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Computer Applications Training Manual

FETAC Level 4/5

IT Theory
Hardware, Software, Communications are the necessary components of Information Technology today. Hardware Electronic components, boards, peripherals and equipment that make up the computer system Including the physical components, parts and devices of a computer The physical components include: CPU, Memory components, input and output devices such as printers, scanners, communication devices, storage devices Software Collection of programs and procedures for making a computer perform specific tasks Computer programs used to direct the operating system of the computer; word processing, payroll, invoicing, graphics and design, CAD software etc. Communications The ability to communicate with other computers and the internet

Different Types of Computers

Mainframe This is a huge computer, the mother of all computers, typically used in large organisations such as government departments; Social Welfare. It is also used in big businesses. Workstation This is the terminal linked into the mainframe with no intelligence of its own; all instructions come from the mainframe computer. Desktop or PC Your computer comprises of hardware and software. The hardware is the equipment that sits on the desk; the screen, keyboard, mouse, printer etc. The software comprises of the programs that are loaded onto the computer that tell the computer how to work such as word processing, database programs, e-mail etc. Laptop or Keyboard This is a self-contained computer with the screen, keyboard, touchpad and hard drive all built into a portable, lightweight rectangle that sits on your lap literally! It can be taken anywhere and is becoming more and more popular with businesses. PDA (Personal Digital Assistant) 2

This is a hand held computer that helps with such tasks as storing contacts, scheduling appointments, making notes or reminders, calculating in different currencies, time zones etc as well as sending faxes and e-mail accessibility.

Terminal Factors that affect the computers performance

o o o o o o o CPU speed Clock Speed at which CPU is running Increasing RAM Hard Disk Size Cache Size Number of programs running Speed of channel

Central Processing Unit CPU o Carries out calculations o Executes program instructions o IMMEDIATE ACCESS MEMORY Area of memory where data used by arithmetic logic unit of the CPU is temporarily stored. The speed of the CPU is measured in Megahertz MHz or Gigahertz GHz. A typical processor today would have a speed of 2.6 GHz. Mega = Giga = One million One billion

Computer Memory RAM (Random Access Memory) Used when programs are called into memory o RAM is volatile it can change o RAM is read and write memory o RAM is computers primary working memory o RAM is also known as Main Memory ROM (Read Only Memory) o ROM is read only memory o ROM is kept even when the power is turned off o ROM contains all the essential instructions which are loaded when the computer is started up Memory Measurements Bit = Byte = Kilobyte (KB) = Binary digit 0 or 1 (smallest unit of computer memory) Equivalent of a letter or number/one character 1024 bytes = 1 page of text = approx. 15 kb 3

Megabyte (MB) Gigabytes (GB) Terabyte

= = =

1 million bytes or 1,048, 576 bytes 1 billion bytes approx. 1 trillion bytes, 1,024 gigabytes

Digital This term means the representation of information by computers in zeros and ones

Input Devices (peripherals)

Any peripheral device for inputting data into a computer: disgo key, mouse, light pen, microphone, scanner, etc.

Output Devices

Any device which displays, outputs or prints the results of a processing operation: printer, monitor, speakers etc.

Input/Output Devices
A touch screen is an example of this; interactive device that is both and operates by touch.

Storage Media
Device Hard Disk Disgo Key Floppy Disk Zip Drive Disk CDR Magnetic Tape Average Size 200 GB 4 GB 1.44 MB 250 MB 700 MB 40 GB

Floppy Disk
Why would you format a floppy disk? Formatting a disk means preparing it so that files can be stored on it. Formatting a disc erases any information previously stored on the disc. How to Format a Floppy Disc Go into My Computer, Right Click on the Floppy Disk icon and left click on Format (Alternatively use Windows Explorer and do same)

Operating Systems
The OS is software that is involved in almost every function the computer carries out. It manages the hardware resources of the computer including the allocation of memory. It is used for copying, moving, deleting files and setting up new folders. Moving data in and out of storage and monitoring the running of applications software. The operating system will come fully installed with each new computer. Typical Operating Systems are: 4

Microsoft Apple

WindowsVista XP, 2000, 98, NT Mac

The operating system does not include programs such as Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint etc. These are software programs that can be downloaded and added independently.

Applications Software
Programs (software) that are written for or by users to apply the computer to a specific task. The software like MS Word is developed continually and each stage of development is marked with a version. Example MS Word, version 6, MS Word version 7, 95, 98, 2000 XP. Each version is quicker, more advanced than the previous (in theory). Common applications software packages include MS Word, Adobe Illustrator, MS PowerPoint, Excel, Access, CAD, Quark Express etc.


A database is an organised collection of information. It could be described as an Electronic Filing System. The information provided by the user is set up so that it can be updated, queried and reported upon. When you decide to set up a database, you need to decide what information you wish to be stored and included, and then instruct the computer on how you wish this to take effect. Information can be kept about anything; electoral register, thousands of names, addresses to maintain records of people. A hospital is another example logging the name and address and contact information as well as the nature of the injury of thousands of people from around the country.

GUI Graphical User Interface

When PCs first came onto the market all communication took place through the keyboard. Today, we have many other options as technology advances; pointing tools, touch pads, menus, applications and desktop windows, icons etc. used in a GUI all making using a computer easier and more effective.

LANs and WANs

LAN (Local Area Network) A shared number of computers linked together e.g. offices Shared resources such as information files and printers Usually a network in the same organisation

WAN (Wide Area Network)


A large number of computers linked together from different geographical areas such as used by the Gardai.

This means working at home and communicating with a central office via a PC or laptop computer. It allows for flexibility in working hours and less commuting time therefore maximising efficiency.

Standard development stages in systems development:

Phases in order: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Analysis Design Programming Testing Implementation Review Maintenance

Modem; ISDN
These are pieces of equipment you install into computers to allow them to communicate with other companies/internet/e-mail. ISDN is much faster than a modem but does the same thing.


A device that converts digital signals to modulated analogue signals required for transmission over telephone lines and transforms incoming analogue (continuously varying in strength) signals into their digital equivalents. The top speed of modems at present is 115.2K BPS (bytes per second) that is the data transfer speed limit of the modem.

Integrated Services Digital Network; a world-wide standard for the delivery of digital telephone and data services to homes, schools and offices.


Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line A method for moving data over regular telephone lines. An ASDL circuit is much faster than a regular telephone connection, and wires coming into the subscribers premises are the same (copper) wires used for regular phone services.


A transmission facility having a bandwidth sufficient to carry multiple voices, video or data channels simultaneously. Each channel occupies (is modulated to) a different frequency bandwidth on the transmission medium and is demodulated to its original frequency at the receiving end. 6

The Internet
The internet, or as more commonly known The Net, is a vast group of interconnected computers and networks that spans the world, many of which allow access to the public through their web sites. The internet is a wonderful tool for researching about educational subjects, conditions, holidays or anything else that interests you and it available 24/7!!! ISPs Internet Service Providers ISPs are the owners of powerful computer (servers) and software that run continuously and connect your own computer to other computers on the internet. IOL, Eircom, AOL, Ocean, Indigo are all ISPs. To connect your computer to the internet you may need the following: Modem Telephone Line ISP Electronic Mail Software Web Browser Software Telecommunications Software (WWW) The World Wide Web The World Wide Web is a collection of linked hypertext multimedia documents stored on HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol) servers worldwide. Any individual or organisation can have their own website (a page or several pages promoting your service or about yourself) from government agencies through commercial organisations to possibly, your next door neighbour. Web Address Each website has a special address like a PIN; this is known as the URL (Uniform Resource Locator). It is usually presented in this format: www.Nursing Hometraining .i.e. (all lower case). It is displayed on the screen under the shortcut menu bar. If you know the address you are looking for just type it in and press Go or Return. Search Engines Search engines are programs that help you find information on the Web when you do not know a web address. Search engine examples are Google, Yahoo, and AltaVista. Simply put in the information you wish to find such as: Holidays in Tenerife, Cystic Fibrosis etc and the search engine will locate the 7

web sites providing information on the subject. These are usually displayed in groups of 20. Double click on the web site you wish to view.

E-Mail E-mail is short for electronic mail. It allows messages to be sent locally or anywhere in the world to another organisation or individual with an e-mail address. It is extremely cheap and immediate. Individual and businesses all over the world use it to send memos and documents attached to the email to each other instantaneously. Large organisations can communicate with all branches for announcements at the same time ensuring communication is accurate and up to date. You can use it to send holiday pictures to family or friends by downloading them and e-mailing to the person. When an e-mail is sent it is delivered immediately to the recipients mailbox at their ISP and it will remain there until you log on and open your mail. Viruses When reading e-mail ensure it is from a reliable source. Do not open mail from unknown senders as there may be a virus which could infect and render your computer useless. Be particularly careful with Word documents and files ending exe. You can protect your computer by installing a good Anti Virus Software program. There are numerous ones on the market; Macro Virus Protection, Norton Anti Virus, Kaspersky etc. Make sure you scan your computer regularly to identify any possible threats and update daily!! Intranet This is where a private company network uses Internet Technologies. They are protected from public access by use of a Firewall. Extranet A private company network (extension of Intranet) that includes specific users outside of the company. Online Banking This is an arrangement set up with your bank, whereby, using your computer and modem, you can communicate with the bank and access your own account to do the following: View your account details and activity Request a statement Transfer money between accounts Change standing orders Plus many other uses and it is being improved and expanded continuously

Electronic Commerce 8

Buying and selling goods on line and services electronically using the Internet or other networks Comparing prices on line 24 hr availability Use of networks to carry out business transactions Reduces overheads and print costs Electronic documents can be stored, viewed and printed.

