Wailing Warrior: Divining Spirit

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-Specters -Disguised as travellers/Dervishes, lure party to ambush, split up group,

Wailing Warrior
ST: 0 HP 10 DX: 14 Per 10 IQ: 10 Will 13 HT: 10 BS 6 BM 6 Dodge: 10 Size: 0 DR: 0 Origin: ML/Universal Damage: Special Habitats: Other, Sub Reach: C,1

Attacks: Sound Jet-15, enemy rolls HT-4 or stunned, +1 for each 5 DR, if stunned roll HT each second to escape stun. Uses sonic attack, Sound Jet spell. Roll DX-4 or innate attack to hit, enemy rolls HT-4 or stunned, +1 for each 5 DR, if stunned, roll each second to escape. Spectral Sword-18, Dmg 3d-1 cut Defenses: Parry-12 Body of Air: Your body is made of gas. ST 0 [-100]; +10 HP [20]; Doesn't Breathe [20]; Flight (Lighter Than Air, -10%) [36]; Immunity to Metabolic Hazards [30]; Injury Tolerance (Diffuse) [100]; No Legs (Aerial) [0]; No Manipulators [-50]; Vulnerability (Vacuum and wind-based attacks x2) [-20]; and Taboo Trait (Fixed ST) [0]. 36 points. Diffuse: A target with Injury Tolerance (Diffuse) is even harder to damage! This includes swarms, air elementals, nets, etc. Impaling and piercing attacks (of any size) never do more than 1 HP of injury, regardless of penetrating damage! Other attacks can never do more than 2 HP of injury. Exception: Area-effect, cone, and explosion attacks cause normal injury.

Divining Spirit
ST: 0 HP 10 DX: 11 Per 10 IQ: 10 Will 13 HT: 10 BS 5.25 BM 5 Dodge: 8 Size: 0 DR: 0 Origin: ML/Universal Damage: Special Habitats: Other, Sub Reach: C,1

Attacks: Death Vision-15, 2 seconds of concentration, spell lasts 1 second, mentally stunned automatically until he makes an IQ roll to shake off the mental stun. Draining TouchThe specter cannot draw blood, but is deadly nevertheless. The first time a specter touches a person, the victim must make a HT roll (Strong Will helps here, but Magic Resistance does not). At the second touch, the roll is at HT-1, the third touch at HT-2, etc. A failed roll means the victim loses one level of the highest attribute, and falls unconscious for one hour. Thus, a PC with ST 12, DX 14, IQ 10 and HT 11 would have his DX drop to 13 -- and all DX-based skills would be lowered one point! Only a Remove Curse spell or Great Wish can restore the lost attribute point magically, though it can be regained through normal character development (p. B81). A character can only lose one level from one attribute from any given specter. Roll randomly to choose which attribute to lower if two or more are equally the highest.

Body of Air: Your body is made of gas. ST 0 [-100]; +10 HP [20]; Doesn't Breathe [20]; Flight (Lighter Than Air, -10%) [36]; Immunity to Metabolic Hazards [30]; Injury Tolerance (Diffuse) [100]; No Legs (Aerial) [0]; No Manipulators [-50]; Vulnerability (Vacuum and wind-based attacks x2) [-20]; and Taboo Trait (Fixed ST) [0]. 36 points. Diffuse: A target with Injury Tolerance (Diffuse) is even harder to damage! This includes swarms, air elementals, nets, etc. Impaling and piercing attacks (of any size) never do more than 1 HP of injury, regardless of penetrating damage! Other attacks can never do more than 2 HP of injury. Exception: Area-effect, cone, and explosion attacks cause normal injury.

Noxious Shade
ST: 0 HP 10 DX: 14 Per 10 IQ: 10 Will 10 HT: 10 BS 6 BM 6 Dodge: 9 Size: 0 DR: 0 Origin: ML/Universal Damage: Special Habitats: Other, Sub Reach: C,1

