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The Islamic Lunar Calendar 2
Hajj Rituals (Tamattu') ,
Things to Remember , ,
E Starting Ihram ' Umrah
I Starting Ihromof tlajj
Distances Between Ritual Places 4
The Fruit of !!ajj 5
The First Sanctuary Appointed for Mankind 6
Introduction "",.".,.',."""" '.',.".",,."."" .".""..,.".,.., ,.." , ,.............. 8
Howto Use the Book 9
Practical Tips , " , '.., ,.., 12
The Importance of Hajj 14
Valuable Pieces of Advice 16
Daytime Temperatures and Humidity 18
Makkah and Madinah , 19
!!ajj StepbyStep (Tamattu') 21
A Before !::iajj , , 22
B The Types of !!aij 24
C Before Traveling , 26
D Reaching the Miqat 28
F Going to Makkah ' Umrah , 32
G Making Tawaf (Coming) ' Umrah 34
H Making Sa'ee ' Umrah 36
I Ending The State of Ihrom ' Umrah 38
K Staying in Mina 42
L Attending 'Arafah , , 44
M Staying theNight in Muzdalifah 46
N Throwing Pebbles at [nmrnt clAqobch 48
o Slaughtering a Sacrifice
P Cutting Hair , 52
T Throwing Pebbl esat the 3 [omcrot
Y Making Icwuf (Farewell)
Supplications ..,.,.., , , , , ,.,..,.,
Personal Data .,.." ,' ' , "".".,..,..,..,
Q Making Tawaf (lfadah) 54
R Making Sa'ee .., ,..,.., , , , , 56
S Staying in Mina 58
U Staying in Mina 62
V Throwing Pebbles at the 3 lornorct 64
W Staying in Mina 66
X Throwing Pebbles at the 3 [amoret 68
Z Back Home , , , 72
Visiting Madinah , ' 75
A Visiting The Prophet's Mosque (pbuh) 76
Z Visiting Quba' Mosque 78
Glossary ".,..,..,.., , ,..,..,.".,..,..,., ,..,.,..,..,..,.., , ,.., ,." , 83
References , ".,." ,..,.,.".,..,..,.,.. 86
Important Telephone Numbers 87
Hajj Rituals Day by Day 88

The L
Ihe Ou r'c n 2: 1') 7
lunar months are either 29 or 30 days.
1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
28 29 30
2 3 4 5 6
9 10 11 12 13
16 17 18 19 20
23 24 25 26 27
3 4 5 6 7
10 11 12 13 14
17 18 19 20 21
24 25 26 27 28
7 8
14 15
21 22
28 29
1 2
8 9
15 16
22 23
s M T W T F S
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
12 13 14 15 16 17 18
19 20 21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
22 23 24 25 26 27 28
29 30
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
23 24 25 26 27 28 29
This calendar does not apply to a specific year.
4 5 6 7
11 12 13 14
18 19 20 21
25 26 27 28
1 2
6 7 8 9
13 14 15 16
20 21 22 23
27 28 29 30
1 2 3
8 9 10 3 4
15 16 17 10 11
22 23 24 17 18
29 24 25
3 4 5
10 11 12 4 5
17 18 19 11 12
24 25 26 18 19
25 26
1 2
5 6 7 8 9
12 13 14 15 16
19 20 21 22 23
26 27 28 29 30
1 2 3
6 7 8 9 10
13 14 15 16 17
20 21 22 23 24
27 28 29
s M T W T F S S M T W T F
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
15 16 17 18 19 20 21 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
22 23 24 25 26 27 28 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
29 30 27 28 29

DistClV\ces Behvee,,, RitlAL-d P laces
(Site of the 3 [arnarat)
(6 7 krn)
(8-9 k'11)
The of t-Iajj
f l,
o t
Collected by Bukhori & Muslim
"SOLAV\d t-Iajj
has v\o
"\I" ,'ily 1h , j"i""1 "" "cit " ,,y " I' I,,(o i,,1(,,1 " ,,,,,ki ,,,1
\\'( I=> i"'o1 ('d ]-)("ikk'l h, c r ! l l(h"t ') n i u il\ ( I ll-'Oll l,>,)}
Hu- Ou r'un 3; Y6
:J V1trod vtCtioV1

r .
J V1. the j\JCH Y1 e of Allah! the ;V\ost the JV\ost
A ll pr aise to A I,1"I i9htl' A llah,
Who 9clided '1"I e to br in9 this p"u}ed to cO'1"Ipld ion,
In addition to extensive observations of pilgrims during seasons of .!:iajj, a pilot study was con
ducted, It shows that more than two-thirds of those who performed .!:iajj rituals for the first time
could not perform them correctly. The representative sample showed that among the main
reasons for making errors are the lack of correct knowledge, lack of well-desiqned books, and
unfamiliarity with placesand ritual terms.
Thus, the once-in-c-lifetime worship is highlyvulnerable, That is, the majority of pilgrims
cannot get it correctly the fi rst time. This vital reason was adequate to motivate me to develop
a book that is designed mainly to help them perform this important obligation in a step-by-step
approach, That is why it is titled ".!:ia jj &' Umrah from Ato Z."
As an instructional designer, I had to study the probl em carefullyand make a needs assess
ment in order to come up with a form that may better help Muslims get their rituals correctly,
I had to go through an enormous number of books about .!:iajj and study themcarefully,
The result is an illustrated manual-likebook that includes charts, diagrams and photographs that
will systematicallyquide any Muslimto achieve the .!:iaj j without, God willing, making any error.
Another purpose of this book is to alleviate the tension, anxiety, and fear of some pilgrims who
have preconceived ideas about the difficulties that will face them in performing .!:iaj j, This book is
intended to make all steps easy and smooth, and to handle most of the errors before they occur,
thus alleviating this anxietyby warning the pilgrims of what may happen long before it does, All
a pilgrimneeds is to read carefully and foll owthe steps very accurately and, by the grace of Allah,
he/she will perform a smooth, correct .!:i ajj,
The methodology I followed in this book is to trace the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (peace
be upon him) as illustrated by the famous Hadith collected by Imam Muslimand others of
"The Farewell .!:iaji of the Prophet" (pbuh) . By doing that I have kept this book far from the
differences between the various schools of thought known as Madhahib.
I would alsolike to remind the reader that the book is designed to illustrate the .!:ia jj Tamattu
as it includes all the steps required in the other two types of .!:iajj - Qiran and lfrcd. ! have also
made a chart that illustrates the similarities and differences between the three types of .!:iajj and
have titledit "quick reference,"
The intended readers of this book includeall English-speaking Muslims who are ready to
perform .!:iaj j regardless of age, education or gender. Thus the book is designed like a manual to
help brothers and sisters make the prescribed rituals correctly,
Finall y, I would like to thank all those who supported me in writing, editing, and revising this
book, particularly those who kindly and patiently reviewedthe Islamic contents many times and
those who provided me with pictures,
May Allahguide us all to the right path,
The Author
Mamdouh N. Mohamed
- ~ ' ~ \ ~ ~ : t-Jow to tAse the Book
r "
This booklet is designed primarilyas a manual, a concept that may not be totally newto most
people in our Islamic world, Bri efly, it presents the material or the contents in a very consequential
way to guarantee the fewest possible faults and errors.
Fortunately, when a person knows how to use this book/manual correctly and effectively, the
outcome will be absolutely positive, if Allah is willing,
lookcarefullyat the cover design to get acquainted with the steps and their sequences.
Read through the book to get an overall, comprehensiveidea of its contents. Whenever
you find some newterms that you are not familiar with, consult the glossary at the end
of the book,
go to the quick-reference on the back cover where you will be able to see the similarities
and diffe rences among the three types of Hajj, Each type has a different color. Read this
page carefully before you decide which one you will select.
once you have made your selection, try to mark whi ch steps are not applicable in
Hajj Tamattu', the main focus of this book. This will help you ski p the steps when the
situation arises,
followeach step accurately. Planahead by reading a couple of steps ahead of time,
This is signifi cant becausewhen youstart performing the rituals you will not have time
to read thoroughly.
always pay attention to the sequence of steps and the comments relating to them.
the title "REMEMBER" on each page is to remind you of the important things that many
people often forget while they are performing the rituals, So pay close attention to them
and try to abide by them, as they are very important.
the "NEXT STEP " subtitle is of vital importance, as it prepares you ahead of time for what
you need before you actuallystart the following step.
the title " W ARNI NG" is of vital significa nce, as it warns the pilgrims against:
(a) some of the more common errors,
(b) acts that nullify the Hajj.
(c) acts that require a sacrificeor compensation.
Be assured that the bookis very easy to followand that it will quide you to perform
your Hajj correctly if you abide by it.
Whenever in doubt, ask scholars before you act,
Thi s will save you A LOTof difficulties.
t-I ajj R itlACl f
L. ~ ~ ~ _ or -
-. - --- -.
e -'
(TCH'Y\ a th,\ I)
t. ;
Do not worry about exchanging money. You can do that very
easily anywhere in Saudi Arabia .
Close observation shows that people who move in large groups
are subject to having either one or some of them lost, and/or
missing some rituals or performing them late that may require
them to compensate for that either by slaughtering an animal
or by fasting or something else.
Be sure to choose goodcompany duringyour whole journey,
because this helps you avoid arguments and helps you perform
your !:iajj correctly.
It is recommended to arrange in advance with your group
exactly where and when to meet and what to do in cases of
being late, and what to do if someone is lost. To help you, follow
these procedures:
a. Arrange to meet at a very clear place where there is a clear,
colored sign or landmark.
b. Allow a specific range of timefor those who come late for
any reason, provided that this time does not affect the ritual
to follow.
c. Be sure that everybody in your group isclearly notified.
- ~ ~ ' " : " q ~ Practical Tips
Do not carry food from your homeland; almost everything is
available there. Also, remember that your food may be taken
from you at the airports.
To develop good eating habits, observe the following
a. Always avoid eating big meals, (a) because this is not healthy,
and (b) this is not helpful for performing rituals.
b. The best foods to eat are fruits, and the best drinks arewater
and juice. They are everywhere and inexpensive.
c. Always put the remains of food in a plastic bag, and be sure
to put it in a trash container.
Carry only indispensable medication that is essential for your
health. Other common medicines can be obtained from any
drugstore. You canget free first aid carein all ritual areas.
Beware of the high temperatures inall ritual areas. Avoid being
exposed to the sun for long periods of time. Always use umbrellas
and drink a lot of liquids.
For the weak, the sick, the handicapped, and elderly people, there
are special services provided. Wheel chairs and on-shoulder-litters
can be rented for those who need them. Ask the authorities for
these services inside AI-Masjid Al-Haraarn. Sometimes you may find
them free, but usually they are not very expensive. Take advantage
of these services if you need them.
The Jr'V\p0r'taV\ce of t-Iajj

