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Fred, the Pink Penguin This is not a story of extraordinary lives, neither of superheroes in red capes zooming above

the sky, nor an autobiography of a president or some famous hero, but rather, this is a story of a penguin and how different he came to be. This is a story of a penguin named Fred and his color. In a place not so far away, in a little town of penguins called Penguinville, surrounded by deepblue, ice-cold waters and hidden in the deepest part of the South Pole. In this little peculiar town of birds that cannot fly, because of course penguins dont fly, they swim, lived a pink penguin named Fred. As to why his color was pink? I dont know. How would I? Im just the narrator! Maybe his parents ate some leftover food coloring by a group of travellers or maybe hes the start of a new breed or a species of penguins that mutated or maybe thats just the way God wants him to be. We cant do anything about that. Anyways back to our story, as I was saying Fred was pink and because he was, the other penguins viewed and treated him differently. Of course thats what society does to anything thats different or to anything that seems out of the norm. The other penguins would treat him with hostility and would often call him names. And because he was pink he was awarded the title as the gay penguin. Though he was being mocked and teased, Fred grew up to be one of the cutest penguins in town. As a young penguin he would play all by himself, he would glide in the ice using his cute pinkish belly. He would often slide down through hills of ice and would dive directly into the water and swim all by himself. And so Fred was happy in his own little world of ice and solitude. Whenever his mom arrived from getting food he would walk in a bouncy fashion, carrying his round pinkish figure and would gently kiss and greet her! Oh! Such an adorable penguin Fred was! In the eyes of his parents, he was cute and obedient and because he was, Fred was perfectly loved. One day he could not help but ask his mom, Mom why am I so different? And his mom replied, No my dear! You are not different, you are special! Not all of the penguins in this place are like you! Look at yourself! You look like a walking cotton candy! Fred felt confused, whether he would feel offended or happy upon his mothers remark, nevertheless he was comforted. He was different. He knew it. And somehow he believes that one day God will use him in ways he could never imagine. One sunny day, as Fred was playing alone in the ice, as he was feeling the cool, crisp Arctic air brushing through his face, he heard a sound. Someone was screaming. The sound of the scream was tearing the peacefulness of the place apart! He looked from left to right but he saw nothing. He decided to follow the sound of the scream. He listened carefully and intently, making sure that he would trace would trace where the scream came from. Then he heard it again! It was coming from the big mountain of ice behind him. Quickly and with much abruptness in his actions, Fred went running in a bouncy fashion, slightly tilting his body back and forth from left to right towards the mountain of ice behind him! He was sweating and was catching his breath when he arrived at the top. But nothing was there, the sounds disappeared and all that he could see were just huge mountains of ice and some blocks of ice bergs drifting in the water from a distance. Other than that, there was nothing but complete emptiness. Then suddenly he felt something cold and hard hit through his face! It was a snowball!

Hey loser! it was Chopz the big fat penguin bully from school and his gang of ugly penguins. Felt cool huh? and then came the boisterous laughter of his gang! All along, Chopz and his gang were just hiding behind a huge block of ice, waiting to make fun on poor Fred. You guys just cant do anything decent huh? Fred retorted! Why dont you fight back? an ugly penguin from the gang named Jigz replied! Youre not worth it!Fred said coolly! Hah! Youre just scared and youre so gay! said one of Ben, one of Chopz friends! Yeah! Just like Katy Penguins (Katy Perry) song. You know that famous female penguin rock star in town that used to be a penguin pastors kid? Youre so gay and you dont even like boys! Hahahahaha! Fred was trying with all his might not to fight back. He would always remember what his mommy penguin would say, it is wrong to engage oneself in such nonsense fights even if you did not start it! Mommy knows best! he whispered to himself! But Chopz and his gang were determined to make Fred mad and so they kept on calling him names like Hello Penguin (Hello Kitty local version) look-alike, pink head and many more! Fred tried to close his eyes and cover his ears but Just as Fred couldnt help it he decided to just run away. He slid through the slope of ice using his pinkish belly and before he plunged into the water, Fred could still hear their shouts and the names that they call on him. He swam away for good as fast as he could, without remorse and without even the slightest idea to where he was going. He just swam and all he knew was that he wanted to run away to some other place where he could be safe and alone. He could feel the water sweeping through his face as he carefully navigated his way through the blocks of ice in the water. Finally he got tired and decided to come out of the water. He found a deserted ice berg and decided to rest in there. While he was resting, he noticed that he was not alone in the iceberg there were birds flying above and they were perfectly strangers to him. He had never known what these birds were but the longer he looked at them the sooner he noticed that they had something in common, they were pink. Pink in every sense, from beak to the feathers of their tail, some of them landed by his side. He tried to talk to them! But the birds just looked at him! Maybe these birds knew a different language, he thought to himself nevertheless he felt like he belonged with them not just because of the same feature that they shared but because of the certain isolation that these birds had from the others, the way that he had from his kind. He paused and contended himself with just looking at them. Then something caught his eyes, on a distance he saw a group of big black whales with two white spots on their heads with their dorsal fins protruding through the surface of the ice-cold waters and from a distance they looked like an army of hungry Persian soldiers ready to devour an entire town. He wasnt so sure of where he was right now or on what part of the South Pole was he located but he was sure of one thing, these hungry whale sharks were heading towards his town, towards his parents, towards Penguinville.

