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DR. ANKUR SOODEN indora Dated : Thursday, January 08, 2009

ear Friends i got this list from department of ayush's website and found this extremlely useful

in everyday practice. i'm giving it here as it is as i got from there. hope this proves to be of some help. Essential Ayurvedic Drugs For Dispenseries & Hospitals Ayurvedic system of medicine holds numerous single and multi-ingredient formulations made up of herbal, mineral and herbo-mineral combinations. Their use by the Ayurvedic practitioners varies to a large extent. While some formulations being so frequently prescribed in one part of the country may not find place in the prescription of the other part. Region-wise traditions of Ayurvedic practice is also one of the important causes of popularity of certain medicines in one particular region. Interestingly, the uses of Ayurvedic formulations are also so diverse that some times not only the patients but doctors too get confused in situations where a medicine not indicated in a specific disease condition is prescribed by the Ayurvedist solely because of his own experience of treating that particular disease condition with that very medicine. Though, it is rightly claimed hat the medicines hahve certain limit of actions yet the physician with his judicious approach can use one particular medicine for various clinically diverse diseases or symptoms provided he is well versed with underlying pathogenetic condition of the ailment and simultaneously has the understanding of complete range of action and scope of the drug. Such guidelines for varied uses of medicines are already described in the classical texts of Ayurveda. List of ASU medicines procured in various States differ so much and some of the departments and institutions have restricted its number to too little to cover the variety of disease condition. In view of this and the administrative problems being faced for selection the Adyurvedic drugs for a dispensary or a hospital, the need was felt to create a standard list of optimally required medicines likely to be acceptable to the practitioners all over the country, who would be able to prescribe the enlisted medicines in a judicious way. The Department of Indian Systems of Medicine & Homoeopathy, took initiative in this direction and the concerted efforts of various experts of Ayurveda and departmental technical staff members have resulted in bringing out this document "Essential Ayurveda Drugs for Dispensaries and Hospitals". It is worthwhile to mention that Essential Ayurvedic Drugs List is notably different from Essential Drugs List of Allopathic System of Medicine. The former includes only those medicines which are essentially required in any Ayurvedic dispensary or hospital whereas the latter one is the list of essential drugs for the treatment of various clinical states of the patients. The bid to formulate Essential Ayurveda Drugs List got through with great deal of interaction with various eminent Ayurvedic Physicians in Government and private sectors in different parts of the country. Due care was undertaken to include experts (Annexure-A) from all fronts of Ayurveda, like institutionally & non-institutionally qualified Ayurvedists, old & new Ayurvedic doctors, dispensary and hospital doctors, college and pharmacy attached doctors, graduates and postgraduates. The response from these experts was compiled, analysed and put in a systematic format. Then a core group comprising technical officers of the department and a renowned Ayurvedist as a private sector representative (Annexure-B) discussed in details for final selection of essential drugs for Ayurvedic dispensaries and hospitals, on the basis of availability, reliability, cost-efficacy and