is the 5th pillar of Isl am.
It is a once-in-a-lifetime
obligation upon male and female
sane adults who are eligible

(whose health and means permit it).
In the words of the Qur' an
i' t he t-Iol-\se
15 c\ dl-d):' w"\ t o T Iloh fo r '1\c\I"kinc!;
m' hi m/ he .. w h o. CO I,,\
a w o K' to P- " f o r m i t.
The Qur'an 3: 97.
In carrying out this obligation,
Muslims fulfill Alloh's call to Abraham:
The of t--Iajj

- Val lAC\ ble Pieces of Advice
c1 lH.2 c,) 1-\ vv,...dl-!<no\\11\ ,nc)J \i h s , 5 <..>, " ,I,ol.! v ".'
[o 11 ,:.kc hiln /l \l..' " tl\ ,d ) il \<' I'L' sl\<'lI ld
b nl..1 t) ll ':tcc n iiy l. )" o r CH"'fP'}) n l'f.J l\ ln eITf o n thc II
Th e Ou r 'cm 2: 197
~ ~ - - \ : I , : ~ F : : ' VCdL,,1Clble Pieces of Advice
~ .
of Allah
Correct I Aqidah
Pure Intention
of Rituals
The best thing to please Allah isto watch constantly
for Him and be conscious and fearful of Him in all
your actions and speech.
Every Muslim should understand that if his/her belief,
or 'Aqidah isnot sound, the!:iajj or any other 'Ibadah
(worship) isnot accepted. So always try to correct
your belief by asking scholars who will provide you
with proofs from the Qur'an and Sunnah.
Almighty Allah does not accept what isnot directed to
Him alone. Therefore, you should always besincere
and have pure intention for !:iajj .
Any ritual isnot accepted unless it is made correctly,
exactly as Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) did it.
"Whoever adds something newto our religion,
it is rejected."
The difficulty of rituals requires every pilgrim to be
patient and forgiving of others.
Do your best to make !:iajj a repentance for all your
sins. This repentance requires you not to commit any
of these sins again.
Doyour best to help Muslims, avoid pushing or hurt
ing them in any of the!:iajj rituals, especially in Tawaf,
Sa'ee, and pebble throwing, which are crowded.
Cleanliness is a true sign of faith. Therefore, you
should always keep your heart, body, food, drink,
and everything clean. Also ask others to keep ritual
and worship places as clean as possible.
Te''l'1pel''atlAl''es C\V\d t-IL-\miclity
"l "h"t (i s til<' L"'lI1"",.. "d). v\ JhoevL' " t he <: 0""" " " ' Is " I' r \ l l" hJ
it slllo,.,ly is f' o"", Ihe L!evot iL>I' of II,, he,,, ! s. '
The Ou r 'un 22:32
MAX. / M IN.
January 27.4" / 17.5" 63'Yc, 22.7' / 10.5' 41
Yc ,
February 27.5' / 17.6' 63% 27.0' / 12.0' 36%
March 31.0" / 20.6' 64% 30.2' / 17.3' 27%
April 34.5" / 21.2' 35.1 ' /21.U'
May 35.0' / 24.3" Gl 'MI 39.2' / 23.7' 22%
June 37.5' /25.4" 6 1% 42.3' / 27.4' 31%
July 39.0' / 26.7" 60% 42 .4' /27.9' lR%
August 39.2" / 28.3" 62% 42.5' / 28.7' 19%
September 35.9" / 26.9' 67% 41.2' /27.3'
October 35.0' / 24.4' 36.5" /21.S'
November 33.0' / 22.0' 6."% 30.0' / 16.0'
I)eccmber 28.9' / 20.2" 60% 24.1" / 12.5" 42%
Makkah aV\d Madi,/\ah
Medi nah is loca ted in northwestern
Saudi Arabia, about 250 kilometers
from the Red Sea. It is a rocky platea u.
Its a ltitude above s a level is 620
meters. Its soil conta ins volca ni rock
especia lly in the west a nd the south
west oast. It is a barren land with a
desert climate.
Makkah is located in western
Saudi Arabia, about 80 km from
the Red Sea.
It is part of the Hijaz mountains that
are located in the southwest parallel to
the Red Sea . It is very humid almost all
year round.
Ilj ra rn Clo t hes
Sa n da ls
(witho ut a back)
Pers onal
Um h re lla
Mo n cy
Passport and
Pla ne Ticke t
Vaccinat ion
Ca rd
No Food No Liq u id s
:"0 Wcapo n
No Cigaret tes
Of Tobacco

"S t \l 'cly T\ II,-,h , -II'y of yOll \\Iho his/I lL' " \\',,,,1< ."
Co llec ted by Al-Soy u tt and occrcdlt ed by Al-Albcm i .
PLACE: Homeland D TE: No specific date
Lo ATIO : Wherever you live TIME: No specific time
Step 1
Make sure that you have a true
intention of t!ajj before you
prepare anything.
Step 2
Arrange enough legitimate
fundsfor your journey and for
your family.
Step 3
Prepare yourself for good
conduct throughout the
whole journey.
Step 4
Get adequate information about
t!ajj rituals and its fiqh.
Read some literature.
Pay all your debts.
Redre ss all wrongs.
Write your will.
Always keep in mind the Hadith
of Prophet Muhammad "Verily
Allah is good, and He accepts
only the good."
Look for someone who can
take careof your family
whenever the need arises.
Any woman should be
accompanied by Mabram.
Check the pre-t!aji checkl ist
WARNING: Be sure that the Hajj ritual is not accepted unless the money
you obtained for it is acquired from a legitimate source.
..., I
Befov-e +-J ajj
p ,
' . 0i J."..c. l.l! ill I ::'1'
. Y.'-'4JUI
Yes Progress No
L Have you got your passport ready?
2. Is it valid for 6 months ?
0 0
3. Have you applied for Hajj l'Umrah visa?
0 0 0
4. Have you ta ken the required vacci na tion shots?
5. Have you been informed ab out your sponsor (Mutawif)?
6. Have you read some litera ture on Hajj l'Umrah
0 0
7. Have you paid all your debt s?
8. Have you boug ht the necessar y Ihram cloth es?
9. Have you pr epared ad equate funds for the journey?
0 0
10. Have you confirmed your flights?
11. Did you select the type of Hajj you intend to perform?
0 0
12. Have you understood the basic Hajj terminology?
0 0
13. Have you recited Talbiyah ?
0 0
14. Have you written your will?
15. Have you left enough money for your famil y?
0 0
16. Have you chosen somebody to ta ke car e
of your famil y while you ar e away?
NEXT STEP: The of Haj i -
It is important to think in advance which type of li.ajj you want.

T}:pes of +-Iajj
D ATE: No specific date
TI ME: No specific time LOCATIO : Wherever you live
PLACE: Homeland
U\!\.J h.. i" tL'n"l s tlni i (1I"'l..-1 ' l,;\ ll \ I'n l \ h1CJt. d h c.. ; it {,II "iqhf/ (ll\' !
j" "\,,k, f:.ln.i.i ii is " II <\",1 ",h", '" ;'' ' i"I "",l s ie' ,,1<.1<,. ' (..,\,\1 ,,,1, il is ,\II,i
Collec ted by Bukhuri & Mu slim ,
. :1
Step 1
Be sure that you know the
differences between the three
types of!::!ajj.
Step 2
Be sure to select the exact type
of!::!aij you want to make.
(A) Tamattu':
Making ' Umra h then !::!aij in the
same journey in the same year
in the prescribed months of!::!ajj .
(8) Qiran:
Making 'Umrah and !::!aij at the
same time in the same journey.
(C) Ifrad:
Making !::!aij only in the prescribed
months of!::!ajj.
WARNING: Be sure that ifyou select Tamattu' orQiran know that you must
slaughter an animal, or fast 3 days duringli.ajj time and 7 days
after going home.
Types of t-Iajj
,' 11

.:,i JI) <>--J ,i.j-"-LJ .:,i
' . .. JI) <>--J'
. ,..t....... I!'JI.i+JI 1
NEXT STEP: B efof'e "I,' a velinc! -
It is time to redress al1 wrongs and start a new page in your life.
So, try to keep the new page as shining as possible.