Attacks: Poison Gas Blast-14: 2-yard radius cloud, of tear gas. HT-2 roll to resist coughing, HT-2 to resist blindness, effect lasts for one minute times margin of failure. Choking Touch-14: Make a HT roll or be coughing. Coughing or Sneezing: You are at -3 to DX and -1 to IQ, and cannot use Stealth. Body of Air: Your body is made of gas. ST 0 [-100]; +10 HP [20]; Doesn't Breathe [20]; Flight (Lighter Than Air, -10%) [36]; Immunity to Metabolic Hazards [30]; Injury Tolerance (Diffuse) [100]; No Legs (Aerial) [0]; No Manipulators [-50]; Vulnerability (Vacuum and wind-based attacks x2) [-20]; and Taboo Trait (Fixed ST) [0]. 36 points. Diffuse: A target with Injury Tolerance (Diffuse) is even harder to damage! This includes swarms, air elementals, nets, etc. Impaling and piercing attacks (of any size) never do more than 1 HP of injury, regardless of penetrating damage! Other attacks can never do more than 2 HP of injury. Exception: Area-effect, cone, and explosion attacks cause normal injury.

ST: 0 DX: 12 IQ: 10 HT: 10 HP 10 BS 5.5 BM 5 Dodge: 8 DR: 0 Damage: * Reach: C,1 Size: 0

Attacks: Shadow Claws, Brawling-14, 1d cut Animate Shadow, skill-14, Animate Shadow Regular; Resisted by HT
Duration: 5 seconds. Shadow Spirit: ST = to victims BS: As victim Move = as victim Dodge: as victim, w/o armor

DX = 14 IQ 9 HT = 10

Per 9 Will 9

Damage: basic damage only, no cutting or impaling bonus, as FP damage. Armor does not protect, but the shadows attacks may be parried or blocked if the weapon or shield used to defend is one that the subject had when the spell was cast. When the subjects FP reaches zero, he falls unconscious and the spell is broken. If its HP reaches zero, it is killed and the subject regains his normal shadow. Shadow Form: Physical attacks do half damage to you in this form. Energy attacks do normal damage, except for light-based attacks, which do 50% extra damage. Magic, psi, and other purely mental abilities affect you normally. You are subject to a few major restrictions while in this form. You cannot walk through three-dimensional space; you must slide along an object. Furthermore, you cannot perform any purely physical attacks or actions, and you cannot carry ordinary items or affect them in any way. You can use magic, psi, and similar abilities, however.

Tentacled Specter
ST: 0 HP 10 DX: 13 Per 10 IQ: 10 Will 13 HT: 10 BS 5.75 BM 5 Dodge: 8 Size: 0 DR: 0 Origin: ML/Universal Damage: Special Habitats: Other, Sub Reach: C,1

Attacks: 4 Fatigue-Draining Touches-15, -2 FP per touch, no save.

Extra Arms 4, Extra Attack 3

Body of Air: Your body is made of gas. ST 0 [-100]; +10 HP [20]; Doesn't Breathe [20]; Flight (Lighter Than Air, -10%) [36]; Immunity to Metabolic Hazards [30]; Injury Tolerance (Diffuse) [100]; No Legs (Aerial) [0]; No Manipulators [-50]; Vulnerability (Vacuum and wind-based attacks x2) [-20]; and Taboo Trait (Fixed ST) [0]. 36 points. Diffuse: A target with Injury Tolerance (Diffuse) is even harder to damage! This includes swarms, air elementals, nets, etc. Impaling and piercing attacks (of any size) never do more than 1 HP of injury, regardless of penetrating damage! Other attacks can never do more than 2 HP of injury. Exception: Area-effect, cone, and explosion attacks cause normal injury.

ST: 0 HP 10 DX: 11 Per 10 IQ: 10 Will 13 HT: 11 Attacks: Possessed Armor: Posessed suit of armor. Body of Air: Your body is made of gas. ST 0 [-100]; +10 HP [20]; Doesn't Breathe [20]; Flight (Lighter Than Air, -10%) [36]; Immunity to Metabolic Hazards [30]; Injury Tolerance (Diffuse) [100]; No Legs (Aerial) [0]; No Manipulators [-50]; Vulnerability BS 5.25 BM 5 Dodge: 8 Size: 0 DR: 0 Origin: ML/Universal Damage: Special Habitats: Other, Sub Reach: C,1

(Vacuum and wind-based attacks x2) [-20]; and Taboo Trait (Fixed ST) [0]. 36 points. Diffuse: A target with Injury Tolerance (Diffuse) is even harder to damage! This includes swarms, air elementals, nets, etc. Impaling and piercing attacks (of any size) never do more than 1 HP of injury, regardless of penetrating damage! Other attacks can never do more than 2 HP of injury. Exception: Area-effect, cone, and explosion attacks cause normal injury.

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