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Cross-border learning with eTwinning

a community for schools in Europe

, eTwinning,
After I examine/ [ig'zmin] carefully your answers to our questionnaire I decided to tell
you what I know about eTwinning as an opportunity to change teachers style in the
classroom, which certainly increases our students motivation.
I always tell about eTwinning.
2006, 47. , -
, , 50-,
The year is 2006 and I am 47. For those who are younger these years are the years of lots
of experience, for those who are over 50 you know, these are the strong years of
professional success.
, GSM,
, 1-2 .
I will remind you these were years when a few people in Bulgaria had mobile phones,
digital cameras were a sign of luxury, there were 1-2 computers at schools.
In searching any opportunities to be a leader of a different school, I met and devoted to
the European initiative [i'niitiv] eTwinning.

, eTwinning (,
. 130 000 31 ,

The European commission scheme eTwinning ( is applied for a

seventh year in succession. More than 130 000 teachers from 31 countries take part in it,
teachers who use ICT for creating international educational projects.

4. eTwinning
If we teach today as we taught yesterday, we rob our children of tomorrow
John Dewey

, eTwinning.
/ , Twinning ,
In fact, the idea for this study visit was born also after communicating with fans of
eTwinning. Parenthetically, as an eTwinning ambassador I often meet teachers who want
to change the atmosphere in their classroom and who look for possibilities for this.

, eTwinning ,
, ,
. eTwinning
, , ,
Education leaders around the word are focused on preparing students in primary school
yet for tomorrows word, with the objective of helping each one meet his/her maximum
potential. eTwinning is an excellent, easily accessible and attractive form for this.Every
child learns in a unique way. As educators have endeavored [in'dev] to reach this goal via
unlimited educational technologies, attractive in way of teaching, via accessible technology
in the lessons. eTwinning platform allows you to work individually or in groups, but the
participant is one who chooses not only the subject but also the way to realize it.

, , .

We are interested to apply the effective tools of modern communication, to succeed while
we teach, to learn.

. ,
, , , .

Today we communicate through super advanced technologies in every area [ri], which
effectively access information and communications, and are associated with their extremely
rapid dissemination. The development of modern democracy and market economic society
requires education and educational institutions to go out the field of conservatism. The fact
is that these institutions no longer work with traditional tools - pencils, pens, paper, and
integration into
structures suggests the
depth of
cooperation with foreign educational institutions and a new organization of online
teaching environment. Such an organization motivates teachers and students to seek
other sources of information, to apply ICT skills and to use perspective computer
eTwinning, ,
, , ,
Communication via the secure web portal eTwinning, where colleagues, friends and
supporters from across Europe can gather ['g], work and learn together, have fun and
realize their own capabilities [.keip'biliti] and resources, is a reflection of the liberal idea
of Lifelong Learning.
/John Dewey (October 20, 1859 June 1, 1952) was an American philosopher, psychologist
and educational reformer whose ideas have been influential in education and social reform.
Dewey was an important early developer of the philosophy of pragmatism and one of the
founders of functional psychology. He was a major representative of progressive education and
Although Dewey is known best for his publications concerning education, he also wrote about
many other topics, including experience, nature, art, logic, inquiry, democracy, and ethics.

In his advocacy of democracy, Dewey considered two fundamental elementsschools and civil
societyas being major topics needing attention and reconstruction to encourage experimental
intelligence and plurality. Dewey asserted that complete democracy was to be obtained not just
by extending voting rights but also by ensuring that there exists a fully formed public opinion,
accomplished by effective communication among citizens, experts, and politicians, with the
latter being accountable for the policies they adopt/


Bring Europe to your classroom
, ,
- - ,
In todays globalised society, connecting, collaborating and working together with people in
other countries is an increasing part of everyday reality from business, to leisure and

. 21- .
, , , .
, , .
Bringing an International Dimension to Childrens Education has never been more
important if we are to prepare them for life in the 21st century. eTwinning is all about
enabling , our pupils, our class and our school to connect and work with partners
online around Europe, on projects of OUR choice absolutely free of charge.
It is not about creating extra work, but providing a framework for exciting curriculum
work with partners in another country. There are many benefits to linking up with another
Twinning ,
, .
eTwinning is a way to renovate the European model of teaching and learning in order to
make it adequate ['dikwt], effective and prepare educated citizens.
6. eTwinning?

Why eTwinning?

The challenge to work in multilingual environment

eTwinning .
To work at eTwinning often means to work in multilingual environment.
eTwinning : 24

. .
, , , eTwinning

, eTwinning. /, ,
, ./
eTwinning is very much a multinational and multilingual initiative: having the portal in 24
languages is already a good indication of the importance we give to multilingualism.
However, some might say that the lingua franca [,ligw'frk] of eTwinning is
nevertheless English, and unless you master this language you may not be able to
contribute actively to the variety of opportunities offered by eTwinning. /, ,
, ./

Communication language/s used in projects

The results (see Graph 1) confirm that English is indeed the most used language (60%),
followed by French (9%), German (8%), Spanish (5%) and Italian (4%). It is important to
notice that 40% of projects do not use English as communication language, and that virtually
means all European languages are represented.

