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bandwagon [bnd wggn] (plural bandwagons) noun

1. increasingly popular movement: a cause or movement that is gaining popularity and support 2. wagon for musicians: an ornately decorated wagon that musicians perform on during a parade

chaff [chaf] verb (past and past participle chaffed, present participle chaffing, 3rd person present singular chaffs)
1. transitive verb tease somebody lightheartedly: to tease somebody in fun 2. intransitive verb banter: to exchange light-hearted teasing or joking remarks

savvy [svvee] (informal)


shrewdness: shrewdness and practical knowledge

succumb [s km] (past and past participle succumbed, present participle succumbing, 3rd person present singular succumbs)

intransitive verb

1. give in: to be unable to resist or oppose something

underprivileged [ndr prvvlijd] (often used euphemistically)


denied social privileges and rights: deprived of many of the rights and privileges enjoyed by most people in society, usually as a result of poverty

average boon [boon] (plural boons)


1. great benefit: something that functions as a blessing or benefit to somebody 2. gift or favor: a gift or favor from somebody (archaic or literary)

flabbergast [flbbr gst] (past and past participle flabbergasted, present participle flabbergasting, 3rd person present singular flabbergasts)

transitive verb

astonish somebody utterly: to amaze or astonish somebody completely (informal) (usually passive)

juggernaut [jggr nwt] (plural juggernauts) noun

1. crushing force: a force that is relentlessly destructive, crushing, and insensitive 2. U.K. huge truck: a very large long truck for transporting goods in bulk

poignant [pynynt]


1. causing sadness or pity: causing a sharp sense of sadness, pity, or regret 2. sharply perceptive: particularly penetrating and effective or relevant (literary) 3. sharply painful: causing acute physical pain (literary) 4. strong smelling or tasting: having an often pleasurably strong sharp smell or taste (archaic)



1. with conviction: expressed with or showing conviction or intense feeling 2. done forcefully: done with vigor or force

brusque [brusk]


abrupt: abrupt, blunt, or curt in manner or speech

colloquium [k lkwee m] (plural colloquiums or colloquia [k lkwee ])


1. academic seminar: an academic conference or seminar in which a particular topic is discussed, often with guest speakers 2. discussion meeting: an informal meeting to discuss something

hierarchical or hierarchic


1. rigidly graded in order: relating to or arranged in a formally ranked order 2. administered by ranked clergy: administered by a hierarchy composed of members of the clergy

mundane [mun dyn]


1. ordinary: commonplace, not unusual, and often boring 2. of this world: relating to matters of this world

synecdoche [si nkdkee]


figure of speech: a figure of speech in which the word for part of something is used to mean the whole, e.g. "sail" for "boat," or vice versa

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