Repetitive Strain Injury RSI This is an injury caused by repetitive hand and arm movements which damages the nerves in the hand, shoulder, arms and neck. RSI can be prevented by implementing good working practices: Use arm rests Frequent breaks away from the computer even if you just walk around the room Use a detachable keyboard Work with your wrists at the same level as the keyboard Healthy, Safe Work Environments Adjustable chair to suit your height and for maximum comfort Foot rests if necessary Knees should have a clearance of 70cm maximum Windows fitted with blinds to avoid sun glare Light, airy rooms to avoid eye strain and headaches Screens should be adjustable to ensure good viewing range Screens fitted with filters to avoid reflection on monitors/glare Detachable keyboards to avoid RSI Regular breaks Recycle printer toner

System Back ups

This is when all the files and folders on your computer are copied to another device in case of system failure. You should regularly carry out backups and keep the disk, zip drives etc in a safe place for security of your information. SMEs These organisations may back up files on a daily basis depending on the priority level of importance of the data being processed. Large Organisations A bank for example, will back up their system several times throughout the day to ensure all accounts are updated are transactions occur. Passwords A system password protects your information by preventing access by unauthorised users. You can also password protect individual documents, spreadsheets etc. Many companies use passwords for each terminal so no other person can use their computer or access information. It lets companies know who logged on and when. It may be necessary to change passwords regularly.


Computer Virus A computer virus is a piece of code which may be malicious, and attaches itself to another program or to the boot sector of a disc. A virus must be executed before it can cause any damage or problems. Most viruses come from e-mail attachments and downloading files that are affected. Computer viruses can sometimes spread by replicating themselves. Common types of virus are; Macro Viruses, Worms or Trojans. To protect your computer ensure you do the following: Use up to date software scanning products to check for viruses and disinfecting files that may be corrupted by removing the viruses from your computer Scanning all files regularly and updating anti virus software regularly Not running or downloading software unless you know the source (secure website) Switching on the macro disable function available in most modern software Not reading information from external floppy disks unless you are well protected with current up to date anti virus software Software Licence/Copyright A licence must be purchased before you can use the software. It is a legal contract between a software application and the user. Software copyright is the exclusive legal right of software authors to produce copies of their own software. Unauthorised copying (piracy) of software is prohibited. Software retains its copyright when distributed on CD. Shareware Shareware is software you must pay for after an initial period of use. Freeware Freeware is software that you can get/download for free DPA Data Protection Act The Data Protection Act is a legal act comprising of a set of obligations governing the storage and supply of information stored on computers. It relates to the following: 11

Information about the individual must be obtained fairly Information about the individual must be obtained for a specific purpose Information can only be held for a specific length of time Information must be accurate and kept secure to maintain confidentiality The individual has the right to access information held about them and to have any inaccuracies put right or removed from the record

CBT Computer Based Training

Computer Based Training is where the computer holds the course, teaching students interactively. This method is becoming increasingly popular especially among businesses. Advantages Work at your own pace without peer pressure CBT is flexible and can be taken at home, in work, via the Internet CBT material can be accessed at your convenience There are no lectures to attend reducing travelling time and days away from the workplace Disadvantages No support from peers as there isnt any interaction with other learners More difficult to access and interact with a tutor Can be difficult to maintain motivation and keep interested PSTN Public Switched Telephone Network. This refers to the international telephone system based on copper wires carrying analogue voice data. This is in contrast to newer telephone networks based on digital technologies such as ISDN and FDDI. Access Rights These are the rights or permission for users to access a Server or Network. This is generally achieved by passwords but in some cases it made virtually possible to access. Some users will be given different access levels; some basic rights, others more scope to access information depending on seniority and position in the company. The network administrator has complete access and they will determine the level of accessibility to others on the network.













BLANK DOCUMENT WORD WINDOW FEATURES The main features of a Word window are described below: The Title Bar displays the name of the document that you are using The Menu Bar contains the menus of the actions that can be preformed by the computer.

Scroll Bars and Arrows are used to move left and right or up and down a document that is too large for the window. The Toolbars contain buttons that you click to perform special tasks The Standard Toolbar has the buttons that you use most often such as Saving and Printing. To gain a description of the button, hold the cursor over the button without clicking. The Formatting Toolbar has buttons that are used to change the appearance to the text, such as changing the size of the type.

The Rulers are there to use as guides. The horizontal ruler is for tabs and indents The Text Area is the blank sheet of paper on which you will type text. The Text Insertion Point or cursor is an - - shaped bar that flashes that appears in the text area. The text you type will appear at this point. The Mouse Insertion Point is an I shaped bar that shows you the position of the mouse pointer on the page. The Status Bar displays the page number and other information like the line numbers your cursor is currently on.

If your toolbars are not showing on the screen, you can display them. Alternatively you can hide them if you wish. Click on View and then choose Toolbars. A drop down menu will appear, to add something to a toolbar, add a tick by clicking on the item required. To remove an item showing a tick, again click on the item. 14

Click on the start key

When the menu appears, choose programmes and then select Microsoft Word.

A blank screen will appear, see handout one for full blank screen. It is now possible to start to type data onto your screen. Your flashing text insertion point will tell you where you are on the page. There are many different basic functions that you need to know when setting up a document. Firstly you have to decide on the type of font and the size of font. Your document is automatically set to a style such as Times New Roman and a font size of 12. To change these, move your cursor to the toolbar and select the arrows beside the two options.
Bold Italic Underline

Tool Bar

Select these arrows and drop down boxes will appear. Choose from the new options.


Type in a couple of sentences, giving the name of the course you are studying, the date and the address of the centre. Play around with the font styles and the font sizes to see the changes you can make. You could also use the Bold and Italic options by clicking on the Icons to make the writing different.

To check your spelling in a document, you can either use the function key on your computer, F7 or go to the Menu Bar and click on Tools. This will give you a drop down menu. Select Spelling and Grammar. The computer will now check all your spellings and give you corrections.

Spelling Error Correct spelling

If spelling correct select change

COPY AND PASTE It is possible to move information from one document to another or from one place in a document to another.
First place your cursor at the beginning of the text you wish to move. Hold down the left mouse button and drag the cursor over the text. The text will change colour. Click on the right mouse button and a drop down menu will appear. From this menu choose Copy.

Then move your cursor to the final destination of the text. When you have done this again click on the left mouse button and this time choose the paste option. Your text will then be transported to this area. Your text during this process is held on what is known as a clipboard. Alternatively, you can use the copy and paste icons on the tool bar.



Pick a couple of the words typed on your document and move them around using copy and paste.
Save this document and name the file course.

DELETING TEXT. To delete just one character at a time; Place the cursor on the left hand side of character and press the delete key on your keyboard. Do not hold the key down too long as it might delete more than one character. Alternatively you could place the cursor on the right hand side of the character and press the backspace key on your keyboard. To delete a whole work or sentence; Place the cursor at the beginning of the word or sentence, and hold down the right mouse button. Drag to cover the text to be deleted and use the delete key.


To insert a character or text into a sentence, place your cursor where you require the new text and press the insert key from your keyboard. Type in the new text as you require. SPECIAL EFFECTS AND COLOUR When making presentations, you may wish to colour some of your text. It is possible to do this by selecting the colour text icon.

This icon will give you colour options, just choose and make your document personal!!! Remember to change back to black again!

If you make a mistake and delete a sentence in error, it is sometimes possible to undo what you have just done. Click in the Edit menu and the option window will appear. You are given the option to undo the typing you have just 17

If you have just deleted something, you can go to Edit and choose Undo Edit or a similar process like Undo Paste.

Open the document course and use the functions described above on your text.

The alignment and justification defines the way in which your text is lined up against the margins in your document. Centre aligned Left aligned Right aligned Fully Justified

Left aligned text is lined up against the left margin and is jagged on the right Right aligned text is lined up against the right margin and is jagged on the left Centre aligned text is in the centre of the page Fully justified text has text lined up along both the margins. There are no jagged edges.

To choose one of these options, click on the Icon on the toolbar.

Open the file Course Highlight the text previously typed and using the alignments, practice with the text.



Load your Word Processing Program. Double click on the Microsoft icon or go to Start, and locate Microsoft Office, then select MS Word Type in the following exactly as it is printed here. Press ENTER key twice after each heading and after each paragraph, otherwise keep typing at the end of each line and the computer will automatically place the curser on the next line.


