Bss Proposal

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The Mumbai Campus Ambassadors team met on Sunday (15th July, 2012) at Caf Mangii in Powai to discuss: 1.

Allocation of various colleges across Mumbai and 2. Strategies for the Social Media Campaign. The colleges were allotted based on Mutual understanding and Contacts which could be leveraged in specific colleges and a consensus was reached. The Social Media Campaign was intensely discussed for over the next 3 hours and we were able to come up with some constructive ideas. The objective of the Campaign was zeroed down to increasing the number of members on the Lean Six Sigma Q & A group on LinkedIn to more than 10000 members. The main focus for this campaign is to generate pull for B school students towards the group so that it creates an interest among them towards Six Sigma and a desire to pursue the various certifications to enhance career opportunities. It has been observed that the number of Facebook users among the B-school student community is much higher than those using LinkedIn; hence a mechanism is needed to push people from Facebook to LinkedIn. Also an easy way to attract the attention of student community is by starting a competition and making it necessary to Like FB group and/or Join the LinkedIn group.

Strategy for Competition:

Since Six Sigma has a very strong association with operations specializations, the contest needs to break this perception among students and make students of all specializations receptive to the idea. The Event needs to be branded in a way that it communicates the message of Six Sigma without actually using the name. We came up with: Benchmark Six Sigma Presents

Change. Optimize. Innovate. Navigate (Change the environment by optimizing and innovating upon the status quo and successfully navigating the plan)

Tagline: Be the Benchmark for Change

The Competition will consist of two rounds. The Prerequisite to be a part of the contest is to Join the LinkedIn group and follow the contest thread for clues to the solutions for the quiz before it goes Live. There will be separate incentives for top contributors as well but shall be covered later. Entry for the event is FOC and one college can have any number of teams, there is no cap. Round 1: A quiz based on the application of Six Sigma across the various sectors like Finance, Marketing, etc. This requires students to go through all the videos and case studies already present on the Benchmark Six Sigma Website. The Idea here is that this will make it clear that Six Sigma is not just for Operations, but Finance, Marketing and HR as well. It will also generate more traffic for the website. The Quiz can be executed via An example is shown here: Free or paid services can be used. Every team participating will be sent a Six Sigma Ready Reckoner for future use. This quiz will be conducted in two rounds. Each team can have up to 3 players. Top 50 Business schools in India to be targeted for the event 1. Intercollege Level ( up to 100 teams participation expected) 2. Round 2 Qualifying criteria is at least 80% correct answers in round team (up to 70 teams expected to compete) Winners of Round 2 (up to 10 teams expected) will be awarded with Certificates (Automatically generated by the quiz publishing site) and gift voucher worth Rs.1500/- from Shoppers Stop Round 2: All winners of the First round will be invited for the second round (Case Study) followed by a free session on Introduction to Six Sigma. On arrival they will be given a Branded Pen/Pencil, and a branded Notepad. This round will be conducted offline and in campus of any one of the Tier 1 or 2 B-schools which can be leveraged to be a part of the training program as well. The Teams have to present a solution for the case in the form of a 5 min duration PPT. The Winning team will receive free Green Belt Six Sigma training and their transport costs can be reimbursed. (AC Bus/ AC sleeper train) The Case study will be judged by Vishwadeep Sir and another judge.

All the students in the auditorium will be encouraged to join the LinkedIn group to follow the case study discussions there. Also the Facebook page for the event will be reflecting the discussions in the LinkedIn group in real time, but this is one way process only and to be a part of the discussion the student must join the LinkedIn Group. As screenshot of LinkedIn to FB View only interface is shown below:

Via RSS feed from LinkedIn

*The implementation is still being worked upon to make it look cleaner. The event updates will be tied to an official twitter account as well which will give updates on the contest, shout out to winners and Hashtag special subscribers of the group. The Contest can become an annual ritual and can be used to increase membership numbers. Timelines for the event can be discussed with sir but one week of preparation time is need before a total onslaught of the event. Rough estimates of the time frame: 1 week of publicity: 23rd July 2012 to 29th July 2012 Quiz Round 1 goes live: 31st July 2012 Quiz Round 2 goes live: 3rd August 2012 Final Event Coinciding with one of the free seminar sessions. (Mostly held at K. J. SIMSR) Around 2nd week of August

We would require Vishwadeep Sirs approval on our plan and a small discussion regarding incentives to work out everything. Hopefully a Skypecon would suffice. Vishwadeep Sir, you can contact any one of us for further details. We have tried working out even small details which have not found place in this document, so in case of any queries or clarifications do call us.

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