Renewable Energy - 2008-EPS Project1-UPC

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TITLE: Design and Layout of Renewable Energy Equipment for the New Roof of the

AUTORS: Roman Dornberger, Ilgın Kahraman

SUPERVISORS: Jordi Segalas, Marcel Torrent

DATE: 16.06.2008

TITLE: Design and Layout of Renewable Energy Equipment for the New Roof of the


SURNAME: Dornberger NAME: Roman

SURNAME:Kahraman NAME: Ilgın

SUPERVISORS: Jordi Segalas, Marcel Torrent




A. Llorens J. Segalas C. Angulo




Abstract (maximum 50 lines)

This report deals with the layout and design of a solar renewable energy system for the new roof of
the EPSEVG. It also outlines how local schools and educational centres will benefit from it. To
provide domestic hot water for shower and cafeteria and the power for one room in the VG 1-2-3
building of the university by using solar renewable energy equipment seems to be a perfectly logical
solution. The project has been divided into two parts: the first part is the design of the solar thermal
and the photovoltaic system. Design of solar systems involves the evaluation of the equipment itself
and energy needs. Photovoltaic systems are designed provide electricity for the room L008 in the
university. On the other hand, the second part is to link the renewable energy equipment to the local
studies. Therefore the visual layouts of two information points are designed. These boards show the
structure of the solar thermal and the photovoltaic system and screen the most important measured
values in real time.
All the results of the project are generally useful for the reconstruction of the roof of the EPSVEG
and the implementation of renewable energy systems. The knowledge and experience of using solar
thermal and photovoltaic equipment is also useful for similar projects in this region.


Information board Photovoltaic Renewable energy Solar thermal

Vilanova i la Geltrú, 16.06.2008

Statement of Authorship

We hereby certify that this report has been composed by ourselves, and describes our own
work, unless otherwise acknowledged in the text. All references and verbatim extracts have
been quoted, and all sources of information have been specifically acknowledged.

Roman Dornberger Ilgin Kahraman

Table of Content

Table of Content

Table of Content......................................................................................................................... 1
Acronyms ................................................................................................................................... 3
Symbols and Equations .............................................................................................................. 4
1 Abstract ................................................................................................................................. 11
2 Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 12
2.1 Renewable Energies ....................................................................................................... 12
2.2 Project Description ......................................................................................................... 13
2.3 Problem Definitions ....................................................................................................... 14
3 State of the Art ...................................................................................................................... 16
3.1 Solar Thermal Systems for Domestic Water Heating .................................................... 16
3.1.1 Solar Thermal Collectors ........................................................................................ 16 Flat Plate Collector (FPC) ................................................................................ 16 Vacuum Tube Collector (VTC)........................................................................ 18 Direct Perfused Collector (DPC)............................................................... 18 Indirect Perfused Collector (IPC).............................................................. 19 Thermosiphon Collector (TSC)........................................................................ 20
3.1.2 Equipment for the Solar Thermal System ............................................................... 21
3.2 Photovoltaic Systems ..................................................................................................... 22
3.2.1 Photovoltaic Modules.............................................................................................. 22 Monocrystalline Module .................................................................................. 23 Polycrystalline Module .................................................................................... 23 Amorphous Module.......................................................................................... 24
3.2.2 Equipment for the Photovoltaic System.................................................................. 25
3.3 Showroom and Information Boards ............................................................................... 26
3.3.1 Idea of a Showroom ................................................................................................ 26
3.3.2 Basic Design of a Showroom .................................................................................. 26
3.3.3 Showroom and Information Board Examples ......................................................... 27
4 Approach ............................................................................................................................... 30
4.1 Assumptions ................................................................................................................... 30
4.1.1 Hot Water Demand.................................................................................................. 30
4.1.2 Electrical Energy Demand ...................................................................................... 32
5 Analysis and Implementation................................................................................................ 33