therapeutic efficacy of the medicines. Due scrutiny was done for short-listing. Ample care was taken to cover maximum disease conditions treatable with Ayurvedic medicines. Classical Ayurvedic texts, formulary of Ayurvedic drugs published by Govt. of India and personal experience of the Vaidyas were considered for finalising the list. The present publication aims at providing ready reference for selection or procurement of Ayurvedic drugs for dispensaries and hospitals of various levels. Its utility is much higher for the learners and practitioners of Ayurveda as it will provide a window to peep into the wide range of Ayurvedic medicines required for setting up their professional establishments. The single drug preparations in the end of the list are incorporated to fill the gaps left in the original list for different kinds of uses of simple remedies in a cost effective manner. Sl. NO. Name of the Drug (Please see Book Reference in the index) Dose (1) JWARA (FEVER) 1:1 Navajwara (Acute fever) Tribhuvan Kiriti Ras 125 to 250 mg. Sanjivani Vati 125 to 250 mg. Godanti Mishrana 125 to 250 mg. 1:2 Visamajwara (Malarial fever) Ayush 64 500 mg. To 1 gm. Saptaparna ghana Vati 250mg. To 500 mg. Sudarshana Churna 3 to 6 gm. 1:3 Vat shlaishmika jwara (Viral fever) Laksmi Vilas Ras 125 to 250 mg. Samsamani Vati 500mg. to 1 gm. 1:4 Jirna jwara (Chronic fever) Pratap Lankeshvar Ras 125 to 250 mg. Mahasudarsana Churna 3 to 6 gm. Amritarishta 20 to 30 ml. 1:5 Sannipatika jwara (Typhoid fever) Nardiya luxmi Vilas Ras 250 to 500 mg. Bhunimbadi Kwath 10 to 20 ml. (2) DISORDERS OF RESPIRATORY SYSTEM 2:1 Kas (Cough) Gojihvadi Kvath 20 to 40 ml. Sitopaladi Churna 5 to 10 gm. Kantakaryavaleha 5 to 10 ml. 2:2 Kapha nissarana (Expectorant) Tankana Bhasma 500 mg. to 1 gm. Talisadi Churna 3 to 5 gm. Vasavaleha 5 to 10 gm. 2:3 Svasanika Soth (Bronchitis) Laghu malini Vasanta 125 to 250 mg. Lavangadi Churna 3 to 5 gm. Chounsath prahari pipal 500 mg. to 2gm. 2:4 Rajyakshma Raj Mrigank Rasa 125 to 250 mg. Svarna Basant Malati Ras 125 to 250 mg. Abhrak Bhasma Shatputi 0.75 to 125 mg. Mukta Panchamrit 125 to 250 mg. Shilajatwadi louha 250 to 500 mg. 2:5 Pratisyaya (Common cold) Hinguleshwar Rasa 125 to 250 mg.

Panchakola Churna 2 to 5 gm. 2:6 Peenas (Sinusitis) Shadbindu Tel 2 to 5 drops in nose Dashmula Rasayanam 5 to 15 gm. 2:7 Tundikeri sotha (Tonsilitis) Ksara Madhu Throat paint Khadiradi Vati 2 to 4 tab. Vyoshadi Vati 2 to 4 tab. 2:8 Shvasa (Asthma) Dhanvantar Gutika 1 to 2 pills Pushkarmula Churna 5 to 15 gm. Shringyadi Churna 5 to 15 gm. Kanakasava 10 to 30 ml. Vasarishta 10 to 30 ml. (3) DISORDERS OF CARDIO-VASCULAR SYSTEM 3:1 Hrid-Daurabalya (Cardiac weakness) Nagarjunabhra Rasa 250 to 500 mg. Muktapisti 125 to 250 mg. Jwahar Mohra 125 to 250 mg. Arjunarishta 10 to 30 ml. 3:2 Rakta Chap (Hypertension) Yogendra Rasa 50 to 125 mg. Sarpagandha Mishran 2-4 Pills 3:3 Raktabhar Alpta (Hypotension) Makaradhvaja gutika 50 to 125 mg. Kasturi bhairav Ras 50 to 125 mg. 3:4 Hritshoola (Angina) Sringa Bhasma 125 to 250 mg. Mahavat Raj Ras 75 to 125 mg. (4) BLOOD DISORDERS 4:1 Pandu Anemia Punarnavadi Mandura to 1 gm. Lohasava 10 to 30 ml. 4:2 Raktpitta/Raktsrav Haemorrhagic Tendency and Bleeding Disorders Trin Kantmani Pisti 250 to 500 mg. Lakshadi Churna 5 to 10 gm. Usheerasava 15 to 30 ml. 4.3 Rakta Dushti (Blood impurity) Nimbadi Kvatha 20 TO 40 ml. Panchanimba Churna 5 to 10 gm. Manjisthadi Churna 5 to 15 gm. Sarivadyasava 15 to 30 ml. Khadirarishta 15 to 30 ml. (5) DISORDERS OF DIGESTIVE SYSTEM 5.1Atisara (Diarrhoea) Karpoora Rasa 50 to 125 mg Jatiphaladya Churna 5 to 10 gm. Karpoorasava 10 to 20 drops Babbularishta 15 to 30 ml. 5:2 Pravahika (Dysentery) Panchamrit Parpati 250 to 500 mg. Bilwadi Churna 5 to 10 gm. Bilwadi Kwath 20 to 40 ml.