REDECORATING A NURSING HOME Decorating a nursing home opens up a host of opportunities to raise your profile, reorganise areas that are not well ordered, and give the building a fresh look. If the decorator should start on the areas not used by elders, leaving bedrooms, corridors etc for out of hours. Ensure the building is well ventilated and use only the best materials to avoid false economy; good work cannot be expected from cheap materials nor will they withstand the wear and tear of the centre users. 3. Create a new folder Go to FILE on the menu bar, SAVE AS, click on the icon CREATE NEW FOLDER and type in your name on the bar entitled FILE NAME and click SAVE. You have now created a new folder for all your work. 4. Save your file into your hard disk. The file means the letter you have typed. Right now, it exists only in the memory of the computer (RAM). To keep it permanently, we need to move it to an appropriate place such as the hard drive (C: drive) or onto a memory stick (E/F: drive) or a CD drive (D: drive). You should have typed approx 88 words. To save the file select FILE, SAVE AS from the menu bar select the folder you have created in your name and double click to open this, and type in Redecorating a Nursing Home on FILE NAME, click on OK. Your file is now saved and stored on your hard drive in your folder. Do the following editing exercises as instructed:


In the first paragraph:

a) Insert the words as a Nursing Home after the word profile and before reorganise.
b) Insert the words painted with unleaded paint, after well ventilated

c) Delete the word If at the start of the second sentence and change the decorator to The decorator d) Embolden the heading. e) Change the top and bottom margins to 3 cm each. f) Change the page to landscape. g) Save your file. Now make these additional changes and make the letter look like this: (Do this by going to Format, Bullets, click on the Number tab and select the Roman numerals option)
REDECORATING A NURSING HOME Decorating a nursing home opens up a host of opportunities: i. ii. iii. Raises your profile Reorganise and implement new systems Give the building a fresh look Start on the areas not used by elders Leave classrooms, corridors etc for out of hours Building should be well ventilated Use quality materials

v. vi. vii.


Create a new document in Word and call it Personal Hygiene Type out the following: Personal Hygiene As a professional Healthcare Assistant you have a duty to protect yourself and the elders for whom you care. One of the best ways to ensure we do this apart from a hygienic environment is our own personal hygiene. HCA will encounter friendly smells; food, disinfectant, etc. However, they do not expect, nor should they have to encounter a Nursing Home worker that smells of body odour or anything else!! It is vital that we wash our hands regularly throughout the day. There are preventative measures that can be taken: Bathe/ shower daily Use deodorant ( this is essential) Clean clothes every day, washed and pressed Hair clean and tied back if long (greasy hair is not attractive and gives a clear message about your personal hygiene) Spray your feet if you suffer in this area, spray your shoes and keep a special pair for indoor use in the Nursing Home centre to prevent the spread of germs Germs are all around us and are on our hair, skin and clothes. Keep a professional image by keeping yourself presentable. A good working atmosphere with colleagues is essential so make sure you are clean and smell as fresh as a daisy!! Set type to size 12 21

Font style Estrangelo Odessa if you dont have it, select a similar one Bold where shown in the text above Underline Heading and Centre it Insert Bullets (Format Bullets and Numbering Select the choice Ok) Highlight bulleted text. Go to Format Paragraph Line spacing (set at 1.5) OK Read the text and make sure you follow it!!!

Create a new document in Word Name it Percentile Charts Type the following document Percentile Charts Percentile charts are used to recording the weight, height and head circumference of babies and children. There are separate charts for boys and girls. The charts were compiled after taking the measurements of thousands of heads. The thick line labelled 50th is the average measurement. The line marked 99.6th shows the weights of girls who are heaviest in their groups and allows you to compare that child with other children.

a) Change the first sentence by deleting the word to and insert for b) In the second sentence beginning The charts were compiled, delete the word heads and insert children. c) The fifth sentence begins The line marked 99.6. delete the s on the word groups and type in a full stop. d) Add in the following sentence after group and before and allows; As you record a measurement regularly on a chart the line will show you the childs individual progress e) Change the heading to block capitals f) Change to document to 1.5 line spacing (Highlight document, click on Format toolbar, Paragraph, line spacing 1.5, OK) g) Set all the text to Trebuchet 12pt h) Do a spell-check and make any corrections i) Save the file to the hard drive, your personal folder, call it Percentile Charts.


Exercises: To insert a picture 1. 2. 3. 4. Select INSERT, PICTURE, FROM FILE, CLIP ART Select the picture you would like Click on INSERT Practice using the Square Text option or Text Wrapping Tool in Picture Menu (black dog tool) if it is not there go to VIEW, TOOLBARS, PICTURE 5. Practice sizing and moving the pictures

To insert and format WordArt Text in a document 1. INSERT, WORDART from Drawing Toolbar 2. Select appropriate style 3. Type in the following text: Baldoyle Business Enterprise Centre 4. Click on OK 5. Use shadow and 3-D tools to try out different effects 6. Re-size and practice moving your WordArt




Type out the following document exactly as it is - including spelling mistakes! Waterford Crystal Leisure Centre Nursing Home Cork Road Waterford 051 300300 Ref: WCC 011 Dear Mrs May, Further to our recent visit to your premises in Waterford, I write to confirm that I wish to take up the Nursing Home place for my son Robert, as agreed. I have enclosed the deposit and first weeks fees as requested along with the registration form and look forward to seeing you again on February 14th 2009 to settle Robert in. Many thannks


Michelle Manor Make the following changes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Change the typeface to Ariel for the whole document Centre the Waterford Crystal heading, address and telephone number Change the heading to block capitals, bold. Insert todays date under the reference line Leave three line spaces after the date and Dear Mrs May. Change the left margin to wider than it is currently. Fully justify the rest of the letter Carry out a spelling and grammar check to correct any spelling mistakes Delete Many thanks and insert yours sincerely


Franklin Gothic Medium Font size 48 Centred


Font Impact 72 Centred Grey 40%

Arklow Bay Hotel

Font Ariel Size 48 Centred Underlined


Saturday 7th December 2008 at 9pm

Ariel 28 pt Bold Centred

All proceeds go to Crumlin Childrens Hospital

Franklin Gothic Med 48 pt Centred Bold

Times New Roman Italicise Size 20 pt Times New Roman Grey 40% Font size 36 pt Bold

Franklin Gothic Medium 24 pt Centred Italics


First Book of
Font: Impact Size: 48 pt Bold Black

Font: Monotype Corsiva Size: 24 pt Insert lines using keyboard and holding the shift key whilst pressing key next to =


Written __by__

INSERT, PICTURE, CLIPART and select a picture if you don not have the one above

Insert WordArt Ariel Black Font size 44 pt

Using Tables
See TABLE option on the Menu Bar INSERT TABLE Select a new document Using the insert table icon, create a 4 x 4 table as follows (4 columns, 4 rows)

Highlight the table by positioning the mouse over the first line of the first column. Wait until you see a down arrow then press the left mouse key and move to pointer across to column 4. Release the mouse when the table is highlighted. Click on Table, Table Properties, Column Change the preferred size to 3.8cm for the column width The Table should look like this

Highlight the table and centre it with the Centre Tool on the Toolbar to get the following effect:


Highlight the table again and click on Table, Auto format, and select Table Grid 4 from the list to get the following effect:

Close the document without saving

Select a new blank document Using the Insert Table Icon, create a 4 x 4 table as shown Nursing Home Rooms Numbers Staff Times

Adjust the column width of the first column by highlighting column 1, select Table Properties, Column and adjust to the desired width of 5.8cm. Change the width of columns two to four to 2 cm (columns go down, rows across) Add in the headings as shown: Nursing Home Room, Numbers, Staff, Times and centre text Add a grey shade to row 1 by highlighting Row 1, clicking on Format, Borders and Shading, click on the Shading Tab, and select as required.


Change the thickness of all the lines in the table to 1.75 pts. Highlight the table, click on Format, Borders and Shading, select the Borders Tab, click on the box indicating ALL, and adjust the pt size of the lines as indicated. In Row 1 insert: Nursing Home Rooms Numbers Staff Alzheimers Unit 17 3 Special Care 12 3 Low Dependency 18 4 Add in an extra row by clicking on the last box in the bottom right hand corner, going to Table, Insert Row Below and click! Add in Diabetes Add in another row: Terminal 20 20 4 2

Delete the fourth column by highlighting it, going to Table, Delete, and Column Insert a blank row by clicking on the second row, go to Table, insert, Row Below and click. You have completed a Table!! This is not part of the test schedule but is useful for all learners to know.


The most important thing to remember during this module is ACCURACY. Take your time; a mistake will cost you the test. If the instruction has a comma, you must place a comma, if the

instruction has BOLD CAPS, you must put BOLD CAPS. Any deviation will result in a fail. It is either right or wrong! Take your time and proof read!!

Type out the following letter: Use Times New Roman Font size 12 Ensure Margins are set to 2.5cm left and right Welcome Welcome to FETAC Level 5 in Healthcare.


