at ArtQuests headquarters. Both nonprofits
would benefit from a partnership such as this one (Refer to Appendix E for a pitch letter to
ArtQuest). ArtQuests art studio, located inside the Green Hill Center for NC Art, will enable
children to express their creativity through designated monthly art projects. Tristans Quest will
be able to form a connection with both current and potential clients and other community
members whose children would benefit from this form of art therapy. Especially in the mental
health world, art is a way to help build self-confidence and inspire learning and creativity.

A different local artist affected by mental health issues will volunteer to teach an Art

! !
Smart workshop each month, with each session having a unique art project focus. While the
event will be open to the community, clients at Tristans Quest will be encouraged to attend.
There will be a general event fee, and although most proceeds will go towards the purchasing of
art supplies, both ArtQuest and Tristans Quest will receive a portion of the event proceeds.
Tristans Quest will also be responsible for purchasing the gift cards used to thank the artist
teaching the workshop.
The workshop will be held at ArtQuest, allowing Tristans Quests children and families
to decide for themselves whether or not they would feel comfortable attending the event. Again,
this will raise community awareness of Tristans Quest and childrens mental health. Throughout
the event, students will be encouraged to talk about their feelings through their artwork, initiating
conversations between all ages. This workshop will help foster discussion about young
childrens social-emotional health. The art activities will promote the positive development of
young children and create an awareness of the many entities working to enrich their overall well-

Art Therapy Definition
Informational Brochure
Childrens Artwork

Art Therapy Definition
Art therapy is the therapeutic use of art making, within a professional relationship, by
people who experience illness, trauma, or challenges in living, and by people who seek personal
development. Through creating art and reflecting on the art products and processes, people can
increase awareness of self and others, cope with symptoms, stress, and traumatic experiences;
enhance cognitive abilities and enjoy the life-affirming pleasure of making art (The American
Art Therapy Association, Inc.). Through art therapy, the children of Tristans Quest can work
through their behavioral/emotional challenges while bonding with local community members.

Informational Brochure
Informational brochures about Tristans Quest will be created and distributed at the Art
Smart workshop, as well as in local schools, businesses and medical facilities (Refer to
Appendix J). It will include general information about Tristans Quests services and programs
that benefit children with mental health issues and offer advice for their families. This brochure
will also be available on Tristans Quests website through a downloadable PDF.

Childrens Artwork
We are also hoping that ArtQuest would be willing to display Tristans Quests clients
artwork at its organization to help raise awareness for childrens mental health and to promote
Tristans Quest. Children and families who attend ArtQuest will thus be exposed to Tristans
Quest, its mission and the work that it does. This would provide a great opportunity for other
community members to utilize Tristans Quests resources or support the organization in other
ways, such as through donations.

! !
Finally, flyers will be handed out at local schools to advertise for the Art Smart
workshop. ArtQuest currently offers an Artists-In-The-Schools program in conjunction with
Guilford County Schools, which brings working artists to fourth grade classrooms for
informative talks and demonstrations with students. We have created a list of all Guilford County
middle schools and high schools where the flyers could be distributed (Refer to Appendices C,
M). This will encourage interaction between Tristans Quests clients and other students their

Key Messages
The Art Smart workshop will be a fun way for Tristans Quests clients to interact with
surrounding community members through fun, hands-on art projects. These projects will allow
the children to discuss their feelings through the artwork, while helping to build self-esteem and
promote creativity. The workshop will also help Tristans Quest to further promote its name and
services in the community through its partnership with ArtQuest.

There are several key obstacles in this campaign. The first involves time management in
implementing a strategic social media campaign. As there are currently only two full-time
workers at Tristans Quest, this may involve substantial time and effort on Dr. Jean and Ellisons
behalf. To avoid this obstacle, we propose hiring a social media or marketing intern to review all
social media messages before they are published online. We also suggest that Dr. Jean and
Ellison be briefly trained on how to use social media strategically through some form of online
tutorial, such as Bulldog Reporter - webinars. These webinars usually have a fee, but a greater
understanding of strategy would dramatically increase the benefits of social media.
Another similar obstacle is whether or not the organization has the manpower to take on
another fundraiser, specifically the Green Ribbon Race. In this particular case, volunteers can
play a major role in planning and orchestrating event logistics and can provide additional
assistance to Tristans Quests staff members. Volunteers, who are willing to donate their time to
ensure that these fundraising events are successful, can also recruit their friends or family
members to help out as well.
Another foreseeable obstacle comes with our proposed Art Smart workshop strategy
and collaboration with ArtQuest. If ArtQuest does not want to partner with Tristans Quest, we
will have to revise this strategy and the tactics involved. We would need to look into other
organizations willing to partner with Tristans Quest.
Overall, in terms of gaining more donors, especially corporate based donors, Tristans
Quest may have difficulty connecting with national organizations, as it is a small, local
organization. To overcome this issue, partnerships can be formed with leaders in the mental
health world who represent both community and national organizations.

! !

