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Analog Computers
Analog Computer is a computing device that works on continuous range of values. The results given by the analog computers will only be approximate since they deal with quantities that vary continuously. It generally deals with physical variables such as voltage, pressure, temperature, speed, etc.

Digital Computers
On the other hand a digital computer operates on digital data such as numbers. It uses binary number system in which there are only two digits 0 and 1. Each one is called a bit. The digital computer is designed using digital circuits in which there are two levels for an input or output signal. These two levels are known as logic 0 and logic 1. Digital Computers can give more accurate and faster results. Digital computer is well suited for solving complex problems in engineering and technology. Hence digital computers have an

increasing use in the field of design, research and data processing. Based on the purpose, Digital computers can be further classified as,

General Purpose Computers Special Purpose Computers

Special purpose computer is one that is built for a specific application. General purpose computers are used for any type of applications. They can store different programs and do the jobs as per the instructions specified on those programs. Most of the computers that we see today, are general purpose computers.

Hybrid Computers
A hybrid computer combines the desirable features of analog and digital computers. It is mostly used for automatic operations of complicated physical processes and machines. Now-a-days analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog converters are used for transforming the data into suitable form for either type of computation. For example, in hospitals ICU, analog devices might measure the patients temperature, blood pressure and other vital signs. These measurements which are in analog might then be converted into numbers and supplied to digital components in the system. These components are used to monitor the patients vital sign and send signals if any abnormal readings are detected. Hybrid computers are mainly used for specialized tasks.

technically, a computer is a programmable machine. This means it can execute a programmed list of instructions and respond to new instructions that it is given. Today, however, the term is most often used to refer to the desktop and laptop computers that most people use. When referring to a desktop model, the term "computer" technically only refers to the computer itself -- not the monitor, keyboard, and mouse. Still, it is acceptable to refer to everything together as the computer. If you want to be really technical, the box that holds the computer is called the "system unit." Some of the major parts of a personal computer (or PC) include the motherboard, CPU, memory (or RAM), hard drive, and video card. While personal computers are by far the most common type of computers today, there are several other types of computers. For example, a "minicomputer" is a powerful computer that can support many users at once. A "mainframe" is a large, high-powered computer that

can perform billions of calculations from multiple sources at one time. Finally, a "supercomputer" is a machine that can process billions of instructions a second and is used to calculate extremely complex calculations.
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Different Types of Computers

Computers have revolutionized all types of industries. They have proved to be a boon to mankind. What are the different types of computers? To know them all, read on.

A computer is one of the most brilliant inventions of mankind. Thanks to computer technology, we were able to achieve storage and processing of huge amounts of data; we could rest our brains by employing computer memory capacities for storage of information. Owing to computers, we have been able speed up daily work, carry out critical transactions and achieve accuracy and precision at work. Computers of the earlier times were of the size of a large room and were required to consume huge amounts of electric power. However, with the advancing technology, computers have shrunk to the size of a small watch. Depending on the processing power and size of computers, they have been classified under various types. Let us look at the classification of computers.

According to the U.S. Small Business Administration, the majority of new business start-ups fail within three years of inception, or they continue to fund a business that is already in a downtrend. The Entrepreneurship course is designed so that you can tip the odds of success to your favor and lay a strong foundation through proper planning and training. You will learn how to write a great business plan and create a vision for self and your business. Every entrepreneur needs the right resources to succeed. That is why TEN Resources existsto provide you with access to success by offering a wide range of resources. This course highlights the fundamental information you need to stay competitive in the fast-moving world, whether you are planning to start a new venture or you are already an entrepreneur. Our flagship course is designed to help new entrepreneurs succeed, and to help successful entrepreneurs be more successful. Take control of your future. Learn what it takes to build a successful business with step-by-step planning and mentoring. TEN Resources offers how-to techniques in entrepreneurship. Our Entrepreneurship program is designed for people just like you who want to take their financial IQ to the next level and build business on a rock solid foundation. Successful entrepreneurs create their goals and plan accordingly to achieve measurable results. They know that knowledge is not a destination, its a lifelong journey. Entrepreneurship course is designed for people who want to make smarter decisions and gain confidence. If you want to learn how the rich get richer by becoming an entrepreneur, then you are on the right track, and we respect your decision for taking a stand to make a difference and build a stronger financial future for yourself and your loved ones. Knowledge gives you access to success, and it is indeed powerful. TEN Resources is a valuable source for confidence building, counseling, guidance, and mentoring, which when combined will help you achieve greater results. Our commitment is to support you in designing and executing a plan with an exit strategy in order for you to become a Master Entrepreneur. No matter what type of business you have in mind, this course will cover the relevant material and information with case studies included to address your start-up needs and queries. You will learn how entrepreneurs craft strategies that work. To conduct business in the 21st century, you need to learn how to construct your own business structure. This course serves as a foundation for that journey. You will learn to design a system that, when executed correctly, creates a positive cash flow. This training supports you to get on track to become a Master Entrepreneur.

Learning objectives:

Identify the key characteristics found in entrepreneurs. Learn how to use elements of success to build a business.

Understand how to build a business for yourself, instead of creating a job. Identify your strengths and learn how to transform your weaknesses into strengths. Create a vision for yourself and your businesses. Gain detailed information on how to create a business plan and learn the methods for building a business to increase revenue and value. Bootstrap financing for new start-ups. Create a financial blueprint - Illustrate types of bootstrap financing available for new start-ups. Design a funding strategy for the business that includes start-up, operation, and expansion. How to create a business product or service for a start-up business, as well as an execution plan for new product development for an existing business. Define your target market and demographics. Understand how networking adds profit to your business model. Identify e-Commerce opportunities for new and existing businesses. Identify vertical business expansions and changes to supply and delivery in your market to reach into new demographics. Determine how to find the various power team members necessary for success. Understand how to develop systems within your business and define various business structures. Gain marketing and sales strategies: Demonstrate the methods of market research and presentation. Define your own brand and identity: Internal business expansion methods to determine if your business is using its existing resources to their fullest potential. Federal, state and local taxes you need to be aware of as you op erate your business

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