Kutajarishta 15 to 30 ml. 5:3 Amlapitta (Hyperacidity) Kamdudha Ras 125 to 250 mg. Dhatri Rasayana 5 to 15 gm. Madhuyastyadi Churna 5 to 10 gm. Avipattikara Churna 5 to 10 gm. 5:4 Samgrahani (Colitis/Ulcerative Colitis) Samkhodar Ras 75 to 150 mg. Sutsekhar Ras 125 to 250 mg. Bilwadi Avaleha 5 to 10 gm. Mocharas Churna 3 to 5 gm. 5:5 Yakrit roga (Liver disorders) Arogya Vardhini 500 mg. To 1 gm. Navayas Louha 250 to 500 mg. Phalatrikadi kwatha 15 to 30 ml. Sarbat phalasa 30 to 50 ml. Daruharidra phala churna 5 to 10 gm. Rohitakarishta 15 to 30 ml. 5:6 Shoola (Abdominal colic) Shankha bhasma 250 to 500 mg. Shankha Vati 2 to 4 tab. Lasunadi Vati 2 to 4 tab. Hingu vachadi Churna 3 gm. to 5 gm. Narikel lavana 250 to 500 mg. 5:7 Adhman (Flatulence) Kankayan Vati 500 mg. to 1 gm. Hingvastaka Churna 5 to 10 gm. Ark Ajmod 5 to 15 ml. Lavana Bhaskar Churna 5 to 10 gm. 5:8 Chhardi (Vomiting) Mayur pichha bhasma 50 to 125 mg. Bilvadi leham 1 to 3 gm. 2 hrly Eladi Churna 2 to 5 gm. 5:9 Ajirna (Indigestion) Yavani Sandhav Churna 5 to 10 gm. Shivakshara pachana churna 3 to 5 gm. Chitrakadi Vati 2 to 4 tab. 5:10 Agnimandya (Anorexia) Agnitundi Vati 250 to 500 mg. Vaishvanara Churna 3 to 5 gm. Panchakola Churna 3 to 5 gm. 5:11 Vibandh (Constipation) Ichhabhedi Ras 125 to 250 mg. Panchasakara Churna 5 to 10 gm. Svadista Virechana Churna 5 to 10 gm. Abhayarishta 15 to 30 ml. Isabgol Husk 10 to 20 gm. Haritaki Churna 10 to 15 gm. 5:12 Arsha-Bhagander (Piles and Fistula-in-ano) Shigru guggul 500 mg. to 1 gm.. Bol baddha ras 125 to 250 gm. Pranada Vati 2 to 4 tab. Rasanjana Vati to 1 gm.