Table of Content

5.1 Orientation and Inclination of the Panels ....................................................................... 33

5.2 Calculation of the Solar Thermal System ...................................................................... 37
5.2.1 Energy to Heat the Water ........................................................................................ 37
5.2.2 The f - Chart Method ............................................................................................. 38
5.2.3 Combining different Solar Collectors ..................................................................... 42
5.3 Calculation of the Photovoltaic System ......................................................................... 43
5.3.1 Isolated PV System ................................................................................................. 43
5.3.2 Grid Connected System Calculations...................................................................... 46
5.3.3 Combined System Calculations .............................................................................. 48
5.4 Design Specifications ..................................................................................................... 48
5.4.1 Basic Layout of the Solar Thermal System............................................................. 48
5.4.2 Basic Layout of the Isolated Photovoltaic System.................................................. 53
5.4.3 Layout of the Information Boards ........................................................................... 55 Board for the ST System .................................................................................. 55 Board for the Isolated PV system..................................................................... 57
5.4.4 Layout of the ST and PV System on the Roof ........................................................ 58
6 Results ................................................................................................................................... 61
6.1 Main Results................................................................................................................... 61
6.2 Cost Calculation ............................................................................................................. 61
6.2.1 Costs and Amortisation of the Solar Thermal System ............................................ 61
6.2.2 Costs of the Photovoltaic System............................................................................ 63
6.3 CO2 Savings ................................................................................................................... 64
7 Conclusion............................................................................................................................. 65
List of Images and Tables ........................................................................................................ 68
Images .................................................................................................................................. 68
Tables ................................................................................................................................... 69
References ................................................................................................................................ 70
Appendices ............................................................................................................................... 72



CO2 Carbon Dioxide

CPC Compound Parabolic Concentrators
AC Alternating Current
DC Direct Current
DIN Deutsche Industrienorm (German Industry Standard)
DN Nominal Diameter
DPC Direct Perfused (Vacuum Tube) Collector
EPANET Software that models the hydraulic and water quality behaviour of
water distribution piping systems
EPSEVG Escola Politècnica Superior d’Enginyeria de Vilanova i la Geltrú
FPC Flat Plate Collector
HTI Higher Technical Institute, Nicosia, Cyprus
IPC Indirect Perfused (Vacuum Tube) Collector
L008 Room number 8 of the electrical engineering lab in the EPSEVG
L009 Room number 9 of the electrical engineering lab in the EPSEVG
L010 Room number 10 of the electrical engineering lab in the EPSEVG
LED Light Emitting Diode
MS Microsoft
MUTEK Muğla Üniversitesi Temiz Enerji Kaynakları & Ar-Ge Merkezi
MW Megawatt
PV Photovoltaic
RE Renewable Energy
REE Renewable Energy Equipment
ST Solar Thermal
TSC Thermosiphon Collector
UPC Universidad Politecnica de Catalunya
VG 1-2-3 University building 1, 2 and 3 of the UPC in Vilanova I la Geltrú
VTC Vacuum Tube Collector

Symbols and Equations

Symbols and Equations

Symbol Unit Description

AC m² Aperture area of the collector

AC ,1,2, S m² Aperture area of the 1. FPC, 2. VTC’s, S. System

AI m² Usable surface to install a PV system

Ap m² Area to set up a PV cell with 100 per cent solar access

AS m² Surface of the roof

ATube m² Area of the tube

a m Length of the roof

a1 W / m² * K Linear thermal loss coefficient

a2 W / m² * K² Quadratic thermal loss coefficient

b m Width of roof
C Ah Capacity of battery
C fuel € / kWh Basic energy / fuel price

CSys € Price of the solar system

CSyST € Price of the solar thermal system equipment

CSyPV € Price of the PV system equipment

cp kJ / kg * K Specific heat capacity, water: 4,184 kJ / kg * K

D - Number of days autonomy

d % Fuel inflation in Spain in 2008
dTube m Diameter of the tube
E Ah / day Electrical charge per day
E1 Ah / day Charge loss per day

EP Ah / day Charge produced by one panel per day

ET Ah / day Total charge per day

FR % Collector heat removal factor

FR' % Collector heat exchanger efficiency factor

Symbols and Equations

fa - Annual solar fraction

fm - Fraction of the monthly heating load supplied by solar

f m1/ 2 - Fraction of the monthly heating load supplied by solar
collector 1 or 2
G W / m² Standard incident global solar radiation on the collector
surface (1000 W/m²)
HI W / m² Instant solar radiation