Social Media Engagement
In order to measure the success of our social media campaign, we recommend evaluating
its effectiveness based on increased awareness of Tristans Quest within the local community
and an increased level of interaction and engagement on its various social media outlets. We
recommend specifically using Hootsuite to measure engagement, media traffic and reach. A
public relations or social media intern should be responsible for tracking social media efforts for
Tristans Quest, with Dr. Jean reviewing results on a weekly basis. This will be used to gauge
whether or not our proposed tactics have been successful in helping the organization implement
more targeted social media strategies and increase awareness online for Tristans Quest.

We propose using Hootsuite as a measurement tool for Facebook. Through Hootsuite,
Tristans Quest will be able to track online mentions of the organization and analyze its social
media traffic. Hootsuite will also allow Tristans Quest to count the number of shares its posts
receive, while also tracking the number of comments, likes and mentions.
We suggest that Tristans Quest monitor its Facebook data on a weekly basis to track
whether or not the tactics it is implementing, such as constant tweets and mental health related
content, are engaging the audience or whether these tactics should be altered. The data should be
placed in an Excel spreadsheet, outlining the number of content shares, impressions, comments,
likes and organization mentions. In this way, Tristans Quest will also be able to keep track of
whether its social media traffic increases during the implementation of this campaign, and
specifically during and after events.

We also recommend Hootsuite as a data measurement tool for Twitter, as it can keep data
organized between the two social media outlets with the use of one simple tool. Data collection
will consist of of tracking the number of Twitter mentions Tristans Quest receives, retweets of
facts of the day and the number of new followers the organization receives on a weekly basis.
As stated previously, we suggest that Tristans Quest create an Excel spreadsheet dedicated to
tracking information specifically on Twitter to see what information the organizations followers
are relating to and how to better engage the audience.

Website Enhancement
Although our team is not directly involved in the re-design of Tristans Quest website,
the promotion and increased usefulness of the site is an integral part of the Picture Their Future
campaign. Current monitoring of the site includes tracking the number of daily site visits, top
downloads from the site and the place of origin of most visitors. While this tracking has been
helpful, it has shown little targeted information surrounding major promotions or events.
To further expand upon this work, we propose taking a more targeted approach to
website tracking through Google Analytics on the last day of each month. Leading up to, during
and after a major event, such as the Green Ribbon Race, the website content containing event
information should be analyzed. This will illustrate whether the placement of the event
information is effective and how many unique hits that specific section is receiving. By adding
web content relevant to future fundraising events, website tracking will be more reflective of
promotional success.

! !
In addition to event specific analysis, Tristans Quest should monitor the length of time
spent on the site and the click through rate of each visitor. For example, we recommend seeing if
a visitor views the site for two minutes to look at the Green Ribbon Race information and then
leaves or if he or she clicks through to another page about mental health awareness, Tristans
Quests services or workshops at ArtQuest. This will help evaluate the overall layout and user
interface of the site by monitoring the most frequented sections of the site. Tristans Quest will
also be able to see where its hits are routing from: Facebook, blogs, Twitter, etc., to determine
which of its media outlets are most successful at driving web traffic.

Green Ribbon Race
In order to gauge the Green Ribbon Races effectiveness of raising awareness for
Tristans Quest and informing the greater Greensboro community about the importance of
childrens mental health, we recommend using several methods of evaluation. Recording the
number of people who attend the inaugural Green Ribbon Race will serve as a benchmark for
future fundraising events. Participants will register online and check-in at a welcome booth, run
by volunteers, before the race begins. Green ribbons, honoring mental health awareness, will also
be sold at this table to raise additional funds for Tristans Quest. The sum of the ribbon sale
funds will be held separate from other donations received prior to or at the event to determine the
effectiveness of ribbon sales.
To increase Tristans Quests media exposure, we recommend disseminating press
releases to local media groups about the Green Ribbon Race and then tracking how many times it
is covered in the media. A public relations intern should handle media relations and compare
inputs versus outputs by maintaining a file of media clips. Media impressions will range in terms
of publication, tone, length and content.
At the end of the race, participants will be asked to complete a printed survey evaluating
the event and providing feedback for potential changes or improvements that could be made
(Refer to Appendix G). The final survey question will ask participants if they are interested in
subscribing to Tristans Quests e-newsletter. The intern could track how many individuals sign-
up to receive the newsletter during and after the race to determine the events effectiveness in
establishing interest in the nonprofit.

Art Smart Workshop
We propose keeping a record of the number of Art Smart Workshop attendees each
month on an Excel spreadsheet. From this record, Tristans Quest will be able to assess whether
the workshop has helped to raise awareness of childrens mental health within the community.
This record will monitor monthly changes in the number of attendees, with the goal being to
increase the number of attendees each month.
We also recommend measuring social media engagement as a way to further evaluate the
effectiveness of the Art Smart Workshops. The number of media impressions received and
workshop mentions online will help Tristans Quest evaluate awareness of the workshop within
the community and the satisfaction levels of recent attendees. The public relations or social
media intern should be responsible for tracking social media before, during and after the
workshops. The intern will follow discussions regarding the Art Smart Workshops on Facebook
and Twitter to see how the audience related to the workshop and whether there are future
improvements to consider. An increase in media impressions and social media engagement
around the time of workshops will not only increase awareness of the program, but also general
awareness of Tristans Quest and the importance of childrens mental health.

