Respect For Knowledge

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To have respect for the knowledge that you gain is extremely important as knowledge is not something you can

buy. In fact, it is all your choice about how you treat it. You either treat it like a pearl that shines like the stars. Or on the other hand, you dump it like garbage. Now days the youth that go to colleges, universities and schools just go to enjoy, have fun with their friends and classmates. Because they are taking advantage However, they should put 100% effort and time to seek as much knowledge they can seek. I know from my own experience as I go to an Islamic school and I am doing a five year aalimah course that the youth just take it for granted and take the education of deen lightly as they have it easy. In the days of the sahabah (RA) they had to travel city to city just to learn one hadeeth to implement in their lives and in them days they never had cars and other transports that have been invented in these modern days so they had to travel on camels also they never had motorways so they had to travel through deserted areas.

I am sure that we are all familiar with a very great and famous scholar imam buckhari. He sacrificed all his family for the sake of knowledge as in them days people never used to have phones so the family of i mam buckhari used to send him letters. However imam buckhari never used to read them letters; he knew that it would affects his seeking of the deen and he would want to go back home to his family, friends and relatives. So what he would do was store them into a pot. After his ten years of learning the hadeeth a nd writing the sahi al buckhari, he broke the pot and read the letters that had been sent to him over the past ten years. The letters said that his: mother, father and other relative had passed away and he had no family left

This is how much respect imam buckhari gave to knowledge he sac rificed his family for knowledge. How can we even think about making a comparison between his respect for knowledge and the youth todays respect for knowledge. Another very important note is that any knowledge we get we should share it with other Muslim b rothers and sisters and we should also preach to the kafar most importantly our neighbours as it is stated in a hadeeth that we will be accountable for our neighbors .

Also there is another hadeeth saying for whom allah intends good, he grants him deep understanding of religion.(Buckhari, muslim)

Allah has also said that he will exalt those who have knowledge in high ranks and Allah only gives wisdom to whom he wills and whoever is given wisdom has indeed received tremendous good as it will lead him to success

Many scholars have also said that no one can gain knowledge unless they have respect for their teachers. Allah has also mentioned in the holy Quran that after your parents you should love your teachers, especially teachers that teach you about deen.

Now we know the importance of knowledge and now we can show it a great amount of respect Because allah can take it away from us whenever he wills so lets value our precious time and gain knowledge , act upon it and preach it. Because when time has pass ed it can never come Back to us gust like when someone has passed away they cant Become alive again. May Allah help us to gain deep understanding of the deen Islam Amee n!

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