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E 2

Name:____________________________________ Date:___________________ Grade level:_______Parents signature:_____________Teacher: Guidelines: a. Read and follow the directions carefully. I. MULTIPLE CHOICE
Directions: Read and understand the questions carefully. Encircle the picture that corresponds to your answer. (2points each)

1. Which is a Wring dish cloth individual activity?

2. Which is the dual or pair stunt?

3. Which of the following is a Duck walk?

4. Which of the following is not a lame dog walk?

5. Which of the following is an elephant walk?

II. IDENTIFICATION A.Directions: Write L-inside the small box if it it locomotor movement and NL- for non locomotor movement.(15 points)

B. Identify the sports being used by the following skills. Write the sports before each number. (10pts.) _________________1.kicking _________________6.dribbling _________________2.catching _________________7.bouncing _________________3.kicking _________________8.passing _________________4.shooting _________________9.tossing _________________5.throwing _________________10.running
Basketball Volleyball Baseball Soccer

III. TRUE OR FALSE Directions: Write T if the statement is True, and F if the statement is False.(5points) ______1.Games such as baseball and softball require you to pitch, catch and hit the ball. ______2.In soccer, you have to learn how to throw and catch the ball. ______3.In Volleyball, you must learn how to push the ball with your fingers without holding it o hitting it with your palm. ______4.In basketball, you must learn the skills of dribbling, passing and shooting the ball. ______5.Ball games such as basketball, volley ball and soccer are only played by adult or the grown ups IV.DRAWING Directions: Draw and five different kinds of balls use in different sports in each box below. Color your drawing then, write the name of the sports below each box (10 points)



_______________ _______________ ________________

PE 1

Name:____________________________________ Date:___________________ Grade level:_______Parents signature:_____________Teacher: Guidelines: a. Read and follow the directions carefully.
I. IDENTIFICATION A. Directions: Identify the warm up exercises in the pictures. Choose the letter of your answer on the box below then write your answer in the box provided in each picture. (15points)

A. jumping E.arms rotating

B.head bend C.leg stretching sideward D.body bending forward F.leg stretching sideward G.arm circling H.running I.leaping J. Knee raise

K. body rotation L. leg stretching sideward M.skipping sideward N. jumping O. arm forward rotation

B. Identify the sports being used by the following skills. Write the sports before each number. (10pts.) _________________1.kicking _________________6.dribbling _________________2.catching _________________7.bouncing _________________3.kicking _________________8.passing _________________4.shooting _________________9.tossing _________________5.throwing _________________10.running Basketball Volleyball Baseball Soccer

I. IDENTIFICATION A.Directions: Identify the SPORTS where these balls are played. Choose your answer from the box below then, write it answer on the space provided below. (20points)











II. IDENTIFICATION A. Directions: Identify the warm up exercises in the pictures. Choose the letter of your answer on the

A.Table tennis E. table tennis I. bowling

B. Soccer F. Billiards J. Football

C. Volleyball G. Tennis K. Golf

D. baseball H. Basketball


Name:____________________________________ Date:___________________ Grade level:_______Parents signature:_____________Teacher: Guidelines: a. Read and follow the directions carefully. I.IDENTIFICATION
A. Identify the missing part of the character. Draw the parts that is missing in each box then, color it. (18pts.)

1 5

7 8

B.Directions: Tell whether the object has a rough and smooth texture. Write R- for rough and S for smooth.(10points) _____1. Mirror _____5.trunk of the tree _____9.fresh apple _____2. Ground _____6.sand paper _____10.oregano leaf _____3.ampalaya _____7.rock _____4.table

III. DRAWING Directions: Draw three soft objects and four hard objects in each box below. (7points) Soft objects

Hard objects

Name:____________________________________ Date:___________________ Grade level:_______Parents signature:_____________Teacher: Guidelines: a. Read and follow the directions carefully. I.COLORING
Directions: Color the Ship using the coloring techniques below. (10points)

Application (3)-______ Neatness Creativity (3) -______ (4) -______

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