! !
In addition, we propose that attendees fill out a survey form distributed at the end of each
workshop (Refer to Appendix G). The survey will help Tristans Quest receive feedback about
the strengths and weaknesses of the workshop. From the survey, Tristans Quest will also be able
to determine how many attendees are new or returning.

Donor Relations
In order to evaluate our efforts to expand Tristans Quests donor relations, we suggest
that the organization look at financial indicators, such as the amount of donations, before and
after the campaign in relation to the number of donations received and the number of new
donors. This can be tracked online by monitoring the number of donations received via PayPal or
eBay Giving Works and manually in the office for donations received in the mail. We also
propose that Tristans Quest tracks the frequency of giving and note any patterns that may
appear. For example, if certain people only donate during the holidays or after charity events,
Tristans Quest should specifically target these groups during that time frame. These evaluation
strategies will allow the organization not only to track the donations acquired, but also what type
of individuals or corporations are donating and how they choose to do so.

! !

! !

! !

! !

August 2012
August 1: Contact Art Quest about partnership for Art Smart workshop
Set up Google Analytics account
August 2-3: Disseminate Art Smart press releases to media contacts
August 3: Activate LinkedIn account
August 6-10: Begin contacting local artists about speaking at Art Smart workshops
August 13: Send out first e-newsletter
August 13-17: Begin printing and hanging up Art Smart workshop flyers
August 20-24: Begin printing and displaying Tristans Quest posters and brochures
August 27: Set up Hootsuite account
August 29: Purchase art supplies for Art Smart workshop
August 31: Print Art Smart workshop surveys

September 2012
September 1: Hold first Art Smart workshop- distribute survey / Evaluate Hootsuite report
September 3: Begin Tweeting "Fact of the Day" / Post pictures from Art Smart workshop
September 6-7: Disseminate Art Smart press releases to media contacts
September 8: Evaluate Hootsuite report
September 10: Send out e-newsletter focusing on Art Smart workshops
September 10-14: Hang up Art Smart workshop flyers
September 15: Evaluate Hootsuite report
September 22: Evaluate Hootsuite report
September 29: Evaluate Hootsuite report
September 30: Google Analytics evaluation / Media impression evaluation

October 2012
October 6: Art Smart workshop- distribute surveys / Evaluate Hootsuite report
October 8: Post pictures from Art Smart workshop
October 11-12: Disseminate Art Smart press releases to media contacts
October 13: Evaluate Hootsuite report
October 15: Send out e-newsletter
October 15-19: Hang up Art Smart workshop flyers
October 20: Evaluate Hootsuite report
October 27: Evaluate Hootsuite report
October 31: Google Analytics evaluation / Media impression evaluation

November 2012
November 3: Art Smart workshop- distribute surveys / Evaluate Hootsuite report
November 5: Post pictures from Art Smart workshop
November 8-9: Disseminate Art Smart press releases to media contacts
November 10: Evaluate Hootsuite report
November 12: Send out e-newsletter focusing on eBay Giving Works
November 17: Evaluate Hootsuite report
November 18-24: Promote eBay Giving Works
November 19-23: Hang up Art Smart workshop flyers
November 24: Evaluate Hootsuite report

! !
November 30: Google Analytics evaluation / Media impression evaluation

December 2012
December 1: Art Smart workshop- distribute surveys / Evaluate Hootsuite report
December 3: Post pictures from Art Smart workshop
December 6-7: Disseminate Art Smart press releases to media contacts
December 8: Evaluate Hootsuite report
December 10: Send out e-newsletter
December 15: Evaluate Hootsuite report
December 17-21: Hang up Art Smart workshop flyers
December 22: Evaluate Hootsuite report
December 29: Evaluate Hootsuite report
December 31: Google Analytics evaluation / Media impression evaluation

January 2013
January 4: Contact Greensboro Grasshopper to speak at Green Ribbon Race
January 5: Art Smart workshop- distribute surveys / Evaluate Hootsuite report
January 7: Post pictures from Art Smart workshop
January 10-11: Disseminate Art Smart press releases to media contacts
January 12: Evaluate Hootsuite report
January 14: Send out e-newsletter
January 14-18: Begin contacting potential sponsors for Green Ribbon Race
January 19: Evaluate Hootsuite report
January 21-25: Hang up Art Smart workshop flyers
January 26: Evaluate Hootsuite report
January 28: Reserve the Hester Park shelter for Green Ribbon Race
January 31: Google Analytics evaluation / Media impression evaluation

February 2013
February 2: Art Smart workshop- distribute surveys / Evaluate Hootsuite report
February 4: Post pictures from Art Smart workshop
February 7-8: Disseminate Art Smart press releases to media contacts
February 9: Evaluate Hootsuite report
February 11: Send out e-newsletter introducing Green Ribbon Race
February 16: Evaluate Hootsuite report
February 18-22: Hang up Art Smart workshop flyers
February 23: Evaluate Hootsuite report
February 26: Fill out pledge form to promote Green Ribbon Race (SAMHSAs website)
February 28: Google Analytics evaluation / Media impression evaluation