"C\ l.:.. 1-11.' \ i\ JI,,," ) hns sl \l )( I I\ ('(-1 lInh -, lll\, 1 I lot '.:"J.,<,l ,I 4. '
( l i SI ,b( luinn thl-': 'l\ ); ';-\ 1\,-1 l\ l\k, l )l \l ' 1.."11'( I t"t 'l' ,( h l,t\i t\ t ,I. "
Thl' QUI" "n 43: 13-14
PLACE: Homeland DATE: The 3 months of tlajj
LOCATION: Wherever you live T IME: No specific time
, .
Step 1
If you are traveling by air or sea
you have two options:
(a) put on Ihram before leaving
(b) put on Ibram on the
flight/ship before passing over
the Miqat
Step 2
Before you take your flight or
any means of transportation,
you should make a general cleanup
getting ready for Ihram state:
Clipping nails, shaving underarm
and pubic hair, and trimming
Take a shower and wash
your body,
Get ready for putting on
Ibram clothes,
If you decide to visit Madinah first,
you will start Ihram on your way
from Madinah to Makkah .
Have Ihram clothes handy in
your carry-on bag .
Once you put on Ihram clothes,
you have to observe Ihram
Whatever the means of
transportation you use, say the
above Qur'anic verse.
1ft . . -. ., -.- - - - I .;. ft
Jeddah according to Sunnah is nor Miqat. Ifyou reach ,1
J Inram you should go to the nearest M!qat or: slaughter,an animaI.- . I
I _ I. _ ' '. .J . = ...
c:; :
, t- W: I
Jt is time to leat'n Tal6iyah. }!OIA will need it soon.
IIL \bbCl YI<. r \ llohl,lIl""'o L obbCl yk;
L C\ bboyk b shc\I'ikCl loko L obboyk;
Jv, v1(, lokCl \ 1homdo wo"ni l' Y\ Clto
\"\JC\ I,,,, IA Ik
sh(:wiko lokI!
, d;J "
..... .. .

.. ..,
dill" dJ 0!
" . dJ
ilL) Iny L OI.'ct +-I el" " :J clln a t V alli'" s CI"'vic c !
+-1 ey e J (::\11,\ .
T h cl'e is n o 1.JL- \dncY w it h V OlI.
+-1 e I"' '' J C\ll " .
T ,"ul y ! the p vo ise o l ,d the r.JI'ovi si ol" s Cl I"C V OLII" S!
n n e! so i s t he d Olni n ion and sov e,' c iE'J' Y!Y'
T hcy c i s ''\ 0 p Cldn c l' \.vith you . "
NEXT STEP: Reaching ;V\i'lnt -
A pilgrim mUst put on 111,ram clothes on reaelling or before
passing tile Miqat.

the Miqat
T h" ;\1\" "'''' ' ''' 9'' '' (I-,l" ,hl "'IJcc ifie cl th" s,' loc nii "",,, n l\c! "(l icC
''"The }:' ii\(., f O l' \v ho<:"vc," p c-,sses by then' of th o s e' \vho
V\ ("t tht!.i l" i",hnl,i k :O-Yfs CH \ L I 1'0 1' \vnnl s t o I n n i<c !i('"\jj ( \I\(J IU'l,,,odh,II
Collec ted by Ilukhari I:;; Muslim.
P LACE: One of the 5 Miqat points DATE: The 3 months of tiajj
LOCATION: Saudi Arabia T IME: No specific time
,. .
Step 1
When you reach the Miqat, make
a whole body cleanup if you did
not do so before leaving home.
Step 2
It is recommended to put on
Ihram clothes afterone of the
5 regular prayers.
Step 3
Take off all your normal clothes.
Put on the 2 clean, white seamless
garments, and put on any sandals
that do not reach your ankles
without any socks.
. ' . If

Only men should take off
their underwear.
Women put on any regular decent
dress without any specific color.
The dress should leave the face
and the hands uncovered.
WARNING: Ifyou pass Miqat without lhram you have to go back to the nearest
Mlqat to put on lhrum or you have to make a sacrifice.
R ea chi V\ 9 the Miqa t
II '
, '
"JUJ :- ,.Li 1.,11.l.A (FJ ill I J",.......)I
" oJl) U-lJ U-l
. ,..J.- S\oflJl..4J

T he 5 )V\iqat Locatio",s
NUT STEP: Stcwtin9 .]h ,-ol1'-
Get ready and be careful in observing the obligations of111ram.

"1' !l.JIiI1\( \i...J " is {' I' \ \h lI - k ')l l\\I' \ Il \c)l\ i l ,s. 50, ", hOl'\I( " o ,l ,, (-ill...
t o I n', ,1.<. , ' 'ne , {Itt hilll / hl. " '"( ' 11h In l ,(.' " fh, If ) th,.: "(' Shlll\IJ
I h
(.1 l,s , "it )' l' " i..ll ' l '"
The Our ' un 2: 197
PLACE: One of the 5 Miqat points D ATE: The 3 months of Jjajj
Lo xno ': Wherever you live T IM E: No specific time
Step 1
When you finish the regular prayer,
say the intention of your selected
type of tiajj:
If you intend to make Tamattu'
say: (I am responding to You,
my Lord, by 'Umrah with
Tamattu' til tiajj.)
If you intend to make Qiran
say (I am responding to You,
my Lord, by 'Umrah and tiajj
If you intend to make Ifrad
say (I am responding to You,
my Lord, by tlajj.)
Men say theTalbiyah loudl y
while women say it to themselves,
Labbayk Allahumma 'Umrah
mutamati'an biha 'ilal tlajj.
wa 'Umrah.
Labbayk Allahumma tlajj ,
- - -- - - - ... -:-"1 ------------:- 5:- 7 L
Ifyou do not .(ollow the accuratelr, you
: I f redol our,Hall or'!lake,a sacrifice.' '. . J I . [ I
_./' ... __....... _- I L- L....... _.1- _. __ - _. _ _ ..2
.. ..
e::: / /
\ W:bH 1
NEXT STEP: to M ald<Clh -
Onceyou reach Makkall, it is recommended to go directly
to AI-Masjid AIl:!araam.
_ L\oiV\9 +0 Makkah
I n }:' L ewd ! C) r_
(-'. ' 1 t o 11 1<0'- t I,e doo/s of Valli' jV\ c!.I' C ).!. If
Collect ed hy AI-Tirmidhi. Ahmod. und Ibn Mn jcrh .
PLACE: To Makkah DATE: The 3 months of tlajj
Lo AnO : Western Saudi Arabia TIME: No specific time
, ..
Step 1
When you make Ihram,
it is preferable to go to
tvl akkah directly.
Step 2
Go directly to al-tvlasji d al-Haraarn.
Step 3
It is preferabl e to take a shower
or make wudu' before going to
al-Masjid al-tiaraam.
Step 4
Enter the mosque from
As-Sal am gate.
Say the above du' a'.
WARNING: Menstruating women cannot make Tawafuntil the periodstops.
- - , .

j-\I-MClSiid AI-t-IClI"ClClIY\
King Fahd\
'Umra h
NEXT STEP: j"\a kir'R Ta waf
Bemercitui and helpful.
Do not push any pilgrim whatever the reason.

Making Tawaf
Ll.H'cl! C\1" ' "\ l\ ! US ii, ihi s L"U " I
i i, fl w t-I c "ce-'ficl', ( \l k l ,.H()i ec l li S ("o,n ihc 101' 11\ > 1\ 1 elf tl\,,:
Th e Qur'un 2 : 201.
DATE: The 3 months of tlajj
LOCATION: AI-Masjid al-tiaraam T IME: No specific time
, .
. , , . '
Step 1
Circle the Ka'bah 7 times.
Start circling from the black
stone by kissing or touching,
or pointing to it and make
takbeer (Allahu Akbar) each
time you come to it.
While making tawaf, recite any
du'a' or make Dhikr, then end
each round at the black stone.
Between Rukn Yarnani and the
black stone say this du'a' : '
Step 2
When you finish the 7 rounds,
pray 2 rak'at behind Maqam
Ibrahim if possible.
Step 3
Drink from thewater of Zamzam.
The Ka'bah should be on the left hand.
You can make Tawaf on any of the
3 floors; the ground, the first floor,
or the roof.
It is recommended for men only
to increase their speed only in the
first 3 rounds.
"(.. H I ( " '(wd l IS
i I' \ \ 11.. ) 11.. 1I U \ . ! in Ih.'
' 11\ d I)" ..,f ,' c f l\S 1-'0111 tl h'
tOl' lIh:l , t l'i lhl' (i l..... !"
If it isnot possible, pray anywhere
in the mosque whilefacing
the Ka'bah.
.... .. _ --::::e:-- _ ,- ..... , --= ..
WARN-iNG: When you circle 'theKa'bah do not rhrough-liijr
" . .Do not push a':!y w,hatever the -.
_. _ -1 .. _ _ _ _ .... _
to Zamzam
and Safa..~ ,
--', \
NEXT STEP: j\!\okil19 So'ee -
Start (rom Safa Hill. It should be on your rigllt hand side.