Kasisadi tel 2 to 5 ml. Jaya Vati 250 to 500 mg. Kshar Sutra & Kshar Varti Q.S. for Kriya 5:13 Krimi Rog (Helminthiasis) Vidangadi louha to 1 gm. Palash beej churna 3 to 6 gm. Kampillaka yog 2 to 4 gm. (6) DISEASES OF CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM 6:1 Medhya (Brain Tonics for concentration, memory, sleep disturbances) Brahmi Vati 2 to 4 tab. Tagaradi Churna 3 to 5 gm. Brahmi Rasayana 5 to 10 gm. Saraswatarishta 15 to 30 ml. Brahami Ghrita 5 to 10 gm. 6:2 Nadi Dourbalya (Nervine Weakness) Krishna Chaturmukh Ras 125 to 250 mg. Dhanvantara tel Q.S. for body Application Mahanarayana tel Q.S. for body Application Eranda pak 5 to 15 gm. Balarishta 10 to 30 ml. 6:3 Kampavat ( Parkinsonism) Chaturbhuj Ras 125 to 250 mg. Kaunch Churna 2 to 5 gm. 6:4 Sirasula (Migrain) Sirah shooladi Vajra Ras 250 mg. to 1 gm. Chandrakant Ras 125 to 250 mg. Godanti praval yog 500 mg. to 1 gm. Pathyadi kwath 10 to 20 ml. (7) PHYCHIATRIC PROBLEMS 7:1 Anidra (Insomnia) Nidrodaya Ras 125 to 500 mg. Jatamansi kwath 10 to 20 ml Madananand Modak 5 to 15 gm. Aswagandha Churna 5 to 10 gm. Him sagar Tel Q.S. for Head 7:2 Akshepa (Convulsive Disorders) Svarna bhasma 15 to 30 mg. Panchagavya ghrita 5 to 15 ml. Aptantrakari Vati 125 to 250 mg. 7:3 Unmad (Psychosis) Unmad gajkesari Ras 125 to 250 mg. Maha paishachik ghrita 5 to 15 gm. Maha chaitasa ghrita 5 to 15 gm. Manas mitra vatak 125 to 250 mg. 7:4 Vishad (Depression) Jyotismati Tel 10 to 20 drops Smriti Sagar Ras 125 to 250 mg. Vacha Churna (shudh) 250 to 500 mg. (8) JOINT DISORDERS 8:1 Amavat (Rheumatic/Rheumatoid Arthritis) Amavatari Ras 125 to 250 mg. Trayodashang guggulu to 1 gm. Kottamchukadi Tel Q.S. for application on body

8:2 Vat Rakta (Gout) Kaishore guggulu to 1 gm. Maharasnadi kwath 5 to 15 ml. Pinda Tel Q.S. for application on body 8:3 Sandhi Vat (Osteoarthritis) Simhnad guggulu to 1 gm. Yograj guggulu to 1 gm. Panchaguna Tel Q.S. for application on joints 8:4 Sandhigat Vat (Arthralgia) Vatari guggulu to 1 gm. Sameergaj keshari Ras 125 to 250 mg. Maha vishgarbh Tel Q.S. for topical use (9) DISEASES OF URINARY SYSTEM 9:1 Alpa Mutrajanana (Oliguria/Anuria) Punarnavastaka kwath 20 to 40 ml. Panavirladi bhasma 5 to 20 gm. Punarnavasava 15 to 30 ml. 9:2 Ashmari (Urolithiasis) Pasan Bhedadi Kwath 20 to 40 ml. Hajaral yahood bhasma 250 to 500 mg. Kulathadi ghrita 10 to 20 ml. 9:3 Mutrastheela (prostatic hypertrophy) Varunadi guggulu to 1 gm. Shilajtwadi Vati to 1 gm. Punarnavadi Guggulu to 1 gm. 9:4 Mutravishmayata (Uraemia) Sarbato Bhadra Ras 50 to 250 mg. Veeratarvadi kwath 20 to 40 ml. Trina panchmula kwath 20 to 40 ml. Kanmad bhasma 500 mg. to 1.5 gm. Vastyamayantaka ghrita 5 to 15 gm. 9:5 Mutra krichra (Dysurea) Svarna Bang 125 to 250 mg. Chandrakala Ras 250 to 500 mg. Traikantakadi kwath 20 to 40 ml. (10) DERMATOLOGICAL DISORDERS 10:1 Kushtha (Dermatoses) Ras Manikya 125 to 150 mg. Gandhaka Rasayana 250 mg. to 500 mg. Eladi Tel Q.S. for topical use Kustha Rakshasa Tel Q.S. for topical use 10:2 Twak-Karshnya (Hyperpigmentation) Kumkumadi Tel Q.S. for topical use Dashanga Lepa Q.S. for topical use 10:3 Kandu (Pruritus) Haridra Khand 5 to 15 gm. Bilwadi gutika 1 to 2 pills for topical use Nalpamaradi Tel Q.S. for topical use Maha Marichyadi Tel Q.S. for topical use 10:4 Twak Vaivarnya (Skin Discolouration) Chalmongra Tel Q.S. for topical use Sidhmahara Lepa Q.S. for topical use Markava Rasayanan 10 to 20 gm.