March 2013
March 2: Art Smart workshop- distribute surveys / Evaluate Hootsuite report
March 4: Post pictures from Art Smart workshop
March 7-8: Disseminate Art Smart press releases to media contacts
March 9: Evaluate Hootsuite report
March 11: Online registration for Green Ribbon Race begins
Send out e-newsletter with e-invites for Green Ribbon Race
March 16: Evaluate Hootsuite report

! !
March 18-22: Hang up Art Smart workshop flyers
March 23: Evaluate Hootsuite report
March 25-29: Ask for food/supply donations from local vendors for GR Race
March 30: Evaluate Hootsuite report
March 31: Google Analytics evaluation / Media impression evaluation

April 2013
April 1: Create Green Ribbon Race Facebook event
April 1-5: Begin printing and hanging up Green Ribbon Race flyers
April 5: Order green ribbons & safety pins
April 6: Art Smart workshop- distribute surveys / Evaluate Hootsuite report
April 8: Send out e-newsletter featuring Green Ribbon Race
Post pictures from Art Smart workshop
April 9: Order Green Ribbon Race t-shirts
April 11-12: Disseminate Art Smart press releases to media contacts
April 13: Evaluate Hootsuite report
April 15: Reserve tables & chairs for Art and Awareness Banquet
April 16: Order awards for race winners
April 18-19: Disseminate Green Ribbon Race press releases to media contacts
April 20: Evaluate Hootsuite report
April 22-26: Hang up Art Smart workshop flyers
April 27: Evaluate Hootsuite report
April 29: Purchase decorations for Art and Awareness Banquet
April 30: Last day to register online for Green Ribbon Race for $25 entry fee
Google Analytics evaluation / Media impression evaluation

May 2013
May 1-3: Finalize all race logistics
May 3: Follow-up with media about Green Ribbon Race
May 4: Art Smart workshop- distribute surveys / Evaluate Hootsuite report
May 5-11: National Childrens Mental Health Awareness Week
Social Media focus on NCMHAW & Green Ribbon Race
May 6: Post pictures from Art Smart workshop
Send out email reminders to pre-registered racers
May 9-10: Disseminate Art Smart press releases to media contacts
May 10: Print Green Ribbon Race surveys
May 11: Host Green Ribbon Race- distribute surveys / Evaluate Hootsuite report
May 13: Send out e-newsletter with recap of Green Ribbon Race
Upload videos and photos from Green Ribbon Race
May 14-17: Follow-up with media contacts
Write and mail thank yous to race participants, sponsors, donors, etc.
May 18: Evaluate Hootsuite report
May 20-24: Hang up Art Smart workshop flyers
May 25: Evaluate Hootsuite report
May 31: Google Analytics evaluation / Media impression evaluation

June 2013
June 1: Art Smart workshop- distribute surveys / Evaluate Hootsuite report

! !
June 3: Post pictures from Art Smart workshop
June 6-7: Disseminate Art Smart press releases to media contacts
June 8: Evaluate Hootsuite report
June 10: Send out e-newsletter with fundraising statistics
June 15: Evaluate Hootsuite report
June 17-21: Hang up Art Smart workshop flyers
June 22: Evaluate Hootsuite report
June 29: Evaluate Hootsuite report
June 30: Google Analytics evaluation / Media impression evaluation

July 2013
July 6: Art Smart workshop- distribute surveys / Evaluate Hootsuite report
July 8: Send out e-newsletter / Post pictures from Art Smart workshop
July 11-12: Disseminate Art Smart press releases to media contacts
July 13: Evaluate Hootsuite report
July 20: Evaluate Hootsuite report
July 22-26: Hang up Art Smart workshop flyers
July 27: Evaluate Hootsuite report
July 29-30: Begin contacting new Art Smart speakers
July 31: Google Analytics evaluation / Media impression evaluation

Tweet Fact of the Day daily
Update Facebook page as necessary with most relevant information, upcoming events,
Tristans Quest news, etc.
Update LinkedIn with latest Tristans Quest achievements and media coverage
Restock art supplies as needed for Art Smart workshops
Posts on social media asking for feedback following Art Smart workshops

! !

! !

! !

! !

! !

! !

! !

Our Picture Their Future campaign emphasizes Tristans Quests mission of making
childrens mental health a priority through our creative concept using Polaroid photos. We have
incorporated Tristans Quests current logo into a black and white image with the text, creating
a positive image of childrens mental health. Our goal is to change the stigma associated with
mental health by communicating a message that embraces Tristans Quests ABCs:
acknowledge the strengths; believe in potential; conquer the challenges.
In order to reach audiences and enhance brand awareness of Tristans Quest, we have
proposed several goals and objectives that coincide with our strategies and tactics. By creating
the Green Ribbon Race and Art Smart workshops, these events will spark community
participation and increase funds to sustain Tristans Quests educational programs. An increase
in online engagement, by implementing more targeted social media tactics and updating the
website, will keep the community informed about Tristans Quest latest initiatives. Expanding
marketing efforts beyond word of mouth, by disseminating press releases and creating
promotional materials, will form a greater connection with potential clients, donors, sponsors and
By implementing our strategic campaign, Tristans Quest will be able to achieve success
through changing the actions, attitudes and awareness of its target audiences. This will be
reflected by a potential increase in the number of individual and corporate donors, a more
educated public on the misrepresentation of childrens mental health, and a heightened
awareness of Tristans Quests programs and services. In turn, Tristans Quest will establish its
credibility as an invaluable service provider that will continue to make a difference in the lives of
special needs children and their families.

