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Home Team
Frank Shirvinski

Whats inside...
The 2 CrossFit 2 Music 3 Childrens 4 Womens 4 Ministry, Vehicles & 5 Innovative 6 UCYC Sr. 6 Springs 7

I would not say that baseball is "boring." However, I will admit that when I take my family to a game, they are far more interested in the action happening along the concourse than on the eld. For example, Jacob knows that the best time to get frozen yogurt is after the 7th inning stretch, because the shops begin closing and are, therefore, more likely to put a little more frozen goodness in his cone. The racing condiments, blooper videos and kiss cam are also big hits. Once, years ago, Stacy and I attended an Angels game in California. Before nding our seats, we decided to grab a bite to eat. About 45 minutes, or 3 innings later, we took our rst view of the eld. Honestly, I do not remember the score or who the Angels were playing that day. However, I think the food was pretty good! For a number of years before his death, my grandfather lived with our family. I was fairly young at the time so do not have many memories of him, save one. During the hot and humid days of summer, I remember him watching the Chicago Cubs on an old black and white television with the voice of Jack Brickhouse calling the game in the background. Every time the Cubs were on WGN, he would watch and score the game on large scoring sheets. The Cubs would lose more than they would win, but still he watched them faithfully. He never said much, never yelled at the players on the screen. Instead, he just recorded the plays on the scorecard. One day, I summoned the courage to ask him how to score a baseball game. So he sat me down and we watched an entire game and he taught me how to score base hits, steals, strikeouts and home-runs. Like I said earlier, I was pretty young, so this is the only time that I can remember talking to my grandfather, watching the Cubs and listening to the voice of Jack Brickhouse. I think he actually made it to Wrigley Field once, but I am not sure. Baseball itself is a slow game. There is no time clock to hurry the game along. No shot clock to run down, just 27 opportunities given to both teams to push as many players across home plate as possible. One player's turn at the plate can last one pitch or one hundred. The pitcher

can throw an innite number of times to rst to keep a potential thief from stealing second base. The number of innings are not limited to nine if the score is tied. (In case you were wondering, the longest recorded game in MLB history was won by the Chicago White Sox over the Milwaukee Brewers in Chicago after 25 innings and lasted over 8 hours. Do you think they had a 7th, 14th and 21st inning stretch?) Yet, what baseball may lack in heart-pounding action, it makes up for in other ways. On any given night, at any game, in any ball park, you have an opportunity to witness history. Any game can produce a no-hitter, or you can see a player hit for the cycle or a team score the most runs in an inning, or, if you are really lucky, you can get a coupon for free tacos if the home team scores 6 runs.

There is something else baseball provides, time. Time to chat with a friend. Time to meet someone new sitting next to you. Time to build a relationship with a child or a parent. Or, time to just watch the game and keep score. Our next series of messages is entitled "Home Team." The point is not to talk about baseball's biblical history. (Although the Bible does open with a baseball reference. "In the big-inning, God created). Instead, we will talk about what happens in the stands, our relationships. Do we share our popcorn with a friend? Who do we invite to the game, and why? How do we deal with those who may be cheering for the other team? How do we react when our team wins or when it loses? Like a baseball game, what matters most is not what happens on the eld or what is recorded in the record books, but the time we take to share our lives with those who are watching the game with us.


We want to thank our Chaparral family for the warm welcome this summer. We have enjoyed reconnecting with many of you through VBS and other activities, and look forward to seeing you a few more times before we go back to Turkey at the end of August. This year will hold some big changes for our family as our two oldest kids go to boarding school and our youngest starts at a new school. Please keep us all in your prayers as we face new challenges this year. Katherine and I will continue teaching English, mentoring teachers, building relationships, and sharing Truth as opportunities arise. If you would like to learn more about our work there, please contact Sara Perrine in the Church office or at




i K dS

CrossFit Chaparral now offers an official CrossFit Kids program for ages 7-12. CrossFit Kids has a proven track record for producing a fun, safe, and welcoming community geared towards increasing body awareness and general physical fitness. CrossFit Kids is not simply a scaled down version of CrossFit, but geared and designed for the specific developmental needs of kids.

For the most part, no two workouts are the same, so kids never get bored. And, the functional movements which compose CrossFit Kids workouts allow participants to become well-rounded athletes who will be better at any and every sport that they play. All of these core movements are taught safely and effectively under the close supervision of thoroughly-trained CrossFit Kids coaches. Classes include a warm-up, focus/skill training, a workout using the skills, and a game to maximize the fun!