H .S .P h / day Hourly Solar Peak

HT MJ / m² * day Daily Solar radiation per square meter

 103  
= 1*   * nd  kWh / m² * month
 3600  
I mp A Maximum power current of the PV panel

i % General inflation in Spain in 2008

L m Distance between the lowest points of two panels
lP m Length of a panel

m& 1,2,S kg / s Mass flow in the 1. FPC, 2. VTC’s, S. System

m& C kg / s Mass flow in the collector

mP kg Mass of a panel

m& Tot kg / month Total mass of hot water needed per month

N ST years Amortisation time of the ST system

nc - Estimated number of coffees per day in the cafeteria

nd - Number of days per month

nL - Number of lamps in the room L008

nm - Estimated number of meals per day in the cafeteria

nmi - Number of PV modules installed

nmod - Number of PV modules

np - Estimated number of persons who will use the shower

n parallel - Number of PV panels connected parallel

Symbols and Equations

nseries - Number of PV panels connected in series

P W Power of each lamp in the lab
Qm kJ Monthly needed energy to heat the water,

1 kJ = 1 kWs = 1* 10−6 GJ
Q1,2, S W Instant produced energy by 1. FPC, 2. VTC’s,

S. System
QTot kWh Total heating load per year

Rc % Reduction of fully charged capacity of a battery

T1,2, S ,cold °C Cold solar liquid temperature in the 1. FPC,

2.VTC’s, S. System
T1,2, S ,hot °C Hot solar liquid temperature in the 1. FPC, 2. VTC’s,

S. System
Tamb °C Ambient temperature

TFau °C Temperature of the faucet water

THot °C Temperature of the hot water

TPav °C Average panel operation temperature

Tref °C Reference temperature

tL h Estimated working hours of the lamps in the room L008

tP m Thickness of a panel

VC l Hot water demand for cafeteria

VCc l Hot water demand per coffee in cafeteria

VCm l Hot water demand per meal in cafeteria

Vmp V Maximum power voltage of the PV panel

VS l Hot water demand for showers

VSp l Hot water demand per person in the shower

V Tot l Total volume of hot water needed

Wm Wh / month Monthly energy demand

Wd kWh / day Daily energy demand

Symbols and Equations

Wp Wh Maximum Energy produced by the grid connected PV

array per day

wP m Width of a panel
X - Collector loss
Y - Collector gain
∆T K Difference between THot and TFau

∆τ s, h Total number of seconds or hours per month

ε % Heat exchanger efficiency factor
η - Performance of solar thermal collectors

η0 - Optical efficiency of the solar panel

η1,2, S - Efficiency of 1. FPC, 2. VTC’s, S. System

ρW kg / l Density of water, 1 kg / l

(τα ) % Monthly average transmittance- absorptance product

(τα )n % Normal transmittance- absorptance product

u m/s Velocity of fluid in the tubes of the ST system

Symbols and Equations


(01) VTot = VC + VS

(02) VC = ((VCc * n p ) + (VCm * nm )) * nd

(03) VS = VSp * n p * nd

(04) Wm = nL * P * t L * nd

 TPav − Tamb   (T − T )² 
(05) η = η0 − a1   − a2  Pav amb 
 G   G 

(06) Q = m& Tot * c p * ∆T

(07) ∆T = THot − TFau

(08) mTot =

(09) X = a1 * * (Tref − Tamb ) * ∆τ * C

(10) Y = η0 *
τα ( ) A
* H T * nd * c
FR (τα ) n Qm

FR' 1
(11) =
FR  a1   1  
1+   *   − 1
 ( m& C * cP )
 c   ε  

X C (11, 6 + (1,18* THot ) + ( 3,86* TFau ) − ( 2, 32* Tamb ) )

(12) =
X (100 − Tamb )

(13) f m = 1, 029Y − 0, 065 X − 0, 245Y 2 + 0, 0018 X 2 + 0, 0215Y 3


∑( f
m =1
m * Qm )
(14) fa = 12

m =1

Symbols and Equations


∑ (( f
m =1
m1 + f m 2 )* Qm )
(15) fa = 12

m =1

(16) Q1,2, S = m& 1,2, S * c p * (T1,2, S ,hot − T1,2,S ,cold ) *1000

 Q1,2, S 
(17) η1,2, S =  
A C ,1,2, S * H I 

(18) Wd =

(19) E=

E *10
(20) E1 =

(21) ET = E + E1

(22) H .S .P = H T * 0, 0239 *0, 0116

(23) EP = H .S .P * I mp

(24) nmod =


m =1
(25) nmi =

100 * ET * D
(26) C=

(27) As = a * b

(28) L = l * 2, 71

(29) Ap = L * wp

As *60
(30) AI ≈

Symbols and Equations

(31) Np ≈

 CSys *(i − d ) 
ln  
 f * Q * C *η
=  
a Tot fuel S
(32) N ST
 1+ d 
ln  
 1+ i 

(33) WP = ((nseries *Vmp ) * (n parallel * I mp )) * H .S .P.