1 he Ourun 2: 15K
' I
I MakiJl19Sa'ee
DATE: The 3 months of tiajj
T IME: After Tawaf LOCATION: East of Ka'bah
PI CE: Between Safa & Marwah
S I \f" " ","1,\/ \" ..\\''' !' , lI' , " Ih. 0 7\ II" h. S ... , if \vhl'
Ill l lk. ilnii Il l ' I\h\k. ' L,\n\ I't1h , (\ I', lt \ I,, -j Ih.:I 1\/ t "( ' J'" i... ::oi l' ill
f \ I \11 it ( ' '' }:' l..H\. ' I.., lI d ..d 1.'/' v" j'ily 7\ II(\ h n ll . l kl\.. -vv -,. "
... . ... .. .
Step 1
Go to the Safa and Marwah area,
Praise Allah and make Ta kbeer
3 times make du'a'.
Step 2
Descend fromSafa and walk
between the 2 hill s (Safa and
Marwah) at a normal speed,
Mention the name of All ah,
recite Qur'an, and make du'a'
whi le walking,
Ascend the hill of Marwah
and make the same du'a'
made at Safa .
Step 3
Repeat steps 1 and 2 until you
fini sh 7 rounds.
Make du'a' and praise
Almighty Allah.

Rai seyour hands and face
the Ka'bah.

Say the above Qur'anic verse every

time you are on Safa and Marwah.

Be very cautious whenever you
descend and ascend the Safa and
Marwah as it is very crowded,

Only men should speed up
their walk between the 2 green
marked posts,

Make du'a' for yourself, your
famil y, and for all Muslims.

From Safa to Marwah is counted
as one round.

You should fini sh the Sa'ee
at Marwah.
WARNING: Menstruating women shouldnot make5a
until they are cleanagain.
S a I ee . A ~ < e C l
Fcst-wol kinq Area
(Between l ~ Ceeen ( olamm)
(Finish) .i
--- 450 m
The Sa'ee Area isapproximately 1/2 km each round.
The total 7 rounds is less than 3.5 km
NEXT STEP: el1dil'\9 the State of .Jhl<am-
Only those who selected Tamattu' will end tlleir Iuram state.
E ~ d i ~ 9 'LAmV'ah a ~ d
State of JhV'a,'1'\
"TJ er'f0J'll" t-I oj) n ne! ' l.;\"wc,h fo,' r\llnh. "
Th e Qur ' un 2: 196
P LACE: Makkah D ATL: The 3 months of .!:iajj
Lo ATION: Wherever you are TIME: No specific time

, ,
.,. ..
Step 1
End your 'Umrah.
After the 7th round, you should
shave or trim all the hair on
your head.
Women are to cut only a finger
tip's length from their hair.
Step 2
Take off Ihram clothes and put on
normal clothes.
At this time, all the prohibitions
of Ihram state are no longer
applicable. You can resume your
normal lifewithout any problem.
Onlyif you selected Tamattu'.
The Sunnah of Prophet
Muhammad (pbuh) isshaving.
Until the 8th of Dhul -!:!ijjah.
WARNING: Donot cut your hair Inside al-Mas;ld All!araam. This is not the Sunnah.
Always keep mosques clean.
.. Ending 'LAwH'ah a,,,,d
State of Jh.,.al1l\
o ,

\\'\ : iH'
Ct.dtil19 Womel'\s
\I)l1 ... 1-2cm
NEXT STEP: S twtil1q Jh"aJl1 of +-J a ij -
Try to check howaccurale your 'Umrah was before proceeding
to Hajj.
of t-Iajj
h .-J l .' l l t\ (", ... ."'1 \ \\ -'4. II- k l\ (. ., \\ ,,, llH...., nt h:-'. 51.. ') , , v l h.1t:' v c l"
fu I1H \ I<, -, l-'iI .... " i:nc"l .:,L: , (ltd h ill, 1... ' llh ln l' l ' I' i hl d) be 11. ) (l l ' Sl: t.,,,it v
1" 1' S::' ' ... \ 1\ t-: JI'X' i hl' .... . l )l lll\
The Ouron 2: 197
PLACE: Saudi Arabia DATe 8th of Dhul-tiijjah
Lo ATlON: Wherever you are T IME: Before noon
, ,. ,

Step 1
Take a shower or make wudu'
before you put on Ibram clothes,
Step 2
Put on Ibram and pray 2 rak'at.
Step 3
Only men say the intention loudly:
(Labbayka Allahumma .t!ajjan)
Meaning: (0 Allah, I am
responding to your call by
making .t!ajj),
Step 4
Move to Mina before noon,
(The Day of Tarwiyah).
From wherever you are,
", "

", , ,

.. .. ..,
, dill
.ill t.-.:J IJ w!
" . .ill
Keep reciting theTalbi yah.
WARNING: It ispreferable for pilgrims to bein Mina before noon prayer.
of t-Iajj
, !" ,
9 -
B O-rlI
Be carefut, allYsexual intercourse witll one's spouseor
allY actio" that leads to it "ullifies tile whote Hajj ritual.
NEXT snp: S t Cl}:'i f'l9 in Mil\Q-
Maintain all the obligations oflaram very accurately.
"T h, " (is Ih" c,>J " ",,\,,, j). v\ Jh,)c v L' " ~ J I ' ' ' ' i f i , ' s II", '-''' '' "' O''' !s (' f .t\ l ln h,
iJ s tl l'c l y is f"""' Jh ' (1 ' v" Ji" " "f il,,_, he n " Js , "
The Oure n 22: 32
D ATE: 8th of Dhul-tlijjah
LOCATION: 5-6 km east of Makkah TIME: Anytime before noon
: , I . ,
.. . . '
Step 1
Go to the area of Mina.
Step 2
Pray 5 daily prayers in Mina.
Start with Dhuhr prayer.
Step 3
Stay in Mina until thesunrise of
the 9th Dhul-Ijijjah.
The day of Tarwiyah
Shorten the 4-rak'at prayers to
2 rak'at only but do not combine
prayers together.
WARNING: Ifyoudo not attend 'Arafat or you leave it before Maghrib your whole
ll.ajj is nuIlified, and you have to make a sacrifice.
- ; - ~ - - " ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ StC\ L' iIt\ 9 iIt\ Mi It\ C\
I !
5 ite of MiJ'\ C\
NEXT SUP: Atte,'\di I19 'A .'Cli:Clf-
Do not get crowded on t e mountain orRa!!mah. You can stay in any
placein 'Ararat. Besurethat your location is inside'Ararat boundaries.
"1 ' h,-,-.- i" "", t"d .7'\ II"h
f"",-. i" ' '' ' I-' '' 'to, ., ,,'il " t l il 1\.
t L. I\(\s II\L (\I,( ,j t -I( <"' II tJl"", i:-; ,: s.
tJ.: is 7\ 11 . ,1, \ ,\ 11", i" "''1,,,t./. ,1'
Co llec ted by AI Ttr rn id zl .
DATE: 9th of Dhul-tiijjah
Lo ATlON: 20km southeast of Makkah TIME: From sunrise to sunset

Step 1
Leave for 'Arafat.
Keep reciting theTalbiyah .
Step 2
Stayin 'Arafat.
Listen to the Khutbah at Masjid
Namira then pray Dhuhr and
'Asr at noon .
Spend thewholeday praising
Allah and glorifying Him.
Ask Allah for forgiveness
and guidance.
Make repentance.
Make du'a' for Muslims.
Step 3
After sunset, leave for Muzdal ifah.
Move quietly while reciting
the Talbiyah.
:, " .
'Arafat Day
Shorten and combine them.
Though it is recommended to be
on the mountain of Rahmah, it is
not necessary as it iscrowded,
Always repeat theabove du'a'.
Ju st after sunset
Uyau leavebefore Maghrib your whole Hajj is nullified, and you have
to make a sacrifice.
Attending 'Arafat
J- .
. oJJ dill o . ill I '1! (JJ '1 '
' . JS ..,h J-AJ
. I!':""';JI ",Lor'
The MOlIV\t of Rah''Y\C\h
Nf.XT STEP: Stoyil'lfJ t he l1if
ht il1 ;V\l,zda lifah
Stay the whole night until sunrise next day.

StayiV\EJ the Night
iV\ MV\zdalifah
"WheV1 F'OSS ovel"' the '110llV1toil'\ of 'r\,'ofot
,'clncll1bc,' r\llni:=Jhty f\lInh by the. spot, "
The Qur'an 2: 198
PLACE: Muzdalifah DATE: 9th of Dhul-tlijjah
LOCATIO : 8-9 km north of 'Arafat From sunset to sunrise

Step 1
Leave for Muzdalifah quietly.
Step 2
Stay the night in Muzdalifah.
Once you reach Muzdalifah,
pray Maghrib and 'lsha' there.
Pray Fajr there.
Go to al-Mash'ar al-Haraarn and
make du'a' until the brightness
of the sun is widespread.
Step 3
Leave Muzdalifah for Mina.
Mention the name of Allah, and
recite the Talbiyah until you
stone [arnrat al-'Aqabah.
Combine the 2 prayers.
Shorten 'lsha' prayer to 2 rak'at.
Speed up your walk when you pass
by Muhasir valley.
WARNING: No one slJould leave Muzdalifah before Fajr without a legitimate excuse;
only women, the old, and tile weak.
; .
NEXT STEP: T h"ow iI\9 stone.s 01 3c\l1\I'ot u l-'r\tlal-loh
Carry more pebbles than needed to avoid losing or .:' r,l"l
misthrowing some of them. ._., _
I Pebbles
at 3awU'''at al-'Aqabah
"T h,II ( i " ih" C" " \ " \(,,,, -l). \;\)I\ o ,-,\! ' I' ihe L- OI1 \11\nll,-I", of r \ II" hJ
ii f. oQ,nJ" I.';' ,Ic.vo fi ()1\ of 11\( h(,.,(\lo,, =- .II
The Ourun 22:32
PLACE: [arnarat Area DATE: The 10th of Dhul-.tiijjah
LOCATIO : Southwestern Mina TIME: After sunrise
, , , ,
J " , , '
Step 1
Reaching Mina,
When you reach Mina, go to
[amrat al-'Aqabah (Al-kubra)
Step 2
Throw 7 pebbles successively.
Throw whilemaking Takbeer
with each one.
The feast day ('Eid Day)
It is the closest [arnrah to r'vlakkah
The size of the pebbl e should not
exceed that of a bean.
Never pick up the pebbles from
the location of the larnarat.
Weak and sick peop le can appoint
others to throw stones on behalf
of them .
You can throw pebbl es either
from under the [arnarat bridge
or above it
WARNING: Besure the pebbles touch the inside of the [amran knee.
- .
, c : ~ ~ ~ : ThrowiV\9 Pebbles
" . ~ . at 3amrat al-/Aqabah
j s
to Makkah
A i
\ 31
(Medium) Al-Sughra
l to 'Arafat
A ~ \
NEXT STEP: Slm\gl,tel"iJ"R / CLIf-ti'''9 t-IL",it' / Tc:\\vaf Jfadal,
These f riluals a)temale. You can begin witll any of them .