Enclosed is a Welcome Pack outlining details of study for evening courses. You will be notified of due dates for assignments from your tutor. Workshops dates will be arranged with your tutor. Your course code is MED04 Your course will commence on 5th October 2006 at 7.30 to 10pm and will be held in our offices in the Arklow Enterprise Business Centre. (Map enclosed). Your tutor will be Leila Dugdale. If you have any query relating to this course please call Leila on 086 0867086. If you took advantage of the payment plan please ensure all payments are received and up to date. Good luck with your studies!!

(Insert your name here) Course Information Officer

Before Welcome insert Dear Student and leave two line spaces by pressing ENTER twice. (Check using show/hide icon) Change the Welcome heading to BOLD CAPITALS by clicking on Format, Change Case and select UPPERCASE. Set the text to Euro style or Perpetua, 12 pt. Highlight Good luck with your studies and change the colour of the text to red using font colour icon.

Type in the following:

May 18, 2006: The Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study is one of the largest investigations ever conducted on the links between childhood maltreatment and later-life health and well-being. As collaboration between the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Kaiser Permanente's Health Appraisal Clinic in San Diego, Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) members undergoing a comprehensive physical examination provided detailed information about their childhood experience of abuse, neglect, and family dysfunction. Over 17,000 members chose to participate. To date, over 30 scientific articles have been published and over 100 conference and workshop presentations have been made. Childhood abuse, neglect, and exposure to other traumatic stressors which was termed adverse childhood experiences (ACE) are common. Almost two-thirds of the study participants reported at least one ACE, and more than one in five reported three or more ACE. The short- and long-term outcomes of these childhood exposures include a multitude of health and social problems. The ACE Study uses the ACE Score, which is a count of the total number of ACE respondents reported. The ACE


Score is used to assess the total amount of stress during childhood and has demonstrated that as the number of ACE increase, the risk for the following health problems increases in a strong and graded fashion:

alcoholism and alcohol abuse chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) depression fetal death health-related quality of life illicit drug use ischemic heart disease (IHD) liver disease risk for intimate partner violence multiple sexual partners sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) smoking suicide attempts unintended pregnancies

In addition, the ACE Study has also demonstrated that the ACE Score has a strong and graded relationship to health-related behaviors and outcomes during childhood and adolescence including early initiation of smoking, sexual activity, and illicit drug use, adolescent pregnancies, and suicide attempts. Finally, as the number of ACE increases the number of co-occurring or co-morbid conditions increases. The ACE Study findings suggest that these experiences are major risk factors for the leading causes of illness and death as well as poor quality of life in the United States. Progress in preventing and recovering from the nation's worst health and social problems is likely to benefit from the understanding that many of these problems arise as a consequence of adverse childhood experiences.

1. Insert the heading ADVERSE CHILDHOOD EXPERIENCES at the top of the document and leave two
lines underneath it. 2. Make it BOLD, CAPITALS, font Verdana, point size 14 and centre it. 3. Insert bullet points (Format, Bullets and Numbering) to your chosen style 4. Change the font on the remainder of the document to Ariel 12 5. Highlight and change the font colour of the first paragraph to light blue 6. The paragraph heading above May 18, 2006 should be NEW STUDY 7. Find and delete Over 17,000 members chose to participate 8. Find and replace fetal death with foetal Go to Edit, Replace and type in Fetal in the Find bar, Foetal in the Replace bar. 9. Move the whole paragraph entitled In addition and insert above the paragraph Child abuse, neglect. (Highlight paragraph, Edit, Cut, place curser at the point you wish to insert text, Edit, Paste) 10. Run document through the spell checker

Operating Systems
The OS is software that is involved in almost every function the computer carries out. It manages the hardware resources of the computer including the allocation of memory. It is used for copying, moving, deleting files and setting up new folders. Moving data in and out of storage and monitoring the running of applications software. The operating system will come fully installed with each new computer. Typical Operating Systems are: Microsoft Apple Windows 7, Vista, XP, 2000, 98, NT Mac 32

The operating system does not include programs such as Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint etc. These are software programs that can be downloaded and added independently. 1. Type out this document. 2. Use Trebuchet MS font size 12 3. Embolden areas as shown 4. Italicise Microsoft Windows XP to Mac 5. When the floppy disks arrive try it for yourself!! (Formatting a disk)

DO THIS EXERCISE AGAIN!!! Type out the following document exactly as it is - including spelling mistakes! Waterford Crystal Nursing Home Cork Road Waterford 051 300300 Ref: WCC 011 33

Dear Mrs May, Further to our recent visit to your premises in Waterford, I write to confirm that I wish to take up the Nursing Home place for my father Robert, as agreed. I have enclosed the deposit and first weeks fees as reuested along with the registration form and look forward to seeing you again on February 14th 2009 to settle Robert in. Many thannks

Michelle Manor Make the following changes: 10. Change the typeface to Ariel, 12 pt. 11. Centre the Waterford Crystal heading, address and telephone number 12. Change the heading to block capitals, bold. 13. Insert todays date under the reference line (Insert, Date and time, click on todays date) 14. Leave three line spaces after the date and again after Dear Mrs May. 15. Change the left margin to wider than it is currently. 16. Fully justify the rest of the letter 17. Carry out a spelling and grammar check to correct any spelling mistakes 18. Delete Many thanks and insert yours sincerely

Word Processing 1. Open a blank document in Word and name it My practice letter 2. Input the attached letter 3. Proof read the letter and make any corrections. Any spelling errors or incorrect layout will result in failing the exam. 4. Print the letter and copy it to the Floppy Disc. Give a copy to your supervisor. 5. When you have this done, your supervisor will give you the corrections letter, when you have made the corrections, save your document and print it out and give to the supervisor. 34

You will be assessed under the following headings: Inputting Using word processing functions Format Accuracy

BALDOYLE FORUM LTD (IERLAND) 117 CORK ROAD WATERFORD Our Ref SL1/ZH Your Ref LSY/PP 14th January 2008 Mary Maloney Equipment & Supplies Ltd 29 Bridge Street 35

Westrow Co Donegal Dear Sirs FAILURE TO DELIVER GOODS Further to our telephone conversation of yesterday, I am enclosing an estimate for loss of business due to your failure to deliver goods as promised. As you are aware, we were unable to run the youth sports club and had to refund monies to those booked for the next 3 weeks. This prolem was completely avoidable and has resulted in much additional load here at the center. I expect delivery as promised no later than the close of business on Monday. Should this fail, I shall have no option but to withdraw my business from your company. It gves me no pleaure to write to you in this manner and I hope we can restore, what was previousy, a good business relationship. Yours faithfully

S. J. Rage Enc.

CORRECTIONS PAGE Set the whole document to 12pt, use Times New Roman Spell check the document correcting any spelling mistakes Set right margin to wider than it currently is. Leave two line spaces after the end paragraph and yours faithfully. Leave three line spaces before the line and S.J. Rage Proof read, save to Floppy Disc and Print a copy. (Remember any spelling mistake is an instant fail so check, check and check again!!) 36

Give the corrected version along with the Floppy Disc to your Supervisor.

WATERFORD CRYSTAL LEISURE CENTRE (IERLAND) 117 CORK ROAD WATERFORD Our Ref SL1/ZH Your Ref LSY/PP 14th January 2006 Insert todays date Mary Maloney Equipment & Supplies Ltd 37

29 Bridge Street Westrow Co Donegal Dear Sirs

Make the right margin wider

FAILURE TO DELIVER GOODS Further to our telephone conversation of yesterday, I am enclosing an estimate for X loss of business due to your failure to deliver goods as promised. the As you are aware, we were unable to run the youth sports club and had to refund monies to those booked for the next 3 weeks. This prolem was completely avoidable and has resulted in much additional X load here at the center. work I expect delivery as promised no later than close of business on Monday. Should this fail X, I shall have no option but to withdraw my business from your company. (delete) X = to happen It gves me no pleaure to write to you in this manner and I hope we can restore, what was previousy, a good business relationship. Yours faithfully Leave 3 lines for signature

S. J. Rage Enc.


Repetitive Strain Injury RSI This is an injury caused by repetitive hand and arm movements which damages the nerves in the hand, shoulder, arms and neck. RSI can be prevented by implementing good working practices: Use arm rests Frequent breaks away from the computer even if you just walk around the room Use a detachable keyboard 38

Work with your wrists at the same level as the keyboard Healthy, Safe Work Environments Adjustable chair to suit your height and for maximum comfort Foot rests if necessary Knees should have a clearance of 70cm maximum Windows fitted with blinds to avoid sun glare Light, airy rooms to avoid eye strain and headaches Screens should be adjustable to ensure good viewing range Screens fitted with filters to avoid reflection on monitors/glare Detachable keyboards to avoid RSI Regular breaks Recycle printer toner 1. 2. 3. 4. Set the whole document to 1.5 line spacing All the text in italics set as tick bullet points Change the heading to underlined Use Calibri, 12 pt

