Creature X

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Creature X


Affiliation: Distinctions:




Brutish Beast Witless Monster Follows Orders of its Master Powersets: -Monstrous DestructionSuperhuman StrengthEnhanced ReflexesEnhanced LeapingSFX: Boost. Shutdown your highest rated POWER SET power to step up another POWER SET power by +1. Recover power by activating an opportunity or during a Transition Scene. SFX: Unleashed. Step Up or Double any POWER SET power for one action. If the action fails, add a die to the DOOM POOL equal to the normal rating of your power die. SFX: Immunity. Spend 1 PP to ignore stress, trauma, or complications from POISON or DISEASE attacks. LIMIT: Growing Dread. Both 1 and 2 on the dice count as opportunities when using a MONSTROUS DESTRUCTION power. -Poison Gas AttackPoison Gas SupremacySFX: Area Attack. Add Poison Gas Attack Supremacyand keep an additional effect die for each additional target. Superhuman StaminaEnhanced Senses-

Limit: Conscious Activation. If stressed out, asleep, or unconscious, shutdown POWER SET. Recover POWER SET when stress is recovered or you awake. If TRAUMA TYPE is taken, shutdown POWER SET until trauma is recovered. Specialties: None. Background; Creature X was created by the Atomic Brain and is controlled by him through a special mental connection via a remote brain implant which any telepath can detect. They usually work in pairs but he has been known to use more when confronted by a slew of super heroes.

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