"..r\ ,\c1 {l"l 'O eve")-' nni iol-\ \ I\}C n pl_)oini cd C\ ,O iil\nl,
t".-11 t",-, y ",oy IIH., ,,ti o \, the' . I\ .-\l ,., c' of 7\ 11 01, OV<', ' il, <, l', 'elS! "f
t " " t t ic' " CI S fJive'I\ t he'''' few fo" .-I."
The Qur' u n 22:34
PLACE: Mina DATE: From 10th until 13th Dhul-t!ijj ah
LOCATI ON: 6-7 km east of Makkah TIME: After sunrise of the 10th
." . ,..
, .. .
Step 1
Sl aughter the sacrifice.
After finishing the throwing,
go to slaughter thesacrifice.
Be sure that it isa sheep, or 1/
sh are of a cow or a camel with
other people.
You have the option to start
with any of the following rituals:
slaugh tering
cutting your hair
making Tawaf Ifadah
The feast day(The ' Eid Day)
Always choose the best animal
and avoid those with defects.
You can slaughter the animal
yourself or by appointing someone
to do it for you.
You can eat up to 1/
of it,
offer 1/
as a gift, and offer 1/
to the poor.
WARNING: Besure that you can slaughter any time on the four daysi
the 10th, the 11th, the 12th, and the 13th, but not after that.
Types of
Whol e Lamb 1/
of a Cow 1/
of a Camel
1/3 Yourself
, NEXT STEP: Cl"dfi"'9 Hai. -
Tryto keep tlte ritual places as clean as possible.

".r-\ n,-I l\ cd )' ,, " ,' I\L",I ", " .\iil lhe
(ihc Cl1\il1\(''' s) I\CI\I <' ,'c(l ched ,I e sli'\ cdi on. "
The Ouron 2: 196
P LACE: Mina/Makkah DATE: 10th of Dhul-tiijjah
LOCATIO : Anywhere T IME: Anytime after sunrise
... . ,
Step 1
Get your head shaved or trimmed.
Start with the right side of the
head . For women, trim only a
finger tip's length from the hair.
Step 2
After cutting your hair, you have
reached (at-tahalul al-asghar) the
partial ending of Ihram.
At this phase, all the prohibitions
of Ihram state are no longer
applicable. A pilgrim can
resume normal life except for
sexual intercourse.
Always keep the ritual places
as clean as possible.
The total ending of lhram state
(at-tahalul al-akbar) will be after
finishing the Tawaf and Sa'ee.
WARNING: Be sure that the prohibitions of l!.!ram state are lifted except
sexual intercourse with one's spouse.
. - - . . . ~ : ~ CLAttiV\9 t - r c d ~
; 1
9 '
NI.XT STEP: Mcd<il10 Tuwuf Jfadah -
It is usua11y very crowded, so be patient and calm
and help others.
MakiV\9 lawaf Jfadah
";"\ n <. 11.. 1 Ihe'" 'CI"" ,""I i h c cII ,cicn i I<" 'l ),,h). "
fhe.' Qurcm 22: 2Y
PLACE: Around Ka'bah DATI: 10th of Dhul-tiijjah
LOCATION: AI-Masjid Al-Haraarn TIME: Anytime after sunrise
Step 1
Circle the Ka'bah 7 times.
Start circling from the black
stone by kissing or touching,
or pointing to it and make
takbeer (Allahu Akbar) each
time you come to it.
While making tawaf, recite any
du'a' or make Dhikr, then end
each round at the black stone.
Between Rukn Yamani and the
black stone say thisdu'a' :
Step 2
When you finish the 7 rounds,
pray 2 rak'at behind Maqam
Ibrahim, if possible.
Step 3
Drinkfrom the water of Zamzam.
It is recommended that men have
their right shoulders not covered
by Ibram clothes.
It is recommended for men only
to increase their speed only in the
first 3 rounds.
"C.\ II L .. ,,(l! ( \ 1'(\1, 1 II' ...
in \\'0 11 . 1( \ I\ . J i l \ Ih e'
1\:-> f l, '. n th"
t{l I' llh' : , 1 n ' th", _, i i.',.:! "
If it is not possible, pray anywhere
in the mosque while facing
the Ka'bah.
WARNING: Menstruating women should not make Tawafuntil their periodstops.
Sa'ee can be postponed until theyare clean again.
- ~ ~ ~ t T ~ MakiJl\9 Tawaf Jfadah
9 <
Stati on
to Zamzam
and Safa
.l '
NEXT STEP: Nbl<i "'9 Sa'ee -
If you select the Ifrad or Qlran and already made Sa'ee with the
first Tawaf(visiting Tawa f), you do not need to make Sa'ee again.
I, M aki V\ 9 S a I e.e.
"SIIll IYJ SC II, \ (l"I I /\I"\I'\\)(l h d,, il" li .--: . di "l l ';;; 1' 1; \ ll. \h. ( II' ,'
S. , if \"I\( ) llH tk. - Inj j PI ' In l , I<.. J {;\Il\ I<\I" ,,"Pl I ll . J th"fll !
Ihe l' ( ' lhl s ill ;.\ I Ioil\ 9 . .i\ . H j if 1(' l L, f.'I .
VCIi1 y 7\ lInh O,\l1
I II" Ou r' nn 2: 1S8
P LACE: Between Safa & Marwah DATE: 10th of Dhul-tiijjah
LOCATION: AI-Masjid Al-Haraarn T IME: After making Tawaf
, . , , , ,
Step 1
Goto the Safa and Marwah area.
Praise Allah and make Takbeer
3 times make du'a'.
Step 2
Descend from Safa and walk
between the 2 hills (Safa and
lVlarwah) at a normal speed .
Mention the name of Allah,
recite Qur'an, and make du'a'
while walking.
Ascend the hill of Marwah
and make the same du'a'
made at Safa.
Step 3
Repeat steps 1 and 2 until you
finish 7 rounds.
Make du'a' and praise
Almighty Allah .
Raise your hands and face
the Ka'bah .
Say the above Qur'anic verse every
timeyou are on Safa and lVlarwah.
Only men should speed up
their walk between the 2 green
marked posts.
Make du'a' for yourself, your
family and for all Muslims.
From Safa to Marwah is counted
as one round.
You should finish the Sa' ee
at Marwah
WARNING: Menstruating women should not make Sa'ee until theyare clean.
- ; ~ Making Sa/ee
o .
I'u, tWa lking Area
( B..! ~' lllt'otCrIl:fflCol \J1'lM)
- 450 m - -
The Sa' ee Area is approxi mately 1/2 km each round.
The total 7 rounds is less than 3.5 km
NEXT STEP: 5 iLlyiYl9 in M iYl I I -
Try to benefit (rom scholars by aI/ending tlleir leclUres and
asking them questions that you need to know.

Stayin9 in Mina
".I\I'ILI l' ell,elnGel' r\lI C1h ihl' Oll f Jh i he C1t_"p o i,Yt .,C! d ( ~ y s . "
The Qur 'a n 2: 203
D ATE: 10th of Dhul-!jijjah
LOCATION: 5-6 km east of Makkah T IME: Most of the night
.. ,. ..
Step 1
Leave Makkah for Mirra.
After finishing your Tawaf and
Sa'ee, go to spend the night
in Mina.
Step 2
Stay in Mina.
Pray the daily and night prayers
in Mina.
Shorten the 4-rak'at to 2 rak'at.
Do not combine prayers
~ ~ ' ~ ~ StC\yiV\9 iV\ MiV\C\
,a I,
~ .
S ite of MiV\ C\
NEXT STEP: Thtowil1R pebbles CIt i he 33c.'''1C1t'at.
Get yourpebbles ready.
Th,-'oWil'19 Pebbles
: at the 3
"1 h.-d il,., '-" "' ''\ (\ I'' !). \ /\ )j , l. " .' v , \ Dlo,.ifi..:-o. tl' t' C' l l l l\ I l\ ( \ " LJS uf .1\ II, \hl
it sUI I . ly i:-- j l ' () I 'H ,h,, - ..'f th" h..o dl't :-=; . '/
The Qu r 'u n 22:32
PLACE: larnarat area DATE: 11th of Dhul -tiijjah
LOCATION: Southwestern Mina TI IE: After Dhuhr prayer
, ., . ,
, " .
Step 1
Go to jamarat area in Mina.
Start with al-la rn ra h as-Sughra.
(The small est)
Start throwing the 7 pebbles
successively while making
Takbeer with each pebble.
Then make du'a'.
Step 2
Go to al-larnrah al-Wusta
Start throwing the 7 pebbles
successively while making
Takbeer with each pebble.
Then make du'a' .
Step 3
Go to al-Iarn rah al-Kubra.
(The Largest)
Start throwing the 7 pebbles
successively while making
Takbeer witheach pebble.
The size of the pebble should not
exceed that of a bean.
Without making du'a' .
WARNING: You sllould stay at least from midnight to Fajr in Mlna.
to Makkah J
i J
AI-'Aqabah ...
- AI-Wusta
I 1

