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Asma Allah lyrics by Sami Yusuf - muslimlyrics.


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Asma Allah
By : Sami Yusuf

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Rahiim - MERCIFUL Kariimun - GENEROUS Adiim - MAGNIFICENT Aliimun - ALL-KNOWING Haliim - FORBEARING ONE Hakiimun - PERFECTLY WISE Matiin - FIRM ONE Mannan - BENEFACTOR Rahmaanun - BENEFFICENT Fattah - OPENER Gaffarun - GREAT FORGIVER Tawwab - ACCEPTER OF REPENTANCE Razaqun - SUSTAINER Shahiid - WITNESS Allahuma salli ala Muhammad wa ali Muhammad O GOD send Your Peace and Blessings on Muhammad and his family Ya Muslimeen sallu alayhi O Muslims send your peace and blessings upon him Allahuma salli ala Muhammad wa sahbi Muhammad O GOD send Your Peace and Blessings on Muhammad and his companions Ya Muminiin sallu alayhi O Believers send your peace and blessings upon him Latiif - SUBTLE ONE Khabiirun - ALL-AWARE Sami - ALL-HEARING Basiirun - ALL-SEEING Jaliil - SUBLIME ONE Raqiibun - WATCHFUL Mujiib - RESPONSIVE Gafuur - ALL-FORGIVING Shakuurun - APPRECIATIVE Waduud - LOVING ONE Qayuumun - SELF-SUBSISTING ONE Rauuf - KIND Sabuurun - PATIENT ONE Majiid - MOST GLORIOUS ONE Allahuma salli ala Muhammad wa ali Muhammad O GOD send Your Peace and Blessings on Muhammad and his family Ya Muslimeen sallu alayhi O Muslims send your peace and blessings upon him
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<h3>Asma Allah</h3><i>By : Sami Yusuf</i> <p><font size='3'><embed src=" /player.swf" width="360" height="270" allowaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" flashvars="width=360&height=270& file=
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3/22/12 12:27 PM

Asma Allah lyrics by Sami Yusuf -

Allahuma salli ala Muhammad wa sahbi Muhammad O GOD send Your Peace and Blessings on Muhammad and his companions Ya Muminiin sallu alayhi O Believers send your peace and blessings upon him Allahu Akbar GOD is THE GREASTEST La Ilaha illa hu - There is no GOD but ALLAH Al Maliku - The SOVEREIGN LORD Al Quddusu - The HOLY ONE La Ilaha illa hu - There is no GOD but ALLAH Ar rahmanu - The COMPASSIONATE Ar rahiim - The MERCIFUL Allahu Akbar GOD is THE GREASTEST Ya Rahman irham dafana O COMPASSIONATE, have mercy upon us Allahu Akbar GOD is THE GREASTEST Ya Ghaffaru ighfir dhunubana O GREAT FORGIVER, forgive our sins Allahu Akbar GOD is THE GREASTEST Ya Sattaru ustur uyubana O CONCEALER, conceal our faults Allahu Akbar GOD is THE GREASTEST Ya Muizu aizza ummatana O BESTOWER OF HONOUR, value our Ummah Allahu Akbar GOD is THE GREASTEST Ya Mujibu ajib duaana O RESPONSIVE, grant us our supplication Allahu Akbar GOD is THE GREASTEST Ya latiifu ultuf bina O SUBTLE ONE, be gracious to us
Comments: Posted by : Jamal Nice lyric over here i like this very much. Your Name : Friend #1 : Friend #2 : Friend #3 : Friend #4 : Friend #5 :

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