10:5 Keshya (Hair Tonic for Poor Hair Growth) Bhringaraja Tel Q.S. for head & hair 10:6 Khalitya (Premature Hair fall) Dhasturpatra Ker Tel Q.S. for head & hair Durvadi Ker Tel Q.S. for head & hair Kayyonyadi Ker Tal Q.S. for head & hair 10:7 Palitya (Premature greying of hair) Neeli Bhringyadi Ker Tel Q.S. for head & hair Kuntal Kanti Tel Q.S. for head & hair 10:8 Svitra (Vitiligo) Kakodumbarikadi Kwath 10 to 40 ml. Markava Rasayana 5 to 15 gm. Avalgujadi Lepa Q.S. for topical use Gomutrarishta 10 to 20 ml. (11) FEMALE DISEASES 11:1 Asrigdara Menorrhagia-Metrorrhagia) Pradarantak Ras 250 to 500 mg. Patrangasav 10 to 30 ml. Lodhrasava 10 to 30 ml. Ashokarishta 10 to 30 ml. 11:2 Svet Pradara (Leucorrhoea) 202. Kukkutand Twak Bhasma 1 to 3 gm. 203. Pusyanug Churna 5 to 10 gm. 204. Supari Pak 5 to 15 gm. 205. Satavari gud 5 to 15 gm. 206. Panchavalkala kwath 10 to 30 for douche 11:3 Rajah Krichra (Dysmenorrhoea) 207. Rajah Pravartini Vati 250 to 500 mg. 208. Kumarika Vati 250 to 500 mg. 209. Kumaryasava 10 to 30 ml. 11:4 Yoni Vyapat (Vaginal Disorders) 210. Subhakari Vati to 1 gm. 211. Somanath Ras 125 to 250 mg. 212. Soubhagya Vardhana Tel 5 to 10 drops for Tampon 11:5 Rajah Purva Tanav (Premenstrual Tension) 213. Yavakshara Yog 500 mg. To 1.5 gm. 214. Saptasaram Kasayam 10 to 20 ml. 11:6 Garbhapat (Habitual Abortion) 215. Garbhapal Ras 250 to 500 mg. 216. Garbh Raksini Gutika 2 to 4 tab. 11:7 Raktla Yoni (Dynfunctional Uterire Bleeding D.U.B.) 217. Kaharuva Pisti 250 to 500 mg. 218. Ashok Ghrita 5 to 15 gm. 219. Lakshmana Louha 500 mg. To 1 gm. 11:8 Stanya alpata (Hypo lactation) 220. Stanya janana kashaya 10 to 20 ml. 221. Shatavaryadi Churna 5 to 10 gm. 11:9 Sutika Roga (Postpartal Disorders) 222. Soubhagya Sunthi 5 TO 10 gm. 223. Dashmularishta 15 TO 30 ml. 11:10 Bandhyatva (Primary Sterlity) 224. Phala Kalyan Ghrita 5 to 15 gm. 225. Palash puspasava 15 to 30 ml.