! !

Appendix A: TQ Supporters Past and Present
Potential sponsors/partnerships

Appendix B: Sample Tweets
List of organizations to follow/like

Appendix C: Local libraries
Guilford Country schools
Local Media contacts

Appendix D: SAMHSA event posting

Appendix E: ArtQuest pitch letter

Appendix F: Art Smart Workshop press release
Green Ribbon Race press release

Appendix G: Art Smart Workshop survey questions
Green Ribbon Race survey questions

Appendix H: TQ LinkedIn Profile content

Appendix I: TQ Constant Contact Newsletter example

Appendix J: TQ Brochure

Appendix K: Green Ribbon Race Facebook Event

Appendix L: Green Ribbon Race poster

Appendix M: Art Smart Workshop flyer
TQ Services Ilyer

! !

TQ Supporters Past and Present:

The following foundations have supported Tristans Quest through grants over the years:
American Psychiatric Foundation Cemala Foundation
Community Foundation of Greater Greensboro Darden Foundation
Tannenbaum Sternberger Foundation 21st Century
Dell Foundation Weaver Foundation
The Future Fund of Greater Greensboro The Dillard Fund
Guilford County Community Collaborative Food Lion Foundation
International Paper Foundation Junior League of High Point
Medical Alliance Foundation Kate B. Reynolds Foundation
Kids N Community Foundation Kiwanis Club of Greensboro
Nat Greene Kiwanis Club Quota Club, International
Sheetz Foundation Shire Pharmaceuticals
Walmart Foundation Sams Club
Mary Lynn Richardson Foundation Theresa Foundation
David and Claudia Reich Family Fund
Moses Cone Wesley Long Community Health Foundation

The following is a list of partnerships that Tristans Quest has formed:
Fairway Outdoor Advertising Food Lion
Clinton Press Guilford County Schools
MATCH Program Coca-Cola
Krispy Kreme McDonalds
Harris Teeter Walgreens

These orgs have sponsored the Yamamori Ltd Annual Golf Tournament the past 3 years:
Cornerstone Healthcare Carolina Bank
Natty Greenes Flow Mini Cooper
East Coast Recovery Farm Bureau Insurance
BB&T Country Wide Loans
Modern Automotive Allen Tate Realtors
Chicago Title Insurance Tom Chitty and Associates
Association Management Group Triad Business Builders
Midcarolina Bank Greens Street Entertainment
Fox Cleaners Wachovia
Jeff Thigpen Registrar of Deeds VF Corporation
Moses Cone Behavioral Health Shire Pharmaceuticals
Sweet Basils Alamance Regional Medical Center
American Partners Federal Credit Union Investors Title Insurance Company
Morehead United Methodist Church TCNK, Inc.
Partnership Property Management Roberson, Haworth, and Reese
Wellington Advisers Yamamori Ltd Jewelers
Dr. Kathleen Lucas and Dr. Larry Ransom Biscuitville
Lisa Weeks and Lori Boldt PI Properties
Booth Harrington & Johns of NC Universal Leather
The Taylor, Benson, & Omohundro Families The Picon Family

! !

Potential sponsors/partnerships:

Local Hospitals:
Alamance Regional Medical Center Forsyth Medical Center
Brenner Childrens Hospital Novant Health
Medical Park Hospital North Carolina Baptist Hospitals, Inc
High Point Regional Health System Kindred Hospital
Moses Cone Health System Randolph Hospital
Moses Cone Behavioral Health Center Wesley Long Hospital
Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center Womens Hospital of Greensboro
Amos Cottage Rehabilitation Hospital for Children

Arts/Entertainment Venues:
Regal Greensboro Grande Stadium 16 Carousel Grande Cinema 15
Sedgefield Crossing Cinemas $1.00 Cinemark Brassfield Cinema 10
Carmike 18 Greensboro The Greensboro Children's Museum
The Natural Science Center of Greensboro Triad Lanes Bowling Alley
Triad Lanes Bowling Alley AMF Bowling Alley
Gate City Lanes Bowling Alley

Bojangles Hardees
Hams Applebee's
Chipotle LM Restaurants

Nonprofit/Mental Health Organizations:
Blue Cross Blue Shield of NC YMCA
United Way Dominion Foundation
Autism Society of NC National Institute on Mental Health

First Citizens Bank RBC
Bank of America Foundation Wells Fargo Foundation
Target Foundation Genworth Financial
Champion Sports Wear Soffees Shoes
Omega Sports Labcorp
The Fresh Market Koury Corporation
Johnson & Johnson

! !

