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Marys Catholic Church

August 5, 2012 P.O. Box 70 Malta, MT 59538 Email: Baptisms:
On Sunday, or by appointment. (Parental sessions required)

Fr. Cory StichaAdministrator Office: (406) 654-1446 RE Center: (406) 654-1311 Fax: (406)654-1467

Mass Schedule and Intentions

Aug. 6: Malta - 5:30 PM: For pr iests intention Aug. 7: Malta - 8:30 AM: For the r epose of the soul of Gar r y Adams r /b Ter esa Par r a Aug. 8: Malta - 8:30 AM: For pr iests intention Aug. 9: Hi-Line - 10:00 AM: For pr iests intention Aug. 10: Malta - 8:30 AM: For pr iests intention Aug. 11: Malta - 5:30 PM: For pr iests intention Aug. 12: Dodson - 8:30 AM: For Leland Mur r ay r /b Wink & Ter r i Cole Malta - 10:00 AM: For the par ishioner s Saco - 12:15 PM: For pr iests intention

Six month couple preparation period required.

Saturdays 4:00 - 5:00 p.m. Or by appointment Collection Totals for Last Week Collected Needed Malta: $1,613.00 $2,758.26 Dodson: $448.00 $440.37 Saco: $110.00 $183.05 Whitewater: $0.00 CARE & SHARE FOR 2012 (Includes remainder of 2011 assessment) Income Assessment MALTA/WW: $ 3,252.00 $ 37,668.32 DODSON: $ 1,740.00 $ 4,824.22 SACO: $ 315.00 $ 1,613.43

St. Marys Ministers

Saturday, August 11 - 5:30 PM Mass Lectors: J ohn & Ter esa McKeon Servers: Hospitality: Taylor Eggebr echt & Rachel Mortenson EMHCs: Bob Dar r ah & Vicki Eggebr echt Gift Bearers: The Br ian Eggebr echt Family Sacristan: Don Nevr ivy Sunday, August 12 - 10:00 AM Mass Lectors: Wilma Mavencamp & Dianne Salsber y Servers: Hospitality: Ar t & Mar y Lundstr om Music: Kay Hould Adult Choir EMHCs: Car ly Bishop, J im & Mar y Br ady Gift Bearers: The Char lie Mear s Family Sacristan: Lois Goodhear t

Mother of Perpetual Help Devotions:

Will be said before Mass on Tuesdays.

Sat. at 5:00 p.m. Sun. at 9:30 a.m. Hi-line Retirement Center - Wed. 7 p.m. DODSON - Sacred Heart August 12, 2012 Lector: Connie Ministers: Leona & Wink Gift Bearers: Wes Killeagles Ministers: Please come early to serve as greeters! Church Cleaning for August: Barbara Haubrich Sacred Heart PCCW will meet monthly on the first Sunday of each month immediately after Mass.

Anyone interested in using the Church Basement contact Fr. Cory at the Parish Office. * If you have information for the

August 12th Bulletin

it needs to be in by

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Starts at 9:00 AM Benediction at 6:00 PM Join us on September 7th!

As Catholics, we have a long tradition of having Masses celebrated for those we wish to offer up in prayer. The Mass is the ultimate form of prayer, and each Mass is celebrated for an intention. Please consider having Masses celebrated for family and friends on special occasions and anniversaries, as well as those who are in need of prayers. Masses are also encouraged in memory of those loved ones who have died, especially on the anniversaries of their deaths. Contact Fr. Cory for more information!

10:00 a.m., Fri. August 10th.

Can you not spend one hour with

me? (Mt 26:40)