Cheque It Owt!!
I have a spelling chequer, It came with my pea sea, It plainly marques for my revue

Miss steaks eye kin knot sea! I strike a key and type a word And weight four it two say Whether eye am wrong or right It shows me strait away As soon as a mist ache is maid It nose bee fore two long And eye can put the error rite, Its rare lea ever wrong Eye halve run this poem threw it, Eye am sure your pleased two no, Its letter perfect awl the weigh My chequer told me sew!
Author unknown

Word Processing This is not needed for the tests and should only be done by experienced users if they have time. Check with your tutor. Mail Merge Exercise Your task is to create a table of names and addresses, type in the details and save the file. 1. Load your Word Processing Program (double click on the Word icon) 2. Point to the insert table icon, blue stripe across top on toolbar. 40

3. Keeping the left mouse button pressed down, move the mouse down and to the right across the blue squares on the grid. Highlight six squares across and four down and release the mouse button. The table should appear on the screen. 4. Type in the following headings at the top of the table without pressing the <enter> key, instead use the <tab> key to move between each column. Parent Name Child Name Address Address 2 Address 3 Salutation Date

5. Highlight the first row of the table and using the shading tool (Format, Borders and Shading) add a 20% grey tint to Row 1 and centre the headings (Highlight, centre using the alignment icon). 6. Make up and type in 3 fictitious names and addresses of children, and use different dates on each entry. 7. When you have finished click on File, Save As and Type in Child Contact Details under file name. 8. Click on My Documents Folder, Save and Close.

The second stage in this process is to head up and write a letter, spell check and save it. Input the following:

Nursing Home Chummies

Baloyle Main Street, Baldoyle, Co. Dublin 41

Dear We are delighted to announce the launch of our Autumn Yoga Class for all residents. This will be held each Thursday from 5-6pm in the George Room and comprises of exercises to improve breathing and mobility as well as stimulate circulation. There are only 30 places so dont delay book today!


Julie Mahoney Event Co-ordinator

Use the spell checker on the document and click on File, Save As and type in Message under File Name in the My Documents Folder. Do not close the file but go to the next page

The third task in this process to mail merge the two documents. 1. Select TOOLS, MAIL MERGE and CREATE. 2. Select Form Letter and Active Window. 3. Select Get Data and Open Data Source. 4. Select Child Contact Details 5. Select Edit Main Document


6. Position the cursor where you want the first merge to appear (underneath the heading, where the address is to appear) 7. Click on Insert Merge Field tool and a list of field titles will appear 8. Select Name and type a comma and press <enter> 9. Click on Insert Merge Field: Insert Merge Field Insert Merge Field Insert Merge Field Addr1 Addr2 Addr3 Press Enter Press Enter Press Enter

10. Position the cursor beside Dear and press the space bar. Click on Insert Merge Field, select Salutation and press the comma 11.Position the cursor in the appropriate place for Date, Click on Insert Merge Field, Select Date 12. Select Tools and Mail Merge or select merge on the Toolbar 13.Select Merge and Merge and you will get a separate letter for all of the people on the data file. 14.At this point you could print the letters and save the file. We dont need to do this so close the file without saving it and return to the main letter.

Explain a Database The basic structure of an access data base is a table containing columns and rows, somewhat like similar to a spreadsheet Each column heading contains what is known as a field name. It is an organised collection of information like an electronic filing system. The information provided by the user is set up so that it can be updated, queried and reported upon. 43

When creating a database you need to tell the computer the information you want stored and then give the computer instructions on how this is to take effect. Information can be stored about anything, for example, we will look at a Nursing Home. Contact Details Room allocation



Newsletters PAYE


Nursing Home




Names & Addresses




A database will provide you with the framework to do this and if it is set up and maintained properly then it can be used as a tool to run the Nursing Home System.

There are four main components of an Access Database that you should be familiar with: TABLES are the basic storage structures where all data is stored in columns and rows

FORMSare created from tables. They display all or selected fields on a single page. Each record is viewed in isolation QUERIES REPORTS are used to search for specific data contained in a table. The found data fields and records are presented in table format are used to present data from a table or a query on a page for printing. 44

Database Definitions A database is a collection of data relating to a particular subject. When data is organised in this way on a computer it makes it very easy to Query, Update and Retrieve information Database Organisation A database is organised in Tables, Records and Fields. Each column heading is known as a field name Each field contains individual information Each Row in the table is a record (a collection of fields laid across the page) A table shows all the records (rows) together. Example Database Name Contact Details Tables in the Database Elders details Relatives details Records in the Database One record for each person One record for each room

Fields in the Elders Records Name of Elder Date of Birth Start Date Room/Unit Allocation Special Care Fees Relating Tables in a Database When tables are related you can view information from different tables at the same time. Field Properties Define the correct Data Type; whether the entry is text, a number, data, currency etc. Field Sizes in Database Records You tell the computer in advance the type and size of each individual field. A surname may be a size of 15 characters each letter of the surname counted at one time. The name Keegan would have a size of 6 characters (letters) 45

A Primary Key A primary key is used to assign a unique identity to a record. For example, it will not allow two residents to have the same reference number. An Index Creating an Index on a field allows for more efficient searching and sorting of records in a database. In the case of your first task of creating a database, the fields will be called company, company contact and so forth Each cell under the headings is called a field. These fields contain individual information Each row in the table is a record, (= collection of fields laid out across the page) A table shows all the records (rows) together, you may have to scroll up and down to see all the records and across to view all the fields (columns) The records contained in a table can be presented in a different way by creating a FORM A form shows all the fields together, but only displays one record at a time; today we are going to concentrate on just the table. Access is very powerful and it is possible to create many tables within one database. These tables can be linked together and create relational database Open the database application (MS Access) Click on Start, Programs, MS Access To create a new database Open Access Select blank database and click on OK Select C:Drive and your folder Type in the name of the Database: Database Exercise Click on Create Double Click on Create Table in Design View

Use this option


Remember that a new database needs to be saved BEFORE any data is entered into it. Name this database as database exercise in the file name box, and Create Select Tables and Create Table in Design View. Use this option

Click on OK The next screen to appear will be blank and request information.

Enter the information shown on the table below. When this information is entered, click on the View Data Icon found on the top left of the tool bar.


View data icon

Click on this box

When you are asked to save the table, name the table COMPANY DETAILS, and click on the OK box. You will be asked if you wish to set a primary key, select NO.

Data Type Setting Text Memo

Type of data (Default) Text or combinations of text and numbers, as well as numbers that don't require calculations, such as phone numbers. Lengthy text or combinations of text and numbers.

Size Up to 255 characters or the length set by the Field Size property, whichever is less. Microsoft Access does not reserve space for unused portions of a text field. Up to 65,535 characters. (If the Memo field is manipulated through DAO and only text and numbers [not binary data] will be stored in it, then the size of the Memo field is limited by the size of the


Numeric data used in mathematical calculations. For more information on how to set the specific Number type, see the Field Size property topic. Date and time values for the years 100 through Date/Time 9999. Currency values and numeric data used in mathematical calculations involving data with one Currency to four decimal places. Accurate to 15 digits on the left side of the decimal separator and to 4 digits on the right side. A unique sequential (incremented by 1) number or random number assigned by Microsoft Access AutoNumb whenever a new record is added to a table. er AutoNumber fields can't be updated. For more information, see the New Values property topic. Yes and No values and fields that contain only Yes/No one of two values (Yes/No, True/False, or On/Off). An object (such as a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, OLE a Microsoft Word document, graphics, sounds, or Object other binary data) linked to or embedded in a Microsoft Access table. Text or combinations of text and numbers stored as text and used as a hyperlink address. A hyperlink address can have up to three parts: text to display the text that appears in a field or control. address the path to a file (UNC path) or page Hyperlink (URL). subaddress a location within the file or page. screentip the text displayed as a tooltip. The easiest way to insert a hyperlink address in a field or control is to click Hyperlink on the Insert menu. Creates a field that allows you to choose a value from another table or from a list of values by using a list box or combo box. Clicking this option Lookup starts the Lookup Wizard, which creates a Lookup Wizard field. After you complete the wizard, Microsoft Access sets the data type based on the values selected in the wizard. Number

database.) 1, 2, 4, or 8 bytes (16 bytes if the FieldSize property is set to Replication ID). 8 bytes.

8 bytes.

4 bytes (16 bytes if the Field Size property is set to Replication ID). 1 bit. Up to 1 gigabyte (limited by available disk space)

Each part of the three parts of a Hyperlink data type can contain up to 2048 characters.

The same size as the primary key field used to perform the lookup, typically 4 bytes.

You can set this property only in the upper portion of table Design view. Use the Currency data type for a field requiring many calculations involving data with one to four decimal places. Single and Double data type fields require floating-point calculation. The Currency data type uses a faster fixed-point calculation. Caution Changing a field's data type after you enter data in a table causes a potentially lengthy process of data conversion when you save the table. If the data type in a field conflicts with a changed Data Type property setting, you may lose some data.