, . (Small)
-of About Start

150 rn
to ' Aru fa t
NEXT STEP: StClvinq in N\h'"
conduct. Keep Mina as clean as possible
Staying in MiV\a
";A " e! "el1\e,,,L,C, ' r \ llnl\ dCl}/::; ."
rhe Our'un 2: 20.1
Pl.ACE: Mina DATE: 11 th of Dhul-tiijjah
LOCATION: 5-6 km east of Makkah TIME: At least from midnight to Fair
, , . , ,. , . .
' . .'
Step 1
Leave Makkah for Mina,
After finishing your Tawaf and
Sa'ee, go to spend thenight
in Mina.
Step 2
Stay in Mina.
Pray the daily and night prayers
in Mina.
Shorten the 4-rak'at to 2 rak'at.
Do not combine prayers
WARNING: The minimum stay in Mlna is from midnight until sunrise.
Otherwise you are required to make a sacrifice.
~ - ~ ~ . : ~ ; : ~ . Stc\ }:' i V\9 i V\ M i V\ c\
,II ' .
r ~
S it e of M iV\ C\
, .1
NEXT STEP: l:h"o\,,j,,q pebbl es a t il'Ll 3 3 Clln atLlt.
Get your pebbles ready. Pick them from Mina.
at the 3 3 aW'\o
(' \\ ' 1\1 ..' \'.."" I{{,' ,t u h \l... ) h \." , 1,,1/ :", if i::: l h' s il ' f.... ,.. hill',
... ,,\< 1 \..", 1,... ,. -,er- ,I!. ,}:"" , ,'is ;" f.. ... . \ '\h,, I,.'\h, '"
n c' ::' ,' (11' .. ILdy to r \ II,-, I", : \I" ! kl\l.-"\'
th o! Il n t .. 1 t--t i l" }'." l l \ \' ill l. '
The ur' un 2: 20.3
PLACE: jamarat area DATI: 12th of Dhul-tiijjah
LOCAfl ON: Southwestern Mina TIME: After Dhuhr prayer

. . ' . . ' . .. .
Step 1
Go to [arnarat area in Mina.
Start with al-Iarnrah as-Sughra.
(The small est)
Start throwing the 7 pebbles
successi vely whilemaking
Takbeer with each pebble.
Then make du'a'.
Step 2
Go to al-larn rah al-Wusta
Start throwing the 7 pebbl es
successively while making
Takbeer with each pebble.
Then make du' a'.
Step 3
Go to al-larnrah al-Kubra .
(The Largest)
Start throwing the 7 pebbl es
successively while making
Takbeer with each pebbl e.
Thesize of thepebble should not
exceed that of a bean.
Without making du'a' .
- - - - - - - - - .--- - . :- .. 7 . ....
III [fyou dedde to stay only 2 y,ou haye to 'lea.e W n.a
. __ . -' .. I ...
Thl""owill\9 Pebbles
at the 3 3c\l1'1Ql""at
to Makkah
i 1.
J i
AI-'Aqabah ...... ---- AI-Wusta
(Medium) - Al-Sughra

190 m About
150 m
A to ' Ara fat

NEXT STEP: Sta}'inR il1 M ina -
Get readyto buy Islamic books for your library and for
your friends.
"7'-\ nd l' eJl, e Inb c." 7'-\ lln h i i he C\ ,,+ "c1 c1 l1}'s . /I
The Qur 'u n 2: 203
Pl.ACE: Mina DATE: 12th of Dhul-tiijj ah
LOCATIO : 5-6 km east of Makkah TIME: At least from midnight to Fajr
.. ,. ..

Step 1
Leave Makkah for Mina.
After finishing your Tawaf and
Sa' ee, go to spend the night
in Mina.
Step 2
Stay in Mina.
Pray the daily and night prayers
in Mina.
Shorten the 4-rak'at to 2 rak'at.
Do not combine prayers
WARNING: The minimum stay in Mlna is tram midnight until sunrise.
Otherwise you are required to make a sacrifice.

r -
S ite of M i",a
NEXT STEP: T I",ow pebbles at the 3 3afl,aV'at
Get your pebbles ready.
at t he 3 3aW\arat
"T t d I I.. l,.I Il\ llH \ : hi ) , \\' h (,. l..'VC' I' il' ::- th.. L I. ' l n l n t , n <Js .... -,t T\ lIt ,I\ 1
il IS (" lll" th.. c ," v ( d il1n '-' 1' t he
Th e Ou r ' u n 22:32
PLACE: [amarat area D ATE: 13th of Dhul -tiijj ah
LOCATION: Southwestern tvli na TIME: Aft er Dhuhr prayer
.. "

Step 1
Go to )amarat area in Mi na.
Start with al-J amrah as -Suqhra.
(The smallest)
Start throwing the 7 pebbl es
successively while making
Takbeer with each pebble.
Then make du'a' .
Step 2
Go to al-lamrah al-Wus ta
Start throwing the 7 pebbl es
successively whil e making
Takbeer with each pebble,
Then make du'a'.
Step 3
Go to al-lamrah al-Ku bra.
(The Largest)
Start throwing the 7 pebbles
successively while making
Takbeer with each pebbl e.
The size of the pebble should not
exceed that of a bean.
Wi thout making du'a'.
WARNING: Do not forget to throw the pebbles inside the fence of each [amarat.
- P ebbles
n at the 3
to Makkah J J

J i
j i
AI-' Aqabah ..

190 m
-( About
to 'Arafat
NEXT SUP: Moki"9 TC\\IC\f (Ft-wewell) -
Do not forget that you have to make Farewell Tawaf before you
leave Makkah.
M akiV\ 9 Tawaf (FClV"ev\lell)
" j\J" " ",' " h,,, ,I,I I,,,,,,,,, (j\l\nl< l< nhl [,,,Ics,; hi s I" s j si'-' I_>
is "i siii"fJ ilw T , ,\\' <:-. j) ."
Collected by Muvllm .
P LACE: AI-Masjid Al-Haraarn DATE: No specific date
LOCATION: Makkah TI IE: No specific time
. .

. ,

Step 1
Circle the Ka'bah 7 times,
Start circling from the black
stone by kissing or touching,
or pointing to it and make
takbeer (Allahu Akbar) each
time you come to it
Whil e making tawaf, recite any
du'a' or make Dhikr, then end
each round at the black stone,
Between Rukn Yamani and the
black stone say thisdu' a' :
Step 2
When you finish the 7 rounds,
pray 2 rak'at behind Maqam
Ibrahim, if possibl e.
Step 3
Drink fromthe water of Zarnzarn,
It is recommended that men have
their right shoulders not covered
by Ibram clothes.
It is recommendedfor men only
to increase their speed only in the
first 3 rounds.
" ( )l\ I ' L <- \ 1'(\I\ f II=--
in fhi:'-i \\1.", 1c1 in tho. '
t-I(j.. n I I.. ' j'! (\"..1 I 1. .. 1I1\ I". ,
tn l'Il H' '' ! of f" t' "i." ' !"
If it is not possible, pray anywhere
in the mosque while facing
the Ka'bah.
WARNING: A menstruating woman can leaveMakkah without making a
Farewell Tawaf.
~ > . - ~ ~ ~ - ; Makiv\9 Tawaf (Farewell)
The StC\f'tin9 Point of Tawaf
to Zamzam
and Safa
NEXT STEP: Back tlmne / Goil"\9 to M adil"\ ah -
Thougll It Is neither obligatory nor related to Hajj, It is recommended for
a pJlgrim to visit the mosque of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) in Madlnah.
Back t-Iome
"1. 1",,, ;,; I \( ' ;I\ I,,,;) \iy 7\ 11 ,, 1\) 11\"," ;,; " " I,,, ,t,,,,, \,,;tl\ Hi ,,,,
+- lc ihl' il l' l l tI L' .. (\11
H ,' is r \ I"' ;t,ht y 7' \ lInh h lh" i,; c' '1-",l,l" "I"
\ i\lc' dl'C. vvc: (\1' (' I ' ,, ' r ' L'l 'd \\I l. ' \ v Cl js h i l_' I.J i l \ J J
\ Vc. n l' e' {o 1.. )[\1' Lc,,'-"I..-L ' Ve ('u . <.\1'h l Ihnl\kj /\1 f l )
S,,,,,I,, ;I\I I" h f,.!pIL,1H i,; 1_" '''''' ;''<-' ' ""' ! ';" I-' I-' ,,,!,,. I +-1 ;" ,, 11 0"" ""'"
( \I'l l I ' el nIl 1_1n l'i it'$ ( \IL)I \. ' , I'
Co llected by Buk hurt &. Mus li m .
DATE: Before your visa ends
TIME: No specific time LOCATION: Wherever you live
PLACE: To your homeland
Step 1
Thank Allah who helped you
perform jj ajj.
Ask Him to accept your rituals.
Promise Him to abide by
Step 2
Pack up and go home safel y.
Ie. " i:.1l \jj \ \' i t h ,,- ' (\t
ol' sc <' "i +y h.. ,' I' s h. ' ",i ll l 'L'
I' I \ L, \\, - L, ... "'l \ . "
Colle cted by Uukharl & Mus lim
IISO Ld ' 11t!t\.i' Iv..\:=: l h ." ,"(\ \.J 'll. 1
I.' , c cpt P u,(\,j ,_c '!
Collected by Bukhari & Muslim
Back t-Iome
,10' .
9 .
'-'J dul '-' '-' 'i ill I 'i! 'i .
I , ,:,J+.L:; UJ+.i u-k J-AJ
"rf' ,
b J rj.A,J ' iLL I
. ...,L.u II W'J l.4Il i
Post-t-Iajj Checklist
(S..., lt-e v" !" " ti,,,,)
l. To what exte nt ha s H.aii positively changed your life'
2. 10 what extent ha ve you reali zed the significa nce of Ha jj!
Low 0
J. To wha t exte nt have you practiced unity with ot her Muslims? Low 0
4. To what extent have you no ticed equali ty a mong Muslims? t ow
5. fa whu t extent have you made du' u' for all Muslims? 1.1)\<,'
6. To whu t extent has accurate Islam ic knowledge been needed?
I n"
7. To whu t extent hove you felt the great ness of Islam ?
R- To whot extent do you want to perfor m !!a jjl' Umra h ogo in?
9. To wha l exte nt do Muslims need discipline in thei r lives? low
10. To what exte nt are )'ou going 10 work c crlvel y for Isla m?
10W O
11. To whnt exte nt huve you cum mitted yourself 10 Islam ?
12. To whu t exten t hm lIajj corrected your fait h (Aqidah)! l ow
13. Towhal extent did you hu)' lslumic boo1<., for your perso nu l
librury and as gi ft, for other Muslims?
H . Huve you seriously repented for your past sins? l ow 0
NEXT STEP: Bea gooddedicated Muslim who abides by correct Islam.
' \ 'r
\I; "illl\" th. P,o"I,II" I '" ,\01" ",/ ,1<'
tl "'.