Sample Tweets:

Twitter Facts of the Day
One in five children has a diagnosable mental disorder
Early identification and treatment is of vital importance. By getting people the treatment
they need early, recovery is possible.
Mental Illness: Myths vs. Facts
Celebrate National Childrens Mental Health Awareness Week!
Childrens Mental Health Resource List: http://www.mentalhealthamerica.net/go/children
For too long we have swept the problems of mental illness under the carpet... and hoped
that they would go away. Richard J. Codey
Check out this great website on childrens mental health disorders, sponsored by the U.S.
National Library of Medicine and National Institutes of Health
Around 20% of the world's children and adolescents are estimated to have mental
disorders or problems (The World Health Organization)
All ages are susceptible to mental illness, but the young and the old are especially
vulnerable. The National Alliance on Mental Illness

Mental Health Information Tweets
Do you know the signs? Check out the Minnesota Association for Childrens Mental
Healths fact sheets: http://www.macmh.org/publications/fact_sheets/fact_sheets.php
Did you know half of mental health disorders start before age 14, according to the World
Health Organization? Click here for more facts:
Getting ready for back to school? Click here to find valuable information on how to help
children make the most of it:
Not all children develop at the same rate. Check out the AACAPs Facts for Families
here: http://www.aacap.org/cs/root/facts_for_families/facts_for_families
One in 10 children have a mental health issue. Two in 10 have a problem severe enough
to interfere with everyday life. (National Institute of Mental Health)
Adolescents with mental health problems have the lowest rates of employment.
As many as 50% of children with ADHD are never diagnosed. (CDC)
Adolescents with mental health problems have the highest rates of high school dropouts.
What can a child this mental health disorders achieve? Check out the possibilities
presented in the CMHOs video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bbOTV_ujri4
How do you get help if you think your child has a mental health issue? Watch this video
to learn more: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l9eIilX4xZc

! !
Appendix B

Sample Tweets Continued:

Change Your View. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bbOTV_ujri4
First-hand account of mental health stigmas.
Great video on mental health stigmas.
Understanding Mental Illness.
The Fragile Balance. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aVvS4enBIyo
Maybe Tristans Quest should do this too! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Up-
Amazing study on childrens mental health.
Great anti-label PSA. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=738ZDj-Xru8&feature=related
What does recovery mean to you? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pmzBSWSXRYA
What will you do for your Mental Health Day?

Green Ribbon Race
Show your support for National Childrens Mental Health Awareness Month by wearing
a green ribbon TODAY!
Register online for our upcoming Green Ribbon Race on May 11 at Hester Park. You
wont want to miss it! (include link)
National Childrens Mental Health Awareness Week begins TODAY. Help us raise
awareness by wearing a green ribbon to honor these children!
Dont forget to sign up to participate in the Green Ribbon Race. Registration is only $25
and includes a t-shirt, post-race banquet and much more! (include link)
TODAY is the big day! We hope to see you at Hester Park for the Green Ribbon Race!
Check-in begins at 9 a.m., and the race starts at 10 a.m.
Want to hear a Greensboro Grasshopper speak about the importance of childrens mental
health? Attend the Green Ribbon Race at Hester Park TODAY!
Are you an avid runner or dedicated walker? Want to support our efforts to improve the
lives of children with mental health issues? Sign up for the Green Ribbon Race TODAY!
(include link)
TODAY is the last day to register online for the Green Ribbon Race! Participants can still
sign-up at the event itself by arriving at 9 a.m. and paying a $30 entry fee. (include link)
Dont forget to bring your tennis shoes and wear your green ribbon at our inaugural
Green Ribbon Race TOMORROW! We look forward to seeing you at Hester Park for
check-in at 9 a.m.
Invite your friends, family and co-workers to attend the Green Ribbon Race kick-off at
10 a.m. on May 11 at Hester Park! All proceeds support our efforts to improve childrens
mental health.

! !

Sample Tweets Continued:

Art Smart Workshop
Come out to the Art Smart workshop this Saturday at ArtQuest with local artist William
Did you attend this months Art Smart workshop? Let us know what you learned!
Join local artist William Mangum at the Art Smart workshop this Saturday at ArtQuest to
create a piece of art!
Join us the first Saturday of every month at ArtQuest to attend an art class featuring a
local artist!
Have you ever made a miniature clay sculpture? Come to the Art Smart workshop this
Saturday and create one!
Our Art Smart workshop was featured in The News and Record (link). Read and find out
more about what the workshop offers!
Calling all artists! The first Art Smart workshop is on Saturday, Sept. 1, 2012.
Saturdays Art Smart workshop was a success! If you were not able to join us, be sure to
attend next time!
A child from Tristans Quest created this clay sculpture! (link) Post pictures with your
creations from the workshop! #ArtSmart
Art Smart workshop attendees: What has been your favorite workshop? #ArtSmart

List of other organizations to follow!/!like

Mental Health NIMH - @NIMHgov
Bring Change to Mind @bc2m
Child Mind Institute - @CHildMindDotOrg
CAMH Foundation - @endstigma
CAMH - @CAMHnews
Child-Psych.org - @ChildPsychology
Mental Help Net - @MentalHelpNet
DHS Childrens MH - @childrensmh
TheMHS - @themhsorg
MIAWCanada - @MIAWCanada
NoStigmas - @NoStigmas
End The Stigma - @EndTheStigma
Mental Health America - @MentalHealthAm
SCC Mental Health - @SCCMentalHealth
MNT Mental Health - @mnt_mentalhealt
Autismspeaks - @autismspeaks

! !

