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Aim: Study of Various types of defects


Defect [Crystal Imperfection]

Point Defect (Zero dimen) Vaccancies Intertitialy Impurity atom Frankels Imperfection Schottkey imperfection

Line defect (One dimen) Edge dislocation Screw disblution

Planer Surface

Volume defect

Grain boundaries Tilt disolution

Volume defect

Twin boundries

PART-I EDGE DISLOCATION Contains 2 types of components, Atoms 132 nos, Bond Tube, 198 Nos Edge Dislocation Model Step No. 1 Fig 1(A): Step No.2 : Take 20 atoms and join them in the form of a rectangular net as in Fig.1A Notice that there are 5 rows of atoms and in each row there are 4 atoms. : Make 2 more nest of 20 atoms each as explained above .Now you have 3 nets of 20 atoms each. Step No. 3 Step No. 4 : Join all these three vertically with the help of bound tubes as in Photo fig. 2(A) : Take 24 atoms and connect them as a net of six rows like photo Fig. 1(A) in each row there are 4 atoms. Step No.5 Step No.6 Step No.7 : Similarly make two more nets of 24 atoms each having 4 atoms in a row. : Join these three row with bond tubes vertically as shown in the fig.2B : Now you must have finished making two separate units. One containing 5 rows of atoms and the other unit containing 6 rows of atoms as you see in the fig.2A &2B Step No.8 Step No.9 : Now keep the 6 rows on top of the 5 rows unit .Attach bound tubes to the 6 rows unit : Join the last atoms of the 5 rows unit on top on the 6 rows unit on both left side and

right side also join the bond tubes to one above the other leaving one row of atoms unconnected. Compare your model with


Screw Dislocation Screw Dislocation Model contain 3 types of components,6 pronged Atom Centers, Soft Tubes and Hard tubes. Use the hard tubes for Horizontal joints of Top layer & Bottom Layer. For all other joints we can use soft tubes though not essential the hard tubes may be used randomly in horizontal planes. 1) Fig No.1: This Shows the Top layer atoms. Take 24 atoms and write serial numbers 1 to 24 on each of them .Now connect these atoms like a Rectangular net with Hard tubes, So that the numbers are joined as shown in the Fig.1A 2)Fig No.2: This is the Bottom Layer and also contain 24 atoms but there is a difference in the way these are joined .As we refer the Fig no.2 it will be seen that atoms no1 and 7 are away from one side. Similarly Atoms Nos 18And 24 also are away in the other side. 3)LINKING STRANDS: The linking Stands are required to connect the atoms of Top Layer and Bottom Layer .To make 1 linking strand take 5 atoms and join 6 soft tubes (Sample is shown in photo3 .For the complete model, 24 linking strands are needed. Therefore make all the 24 linking stands and keep ready for the next step of assembly Please note that all 5 atoms are pointed to same direction while joining 4)Fig No.3 This is the Main Frame work in which the entire model will turn up .The following steps will indicate how to make this frame work. a) Take one linking strand and connect the Atom No-1 of Top layer and Atom No.1 of Bottom Layer b)Now Atom No-24 of Top layer and Bottom Layer can be joined. c) Similarly Atoms Nos 7 and 18 of both layers are also joined with linking strands. d) We can notice the curvature in the links while rejoining.

(Note; The Red Colour object seen in the photo is not a part of the model. This object is made to stand as a support to avoid showing human hands. Anyway two people are needed to build this model) 5)After building the frame work like that of Fig No.3 it is very easy to proceed further. Take remaining linking strands and go on connecting atoms of same serial numbers in .Top layer and Bottom layer 6)All the 24 vertical linking strands can be joined in this manner 7)Now we can locate the vacant prongs of all atoms in the horizontal direction .joint all of them with hard tubes or soft tubes with the help of any standard text book reference. 8)Fig No 4 : During the process of assembly upto this stage the SEREW DISLOCATION can be observed. After the completion of joining all atoms with tubes your model can be compared with Fig No.4

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