Holy Fathers Prayer Intention for August 2012 Each month, Pope Benedict chooses two prayer intentions, one for the concerns of the whole church and one for missionaries. We are invited to join the Holy Father in praying for these intentions. General Intention: That prisoners may be treated with justice and respect for their human dignity. Missionary Intention: Youth Witness to Christ. That young people, called to follow Christ, may be willing to proclaim and bear witness to the Gospel to the ends of the earth. Please keep in your prayers: Bessie LaBrie, Rich Nordquist, Joann Evans, Loretta Patrick, Lila Raymond, Sherman Doucette, repose of the soul of Sr. Laura, repose of the soul of Tom Taylor, Andrew Scott, Skip Erickson, Kathleen Jorgenson, Vera Mendelson, Noel Emond, Jack Munsinger, James Cantos, Fr. Bob, Jeanie Engebretson, Dawn Jones, Gloria Coombs, Larry Holmes, Debbie Painter, Jane Claussen, Stella Faydo, Mae & Gay LaFond, Donna Newby, All of Our Military, especially those from our local area, & the Poor Souls. Anyone who needs to have prayers said for someone can call: Allie Ereaux at 654-1012; Jean Niebur at 654-2822; or Doris Nicholson at 654-2692. Please consider donating to the Seminarian Education Endowment Fund The Catholic Extension Society is providing a matching grant of up to $50,000 until December 31, 2012 to help fund the education of future priests within our diocese. All donations of any size are welcome, in addition to your prayers for vocations. The May edition of The Harvest had a more in-depth article and also included envelopes to mail your donation to the Chancery. Gifts of $1,000 or more will not only be matched, but can qualify for the Montana Endowment Tax Credit of 40%. If you would like more information, please contact Judy Held at 800-332-9998.

Pro-Life Quote from National Right to Life Once we remove the principle thou shalt not kill from our civil law, those on the fringes of society become extremely vulnerable. The only difference between euthanasia and abortion is geography (the nursing home as opposed to the womb) and the size of the victim. Msgr. William Smith, professor of moral theology

From the Office of Stewardship and Development Stewardship Thought: Today, Jesus, in St. Johns Gospel, ties His teaching to the reading from Exodus. He tells the crowd that their ancestors ate manna in the desert provided not by Moses, but by His heavenly Father. Jesus reveals in the Gospel that He is the Bread of Life. Those who come to Him will be filled spiritually. St. Paul teaches us that through Christ, we will acquire a fresh, spiritual way of thinking. As Christian stewards, we acknowledge Jesus presence in the Eucharist, which translated from Greek means thanksgiving. We stand in awe and gratitude for this tremendous blessing, which gives us strength and courage to find and do Gods will. Development Thought: Did you know that free and professional charitable estate planning services are available in our diocese (for the benefit of you and our parish, too)? Sometimes the hardest part of planning is knowing what questions to ask and who you should be talking to. You are not alone if you dont know where to start. Consider this -- if the Catholic Church is part of your charitable giving plans, a good place to start is taking advantage of the confidential and no obligation free services available to each and every parishioner. Talk to Father about this or contact Judy Held, on the diocesan staff, at 800-332-9998.

Thank you Joyce Wright and Helen Vogel for the microwave and stove for St. Paul's social room. Greatly appreciated. -- Bonnie

Diocesan Council of Catholic Women Fall Conference MARK YOUR CALENDARS!! The Great Falls Billings DCCW will be holding their annual fall conference in MALTA, ON SEPTEMBER 14TH & 15TH, 2012. Tentative plans are to start the conference with mass at 10AM on Friday with the official beginning at 11AM. Plans are being finalized with Sister Helena Burns to share the focus of the conference, celebrating your feminine side of Christ. More information on Sr. Helena can be found at There will also be several workshops pertaining to new commissions of Spirituality, Leadership and Service. Details are still being finalized but its looking like a wonderful local opportunity for enlightenment and enjoyable time with catholic women from around Montana.

New to the Parish? Please fill out this form and drop it into the collection basket, or bring it to the Church Office during the week. You may also use this to give us a new address or phone number.

Name: Address: Telephone:

