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ANURAG Engineering College




Size: Number of copies to be submitted: Paper, Typing, Format:

The project report should be submitted in A4 size. Mini Project: Spiral bonded hard copies 2 + No of Batchmates Final Project : Hard Bounded with black cover 3 (Batch) Each batch mate 1 (Individual) A4 paper should be used for the preparation of the Report. Use times new roman font through the report. Chapter heading 16 font size, bold, caps. Division Heading 14 font size, bold, caps Subdivision heading 12 Font size, bold, title case. Plain text should be done on the 12 font size. The layout should provide a margin of 1.25 on the left, 1 on the top and bottom, and 1 on the right. Fresh paragraph should commence after one space with an indentation of 0.5. 1.5 line spacing shall be provided throughout the report. The page numbers shall be indicated at the bottom-right of each page with name of the department on the bottom left. The arrangement of paragraph in a Chapter: Each division in a chapter should be properly numbered for example, 2.1, 2.2 etc. where the first digit represents the Chapter Number and second digit the division number. For sub-divisions(if required), may be indicated as 1.1.1, 1.1.2, . . . . . etc i.e., the first digit representing the chapter, the second representing the division and the third representing the sub-division and so on.. Photographs and Tables: The photographs and tables occurring in a chapter may be serially numbered as Fig.1.1, 1.2 etc., where the first digit represents the chapter, the second digit represents figure number. The photographs may be represented as photo 1.1, 1.2 etc., the first digit representing chapter and the second representing the photograph number. Bibliography or References: The following format may be used for writing the Bibliography/References. It is preferred that in the text - the author and the year of publication is quoted without serial number. At the end of report where the listing of references is done, the list should be made strictly in alphabetic order of the name of the authors. Ex for Text Book: A.Tanenbaum, Computer Networks, 4th ed. Tata McGrawhill, 2002. Ex. For IEEE paper: Authors, title of the paper, in proceedings of IEEE/ISTE workshop, Aug, 2011, pp 1-24.

Other Information

First Page


A [Mini] Project Report on .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Title submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the Degree of Bachelor of Technology in Information Technology By
<Student Name 1 <Student Name 2 <Student Name 3 <Student Name 4 Hallticket No.> Hallticket No.> Hallticket No.> Hallticket No.>

Under the guidance of Internal Guide Name Designation



(Accredited by NBA, New Delhi & Approved by AICTE, New Delhi & Affiliated to JNTU, Hyderabad)

ANANTHAGIRI (V), KODAD (M), NALGONDA (DT). A.P. INDIA -508206 Ph: 08683- 272555, 272456, 272454

2010 - 2011

Second page: The second page should contain a certificate signed by the Guides in the following format.


(Accredited by NBA, New Delhi & Approved by AICTE, New Delhi & Affiliated to JNTU, Hyderabad)

ANANTHAGIRI (V), KODAD (M), NALGONDA (DT). A.P. INDIA -508206 Ph: 08683- 272555, 272456, 272454

This is to certify that the [Mini] Project Report entitled TITLE is submitted by
<Student Name 1 <Student Name 2 <Student Name 3 <Student Name 4 Hallticket No.> Hallticket No.> Hallticket No.> Hallticket No.>

in the partial fulfillment of the degree of Bachelor of Technology in Information Technology from Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad during the year 2011- 2012. Date:

<GuideName> <Designation> GUIDE

Y.V.R. Naga Pawan M.Tech. Associate Professor & HOD

Dr. Akash N. Patwari M.Tech., Ph.D.



1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Cover page Certificate of the College Certificate of the Company where Project work is undertaken Declaration of the student Acknowledgement Abstract 6.1 Existing System Explain functionality of the present system and its drawbacks

6.2 Proposed System Explain functionality of the proposed systems How Proposed system overcomes the drawbacks of the existing system 7 8 Contents List of figures The list of figures with title of the figure and page number 9 List of tables The list of tables with title of the table and page number 10 List of Acronyms The sorted list of acronyms. 11 List of Keywords The sorted list of keywords 12 13 Organization Profile ( not more than 2 pages) Analysis 13.1 Problem Statement Explains the problem of the existing system and analyses the problem. 13.2 Solution strategy Proposes solution to the above said problem. 13.3 Technical Challenges Explains the technical challenges which will encounter while solving the problem.


Design 14.1 UML Diagrams 14.1.1 Usecase diagrams 14.1.2 Activity diagrams 14.1.3 Interaction diagrams 14.1.4 State diagrams 14.1.5 Class diagram 14.2 14.3 ER Diagrams Data Dictionary 14.3.1 Purpose of the each table, who and when the table is accessed, Attributes and their description, volume of data that is stored in each table.

15 16

Coding (Skeleton of the Code) Results 16.1 Screens 16.1.1 Images of all the screens that are designed 16.2 Reports 16.2.1 Sample reports that are generated by the new system 16.3 Tables of results along with comparison, if available.


Testing 17.1 17.2 The kind of testing carried out with appropriate explanation. Test Cases.


Maintenance 18.1 Modules which are expected to have maintenance.


Application Areas 19.1 The areas where this new application is useful.


Conclusion 20.1 Explain about the work that was carried out and results that are obtained.


Future work 21.1 The areas where the work can be extended in future as an extension.


References / Bibliography 22.1 The books, research papers which are referenced to complete this work. Appendix If Available 23.1 Additional material that can be added in support of the above work.



Index 24.1 Alphabetically sorted words along with page numbers. CD ROM 25.1 All the content of the above said with the executable code.


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