Enter the following details into the table; (Correct incorrect spelling of quaterly to QUARTERLY


When the information is entered and the table complete, clock on the x on the right corner of the table box and save the table. Re-open by double clicking on the COMPANY DETAILS icon. Once the table is complete, sort the Company name into alphabetical order. To do this you need to highlight the Surname and First Name

columns and click on the sorting option. Choose either Ascending or Descending. Edit the table inserting the following information: 1. Change Perrys to Perry Group and the telephone number to 6288526 2. Change Nationwide to NCRC Close the table and save the changes. Create a Simple Form for the Table Click on Forms, Create Form by using the Wizard, choose the table click on >>next, columnar, next, blends, next, type in form title Car Form, finish. Add a Header to the Form Open the form in Design View (blue triangular icon) Click on View, Header and Footer Draw a text box in the Form Header (Click on Aa text box to draw a box with the mouse Type Car Owners into it Change the font to 12pt, Ariel, Italics, font colour grey 50%. CREATING QUERIES

Choose this option

Click here

To create a Query open the Design View and in the Show Table, select Company Details Click the Add button followed by the Close button. The select Query box will appear 50

Field choices

Place the cursor in the Field Title and double click on the information you wish to add. Repeat. Query 1 Show Company, Location

Chosen fields for Query

QUERY 1 Query all the companies based in Leixlip - insert the required fields as shown then, on the search Criteria input Like*LEIXLIP Run the query by clicking on the red exclamation mark. Close by clicking on cross in the top right hand corner. Double click on the icon Query 1 to open the results. Query 2 Show Company, Contact, and Quarterly Statement type In search criteria box, input Like*QUARTERLY, run the query for query results. Query 3 Show Company, Contact, and Monthly Statement Type. Run the query and print.

CREATING QUERIES When creating queries it is important to remember how you are asking for the information. If you are asking for particular information that requires only specific information be taken out of a heading, a wildcard character is often used. The most commonly used wildcard is the asterisk (*). It is also possible to use the greater and less than signs if searching through numerical data (<,>) We used the * option in creating When the query is complete, click on the Run Icon to run the query and for the results to be displayed. Like *Quarterly

Load the Access Database Application 51

(Click Start, programs, MS Access) Create a new database on your floppy disk by: Inserting the floppy disk Select Blank Access Database, OK Select 3 Floppy A: drive (not my documents) Type in the file name Chummies Nursing Home and click on Create Select the Tables tab and Create Table in Design View, OK Insert the following fields: Fields Name of Elder Address Tel No Relatives Name Reg Plate Room/Unit Centre Data Type Text Text Number Text Hyperlink Text Text Description Name Address Daytime number Name Car registration AZ/SC/LD Arklow Dublin Cork

When information is entered, click on the View Data icon (top left corner) Save the table as Car Contacts for Arklow and click on the OK box. No to primary Key Enter the following data into the table: Name of Child Esther Bermingham Niamh Flanagan Natasha Keegan Nia Watts Isabelle F Rodrigues Pamela Long Leila Dugdale Jongjit Wolohan Yupa Byrne Aisling Byrne Theresa Fortune The Chase Arklow 666555 Mary 97 WX 0303 AZ Arklow The Hut Achill Island 444222 Kathleen 99 C 0303 AZ Cork The Copse Fred Lane 4678523 Jemima 06 W 0992 SC Arklow The Avenue Bill Lane 9876532 Henrietta 03 D 7662 LD Dublin Camp Hill Dublin 473944 Claudia 06 D 8532 AZ Dublin Bay House Arklow 5050977 Majella 99 W 4774 SC Arklow Firs Hill Cork 9993666 Arabella 94 D 8336 SC Cork Sheep Hill Wicklow 4456633 Ching 98 W 7753 AZ Arklow Yippi Hill Happylands 5556622 Chong 03 W 0773 LD Arlow Bourne Hse Ringwood 9171226 Annette 05 D 6334 SC Arklow Mansion House Dublin 2226111 Caoimhe 06 D 5577 SC Dublin

Close and save table. Re-open Car Contacts, sort into alphabetical order. Close and save.

Select QUERIES tab, double click on Create Query in Design View and in the Show Table, select Car Contacts for Arklow, Add and Close. 52

There have been several complaints from neighbours near Chummies Nursing Home Arklow about illegal parking. So you can identify which relatives are the culprits, you are required to create a query on all the elders in the Arklow Centre with information you think is relevant. Create the query using the search criteria as *Arklow. Close. Double click on the query 1 icon to open and print results of the query.

When creating reports in ACCESS, you may find using the Wizard Option helpful.

Use Wizard


Create a report showing all the details input on to the table when it was created.

Follow Wizard Instructions

To choose the fields required click on these buttons. Top one moves individual fields and the bottom moves the entire content across.

Using the Wizard, create another report showing only the company name, contact name and telephone number. Create a file called Nursing Home Places containing the following fields 53

Field Title Elders Name Room/Unit


Alzheimers AZ Low Dependency LD Special Care - SC

DOB + gender Religion Location Muslim, Christian, Catholic, Protestant Ferrybank Waterford City Ardkeen

Enter the following details: Name Mary Rose Karen Furlong Mark Bailey Brian McFadden Margaret Foley Helen Cleary Patrick Boggan Darragh OShea Ben Breen Jessica Doyle Room AZ AZ LD LD LD AZ SC SC AZ LD DOB/gender 12.10.30F 18.12.42F 11.9.39M 7.7.37M 18.11.33F 22.7.33F 27.1.50M 18.3.40M 9.5.35M 18.2.36F Religion Catholic Catholic Christian Catholic Muslim Catholic Protestant Catholic Catholic Christian Location Ferrybank Waterford City Ardkeen Ferrybank Waterford City Waterford City Ferrybank Waterford City Waterford City Ferrybank

Print a copy Make the following corrections: a) Margaret Foley has departed, delete her from the file b) A new resident has started, Sorcha Flaherty, Low dependency, 20.6. 39 Protestant and is attending the Ardkeen Centre. c) Helen Clearys date of birth is incorrect. It should be: 22.7.37 d) Create a query, sort and print a report of the residents based in Waterford City. e) Save your database

Database Exercise 54

Create a new database to be used by Highfield Lawn Tennis Club to record the details of all its members. You will create the file and enter some data into it. Part of the creation is to create the appropriate design of the fields, with your own choice of font style and size of fields. Open the Database Application Click on Start, Programs, MS Access Create the new database on Floppy Disk. o Insert the Floppy disk o Select Blank Access Database, OK o Select the dive/folder o Type in the File Name of the Database as Highfield Tennis Club Accept input of a new table of information Double click on Create Table in Design View Field Name Surname Initials Date joined club Age in years Subscription Life Membership Save the Table as Members Click on File, Save As, Type in Members, OK Answer No to Primary Key Enter 5 complete records into your new database Click on Datasheet View Make up records for 5 members and type in the required information Sort the Table according to the Surname in the column heading of the table Click on the A-Z toolbar Create a Simple Form for this Table Click on Forms, Create Form by using Wizard Choose Table, Click on >> Click Next, Blends, type in the form title (Tennis Form) Finish Add Header to the Form with the words Tennis Club Members Open the Form in Design View (blue triangle) Click on View, Header and Footer (Click on Aa Text Box Tool to draw a box with the mouse) Type in Tennis Club Members Click on the box so the handles appear around it Change the point size to 10, Italics and dark grey Add in 2 new records via the Form 55 Data Type Text Text Hyperlink Number Currency Yes/No Field Size or Format 20 3 Medium date Integer Currency Yes/No

Use the form or Table to add more records Click on File, Save and X out when complete Create a Simple Report sorting in Age Order Click on Reports Create Report by using the Wizard Choose Table, click on >> , Next When you arrive at the Sort Order, select Age in Years, continue selecting the options you want. When complete File, Save, X out of window.