CD of the Month Club As we start to gear up for the coming year and Religious Education, we want to announce that our next year in RE is going to be DIFFERENT, and we are very EXCITED about it. When a child receives the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in Baptism, the childs parents and Godparents promise to raise the child in the Catholic faith. Religious Education and the Catechists are not substitutes for the parents responsibility of leading their children in the Catholic faith. Rather catechists role is to assist parents in fulfilling their God-given role and vocation. I think probably one of the first responses of many will be, yikes, I dont think I can, I dont know enough. And that is the beauty of this. We will SEEK and we will LEARN. When we include parents in catechetical programs and activities we need to remember that it is the GRACE of GOD that works through us and gives us all what we need to accomplish this very special vocation. One way to explain our common journey in faith is to liken it to a mystery story. When the detective finds all the clues and the mystery is solved, what does the detective do? we ask. The overwhelming response is, The detective stops looking for clues. When we compare this to our faith journey, if we know all the answers, we stop searching. This is not faith. Our walk of faith offers mystery, and so we continue to SEEK------together. In sharing our questions and our experience, we SEEK. And in SEEKING, our FAITH GROWS. To be continued. PS.always remember that any thoughts and ideas are very welcome and encouraged. God Bless, Dianne Salsbery, Cell 654-4675 Home 654-1443, e-mail If we are to be followers of Jesus Christ, we need to be continually learning about the faith and growing spiritually. Catechesis, the process of Faith education, doesnt stop at Confirmation or High School graduation, but is a life-long process. To aid in this process, the parish is making available the Lighthouse Catholic Media CD of the Month Club. Every month, a new talk or audiobook excerpt is released. Not only is the current months CD available - Trust in the Lord by Fr. Thomas Richter - but a number of previous months CDs can be picked up as well. Each CD averages about 1 hour long, and is filled with great Catholic teaching, uplifting stories, and excellent speakers. Theyre great in the car, working around home, or anywhere you have a CD player! Theyre also excellent resources whenever someone has a question about a teaching of the Catholic Faith. If you or someone you know wants to learn more about the Catholic Faith, or if questions come up, pick one up today!

Rediscover Your Marriage - Retrouvaille (pronounced retro-vi with a long i) simply means rediscovery. The program offers the chance to rediscover yourself, your spouse, and a loving relationship in your marriage. 10s of 1000s headed for divorce have successfully saved their marriage by attending. Retrouvaille is not a spiritual retreat, not a sensitivity group, not a seminar, not a social gathering.

Scriptural Rosary
Will be held on August 12, 2012 at 5:00 PM at the church.
Affirming the Culture of Life Conference The 3rd annual Affirming the Culture of Life conference will be held at the McLaughlin Center of the University of Great Falls on Sept. 28-29, 2012. Speakers include Fr. Leo Patalinghug of the Grace Before Meals movement and Tony Melendez, a guitarist who has performed before Blessed John Paul II. All are invited and encouraged to join in this powerful conference. This is a wonderful opportunity to hear some great speakers and to join in the call to Affirm the Culture of Life! For more information or to register, see the brochures available in the back of each parish!

Retrouvaille is NOT just for couples whose marriage is on the verge of divorce or considered irrevocably broken. Perhaps you would like to rekindle the love of those early years or improve your communication. Visit our Montana website for emotionally moving personal testimonials. You also can visit the International website for additional information

On October 21, 2012, a young holy woman Kateri Tekakwitha (Mohawk- Algonquin) will be canonized by His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI in Rome, Italy. There will be a delegation from the Diocese including Bishop Warfel who will celebrate this historic event in Vatican Square as Kateri Tekakwitha, the first Indigenous of North America will be proclaimed Saint in the Roman Catholic Church. You are invited to join us for this long awaited celebration as part of the Official Canonization Pilgrimage. Please visit these websites for more details: Tekakwitha Conference: or call: 406-727-0147 / 1-800-842-9635 Renaissance Group: The Official Canonization Pilgrimage tour company

Follow us on Facebook and Twi er!

Twi er: @SaintMarysMalta

Basics of Catholicism
This week, we begin a series of bulletin articles in which I hope to discuss and explain the teachings of the Catholic Church that every Catholic should know. Much of what we believe would be hard to explain in depth during the 5-10 minute Sunday Mass homilies, so these articles will be an opportunity to explore these teachings in greater detail.Fr. Cory As I mentioned briefly in my homily, the Gospel passages for last weeks, this weeks, and the next couple weeks Masses come to us from the Gospel of John chapter 6, commonly known as the Bread of Life Discourse. The title comes from a number of passages within John 6 where Our Lord proclaims that He is the Bread of Life. This chapter is arguably one of the more important passages for us as Catholics, as it is one of the Scriptures that support the Churchs teaching on the Eucharist. It cannot be overstated how important it is to attend Mass and receive Our Lord while in the state of grace! To say that Mass attendance has become lax in recent decades is an understatement. For what ever reasons or excuses they might give, the percentage of Catholics who do not attend Mass weekly or even monthly is high and growing. And yet, if we truly desire unity with Our Lord for eternity in Heaven, why do we not seek that unity with Him now here in this life? As praiseworthy as it is for individuals to pray on a regular basis, no individual prayer, nor gathering as a group to pray or even joining our Protestant brothers and sisters for their Sunday services, can match the graces and unity we receive from Our Lord through the Eucharist.