(34) nmi = nseries * n parallel

(35) ATube = rC

ATube * 4
(36) dTube =

 CSys *(i − d ) 
ln  
 f a * QTot * C fuel *η S
(37) N ST =  
 1+ d 
ln  
 1+ i 

1 Abstract

1 Abstract

This report deals with the layout and design of a solar renewable energy system for the new
roof of the EPSEVG. It also outlines how local schools and educational centres will benefit
from it. To provide domestic hot water for shower and cafeteria and the power for one room
in the VG 1-2-3 building of the university by using solar renewable energy equipment seems
to be a perfectly logical solution. The project has been divided into two parts: the first part is
the design of the solar thermal and the photovoltaic system. Design of solar systems involves
the evaluation of the equipment itself and energy needs. Photovoltaic systems are designed
provide electricity for the room L008 in the university. On the other hand, the second part is
to link the renewable energy equipment to the local studies. Therefore the visual layouts of
two information points are designed. These boards show the structure of the solar thermal and
the photovoltaic system and screen the most important measured values in real time.
All the results of the project are generally useful for the reconstruction of the roof of the
EPSVEG and the implementation of renewable energy systems. The knowledge and
experience of using solar thermal and photovoltaic equipment is also useful for similar
projects in this region.

2 Introduction

2 Introduction
2.1 Renewable Energies

In the last years a worldwide increase of the use of renewable energy was recorded.
The reason for this is not only the drain on fossil fuel resources such as coal or oil but also the
global warming caused by the high emissions of Carbon dioxide which accrue when fossil
fuels are burned to produce usable energy.
This consecutive pollution of our planet caused a change of thinking and acting of the world’s
population. To decrease the worldwide CO2 emissions caused by burning fossil resources the
energy production changes to the use of renewable energies. The main groups of renewable
energies are listed below:
- Biomass and Bio fuels
- Geothermal Energy
- Water power like Hydro-, Tidal- and Wave power
- Wind power
- Solar power

In 2006, about 18 percent of the final global energy production came from renewable. But
only 0,8 percent of the final energy consumption was provided by modern technologies, such
as wind, solar and ocean energy [01]. Until today a huge number of large scale renewable
energy projects and plants were founded worldwide. One of those plants is the 11 MW PS10
solar power tower in Seville, Spain, which is shown on image 1.

Image 1: PS10 solar power tower in Seville, Spain [02]

2 Introduction

To reduce the emissions of CO2, which is blamed in part for the global warming, the leaders
of the European Union reached an agreement in March 2007 that 20 percent of the nations’
energy should be produced by renewable fuels by 2020 [01].

2.2 Project Description

This project deals with the reconstruction of the roof of the building VG 1-2-3 of the
EPSEVG. The old roof construction will be substituted by a renewable energy equipment
showroom, which should also be used to generate energy for the building itself.
One of the first steps of the project will be the dismantling of the old roof of the school.
Thereby, all the hazard materials which the roof contains now shall be disposed in a
sustainable way.
Afterwards the new design will be implemented to the building. This design will be directly
linked to the main objectives of the project like connecting the used renewable energy
systems to the building. With the connection of, for example, a solar thermal system the hot
water needs of the building could be covered. If a photovoltaic system is connected, the
produced energy can be used to power a number of rooms of the school, which will depend on
the size of the system. But also other objectives like accessibility for disabled people and the
use of non hazardous material should be taken into account.
The next step will be the implementation of the new roof to the local studies. Therefore
information points should be built. Those points shall show how a renewable energy system
works. It shall also measure important values of the equipment and the system in real time.
For the implementation of the renewable energy systems to the studies, they could be directly
linked to a computer in a laboratory or a training room.
A picture of the roof, which will be rebuilt, is shown in image 2.