Exercise Access Open the database application Click on Start, Programs, MS Access Create a new database on the floppy disk Insert floppy Select Blank Access Database, OK Select the drive/folder Type in the name of the database (Public Houses in File Name) Click on Create Accept input of a new table of information Double click on Create Table in Design View Field Name Public House Name Date Opened Capital Staff levels Franchise Owner Surname Franchise Owner Forename Location DATA TYPE Text Number Currency Number Text Text Text FIELD SIZE 30 6 6 3 20 20 20

When finished inputting Field Names, Click on File, Save Type in name of Table as Public Houses, OK Go into Datasheet View and type in the following details:
Public House Name Toss Byrnes Arklow Bay Molly Blooms Summit Inn The Grand Frankies Bar Roundabout
Date Opened

Capital 28,000 300,000 120,000 2,000 111,000 8,000 800

STAFF LEVEL S 7 23 9 8 34 5 9




20/9/94 19/8/01 23/6/78 8/1/69 11/3/72 27/3/68 18/5/54

Byrne Finnegan Fitzgerald Fitzsimmons Bryan Lucas Daly

Theodore Michael John Sean Jack Frank Paddy

Inch Arklow East Wall Howth Malahide Baldoyle Artane

To sort the Table Highlight the column you would like to sort and Click on the Sort Icon (A-Z). In this case sort the table on the Surname. Click on File and Save when finished and X out of the Window. To Create a Simple Form Click on Forms tab, Create Form by using Design Wizard, choose the table, click on >> , Next, Columnar, Next, Blends, Next, type in form title (Pub Form), Finish. At the end of the Table add in the following Public Houses 57

Public House Name Anchor Linekers Bar

Date Opened

Capital 973,000 1.2m

20/8/06 16/6/04





Keegan Lineker

Kevin Gary

Gorey Marbella

Click on File, Save and X out when finished Adding a Header or Footer to a Form Open the Form in Design View (see blue Triangle) Click on View, Form Header and Footer Draw a Text Box in the Form Header (Click on Aa Text Box Tool to draw a box with the mouse) Type Public Houses into it Click on the box so handles appear around it Change font to Ariel 10, Italics Grey 50% and centre text Add an Image to the Form While in design View Click on Insert, Picture from File Select a picture, Click OK Drag the picture to the part of the form under the last entry but not into the footer Then click on datasheet view File, Save, when finished Then X out of the window NOTE You can use the Form or the Table to add more records. Create a simple Report showing all the fields, sorted in order of Pub name. Click on Reports, Create Report by using Wizard, choose the Table and click on >>, next, etc.

Exercise MS Access 58

1. Open the Database Application 2. Create a new database on the floppy disk calling it Nursing Home Staff 3. The following fields must be created using the appropriate data types and sizes Field Name Data type Field Size 20 20 6 1 Euros

Surname Text First Name Text Date of Birth Numerical Centre Text Grade Numerical Salary Currency

4. Save the Table as Nursing Home Staff Names (No Primary Key is required) 5. Enter the following records into it.
Surname First Name Date of Birth Centre Grade Salary

Power Carthy Foley Sterling Boggan Harford

Mary Agnes Lorraine Aimee Claire Therese

11-3-72 8-5-68 19-5-82 20-1-81 9-7-70 18-6-83

Galway Dublin Roscommon Dublin Galway Dublin

4 4 4 3 4 4

18,000 20,000 18,000 22,000 18,000 20,000

Sort it into Surname Order Create a Form called Names Form to input more data Make up 4 more entries for Grade 3 staff Save the Form Save the Database Create a Query of all Staff on Grade 3 and relevant information Sort the Query in ascending sequence of Surname Click into the intersection of Surname and Sort Click on the down arrow and select Ascending Click on the red exclamation mark to run the query Save the Query as 2006 Employees, click OK X out of the Query Window. Exit out of the database.

Exercise MS ACCESS 59

1. Open the Database Application 2. Create a new database on your floppy 3. Save as Equipment List 4. Create a Table with seven Fields as indicated below Field Name Equipment Category Code Price Supplier Data Type Text Text Hyperlink Currency Text Field Size/Format Description Art Construction Books Misc Euros EEC CI Jaggo

Save the Table as Supplies List Enter the following records into it:
Equipment Category code Price supplier

Fadeless Paper Metallic Fadeless Flagstone Prints Borderette Card Border Roll Safari Prints Honeycomb Paper Wooden Treasure Multicultural Hair Big Book Holder Learning Wall

Art Art Art Art Art Art Art Construction Art Books Books

5737 5793 5646 33000 7797 5692 5873 2533 5255 2085 7877

3.95 5.95 18.00 2.75 3.60 2.95 5.00 25 8.95 13.45 17.95


Sort the Table into alphabetical order ascending Save and close The following record has been inserted incorrectly and you are required to delete the record: Safari Prints Art 5692 2.95 CI

Print a report of all Art materials

Database Exercise

Test 2 60

1. Load your Database Programme. 2. Create a blank database and call it Floppy Fairies Nursing Home 3. Set the following Field Headings: Field Surname Christian Name Date born Month Year Gender Allergies Room/Unit Key Worker Key

1-31 January February March April May June July August September October November December Male=M Female=F Specify Alzheimers AZ, Low dependency LD, Special care SC Melanie, Caoimhe, Anne, Austeja, Jill

4. Once the Field Headings are complete, save the table as FFC. 5. You are required to input the following entries:
Surname Key Worker Christian Name Date born Month of birth Year Gender Allergies Room

Roche Karen 18 June 1950 FNone Alzheimers Anne Bennett Jessica 11 February 1930 F Asthma Alzheimers Anne Kelly Blaithnaid 3 May 1938 M Dairy Special Care Caoimhe Meaney Caoimhe 7 September 1942 F Nuts Low dep. Austeja Dunne James 28 July 1944 M None Alzheimers Melanie Kehoe Kevin 23 June 1937 M None Special Care Melanie Power Mark 8 August 1941 M None Low dep. Anne Mendoza Eva 12 October 1931 F Asthma Alzheimers Jill Thomas Dylan 30 April 1930 M Kiwi Special Care Caoimhe Henry Siobhan 6 June 1928 F None Low dep. Austeja

6. Make certain all field names are visible 7. Sort by surname 8. Kevin Kehoe has left the centre, delete this record 61

9. Blaithnaid Kelly is a female, correct this 10. Mark Power has an allergy that has just been diagnosed eggs 11. A new resident has joined the centre: Michael Forde 3.1.38. He will be in the AZ unit under Melanies care. Add this record to the database. 12. Pint a report of all the elders with Asthma 13. Print a report of all the elders in the Special Care Unit 14. Print a report of all the elders born in June

BLANK WORKBOOK EXCEL WINDOW FEATURES The main features of the Excel window are described below: The Title Bar displays the name of the document that you are using

The Menu Bar contains the menus of the actions that can be performed by the computer. Scroll Bars and Arrows are used to move left and right or up and down a document that is too large for the window. The Toolbars contain buttons that you click to perform special tasks The Standard Toolbar has the buttons that you use most often such as for saving and printing. To gain a description of the button, hold the cursor over the button without clicking. The Formatting Toolbar has buttons that are used to change the appearance to the text, such as changing the size of the type. The Formula Bar displays the address of the current cell at the left and has an area on the right where formula information is displayed.

The Spreadsheet Cells are the actual spreadsheet or workbook area in which you will enter numbers and text for your work. The Mouse Insertion Point is a cross shape that shows you the position of your mouse The Status Bar displays the page number and other information like the line numbers your cursor is currently on. A dark black border will appear around the cell that you are currently using.

If your toolbars are not showing on the screen, you can display them. Alternatively you can hide them if you wish.


Click on View and then choose Toolbars. A drop down menu will appear, to add something to a toolbar, add a tick by clicking on the item required. To remove an item showing a tick, again click on the item.

CREATING A SPREADSHEET Click on the start key

When the menu appears, choose programs and then select Microsoft Excel.

A blank Excel screen will appear. See Handout One for full screen. To enter data a cell must be active in order to enter information in it. To make a cell active, click on it. Notice the special cross shape that appears on the Excel spreadsheet to indicate where the cursor is. An active cell will have a dark border, and the address will appear in the name box on the formula bar.
Address in the formula box Active cell with dark boarder

The address represents the column and row headers. You may enter text, numbers or formula in a cell on a spreadsheet. When a cell is active, you can type in it, just as you would in a word processing document. 63

As you type in information, it appears both in the active cell and in the formula box. When you have finished inputting information in a cell, you must tell Excel you have finished. Entries can be completed in a number of ways.
Cancel mark use if you change your mind Enter mark to complete an entry

CREATING A SPREADSHEET There are a number of other ways that you can complete your entries, most commonly, by moving your active cell. Here are some ways to move your active cell around your workbook. Press the Enter Key to move down Press the Tab key to move across Press the Down Arrow Key to move down a cell Use the Shift and Enter Keys or the Up Arrow Key to move a cell up. Use the Tab Key and the Right Arrow Key to move to the cell on the right. Use the Shift and Tab Key or the Left Arrow Key to move to the cell on the left Use the Enter mark on the Formula Bar to enter data and stay in the same cell Use the Mouse to click to another cell.

Using the options above, move your active cell around the Excel workbook. EXERCISE ONE Click on the A1 cell and make it active. Type in the name Jones Press the Tab key and move to cell B1 Type in the name Joan in the new cell. Click on cell A2 and type Smith Press the Tab key and move to cell B2 Type in the name Susan. Continue entering the names shown


To save documents in Excel is the same as in Word. Click on File from the Menu Bar and select Save As. Save the file with the title NAMES Open this file, and sort the names alphabetically. To do this, use the function key showing on the tool bar. You can also do a more in depth sort by going into DATA on the Menu Bar and choosing the Sort option. CREATING A SPREADSHEET doing basic sums It is simple to do mathematical equations in Excel. In your workbook, move your cursor to cell C1 input the following information into the cells beside the names.

Calculations can be made automatically using the AutoSum button Click on cell A11 and type in TOTAL Click on cell C11 to select Click on the AutoSum button on the toolbar. Excel will make a guess at the number you wish to add. It surrounds them with a flashing broken line, and inserts a formula in the box you selected C11


Flashing line around numbers to be added

AutoSum formula suggestion.