226. Lakshmanarishta 15to 30 ml. 11:11 Stri Beej Pranali Dushti (Hypo-ovarianism/Poor ovarian funcion) 227. Puspa Dhanva Ras 250 to 500 mg. 11:12 Beej Kosh Puti (Ovarian Cyst) 228. Siggru Gugglu to 1 gm. 229. Sobhanjanarishta 10 to 30 ml. 230. Punarnava Mandur 250 to 500 mg. (12) VAJEEKARANA (SEXUAL WEAKNESS/LOSS OF LIBIDO) 231. Manmath Rasa 125 to 250 mg. 232. Akarkarbhadi Gutika 1 to 2 tab 233. Asvagandhadi Leha 5 to 15 gm. 234. Sukrastambhana Rasayana 5 to 15 gm. 235. Srigopal Tel For topical use 236. Kamini Vidravana Ras 250 to 500 mg. (13) RASAYANA (GERENTOLOGICAL CONDITIONS) 237. Brahm Rasayana 5 to 15 gm. 238. Chyavan Prasha Avaleha 5 to 15 gm. 239. Brinhani Gutika 1 to 2 tab. (14) VRANA ROPANA (WOUND HEALING) 240. Jatyadi Tel For topical use 241. Marma Gutika 250 to 500 mg. 242. Triphala Guggulu 250 to 500 mg. 243. Lakshadi Guggulu 250 to 500 mg. 244. Yashad Malhar Q.S. For topical use 245. Manjishtadi Tel Q.S. For topical use (15) DISEASES OF EYE AND ENT 15:1 Netra Roga (Opthalmic Disorders) 246. Saptamrit Louha 2 to 4 tab. 247. Maha triphala Ghrita 5 to 15 gm. 248. Chandrodaya Varti Q.S. For topical use 249. Elaneer kuzhampu 2 to 5 drops topical use 250. Shatpatryark (Gulab Arka) 2 to 5 drops topical use 15:2 Nasa Roga (Nasal Diseases) 251. Anu tel 2 to 5 drops as nassal drop 252. Nasika Churna to 1 gm. topical use 253. Chitrak haritaki 5 to 15 gm. 254. Katphal Churna to 1 gm. topical use 15:4 Galganda (Goitre) 257. Kanchanara Guggulu 500 mg. To 1 gm. 15:5 Mukh Rog (Oral Disorders) 258. Pitaka Churna Q.S. for gargle 259. Sudh Soubhagya Q.S. for paint 260. Irimedadi Tel Q.S. for paint 261. Brihatyadi Kwath Q.S. for gargle 15:6 Dant Roga (Dental Problems) 262. Dasana Samskar Churna Q.S. for local rubbing in tooth & gum (16) PRAJANAN SAMSTHAN DUSTHTI (REPRODUCTORY PROBLEMS) 16:1 Purush Prajanan Akshamta (Male sterility) 263. Jund Vadastar Vati 2 to 3 pill 264. Puspadhanva Ras 125 to 250 mg. 16:2 Stri Prajanan Akshamta (Female sterility) 265. Jiyapota Churna 5 to 15 gm. 266. Sivalingi Beej 3 seed daily for 28 days

16:3 Parivar Niyojana (Contraception) 267. Pipplyadi Yog 2 to 4 gm. 268. Neem Tel 2 to 5 ml. (17) DAURBALYA (General weakness/Asthenia/Loss of strength) 269. Drakshasava 5 to 30 ml. 270. Sudh Shilajit 250 to 500 mg. 271. Phalasava 10 to 30 ml. 272. Tapyadi Louha 250 to 500 mg. (18) METABOLIC DISORDERS) 18:1 Madhumeha (Diabetes mellitus) 273. Trivanga Bhasma 125 to 250 mg. 274. Vasant Kusumakar Ras 125 to 250 mg. 275. Nisha Katakadi Kwath 10 to 30 ml. 276. Nyagrodhadi Churna 5 to 15 gm. 277. Jambavadyarishta 10 to 30 ml. 278. Ayaskriti 10 to 30 ml. 18:2 Visama Meda (Dyslipidaemia) 279. Medohara Churna 5 to 15 gm. 280. Medohar Vidangadi Louha 1 to 2 gm. 18:3 Sthaulya (Obesity) 281. Navak Guggulu 2 to 4 tab. 282. Triphala Churna 5 to 15 gm. 18:4 Shotha (Oedema/inflammation) 283. Rasna-erandadi Kwath 10 to 20 ml. 284. Shigru Varun Kwath 10 to 20 ml. 285. Gomutrarka 5 to 10 ml. 286. Kansa