Local Libraries
Blanche Benjamin Branch Library
Glenwood Branch
Greensboro Public Library
Guilford College Branch
Mcgirt-Horton Branch Library
Southwest Branch Library
Vance H. Chavis Lifelong Learning Center

Guildford County Schools
High Schools
T. Wingate Andrews High School, High Point
James B. Dudley High School, Greensboro
Eastern Guilford High School, Gibsonville
Grimsley High School, Greensboro
GTCC Middle College High School, Jamestown
Guilford County Middle College High School, Greensboro
Guilford Early College High, Greensboro
High Point Central High School, High Point
Northeast Guilford High School, McLeansville
Northern Guilford High School, Greensboro
Northwest Guilford High School, Greensboro
Walter Hines Page Senior High School, Greensboro
Ragsdale High School, Jamestown
Ben L. Smith High School, Greensboro
Southeast Guilford High School, Greensboro
Southern Guilford High School, Greensboro
Southwest Guilford High School, High Point
Western Guilford High School, Greensboro

Guilford County Middle Schools
Allen Jay Middle School Aycock Middle School
Brown Summit Center Eastern Middle School
Ferndale Middle School Guilford Middle School
Jackson Middle School Jamestown Middle School
Kernodle Middle School Kiser Middle School
Laurin Welborn Middle School Lincoln Academy
Mendenhall Middle School Northeast Guilford Middle
Northwest Guilford Middle Otis L Hairston Senior Middle School
Southeast Guilford Middle School

Media Contacts
News & Record (336) 373-7000
WFMY-CBS 2 (336) 379-9369
News 14 Carolina (336) 856-9497

! !

SAMHSA Event Posting:

Join Tristans Quest, a Greensboro, N.C. 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization, in recognizing
National Childrens Mental Health Awareness Week by attending our inaugural Green
Ribbon Race.

What: 5K (3.1 mile) run/walk
Where: Hester Park- Greensboro, N.C.
When: May 11, 2013
Check-in: 9-10 a.m.
Race kick-off: 10 a.m.
Art and Awareness Banquet and awards ceremony: 11:30 a.m.
Why: Support Tristans Quest in our efforts to serve children with mental health issues and their
families through our educational programs and family services.
Who: All community members are invited to attend or participate in the race and celebration

Registration Information:
Online registration for the Green Ribbon Race begins March 11.
Register before April 30 for a $25 fee, which includes a t-shirt, complimentary food and
drinks at our post-race banquet and much more.
$30 registration fee to sign-up at the race.

Event Highlights:
A baseball player from the Greensboro Grasshoppers will talk about the importance of
childrens mental health.
Dr. Jean Allen, the executive director of Tristans Quest, will host a Q&A session on
childrens mental health treatment.
Children of all ages are encouraged to participate in the Trot for Tots, a 100 yd. dash.

The post-race awards ceremony and banquet will be held at Pavilion 1 in Hester Park.
The top male and female overall finishers and the top three male and female finishers in
each age division will receive awards.

Other Details:
Green Ribbons will be sold at the race in recognition of May as Mental Health.
Childrens artwork from Tristans Quest will also be on display and available for
purchase during the banquet.
We welcome donations, which can be made at the race or online.
We are also looking for potential sponsors to help fund the event and volunteers to assist
at the race. Please contact Dr. Jean Allen if interested.

For more information, please visit our website, www.tristansquest.com, call our office, (336)
547-7460, or email Dr. Jean Allen, drjean@triad.rr.com.

! !

ArtQuest pitch letter:

! !

Art Smart Workshop press release:

News Release
Aug. 1, 2012 Dr. Jean Allen
Executive Director
(336) 547-7460

Local nonprofits partner to host monthly Art Smart Workshop
- Tristans Quest and ArtQuest create art therapy workshop for children with mental health issues

GREENSBORO, N.C. - Aug. 1, 2012 Two nonprofits from the greater Greensboro area, Tristans Quest
and ArtQuest, have partnered to create a monthly workshop focused on improving the lives of children
with mental health issues through art. The workshop will be held on the first Saturday of every month,
beginning on Sept. 1, 2012. The Art Smart workshop, held at ArtQuests studio inside the Green Hill
Center for NC Art, will be open to the public.

ArtQuest has formed a mutually beneficial partnership with us by helping to create this workshop, said
Dr. Jean, executive director of Tristans Quest. We are so grateful for the amazing opportunity the Art
Smart Workshop has created for children struggling with mental health issues.

