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Script for the Russian Civil War Opening: Someone: This is the special report on the Russian Civil

War after the October revolution the overthrow of the Provisional Government and replace them with the Bolsheviks. Here is Eric. Eric: Hello. Here we have today to talk about the Russian Civil War. Bessie: 0:00- 16.5 The Russian Civil War was said as a result of tearing Russia apart for three long years from 1918 to 1921. It was a war between the most influential parties from that time, the White Army and the Red Army, the white army was actually made up of several different groups who didn't have anything in common other than they didn't like the Bolsheviks. Emma: US ambassador (0.7 secs): The Civil War was caused because Lenin and his Bolsheviks took
over the government from the Russian Provisional Government and announced that they were now in power. The Bolshevik party did not represent the population of Russia. Many people, including some members of the military, the former government and aristocracy were unhappy with the Bolshevik take over because they did not agree with all of its principles. A large portion of this opposition consisted of the Russian Army under the leadership of generals who were opposed to the Bolsheviks. Read more:

Emma: Information (1:11.0 secs): Some of them were conservatives who wanted to bring back the Czar. Others were socialists who approved of Lenin's economic ideas but not his taking over and ruling as a dictator. Still others were various ethnic groups who wanted independence from Russia. The different groups of Whites were never able to work together effectively, which is one reason why they lost. (need more... remember to use the information from the other group! (: ) Bessie: The Reds volunteer (14.1 secs): The Reds (Lenin and the Bolsheviks) were fighting to keep control of the government and impose a communist system. As the result of the civil war, the reds; the bolsheviks won the war as the Bolshevik military victory was partly because to the lack of cooperation among the various White commanders and to the remarkable reorganization of the Red forces after Trotsky became the commissar for war. Rimsky: Information (18.8 secs): (casualties from the civil war) The civil war was a terrible conflict that inflicted many wounds. The total death toll was around 5-9 million. It was an estimate from all the deaths in military, civilians, lack of food, disease Eric: President (18 secs): (the aftermath from war) The effect on Russia from the war was huge. Factories, houses and farms were all destroyed. It also caused famine leading to millions of people dieing from starvation and disease was spread throughout Russia with 3,000,000 dying only from typhus. Rimsky: Information (1:25.3 secs): The Soviet Union was formed in 1922 on the Red Army side. Also, In 1918, Poland was granted independence, and in 1920 Poland attacked Ukraine.

However, Poland could not defeat Trotskys army, and the latter moved on to Warsaw. Poland counter attacked, which led Lenin to the conclusion to make a treaty, to prevent any more losses. With this, Ukraine and and White Russians were put under Polish rule, while the communist government under Lenin was secure. It was that treaty that brought the end to the Russian Civil War. (conclusion) Ending: ERIC Eric: Now this is the end of the special report. Have a nice day! :) October Revolution: Led by the Military Revolutionary Committee, the Bolsheviks took over administrative buildings of the Provisional Government, and the Winter Palace in Petrograd (St. Petersburg,) which had been the primary residence of the Russian tsars since 1761. Also called the Bolshevik Revolution, the second stage of the revolution of 1917 brought the Bolshevik Party to power and established the Soviet Communist government in Russia. News Reporter: Welcome to the morning news, here we have the Bolsheviks outside the administrative buildings and the winter palace in Petrograd. Who= Lenin, Bolsheviks, Tsar Nicholas II What=The Bolsheviks took over administrative buildings and the Winter Palace, On October the 10th he held a meeting with twelve party leaders and tries to persuade them that a revolution was required, only 10 received back. On October 24th the Bolsheviks took up the whole city such as the main telephone and telegraph offices, banks, railroad stations, post offices and major bridges. When= 1917 October Where=Petrograd (St. Petersburg) Why= Lenin realized that now is the time to capitalise his partys popularity, he planned to overthrow the Provisional Government and replace them with the Bolsheviks. In October 1917 the Bolsheviks took over the government with very little bloodshed. Soon a new government was formed, with Lenin as its leader. The Bolsheviks believed in Communism. They thought that all the common working people should share in the wealth of the country. They did not believe that individuals should be able to own land on their own. They took away everything that the tsars family had owned. They also improved conditions for workers. With Russian politics still in a state of constant flux Lenin realised that now was the time to capitalise on his party's popularity. He planned a coup d'etat that would overthrow the increasingly ineffective Provisional Government and replace them with the Bolsheviks. On October 10th he held a famous meeting with twelve party leaders, and tried to persuade them that a revolution was required. Despite receiving the backing of only 10 of them plotting went ahead. October 24th was the date decided upon, and on that day troops loyal to the Bolsheviks took up crucial positions in the city, such as the main telephone and telegraph offices, banks, railroad stations, post offices, and major bridges. Guards commissioned by the Provisional Government,

who had got wind of the plot, fled or surrendered without a fight. By the 25th October every key building in St. Petersburg was under Bolshevik control, except the Winter Palace where Kerensky and the other Ministers were holed up with a small guard.

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