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The SWOT Analysis

Prepared by FahadBhatty Subject : Strategic Management Submitted to : Sir Nauman Dated : 1-Aug-2012

The SWOT analysis of PEPSI CO.

STRENGTH 1.Company has a very established name and a good reputation. 2.Pepsi has large market share than its competitors 3.The internal environment & culture of factory is very good and attractive 4.Pepsi spends a lot of budget on its advertisingsponsoring sports, musical concerts, walks.. 5.Pepsi has a very vast distribution channel and it is easily available everywhere.

WEAKNESSES 1.Pepsi does not offer any sort of incentive or discount to its retailers 2.Pepsi target only young customers in their promotions 3.Pepsi tin pack is not available in far off rural areas 4.Unavailability of all products of Pepsi at the same time at the same outlet 5 . O f fe ri n g l o w m a rg i ns t o i t s r e t a i l e r s OPPORTUNITIES 1 .D e m a nd o f P e p s i i s m o r e t h a n i t s co m p e t i t o r s 2.Increase in population 3.The company may also diversify its business in some other potential business like : D i s t r i b u t i o n o f s n a c k foods 5 . I n cr e a s i ng d e m a nd o f b e v e ra ge s d u e h o t e nv i ro n m e nt a l co nd i t i o n . THREATS 1 .T o u gh ri v a l r y a m o n g co m p e t i t o rs 2.Cola drinks are not good for the health so the awareness level of the people is increasing which is a big threat to the company 3.Economic downfall might bring meaning full damages 4.Government regulations

5 . La w & o rd e r s i t u a t i o n s o f t h e co u nt ry

Swot analysis of ZulfiqarIndustries :

Strength : Strong corporate strategies Well equipped work force Strong Market Research (door to door sampling in Urban and Rural Areas). Strong brand image. Positioning focuses on the attractive beauty segment. Dynamically continuous innovation of the product .Perceived to have high value for money (strong brand promotion but relatively lower price which is a winning combination in the popular segment). WEAKNESSES: Capri is mainly positioned as beauty soap targeted towards women, hence it lacks unisex Appeal. Capri is expensive than Competitors like as LUX.

OPPORTUNITIES: Capri must reinforce its presence in the beauty segment.

Retentive strategy required as the soap segment is in the mature stage of its product life Cycle.

Product Line extension probably with more variants catering to the beauty segment like natural, herbal soap etc.

THREATS : New entrants/local competitors/MNCs would increase thecompetition (P&G, Unilever like as Lux). High internal competition Lux also catering the beauty segment (also from HLL stable). Excessive dependence on beauty segment makes their products vulnerable to changing customer Tastes. Technological change makes the existing products obsolete they should focus on technological innovations like Body Wash.Its in the maturity stage in the Product Life Cycle and has a threat of slipping down to decline stage if constant reinvention of the brand is not carried out.

The SWOT analysis of WALLs CO.

STRENGTH : Financially Strong. Wide distribution, due to establish distribution channels. High Quality Good image in the mind of Customer. Aggressive Promotion scheme's WEAKNESSES : Pure milk is not used in ice cream There is no variation in Taste

OPPORTUNITIES : Gap in Mkt. for diet ice cream, which Wall's can cover because they are more, establish than other's. Walls proves itself to be quality oriented product and maintain good taste a n d s t a n d a r d , t h a n i t w o u l d b e a b l e t o c r e a t e a s t r o n g p o s i t i o n i n a l l (Pakistan) for a long period of time.

THREATS : Omore is also new comer, but rapidly increase in their Market share is a big threat for Wall's. Economic downfall might bring meaning full damages Government regulations L a w & o rd e r s i t u a t i o n s o f t h e co u n t ry

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