Participants will be challenged with art projects to be completed during the workshop, while under the
direction of a local artist. The hope is that the special needs children will benefit from this form of art
therapy, while also forming connections with community members.

Art inspires creativity, allowing children to express themselves using visual communication, said
Ellison Hargis, a child developmentalist at Tristans Quest. Our hope is that this workshop will help the
children build self confidence, while also emphasizing the importance of childrens mental health within
the community.

The Art Smart workshop will cost $25 per session and proceeds will be split between the two nonprofits.

Tristans Quest is a 5013 nonprofit organization located in Greensboro, North Carolina that is dedicated
to serving children with emotional/behavioral issues and their families. It provides many social services
and educational programs. The executive director, Dr. Jean, has over 30 years of experience working with
special needs children and is an advocate for childrens mental health awareness within the community.
For more information, visit www.tristansquest.com.

Within the exhibition galleries of Green Hill Center is ArtQuest, a permanent hands-on art studio. This
studio provides the perfect setting for families, school groups and other organizations to immerse
themselves in the world of art and creativity. After a quick tour of the space, visitors set off on an
adventure of their own exploring clay, paint, weaving, collage, books and more. ArtQuest accommodates
children of all ages. For more information, please visit www.greenhillcenter.org.

! !

Green Ribbon Race press release:

News Release
Jan. 1, 2013 Dr. Jean Allen
Executive Director
(336) 547-7460

Local nonprofit, Tristans Quest, to host Green Ribbon 5k
- Race to celebrate National Childrens Mental Health Awareness Week

GREENSBORO, N.C. - Jan. 1, 2013 Tristans Quest, a local nonprofit dedicated to improving
the lives of children with emotional, behavioral, social and academic challenges is hosting a 3
mile race to raise awareness for the importance of childrens mental health. The Green Ribbon
Race will be held at 10 a.m. on Saturday, May 11, 2013.

The race will be held in conjunction with National Childrens Mental Health Awareness Week,
celebrated the first week in May. It is designed to raise money to cover some the costly services
Tristans Quest provides for children with mental health issues within the greater Greensboro
area and surrounding communities.

Children are the most important thing in the world to us, said Dr. Jean, executive director of
Tristans Quest. Therefore, we strive to help them in every possible way. Every child deserves
the chance to become the best person he or she can be.

The race will feature a speaker from the Greensboro Grasshoppers, free ask the expert sessions
will Dr. Jean to discuss mental health awareness, t-shirts, childrens artwork available for
purchase, an awards ceremony for the race winners and an Art and Awareness Banquet catered
by local restaurants to conclude the race. The entry fee is $25 for online registration, or $30 the
day of the race. Upon registration, the participant will receive a race package, including a t-shirt
commemorating the event.

The Green Ribbon Race will be held at Hester Park, located roughly six miles from Tristans
Quest. The race will be a 5K (3.1 miles) beginning and ending on the parks fitness trail. There
will also be a 100-yard dash, Trot for Tots, encouraging participation from children of all ages.

Tristans Quest is a 5013 nonprofit organization located in Greensboro, North Carolina that is
dedicated to serving children with emotional/behavioral issues and their families. It provides
many social services and educational programs. The executive director, Dr. Jean, has over 30
years of experience working with special needs children and is an advocate for childrens mental
health awareness within the community.

! !

Art Smart Workshop survey questions:

o How did you hear about the workshop?
! Social media
! Website
! Word-of-mouth
! Flyers
! Media coverage
! Saw advertisement at Art Quest
! Other
o Have you attended an Art Smart workshop before?
! Yes
! No
o Are you or a family member a client at Tristans Quest?
! Yes
! No
! Unsure
o Do you feel that art therapy is an effective way to treat childrens mental health?
! Yes
! No
! Unsure
o Did the speaker enhance your experience at the workshop?
! Yes
! No
! Unsure
o Do you know of any local artists who may be interested in leading an Art Smart
! Yes- please provide contact info
! No
o Would you recommend the workshop to others?
! Yes
! No
! Unsure

! !

Green Ribbon Race survey questions:

o How did you hear about the event?
! Social media
! Website
! Word-of-mouth
! Flyers
! Media coverage
! Other
o Are you or a family member a client at Tristans Quest?
! Yes
! No
! Unsure
o Do you know what the green ribbon symbolizes?
! Yes
! No
! Unsure
o Did you participate in the 5k?
! Yes
! No
o Did you attend the Ask the Expert session with Dr. Jean?
! Yes
! No
o Did you contribute any money to support the event?
! Yes
! No
o After attending the event, do you feel you have a better understanding of the
importance of childrens mental health?
! Yes
! No
! Unsure
o Would you like to sign up to receive our monthly e-newsletter?
! Yes- please include email address
! No

! !

TQ LinkedIn Profile body copy:

! !

! !

TQ Brochure (front and back):

! !

TQ Brochure (inside):

! !

Green Ribbon Race Facebook event:

! !

Green Ribbon Race Poster:

! !

Art Smart Workshop flyer:

! !

TQ Services flyer:

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