Haritaki 5 to 10 gm. 287. Shoth Kalanal Ras 125 to 250 mg. 288. Grihdhoomadi Lepa For topical use as poste 289. Kokilakshak kashaya 10 to 20 ml. 18:5 Sleepada (Filariasis) 290. Nityanand Ras 250 to 500 mg. 291. Shakhotak Kwath 20 To 40 ml. 292. Sapta parna ghan Vati 500 mg. to 1gm. 18:6 Krimi-upsarg (Infective/Septic conditions) 293. Rasanjana Vati to 1 gm. 294. Shudh Gandhak 250 to 500 mg. 295. Nimbadi Tel For topical use 296. Nimbadi Vati 500 mg. to 1 gm. 297. Jaya Vati 250 to 500 mg. Jatyadi Tail, Shigru Guggal, Swarnvang, Haridra, Gandhak Rasayana. (19) BAL-ROG (PAEDIATRIC PROBLEMS) 298. Dantodbheda gadantaka Ras 125 to 250 mg. 299. Balark Ras 62.5 to 125 mg. 300. Kumar Kalyan Ras 62.5 to 125 mg. 301. Bal Chaturbhadra Churna 250 mg. 1 gm. 302. Ras Pipari 250 mg. 500 gm. 303. Gopi Chandanadi Gutika 250 to 500 mg. 304. Tambula Leha 2 to 5 gm. 305. Sankhpuspi Tel For head 306. Arvindasava 5 to 15 ml. 307. Kamal beej gatta churna 1 to 3 gm. 308. Sudha vacha 125 to 250 mg.

309. Jatiphal Churna to gm. 310. Lakshadi Tel For massage 311. Blal Rasayana 1 to 3 gm. 312. Ayush Ghutti to 1 gm. 313. Ark Pudina 3 to 5 ml. 314. Praval Pishti 125 to 250 mg. (20) MULTI PURPOSE-BHASMA Sr. No. Common Name English Name Uses 315. Svarn Makshik Bhasm Copper pyrites Anaemia, urticaria, hyperacidity, tonic 316. Saphatika Suddh Alum Haemorrhage, cough, fever, antiseptic 317. Tankan Bhasm Borax Cough, tonsillitis, fever 318. Shankh Bhasm Conche Gastrointestinal disorders 319. Kapardika Bhasm Covries Earache, wound healing, intestinal colic 320. Mandoor Bhasm Pig iron bhasma Anaemia, jaundice, oedema 321. Lauh Bhasma (30 puti) Iron bhasma iron Anaemia, general debitity, pregrancey 322. Mayur puchha bhasm Pea cock feather bhasma Hic cough, irritating couth, vomiting 323. Godanti bhasma Gypsum bhasma Cough, cold, fever bodyoche 324. Sringa bhasma Stag horn bhasma Fever, sinusitis, bronchitis, preumonia 325. Abhrak bhasma Mica (Biotite) Hyperacidity, anaemia, respiratory disorder (21) EMERGENCY AYURVEDIC DRUGS Sr. No. Name of the Drugs Uses Karpoor Ras For acute diarrhoea Vedanantak Ras For severe pain of musculo-skeletal or visceral origin Siddha-makardhwaj For peripheral criculatory failure. Jwaharmohra For palpitation, syncope, cardiac tonic Mutka pisti For acute tachycardia, palpitation, cardiac problems Mavavatraj ras For neurogenic shock, angina Sameergajkesari ras Neurological shock, angina, neuro-muscular pains Shvaskaschinlamani ras For severe dyspnoea of pulmonary origin Suvarn sameer pannag ras For acute dyspnoea, arthralgia Mritsanjivani sura For high grade fever, with delirium, shock Dhanwantar gutika For acute respiratory distress Manasmitra vatak For mental disorders, insomnia Marma gutika For pain and inflammation in vital parts Gorochanadi vati For cardio respiratory problems, fever Murivenna oil Local application for traumatic pain and inflammation etc.

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