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Strategic question: what is the result wanted?

Monthly reports by the 7th of every month.

Tactical question: how will this get done?

Have partners submit data before the 30th of every month Have data clerks enter data from the 14th and have them finished by 2nd of every month Ensure that data clerks are able to clean the data and merge data in to one database Ensure all data clerks are present

Operational question: what must I do?

Follow up on partners and sites to ensure timely submission of reports and data Ensure that data clerks are available to start data enter on stated date Ensure availability of space, computers or laptops for data entry for all data clerks

Objective of the strategy

To receive data from partners and sites on a monthly basis To have the data entered in to the data base from the 14th of every month To clean and compile a report between the 2rd and the 6th of every month Submit the report of data entered to Director M&E on the 7th of every month Arrange and label entered data before storage between the 10th and 12th

Chart showing duties of the data manger and data clerks

PARTNERS AND SITES 1. Testing is carried out at testing site and the volunteers fill out the forms correctly
and collect the forms at the registration point.

2. Data is filled in to the HCT registers and the daily consumption logs for easy follow
up and tracking of the client numbers. 3. Data is then collected and brought to test and treat offices and handed to the data manager

To data manager

Data manger
1. Data manger checks and verifies consumption logs against HCT registers 2. He then gives the data to data clerks to put the data in to the data base on a day to day basis.

Data clerks 1. Clerks receive and enter data in to data base 2. Clerks do some preliminary cleaning of the entered data 3. Clerks clearly label the
entered hard copy data showing were the data is from and which period it was collected in. put it

To data clerks

3. He passes the daily and monthly

consumption logs to the laboratory technician so that he can conduct logistical adjustments

4. Data manager merges databases into

one database every two be generated Reports to days and monthly reports.

Report showing referred patients and points of 5. Reports to be shared with Preventions referral given to counsellor trainer
Project manager, counsellor trainer and

Detailed report showing total numbers for each variable to be given and shared with Preventions Project manager Monthly and daily consumption logs to be given to lab technologist

PARTNERS AND SITES End of month Has data been delivered by the end of the month Has monthly consumption log been submitted



Is client form correctly filled Does total in the report reflect total entered

Data clerks must report by 14th of every month for 2 weeks




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