Click on the Enter mark to accept Excels suggestion. The suggested formula is =SUM (C1:10). This tells Excel to add the numbers from C1 to C11. As there is no number in C11 it places the answer in the cell. 65

Equals shown as = Add shown as : Multiply shown as * Subtract is shown as Divide is shown as /

CREATING A SPREADSHEET doing basic sums It is also possible to type in your own calculations. Most calculations start with = SUM You then open a bracket (and insert the calculation. When the calculation is complete close your bracket )

Exercise Two
Insert the same numbers from column C into columns D,E,F In Column D type in the calculation for Multiplying D1 and D10 In Column E type in the calculation for Subtracting E1 and E10 In Column F type in the calculation for Dividing F1 and F10 In cell G11 do auto sum to add all the totals together.


CREATING A SPREADSHEET Rows and Columns ADDING ROWS AND COLUMNS Sometimes you may need to add additional rows or columns to an existing spreadsheet. To insert a Column, select where you wish to insert it. Click on the letter C on your spreadsheet Move your cursor to the menu bar and select the Insert option In the drop down box, select Column

A new column will be created to the left of column C and will become a new Column C. Each column will be moved one to the right. To Insert a Row, select where you wish to insert it. Click on cell A1 Move your cursor to the menu bar and select the Insert option In the drop down box, choose the row option this time. A new row will be created above the existing row. Each row has moved down one.


Select the row or column you want to delete Move your cursor to Edit on the menu bar and click, choose the delete option Or click on the row or column with the left mouse button and choose delete from the menu box.

CREATING A SPREADSHEET Rows and Columns ADJUSTING THE SIZE OF A CELL The size of a cell is set to a default size when you first open your spreadsheet. You may want to change the size of a particular set of cells to suit your requirements. There are two ways to do this: Move your cursor slowly over the dividing line between the cells in the row or column you wish to enlarge. Hold down the mouse button and move in the direction you require.

Place your cursor here

Changing each row and column individually, can be slow and tedious and may give uneven results. It is possible to change the row height, using Format. Select the row you wish to change Go to Format on the menu And then choose height in the drop down menu
Choose the row Enter the height you require

Select OK when finished


To change the column width using the format menu, proceed as before but select Column and Width instead of Row and Height. Using the format menu gives you precise control over the height and width of the cells. It can give a spreadsheet a neat and ordered appearance.

CREATING A SPREADSHEET Formatting Cells Cells can be used for text and numerical data. It is possible to format these cells to display the information in different ways. You may wish for the cell to be formatted for decimal places or to show currency. EXERCISE ONE To change the format of a cell go to the Format menu and choose Cells Highlight all the numbers in all four columns, do this by clicking on the first cell and dragging your mouse across all the numbers. Click on Format on the menu bar and choose cells A drop down box will appear. Choose number and click.
Other options

Choose number

Decimal places will show. If you wish to change the number move the arrows up or down till you arrive at the number you require.

When finished click OK

Displays choice made

You will notice on your spreadsheet that all the numbers now show decimal places. You can use this to change the look and layout of all the cells quickly. Using your spreadsheet, try different types of formatting. When completed, bring the format back to 2 decimal places. 69

EXCEL EXERCISE How would you identify the active cell on your spreadsheet? A B C Darkened Border. Flashing Border Contents of the cell are dark


Which of these best represents a correct cell reference? A B C D A 5 A5 A; 5


Which of the following denotes adding in a formula? A B C D / ^ :


Which of the following icons means auto sum Ring the correct icon

What kind of information is commonly put into cells (write all possible answers) A B C D Text Numbers Mathematical Formulae Cell Addresses




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Bronze Connaught 11 Munster 16 Ulster 7 Leinster 14 Wexford Total

Silver 18 8 10 23

Gold 17 3 5 16


1. Save the Spreadsheet as Medals Table onto My Documents Folder on the Hard Drive (C: Drive) 2. Make the following changes: Connaught Silver 17 medals Leinster Gold 17 medals

3. To get the totals, Highlight B4 to E9 and click on Auto sum 4. Delete the row for Wexford Click on Grey 8 Select Edit, Delete The Total will automatically readjust if all numbers are highlighted and Auto sum is used. 5. Extend the width of column A Point mouse at the line between A and B and drag line across to right 6. Save the spreadsheet by clicking on File and save 7. Centre the heading by highlighting A1 to E1 and click on the Centre across Columns Toolbar 8. Add a custom header inserting your own name Click on View, Header and Footer, Custom Header, Centre Section, Type in your name.


Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Load Spreadsheet Key in and format the following: A B C 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 EXPENSE Rent Rates Wages Insurance Equipment Utilities Bank/Legal Food Misc. TOTAL JAN 4000 1000 12000 1800 700 1900 300 950 300 FEB 4000 1000 12000 00 700 1900 300 950 300

D MARCH 5000 1000 15000 00 1000 2350 400 1300 300

E APRIL 4000 1000 12000 00 700 1900 300 950 300

F MAY 5000 1000 15000 00 1000 2350 400 1300 300

G JUNE 4000 1000 12000 00 700 1900 300 950 300

H JULY 4000 1000 12000 00 700 1900 300 950 300


Calculate the totals for each month using the equation for addition To check if you are correct write down the answer for each column and delete your totals. Highlight the column cells from B2 to B11 click on Auto sum and check to see if your total was correct. Continue this for each column. Then do the same for each row taking B2 to H2 first and so on. Insert a row after Bank/Legal and incorporate the following in each month: (Click on Grey 9 beside Food. Row 9 will be highlighted. Click on A9 and type in Cleaning Cleaning 400 400 500 400 500 400 400

Get the totals to recalculate where necessary Right align headings over columns Highlight B1 to J1 and Alight Right Tool Click on column I. Then INSERT, COLUMNS. Click on H1 and drag across one column with the mouse/black cross. Insert the numbers for August. 72

Add in the following figures for August 5000 in the Rent cell I 2 1000 in Rates, 15000 in wages, 00 in Ins, 1000 in Eqpt., 2350 in Utilities, Cleaning 400, Bank/Legal 400, Food 1300, Misc 500. Recalculate where necessary. Highlight B2 to J12 and click on Autosum 1. Load your spreadsheet program 2. Create a spreadsheet called HOUSE SALES inputting the data below

A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

House Sales
Searle & Jacobs Harmon Bryant and Cull Geoghan Searle & James Territories Total per area

House Sales

Howth 45 12 19 27 4 39

Upshire 6 9 19 25 62 53

Inch 56 27 20 45 38 31

Offley 7 30 33 18 19 27

Bonus 4 4 4 4 4 4

3. Save to your hard drive C. 4. Change the Harmon/Inch figure to 30 5. The bonus figure should be shown as 4.00 6. Using a formula, calculate the totals for each area 7. Add a column called Total before the Bonus column 8. Calculate the total per agent in the new total column 9. Calculate the amount (Total * Bonus) 10. The bonus payment has been amended to 5.50, make the necessary changes 11. Sort the spreadsheet into alphabetical order (Highlight A4 to H9 and click on A-Z Tool). 12. Save the spreadsheet and exit form the program. 13. Save and print


MS EXCEL TASK 1. Load the spreadsheet programme 2. Type out the following:
Student Mary Madden Margaret May Jenna Jab Leila Lips
Deb Drinkwater

Child Dev 72 46 82 22 81 56 78

Brenda Best
Una Underwood

Care Practice 84 62 94 63 75 67 75

Work Experience 98 77 100 59 46 84 77

Health Care 72 41 95 44 88 37 58

Additional Needs 90 56 98 81 78 55 56

Safety 64 38 89 65 95 65 94

Provision of Care 77 61 93 92 58 75 78

IT 100 60 100 100 100 80 100

Communications 55 48 92 87 93 76 69


3. Brenda Best obtained 67 in Health Care make this change (Click on grey column no 3, Select Edit, Delete Row) 4. Margaret May has left the course, delete her name from the spreadsheet 5. Calculate the total for each subject and each student using autosum


Load your spreadsheet program. Open a file called Nursing Home Numbers Enter the following headings: Location Limerick Waterford Cork Dublin Galway

Enter the names of the centre: Bellegrove Waterside Dreams Seashell Fourth Mountain Sallyoaks Enter the following data: Centre Bellegrove Waterside Dreams Seashell Fourth Mountain Sallyoaks Limerick 11 4 23 38 88 18 Waterford 20 38 29 33 119 22 Cork 40 37 58 62 123 20 Dublin 48 62 59 84 107 18 Galway 120 88 94 97 122 14

Edit, save and print your spreadsheet 75

There are some errors, please amend the following: There 42 elders at Sallyoaks in Dublin not 18. There are 90 elders in Waterside Galway not 88. Create a column on the right hand side for totals and grand total and add the rows and column using a formula. Save the spreadsheet. Print the spreadsheet when you have made the changes.


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