Without any second thoughts and without even saying goodbye to the pink birds that he saw, he plunged himself into the water, only bearing one thought in mind; to save his parents and even his enemies from those monstrous whale sharks that had been their predators since the beginning of time. He expertly manoeuvred himself through the cold Arctic water, through the ice bergs that stood on his way and through the schools of delicious fishes that he passed by. He swam swiftly until the icebergs that he passed became familiar to him and the temperature of the water told him that he was home. He popped up from the water like a missile launched from a submarine underwater and landed flawlessly on the ice. But he was already too late, the sight that welcomed him was horrible, penguins were everywhere, running, gliding through the ice, some were screaming in terror! There were large holes in the center of the town and there were whale sharks, popping out from them, up and back into the water. Some penguins were so frightened that they directly dive into the waters without even thinking that some of the whale sharks were waiting for them. Among the crowds of startled, panicky, weary and hysterical penguins he searched for his parents, mommy penguin and daddy penguin! His cute dark eyes shifted from one place to another, searching for their familiar faces. Alas! He found them! His parents were at the tip of an iceberg, hugging each other, underneath them were whale sharks, desperately jumping from the water. Without much ado he ran to them, bouncing like a living cotton candy. Mom, Dad! he came to them and hugged them like he never did before! At least if we die we die together, he said closing his eyes. The iceberg that they were standing on was about to give in when he noticed something. The whale sharks were already gone! Wait a minute, he thought. How come the whale sharks did not attack me when I arrived Im sure they saw me pop from the water? He looked again at the town of Penguinville, which was now in ruins. He had an idea, a crazy idea! He escaped from his parents arms and ran back to the town as fast he could. He headed directly into the biggest hole were the hungry whale sharks were. He took a deep breath closed his eyes and plunged himself into ice-cold waters. When he was there he could feel the waters vibrating with the huge masses of bodies swimming away from him, as if he was carrying a deadly virus or something. He opened his eyes and saw the whale sharks run away from him, afraid, like a pussy. He swam to the other holes and saw that the other whale sharks run away with fear! He was right! He was right all along! Those monsters were afraid of him, they afraid of his color. They were afraid because he was pink! He was different and he was not like the other penguins that those monsters saw before. He swam for another mile he encircled the whole town making sure that there were no more whale sharks left. He swam through every corner, through every block of ice that surrounded their town and when he was very sure that were no more sharks left, he returned to the surface where he was welcomed like a hero! The penguins of the town were so happy and everyone was cheering for him, shouting his name! And so were Chopz and his gang! Hurray for Fred the pink penguin! the whole town shouted! They raised their flippers and carried Fred above their dark shiny bodies. From a distance his parents were watching, happy at what their son had done! And so the town was very happy at that time for they knew that they were perfectly safe now that Fred was around!

Now Fred realized that God had perfectly planned and designed things the way that they should be and that everything that happens is according to his will! And so, a Pink Penguin named Fred saved Penguinville!

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