Graph 1 Communication languages in projects


. ,
. 23-
, 60- .
Studying and using foreign languages helps us both professionally and socially. It
opens people's eyes to the cultural diversity, which is an integral part of
European heritage. We must support not only the 23 official EU languages, but also 60
regional and minority languages.
7. , ...

Study languages not to live once /NELIA TABACO/

, , ,
, : eTwinning
, . eTwinning ,
Andrula Vasiliu, European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and
Youth, said: "The eTwinning initiative has enjoyed success since its inception. It
encourages learning and creativity and makes young people feel proud of being
"Europeans". eTwinning has no fixed agenda, but includes all possible aspects: from
encouraging young people to use school libraries to encouraging foreign language

learning. It is primarily for the use of ICT in a way to allow children to develop their full
potential. "

, ...
Study languages not to live once

eTwinning . 7
, - , ...
: 4 11 , 12 15 16 19
. ,
eTwinning is a platform of modern communication and competition. 7 years by now, there
is only one, but the greatest reward, really deserved by the young participants ...
Eight winning projects are selected from over 300 applications and are divided into three
age categories: children from 4 to 11 years, 12 to 15 years, and 16 to 19 years. Each of the
selected projects is an example of an innovative approach, in which at least two schools
from different
countries have
studied together
in a
new and
creative way.
Thats why one of the most important elements of our school policy is the certifying our
best language achievements still from primary school age.

8. eTwinning?
What is eTwinning like?
eTwinning , ,

10 . ,
, eTwinning
( , .
eTwinning uses ICT-based support, tools and services to assist schools in establishing
partnerships in every field of knowledge.
The scheme is part of the EU's Comenius program and receives funding each year,
amounting to about 10 million. It does not finance individual projects, and provides

tools and
for teachers
students, as the
(, for example, and organizes seminars for teachers.

portal eTwinning

, ,
eTwinning , ,
, , ( ),


, 137 3 eTwinning
, 2 .
National Support Services, organizations or institutions that represent and distribute eTwinning in
all EU countries, as well as in Iceland, Norway, Turkey and Croatia, provide training and
support (by
and online), organize
meetings and
competitions and
perform campaigns for informing the general public.
To further motivate our teachers and give them the opportunity for training in this area137 High
nominated three teachers involved in eTwinning thematic seminars
Turkey and Finland in the last 2 years.

9. What we learned with eTwinning?

Online leadership and teamwork skills
, ,
. Twinning ,

, ,
Good leader needs good followers but Becoming A Good Leader Starts With Being A
Good Follower Anthony B. Robinson
Ideally, people have both leadership and followship skills so that they can switch roles.
We develop our Technical skills use of ICTs in general and the platform in particular
And which skills and what content in essence, these are things for which teachers are well

/ Anthony B. Robinson is an author, teacher, speaker and consultant, and an ordained minister
of the United Church of Christ. He has taught at various schools including Seattle University,
Seattle Pacific University, the Toronto School of Theology and the Vancouver School of
Theology. His ten books include "Transforming Congregational Culture" (Eerdmans, 2003),
"What's Theology Got to Do with It?" (Alban, 2006), and "Changing the Conversation: A Third
Way for Congregations" (Eerdmans, 2008). He lives in Seattle, Washington where he is
President of Congregational Leadership Northwest./

10. eTwinning?
Why eTwinning?
, .
When we initiate a working idea and find like-minded people to realize it, we are already
We can follow someone whose idea we liked.
Leaders - can be one them or distribute ????
- take responsibility and set the goals
- determine how the group will achieve these goals
In the implementation of a project there is always a need for collaborators:
Core members - e. g. subject matter experts, knowledge manager, content coordinator
Unnoticeably some people supporting the project appears. We could find them among our
students parents and their friends. So sharing the results of our activities is something very vital.

SUPPORTING PERSONS: e. g. mentors, tutors, event coordinators

, , ,

Andshere it is, our idea has found its followers, received support, and we work actively
with the


THERE SHOULD BE MORE THAN ONE LEATHER in a group - leadership team
Your position is a matter of choice and perspective.

There are many benefits to linking up with another school.
For pupils:
Increased motivation, as they have an audience for their work in a school in another
Enhanced key skills, including ICT use, communication and foreign language skills
Greater cultural awareness through direct contact with peers in other countries.
For school staff:
Direct contact with education professionals in another European country
An awareness of teaching and/or management approaches used in another country
Sharing and celebration ?????of your own professional expertise and experience
Using eTwinning as a first step to international linking and gaining the International
School Award.
A little about me
This is the group of Bulgarian eTwinning ambassadors

eTwinning , .
These are some of the signs of the quality of my eTwinning projects which I am proud of.

What I learned by working in them stimulated me to finish my presentation with the words of

14. You cannot teach a man anything; you can only help him find it within himself.
Galileo Galilei
- .. - - .. -
.. . -
Because happiness makes you happyExperience makes you better. Pain makes you a
personBut only your own desire makes you go forward.
Thank you for your attention
15. ...
our attention

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