This is not to say there arent circumstances which might prevent someone from attending Mass, but we must work to make those situations as rare as possible. If there is a foreseen reason, such as inaccessibility of transportation or seasonal labor (harvest, branding, etc.), which make Mass attendance impossible, please do not assume a license to skip Mass on the obligatory Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation. In cases where attendance would Ive begun these bulletin articles with an be impossible, then there would be no obligation to attend. explanation on the Eucharist due to the Otherwise, a dispensation from the obligation to attend Mass can importance that it plays in the life of each individual Catholic and be granted by the priest, but on a case-by-case basis. In either of the Church as a whole. The Second Vatican Council made this scenario, please do not assume this dispensation! All you have to importance clear when it described the Eucharist as the font and do is ask for it, and it will likely be granted if you have a good apex (also commonly translated as source and summit) of reason. Christian life in its document on the Church titled Lumen Outside of these rare circumstances, Catholics are under Gentium. This importance is reinforced in Presbyterorum obligation to attend Mass every Sunday and Holy Day of Ordinis, a document on the Ministry and Life of Priests, where Obligation. When we attend, we should always seek to be in the the Council states, The other sacraments, as well as with every ministry of the Church and every work of the apostolate, are tied state of grace and prepared to receive Our Lord in the Sacrament together with the Eucharist and are directed toward it. This tells of the Eucharist. This means that we should start by ensuring that any mortal sins have been confessed and absolved, and that we us that regardless of what we do in the life of the Church, from the smallest act of generosity to the largest organized work of the have received the Sacrament of Confession at least once a year. To have mortal sins on our soul (including missing Mass Church, flow from the graces we receive in the Eucharist and willingly and failing to receive the Sacrament of Confession) is to lead us back to the Eucharist. cut ourselves off from Gods grace. By receiving the Sacrament The Eucharist holds this importance because of who it contains. of Confession, all sins are forgiven and any barriers between us Again quoting from Presbyterorum Ordinis, The Most Blessed and God are removed. Eucharist contains the entire spiritual boon of the Church, that is, Once we are sure that we are in the state of grace, Christ himself, our Pasch (Passover) and living meaning that we are in right relationship with God bread. Through the celebration of the Eucharist, and no longer cut off from His grace, its important we are united with Our Lord Jesus Christ in a way that we prepare ourselves to receive the Eucharist beyond any other union we can experience here on every time we attend Mass. To enter fully into the Earth. As part of this union with Our Lord, we Sacrifice of the Mass, we need to take time to focus unite ourselves with the heavenly liturgy and our attention on the spiritual realities were about to anticipate eternal life, when God will be all in celebrate, and try to set aside the cares and all. (Catechism of the Catholic Church, #1326) concerns of the world. This is not always easy to Every time we attend Mass, we participate in this do, especially during particularly troubling or heavenly liturgy and enter into the Sacrifice of Our exciting times in our lives, but it is still important to Lord upon the Cross. Regardless of the terms we take time before Mass to enter into prayer. Of use -- Divine Liturgy, Holy Mass, Sacrifice of the course, it goes without saying (but I will anyways) Mass, Eucharist, the Lords Supper -- they all point that this means being early for Mass instead of back to the sacred mysteries we gather to celebrate showing up right at the last minute or even late. while emphasizing various aspects of those mysteries. They put Next week, we will continue this explanation on the Eucharist. our focus on the ritual sacrificial meal in which we all are more clearly seen as the Body of Christ through our receiving Jesus in Please let me know if there of any topics youd like to see the appearance of bread and wine. It is through our participation explored in these articles! at Mass and reception of Our Lord that we see and live our unity as members of the Body of Christ.

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