".r-\ I' ;' t, ,.-,}.' .' l in In }' (T I,.' l ':)I' cl /\ ft ,,':--> q l\ I...' J
i s th' \l' (, )1,, ' thL:ll\ S" I' ,! i i , " "y () I h t '"
" , " -" I' t " I-jVI"sji, 1" I-:Cl" """'" (i" jV\"kk"h)."
Coll ect ed hr t he g roup except Abu Derwood.
PLACE: Madinah DATE: Any Time
LOCATION: 450 km Northeast of Makkah T IME: No specific time

I .:

Step 1
Enter the Prophet'sMosque from
theAs- Salam gate.
Step 2
Pray 2 rak' at as agreeting to
the mosque.
Step 3
Go to the Proph t'sgravequietly
and respectfully.
Step 4
Make Salamto the Prophet (pubh)
then his2 companions, Abu-Bakr
and 'Umar.
Leave the placeand behave as if
you are in other mosques.
Al ways have the intention of
visi ting themosqueand not the
grave or the Prophet himself.
It is recommended to pray in the
Rawdah Area if possible becauseof
the Hadith narrated by Bukhari and
Muslim "Between my house and
my pulpit ispart of Paradise".
Say 0, Prophet, peace be
upon you and Allah's mercy and
blessing I bear witness that you
carried the message to us, and
fulfilled the responsibility in the
best way, and advised thewhole
nation, and strived in the way of
Allah to your maximum ability.
WARNING: It is Shirk to drcle around the grave or to face it and dlreet-du'a' to'
tIle Prophet. It is un-Islamic to kiss the fence of the grave or touch it.
L __ _I
01.,...... ,.....i.I l lJ.:" IlA
' . i l.rJ1 'iJ
::Iu'::l Y."!1VI.....
NEXT STEP: Visitil'\q M C\ sj id Ql \6C\' (optiol'\al)
Get readY; cleanyourselfat home to pray2 rak'at
at Masjid Quba'
1' \J\JI'( )( ' \ !L'" l_\ I ' i l \ l,i :;-; I ", ' l \ :-'I.' / fl.' Q {\l, { \ 1 (\ I \ i J
tv v o '"1l< /1d of \vill b, iht' ' >( '.\\'(\1' <..1 f.. n' ' iAIl \ I,( \h."
Collected by Tinnidhi.
PLACE: Madinah DATE: No specific date
La xno : Southern Madinah TIME: No specific time
.' .

. , ,

Step 1
Enter Quba' mosquefrom
any gate.
Step 2
Pray 2 rak'at as a greeting of
the mosque.
Always have the intention of
following the Sunnah of Prophet
Muhammad (pbuh).
WARNING: There are no rituals for visiting this mosque.
, '\ Visifi"9 QlIln,' MOSL1LI'"

. ". ...

NEXT STEP: home safely.
- ~ - " n ~ ~ ~ - : : S/ApplicatioV\s
Supplication (Du'n') is truly the esse nce of sincere
worship. It co nnects Musl ims wi th their Creator and it
is a practical expression of their persisting need for
Almighty Allah.
Almighty Alluh asks people to be persistent in their
du'a' and never to lose hope in beseeching Him and
Him alone. Who else except Allah would respo nd to our
supplication and du'a'? He Himself said: "And if My
servants ask you about me-behold-I am near; I respond
to the call of them who calli whenever they call upon
Me." So let them also listen to Me and believe in Mel in
order that they may be guided to the right way." (2: 186).
In another ve rse Allah urges people to make du' u':
"Your Lord aid: If you beseach Me I will respond to
you." (40: 60)
However, for du'n' to be accepted and responded to,
a Muslim must be truthful, with true intention, clean and
pure heart, humble, legitimate in earning money, and
should avoid over-indulgence in worldly matters.
The best type of du'a' is one that is mentioned in the
Qur'an and the Su nnuh of Prophet Muhammed (peace
be upon him).
Here are some supplications, taken fro m the Holy
Qur'an and the Prophet' Sunnah (pbuh). These
supplications can be used whenever du'u' is permissible.
"0 Ow' LOI' Ii C " ll d e l11l1 (I S not if we fo"sw10" fCIl1illto error,
O w' Lewd! Loy 'lOt 01' tISn Ln\l'.1e" lil<e th"t ", hie h yOll d id
Iny 011 those LIS , O'll' L" ,'.-! l Loy 1I 0t o n liS C\ blll'd.>I' 9 ,'e01e "
+h"" wha t \\I e h.we 5t l' en8 11 \ 10 beeII''. P CII'. b l1 alii' Si115,
1I5 o nd 91'Cll l t 1.5 yOlll' 111<, I'e)'.
yOll (1I'e OW' P ,'oledo,'/ help LI S 0 9 0 inst tl", di s bel ieve ,' ,;."
The Qur 'an (2: 286)
"() 1\ II" h, yt'll (\ I' e ll1y L,wd. Th(, "L' is 11" ,I 'iiy L"d y,)[, .
\lOl l klve ,",'e., tecl "'" " nd J ,1111 y')l'" sc "v" nt. J tl')' l11 y L, ' s f tQ h"U t"
Y 1.,1l \ I covc " n ni c\" d pl' o ' l\ i sc' s CIS IlH,U_- ! \ .:1 C, 'H\.
,J "eel< ill y,)t. f",>I1" t he (' vii "f wl\"t J ,10:1<' ,
... 1 \/r.H\ I' f'\ VC)I' t o I l\C! ( H,d Il' }) sin .
fl1'. none Lnd \!1., H-\ S il-' ti .
(Collected by Bukhuri)
( )lI" L,lI'ci' Let ,wi ,)[,,' he,1I'ts d ev ied'" nolV " ftc,' \lOll h" ve 9"i,1",11.5,
[.)(It li S In," 'cy f l'QI" yOl ll' o", n 1), 0(' ';Cl1c e ,
( 0 1' Vc.Jl \ (l J"l ' the of L)Ol t!, t ies \vithOt\t I1H?l.\ S L\I ' C. , l1
The Qur'an (3: 8)
"e) r\lluh! :J "lkJC i ll V')\I f"o," IV O " ,' V lI l1d
J seek ' il1 \!L1l1 j"I' ,)ll1 il1 OIIJ(l c ii y : \1"I slnt h,
f'"L1'Hs i"9il\ (' sS C\ "d (- U \ \ ' C\ l l ,: /i C C J n lh 'l :,J S'ck 'Lft ii, \JO l \
1,'0,11 fhe' l li ll ' LJ ' 11 0 deGI (\I ,d {"Olll L,y ,nen. "
(Collected by Muslim)
r- SlApplica+ioV\s