The Details

Tuesday and Thursday, 4:30-5:00 p.m. (Ages 7 through 9) Tuesday and Thursday, 5:00-5:40 p.m. (Ages 10 through 12) $65/month per child for two days a week


For more information:

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Theyre Back!
What a pleasure to watch our young people go out into the world with their talent, then return years later to their home church. It is a blessing to have adults come back to the Church, wanting to give back to a congregation who supported them as teenagers. They return to a church that nurtured their faith and encouraged them to develop their talents. Eric Downs was raised at Chaparral. He was very active with our youth and was student conductor of the teen choir. Eric is the son of Bud and Kathy Downs who were on our staff for many years in the 1990s. Eric, now singing in New York City, always includes us when he is home over the holidays. His voice has embellished our Christmas Eve Services for many recent years. Also calling New York City home is Mia Laity, a gifted young violinist, studying at Manhattan School of Music. She will play the prelude and communion music on August 5th, while home for a brief visit with her family, all of whom are active at Chaparral. Later in August, the Sievers boys will join their mother, Claire, and bring beautiful string music to our worship. Brian and Andrew grew up at Chaparral and were active in the teen choir, starring in the musical productions. Both have since moved away...Brian is in the Army, stationed in Virginia, and Andrew lives in Flagstaff. In addition to their musical talent, we will see their very special air for the dramatic in worship on August 26th. We have had two talents from the past back at Chaparral this summer, helping with our teen choir. Meaghan Potash Gauzen and Justin Dileone have both coached our teen singers. Justin has been a regular on the Sanctuary Praise Team, and Meaghan helped with Godspell, the teen musical this past spring. Tapestry, our young womens singing ensemble, is mostly comprised of young women who were active in Chaparrals teen choir. Many have gone away to college and are now back, singing in the choir and renewing their love for singing and for each other. Recently they combined their talents for a benet concert for our Sarah Whites medical needs. What a pleasure to watch our young people return to Chaparral to serve the Lord through their music. ! ! - Marion Hostetler





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Womens Bible Study

Women of Chaparral! Now is the time to start considering your fall schedule! Do you want to be involved in a Bible Study? What better way to dig into Gods Word AND get to know other women at the same time. Watch for Bible Study information and sign ups near the end of August for one of our Bible Study Groups.

Gods Handiwork Childrens Choir!

I love that Chaparral has opportunities for people to use their talents for the glory of the King. Even our children have opportunities to share their gifts and talents. One way in which Chaparrals kids share is through the annual Childrens Christmas musical. This year, our musical will be For the Glory of the King. Our kids will learn about and share the greatest Christmas gift of all. Mark your calendars for Sunday, December 2, at 6 p.m. What better way to greet the Christmas season than with music, choreography and drama prepared by our wonderful children.

Want to get away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and relax in cooler Carefree? Consider attending our semi-annual Womens Retreat October 5-7 at Spirit in the Desert Retreat Center in Carefree. Plan to attend for great fellowship, thoughtful discussions, interesting activities, beautiful music, opportunities for new friendships and an abundance of fun! Free time optional. Registration begins in a few weeks.

Womens Retreat

Taste of Christmas
Want to bring in the Christmas Season with food, entertainment and the women of Chaparral? Mark your calendars for Taste of Christmas, December 4th, at 6:30 p.m. Our teen girls will entertain us and we, the women of Chaparral, will provide treats, both sweet and savory, to delight our taste buds.

Rehearsals start Sunday, August 12, for all kids in 1st-5th grades. We meet at 8:30 a.m. in Room 10. Dont miss the fun!
! ! ! ! ! - Sharon Dufort

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Cars and trucks are meant to serve a greater purpose. Yet, somewhere in the not-so-distant past, vehicle manufacturers partnered with advertisers and created a huge prot helping people forget this simple fact. Watch any advertisement for a luxury car and you will see this point. These commercials usually sell the same message: This car is so amazing that if you drive it, you will experience an unnatural sensation of awesomeness the entire time you own it. You will look better, feel better, and everyone will love you...or something like that. And yet, vehicles are meant to serve a greater purpose. They are meant to safely transport you to and from your everyday destinations. From a functional standpoint, thats all vehicles are meant to do. It turns out that ministry and vehicles have a lot in common.

Ministry, Vehicles and Community

and nutritious meal, and access to referrals and services. Likewise, the soup kitchen at First Baptist Church in Orangeburg, South Carolina serves an average of 50-90 people, and they strive to spread the love of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, who has given us bountiful harvest. They do it all in the name of Jesus. Question: What separates their Christian soup kitchen from the secular one down the street? They both give out soup; they all strive to be loving and hospitable to their patrons. So, what makes the Christian soup kitchen different? Answer: We serve in the name of Jesus, and as a result, this ministry can act as a vehicle that transports someone towards Jesus. Our Church is not located in the inner city, which means our neighbors typically are not lacking food or shelter. We have no soup kitchen, because our neighbors are rich in the eyes of the world. They have lots of possessions, and yet many of these neighbors lack something just as vital as food and shelter: Healthy, redemptive, and loving short, they lack community.

