IELTS Speaking Cue Cards

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IELTS Speaking Cue Cards

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Happy childhood event A law which you would like to propose in your area A person you would like to go travelling with An advertisement you have recently seen A noisy place you have visited recently An expensive item that you bought Something you bought as a gift for someone Books that you like to read The oldest person that you know A peaceful place that you like A situation when you helped someone A successful company that you know A photograph of yourself that somebody took and you liked A piece of clothing that someone bought for you A restaurant you used to have lunch in An important meeting that you were late to
vehicle you would buy in the near future aspects of your life that you would consider changing to improve your health a program you saw on TV that you didnt like Talk about yourself trying to have a healthy lifestyle Talk about someone you have helped Talk about your favorite place as a child Describe a job that you would like to do Talk about your last holidays Talk about something that you would do to help improve the environment Talk about your family

Talk about your best friend.

Talk about a restaurant that you like to go to Describe a teacher you had in school Talk about something that you are good at Talk about a celebration which is important in your country Talk about time that you have spent near water in your childhood. Describe a situation where you have helped somebody Talk about time that you have spent near water in your childhood Talk about a foreigner you once met something about a foreigner that you like the most Describe a person that you admire the most in your family

38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48

Talk about the car you would choose if you could buy any car Tell me about a specific skill that you have learned Talk about a person who is very successful in his/her life Describe a situation when something in your house broke or stopped working Describe your ideal house Describe a hotel you stayed in or know about Describe a project or a piece of work you did together with someone Describe a thing you bought, that you had to save money for Describe a small company in your hometown that you think is successful Talk about a cultural festival which people are celebrating in your country

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