Minecraft Seeds

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Jungle Biomes

- Seed: -498867600365297398 Spawn in a jungle and start to explore, a cave is under you! - Seed: 102190558 Next to you is a small lake and a very huge cave system! - Seed: 585510232 Jungle - next to a swamp biome with a river. Like a real jungle should be. - Seed: 392800909 A Jungle on an island next to an ocean. - Seed: -635452982 You will spawn in a huge Jungle Biome on mountains. - Seed: 5268937697753857180 You will spawn in a Jungle Biome next to a small cave. - Seed: 226225226 A Jungle Biome with some small lakes and a Lava Pool at: x: 44 y: 60 z: 290 - Seed: 344433254479166627 - Seed: 107337

Oceans (And Survival Islands)

- Seed: -31265134 Survival island with one tree. There are also 2 more islands and a huge dessert island. - Seed: -634501483256399304 Survival island with one tree, dig down and you will find a huge cave system. Can you survive? - Seed: -839019905251343089 You will spawn in the middle of an ocean. (without an island)

- Seed: 3237040 Survival island with one tree. - Seed: 2669465340990119478 Survival island with one tree. - Seed: -304344653 You will spawn on a small island next to a mineshaft with a lot of resources. Around you is a huge ocean. - Seed: -8322033071193256519 You will spawn in a Snow Biome, in front of you is a huge ocean with some islands. - Seed: -3480537152128979447 A huge ocean with some small islands. - Seed: 4004343562316784145 - Seed: 151094178055772267

Mushroom Biomes

- Seed: 3509458710647062196 You will spawn on a small island with one tree, next to you are some islands with a mushroom biome. - Seed: 4 The Mushroom Biome is behind you surrounded by an ocean - Seed: 3327780 You will spawn in a Jungle Biome, turn right and there is the Mushroom Biome.

Swamp Biomes

- Seed: -7358859683017047118 A swamp biome in the middle of an ocean! - Seed: 4560382973227835438 Behind you is also a Snow Biome.

Snow Biomes

- Seed: 4788063388451894062 Near you is also a river. - Seed: -8440596620288618993 Pass the river and there will be a Snow Biome. - Seed: 2309285677099114993 - Seed: 3325105446356446272 - Seed: 4266572511416689433

NPC Villages

- Seed: -1024150119 There is a village near the spawn and something more: A second village at x:330 / y:80 / z:-170 Some pumpkins at x:455 / y:65 / z:40 Challange: Find 6 pink sheeps (They should be around the villages) - Seed: -1902336138 The villaga is at x:100 / y:70 / z:5 Some pumpkins at x:95 / y:75 / z:20 - Seed: -568688860 Turn right and you will see the village. - Seed: -170118625 A very strange and awesome village on mountains and in a lake o. - Seed: -1024150119 (Please read Update Log #5!) A village next to a jungle biome, there is also a chest with 10 iron and 8 bread. - Seed: 172719883 The village is behind you :)

- Seed: 601694053 In front of you is a lava and a water pool, turn right and you will see the village. (Also unter the village is a huge cave system and next to the village a jungle biome) *In the village is a chest with an iron sword, gold, armor and more! - Seed: -1353645614 The village and a cave are behind you. - Seed: 5066902233205943468 Turn right and you will see the village. - Seed: 8479290640606243798 Very nice plains, a river and the village at: x: -220 y: 65 z: 150

Other Seeds
- Seed: -2081827648 Epic seed with 3 dungeons! (More information and video here) First spawner at x:240 / y:40 / z:240 - Seed: 2125778394685908117 A skeleton spawner at x:240 / y:60 / z:-75 Follow the cave, turn left and you will find another spawner (with a disc). There is also a mineshaft with a lot of stuff and chests with diamonds! - Seed: 0 no description - Seed: 371258763 Near you is a huge mineshaft, explore it, you will find everything! (There is also a dungon, you will find t very soon.) - Seed: 59152177 You will spawn next to some plains and in fron of you will be a srange rock. There are also some mountains next to the biome.

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