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All chemical reactions involve changes in energy. Typically this energy comes in the form of heat. I.

Thermochemistry study of changes in heat in chemical reactions A. Exothermic Reactions C3H8(g) + 5O2(g) 3CO2(g) + 4H2O(g) + 2043kJ Reactions that release energy 1. Heat is a product of the reaction 2. The products have less energy than the reactants


Endothermic Reactions Reactions that absorb energy C(s) + H2O(g) + 113kJ CO(g) + H2(g) 1. Heat is a reactant in the reaction 2. The products have more energy than the reactants


Enthalpy (H) heat content A. The heat content of a system depends on a variety of factors called state properties (properties that must be described with specified conditions (state) that usually include T, P, and V). 1. Enthalpy is dependent on state properties 2. Standard state for enthalpy is the most stable pure form of the substance at 1 atmosphere of pressure and 25oC 3. Enthalpy of free elements is arbitrarily set to zero B. Enthalpy Change (H) 1. Endothermic Reactions H will be positive 2. Exothermic Reactions H will be negative

H = Hproducts Hreactants



Standard Enthalpy Changes (H0) change in enthalpy when a reaction occurs with reactants and products in their standard states. Calculating Enthalpy Changes 1. In a chemical reaction, the enthalpy change applies proportionally to the amounts of reactants & products. 2. For example: C(s) + H2O(g) CO(g) + H2(g) ; H = +113kJ If 2 moles of C are used and completely react, the energy absorbed (because H is positive) would be 226kJ.


Hesss Law A. The enthalpy change for a reaction is the sum of the enthalpy changes for a series of reactions that add up to the overall reaction.

Hnet = H1 + H2


Rules for using Hesss Law 1. If the coefficients of an equation are multiplied by a factor, the enthalpy change for the reaction is multiplied by the same factor. If an equation is reversed, the sign of H is also reversed (changes sign).


Calorimetry study of heat flow. A. The process of calorimetry allows one to determine the amount of heat given off or absorbed in a chemical reaction by measuring the temperature change of the environment around the reaction.

B. C.

Heat capacity = amount of heat required to raise the temperature of a substance 1oC. Specific Heat = amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 gram of a substance 1oC. 1. Specific heat of water = 4.184 J/g oC or 1 calorie


Basics of calorimetry 1. Heat change from a reaction is equal, but opposite in sign to heat change in surroundings

qreaction = -qsurroundings
2. One can determine the heat absorbed by the surroundings by using the formula masssur = mass of surroundings Cp = specific heat of the surrounding media T = change in temperature of surrounding media (T = Tfinal Tinitial) Usually water is used as the surroundings because it is easy to work with and has a well known specific heat.


qsur = masssur x Cp x T


4. Once one has calculated the amount of energy transferred to or from the surroundings, one can quickly calculate the energy from the reaction by simply changing the sign (+ ) or ( +).

qwater = masswater x 4.184J/goC x T

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