This is something Chaparral Christian Church can give out, just as soup kitchens give out soup and shelter, because this is an area where we have been abundantly blessed. And, we do it in the name of Jesus, because we believe it serves as a vehicle that can transport someone towards Jesus. Since arriving at Chaparral to serve as a minister, I have helped start two new ministries: Roots, for young adults, and CrossFit Chaparral. Both of these ministries are vehicles, and both of these ministries are based on the same premise: Hand out loving, healthy, and redemptive relationships in the name of Jesus. In other words, give community to all those who come and, in time, it may serve as a vehicle that leads people to Jesus. CrossFit is quickly becoming one of the larger ministries at Chaparral, and as it grows, we will continue to nd new ways to use it as a vehicle that can transport willing individuals towards Jesus. The same goes for Roots, and all of our other ministries. You see, ministry and vehicles have a lot in common, because both are intended to take you somewhere. - Nick Stavlund

Holy Apostles Soup Kitchen is located in New York City. In the name of Jesus, they help over 1,200 New Yorkers each weekday with a hot


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Back-to-School Lunches can be fun!

Innovative thinking...encourage it!
Recently I read an article about how if we threw out all the Olympic medals in the winter and summer games that are dependent on judging, the United States would no longer be #1 in the medal count. What struck me is that all the sports that are dependent on judging involve much more creativity and innovation than the other sports. Americans have always been strong in creativity and innovation and this is just another example of it. Our world is changing so fast that creativity and innovation are skills our children need to succeed in the future, but, many times it is unfairly deemed not as important as reading, language or math. Since 80% of the jobs that will exist in 2020 arent even invented yet, we need students who can think outside the box, not just students who can memorize a bunch of facts. Some of the best ways parents can foster innovative thinking is through play, creative writing, in-depth conversations with peers and parents, playing games of all kinds, building, learning the arts and any other activities that encompass many modalities of learning. So if you see your children building a fort in the house, don't interrupt them to do flash cards, just join right in and help them create the most amazing fort possible. We have two shelves of books that cover ways you can encourage your child to be a creative learner through play. Two of my favorites are "Einstein Never Used Flash Cards" by Roberta Michnick Glinkoff, Kathy Hirsh-Pasek and Diane Eyer and "The Power of Play" by David Elkind. Feel free to come over and check them out or ask me to reserve one for you. - Nicole Moran

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The Springs: Reel Characters & Family Matters!

The Springs begins August 19 with dinner and a movie for the whole family! After that adults can choose from one or two classes - Family Matters or Reel Characters - or mix-n-match!

The Springs Begins!

September 23 & October 7: The Seven Deadly Dietary Sins (Dr. David Perrine)

The Seven Dietary Sins

Positive Parenting

August 26 & September 9: Tools for Positive Parenting Presented by Dodie Blomberg (M. Ed and Certified Positive Discipline Lead Trainer)

October 21 & November 4: Bringing Up Financially Discerning Youth (Mike Bolar, Financial Planner)

Bringing Up Financially Discerning Youth

Ananias & Sapphira: Obediance, Gods Requirement

Reel Characters Class Schedule

Nehemiah: The value of Answering Gods Call

Liar Liar

Uriah: Being a Person of Honor

While You Were Sleeping

Risky Business

The Fugative
Philemon: A Person God Can Use

Guess Whos Coming to Dinner

Mephibosheth: Finding Gods Grace

Irreconcilable Differences

Achan: The Importance of Choices

relationships led her to pursue additional training allowing her to teach others these core principles.

Dodie Blomburg...Positive Parenting

American Society for Adlerian Psychologists (NASAP) Conference in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania and the 2009 Conference in Tucson, AZ. She currently facilitates teacher training workshops for the Tempe and Gilbert School Districts. She has facilitated parent education workshops all over the Valley, from one hour talks to seven-week classes. Dodie has a Bachelors Degree in Elementary Education and

Dodie comes to us through her long-standing relationship with Sara Perrine. Sara and Dodie team taught fifth grade for many years in Tempe. Dodies passion to help both children and parents achieve optimal

Dodie Blomberg is an Adler Trained Coach and a Certified Positive Discipline Lead Trainer who is passionate about helping people create exceptional lives. She has recently presented at the 2009 Arizona School Counselors Convention, 2008 North

a Masters Degree in Adult Education. She and her husband Robert have been married for 20 years and live in Mesa where they are raising their two teenage children.

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