"U O W' LOt'd! 1\ ::; V I II ' sins "s w",11 " S thost! "f ", ,,' l",.,tl,,'c '1
who rJ,-ec.cclcd li S 011 the We'y of {'l ith, Clnd let not 0 111- he cH"1s c l1te l'"to in
hot,-cd or Inoliee. (19o il1st ony v{ those who sh cII' c with lIS fhe same belief.
Olll' VeYil y }!Ol\ cu-e the j\;\ ast KilKI OI"d the )\!\oslj\l\el-ciflll."
The Qur 'an (59:10)
"() .AII'll, ! J seek ,'efl"f1" ill }!OL\ f"o", k'l0wle"I
th"t II"t
nnd f'-o", n Iwnd thL1t does 110t l' c"d, L1"d 1'1'0'" nil thni is l\Ot cont,:"t ed,
1"'0"1 ( 1 SlIfJ fJ lic Cl tion tl' nt is "ot
(Collect ed by Muslim)
"0 I II ' l Ot-el i opc:n the tl' ldh bch\l", cn LIS Lll1d (1 l\ I' peo ple,
}!Oll (we the best of oil to Iny ope " the li'lIth."
The Qur'an (7:89)
"( ) .A lln'" C\I'L1"t 50,,1piety (1I1d "Iy c,' "scieIICL' fJIII' iiy.
y Ol' 'l" C the j\!\cls!e" (1 . In)' SOLII ""d the Ci,\(w,li(1I 1of "Iy
(Collected by Muslim)
III' LOIel l Ci"Cl I,i LI S wives (\I"d (1 's P,-in9 who will be tl\(' CO'''fo!'t
of ow' eyes, o"d 9 ive liS the ::J"Clce to l'e OlnO" tl the hi9hesi
of the pious o"c! I-i f/hte )(.\ 5 people ,lI
The Qur 'an (25:74)
- ----------------
' ~ - ' ' ' ~ f 3 ' ' - ; ; : : LAI0 5 5 C\ ~ y
The holy cityof Makkah.
The valley between Muzdalifah and Mina, where pilgri ms
should make du' a' after they have slept in Muzdalifah while
they are going to Makkah to throw [arnrat AI-Aqabah on the
morning of the 10th of Dhul-tiijjah.
The mosque where the Ka'bah is located, in Makkah,
in western Saudi Arabia.
The area that surrounds Mount Rahmah, southeast of Makkah.
The partial ending of the state of Ihram, which allows the
pilgrim to practice normal life, except for sexual intercourse.
The total ending of the state of Ibram, which lifts all the
obligations from the pilgrim and allows him/her to practice
normal life.
Supplication to Allah.
Taking a shower/bath with the intention to purify oneself.
The 5th pillar of Islam, to be performed at least once in
one's lifetime.
The semi-circular short wall, located a few meters east of the
Ka'bah and considered part of the Ka'bah. Therefore, the
pilgrim should go around it while making Tawaf.
Refers to the Tawaf that is done by a Muslim when he/she
comes from Muzdalifah.
The type of tiajj where a pilgrim makes onlytiajj, without
making 'Umrah (see types of tiajj).
The state in which one starts 'Umrah or tiajj, and during which I
certain acts are prohibited .
- - - " ; ~ - " . - - ~ - ~ ~ " ' : G lasscO"}'
} ~ :
The three stone pil lars at which pilgrims throw pebbles.
The closest stone pillar to Makkah, also known as
AI [arn arah al-Ku bra.
The square stone building in AI-Haraam mosque in Makka h
and towards which all Muslims fa ce in every prayer.
The city to whic h Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)
mi grated, about 450 Km northeast of Ma kkah.
The holi est city fo r Muslims, located in west rn Saudi Arabia.
Awife's husband or any escort relati v who is not legitimately 1
permitted to marry her, such as grandfather, father, uncle,
brother, son.
Avery famous mosque in Madinah.
Abraham's Station, a small glass station 30 meters fro m the
Ka' bah door. It is the place where Prophet Abra ham used to
tand when he was building the Ka'bah.
The hill on which a pilgrim ends his/her sa'ee .
It is 250m northeast of the Ka' bah.
An area close to Makkah on the road to 'Arafah.
The place where Muslims declare their intentions to make l:!ajj
or ' Urn rah and begin the state of Ihram. There are only 5
miqat locations: Dhul- Hulaifah fromthe north, Dhat I'rq and
Oarn AI-Manazi l from the east, Ya lamla mfrom the south, and
Rabigh fro m the northwest.
The place between A'rafah and Mi na where pilgrims stay the _I
night on the 10th of Dhul-tiijj ah. _
The hill on which a pilgrim begins his/her sa'ee (walking).
It is about 200 m southeast of the Ka'bah .
/ "\,
( 84)
The type of tiajj where a pil gri m makes ' Umrah in the same
st ate of lhram.
Mentio ning Allah, as in du'a' or recit ing verses of the Qur'an.
The name of the well of water that sprang up beneath Prophet I
lsma' il wh en he was an infant. It is about 150 m southeast of
the Ka' bah. i
An Islamic ritual that is perform ed at rvl akkah anytime of
the year. It includes Tawaf 7 times around the Ka' bah and
walking 7 times between the hills of Safa and rvl arwah.
It also requir es some oblig ations from the pilgrim until the
state of Ihram is ended.
The stone in the southeast corner of the Ka' bah from wh ich
Muslims begin the Tawaf.
Saying" Allahu Akbar" (Allah is great).
The 11th, 12th, and 13th of Dhul-tiijj ah.
The type of tiajj where a pilgr im start s wit h ' Umrah t hen
makes the )j ajj later on but in the same year.
Associat ing ot hers with Allah.
The act of walking between the tw o hill s - Safa and rvl arwah.
- ~ - \ ~ ~ - : : Refe J!'elt1ces
~ .'
Al-Bukhori, Muhammad L (1981) . SahihAI-Bukhari, Beirut, Lebanon: Dar Al-Fikr,
Al -Fouzon, Saleh F. (1994) . Explanationof What a Pilgrimand a MuslimPerforming 'UmrahShould 00.
Riyadh, Saudi Arabi a: Imam Muhammad ibnSaud Islamic University
'Ali, Abdullah Yusuf (1992), The Meaning of the Holy Qur'an. Brentwood, Maryland: Amana Corporation.
Al- lcsirn, Yasin (1987) A/-Minhaj Iii Mlltamir Wal Hajj Kuwait; Dar Ad-duwoh.
Al-Khotib, Muham mad A, (1993) , Pilgrimage: ADivine Camp. Cairo, Egypt: Dar Al-xtoncr AI-!:J.aditha.
'Al-Khen, M., AI -Bugha, M., & Al-Shurbaj i, A. (1987). AJ-Fiqh Al-Manhaji. Damascus, Syria Daral-Qalam.
AI-Mahrouk, Abdul Fattan (1988), Supplication. Mnnsurch, Egypt : Dar AI -Wafa',
An-Naisabury, Musl imH. (1929) , Sahih Muslim, Coiro, Egypt Egyptian Press, AI -Azhar.
At-Tayyar, Abdullah (1993), TheHajj, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia: Imam Muhammad ibn
Saud Islamic University.
AI -'Utaibi, Ala' ed-deen (1993). Supplicationof Day and Night . Riyadh, Saudi Arabia: Al-Mu'tomin
Al-Zuhaily, Wahbah (1989), Islamic Fiqh and its Proofs, Damascus, Syria: DarAl-Fikr,
Husain, Ibrahim( 1977), Handbook of Hajj. Indianapolis, Indiana: Islamic Teaching Center.
Ibn Baz, 'Abdul Aziz, A(1993), Important Fatwas Regardi ngtheRites of Hajj and 'Umrah.
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia .
Ibn Baz, 'Abdul Aziz A, (1991) . How the Messenger (pbuh) Performed Hajj. Ri yadh, Saudi Arabia;
Peters, E. (1 994), The Hajj: The Muslim Pilgrimage toMecca and the Holy Places. Princeton,
New [ersey: Princeton University press.
Picktha ll, Mohammed M. (1990). The Meaning oftheGlorious Koran. New York: Pengui n Group.
_ _ I 1993). AGuide toHajj, ' Umrah, and Visiti ngthe Prophet'sMosque. Riyadh, Saudi Arabia:
The Cooperative Offi ce for Call and Guidance.
_ _ _(1993). The Rationaleof Hajj. Jakarta, Indonesia: The Department of Re ligious Affairs .
_ __(1989). UnderstandingIslam andtheMuslims. Washington DC: The Saudi Embassy.
Yamani, Muhammed'Abduh (1994). How theMessenger of Allah Performed Ha}j . jeddah,
Saudi Arabia: The Saudi Company for Researchand Publication.
Saudi Airlines
( 02 ) 632 - 3333
( 02 ) 543 - 3333
( 04 ) 436 - 2222
Befo e
Re ch Start
Mi at hr
S '
~ ~ " ' ~ f f " ; ~ ~ t-Ioj) RihAOls Do)! 6)! Do)!
To of
~ a y
Step ) can b. done '''yl,me before U,. pilgrim leaves Ma kah.
- ; ; ' - - ~ ~ - : - - 7 ' ~ : Pel"'soV\ol Do+o
t '
Full Name: _
Citizenship: _
Passport No.: _
Expiration Date: __ I _ _I __
Traveling Date: _ _ I _ _I __ Reservation No.: _
From: _I_I_ To:_I_I _
Traveling Date: _ _ I _ _I __ Reservation No.: _
From: _ I _ I _ To: _ I _ 1_
Traveling Date: _ _ I _ _I _ _ Reservation No.:
From: _I _I _ To: _I_I _
Traveling Date: _ _ I _ _I _ _ Reservation No.: _
From: _I _I _ To: _I _I _
Permanent Address:
Telephone No.: ( __ ) _
Address in [edduh:
Telephone No.: ( _ _ ) _
Address in Makkah:
Telephone No.: ( __ ) _
Address in Madinah: _
Telephone No.: ( __ ) _
' - ~ - \ ~ I ~ ~ Notes
Download the one page hajj guide fom
The Islamic Bulletin
. ~ - ~ : ~ ~ ; : ~ ; Notes
Download the one page hajj guide fom
The Islamic Bulletin

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