2 Introduction

Image 2: Roof of the EPSEVG in 2008 [03] (left) and on Google Maps [04] (right)

2.3 Problem Definitions

This report shall develop the layout and the design of the renewable energy equipment for the
new roof of the EPSVEG. According to the local climatic conditions this report will only deal
with solar equipment and its implementation to the building.
In the first part of this report the existing solar systems and their components will be
described. The following chapter 5.1 will explain the evaluation of the most efficient
orientation and inclination of the solar thermal and photovoltaic panels. After that the hot
water and energy needs of the chosen rooms and facilities of the university will be calculated.
Together with the evaluation of the most efficient orientation of the panels the calculation of
the number of photovoltaic and solar thermal panels, which will be needed to cover the
demands, will take place. Regarding to those results the basic layout of the solar equipment
will be designed.
The setup of the solar equipment on the roof will be directly linked to the technical conditions
of the building and to the solar access of the different areas on the roof. The solar thermal
equipment should be placed near to the facilities, where the hot water will be needed. The
setup of the photovoltaic equipment will also be specified in this part of the report.
For the layout of the solar equipment the roof’s function as a showroom should be taken to
account. Therefore the accessibility of the solar equipment for students and visitors should be
guaranteed. Also information boards shall be used to show the most important measurements

2 Introduction

of the equipment and the working method of the solar systems. The next part of the report will
show the visual layout of the information boards for the two different systems.
In the last part of the report will deal with a cost calculation of the solar systems regarding to
the designed system.
A first draft of the new roof is shown in image 3.

Image 3: First draft of the new roof

3 State of the Art

3 State of the Art

3.1 Solar Thermal Systems for Domestic Water Heating
3.1.1 Solar Thermal Collectors

The solar collector field is the most important part of the solar thermal system. It is basically
made up of the solar thermal collectors, which transform solar energy into heat. There are
several solar thermal technologies available for different applications. The different types of
collectors are listed below:
- Flat plate collector
- Vacuum collector
- Thermosiphon collector system

A closer description of the three mentioned collector types is given in the next chapters. Flat Plate Collector (FPC)

All the flat plate collectors consists a metal absorber in a flat rectangular and isolated housing.
The absorber converts the sunlight into heat. This heat is transferred to the fluid that flows
through small tubes welded below the absorber. The fluid transports the absorbed heat to the
storage tank or consumer point. Just to capture as much solar energy as possible, some
absorbers are covered with a dark spectral- selective coating, which permits a high light
absorption capacity and a low thermal emissivity. The basic structure of a FPC is shown in the
image below. Also the collector is thermally insulated on its back and edges, and is provided
with a transparent cover on the upper surface. Two pipe connections for the supply and return
of the heat transfer fluid are fitted, usually to the sides of the collector. [05]

3 State of the Art

Image 4: Sketch of a Flat Plate Collector (FPC) [05]

As shown in image 4 different area definitions are used in the manufactures literature to
describe the geometry of the collectors. This also applies to all the other solar thermal
collector technologies. The three different areas are described as follows:

- Gross area: Is the product of the outside dimensions, and defines for
example the minimum amount of roof area that is
required for mounting.
- Aperture area: Corresponds to the light entry area of the collector, in
other words, is the area through which the solar radiation
passes to the collector itself.
- Absorber Area: Is the area of the actual absorber panel.

Today’s flat plate collectors can reach efficiency up to 70 per cent. That means that 70 per
cent of the sunlight, which hits the collector surface, can be converted into useable heat
energy. Some providers also indicate higher efficiencies for some of their collectors [06].

3 State of the Art Vacuum Tube Collector (VTC)

The vacuum tube collector (VTC) is the second type of collectors, which can be used to heat
water for the domestic use.
The basic working method of a VTC is the same as the one of a FPC. An absorber is used to
collect and convert the heat of the sun. The heat is transferred to a fluid, which flows trough
the tubes or heat pipes inside the glass cylinder. The applied absorbers of a vacuum tube are
either flat beside the absorbing tube or arched between two concentric glass tubes. Sometimes
also mirrors/CPC’s (Compound Parabolic Concentrators) are used to reflect the light, which
missed the water containing tubes.
One advantage of a VTC is the isolation. Therefore a vacuum, which prevents the heat
transfer because of convection, is used [07]. Depending on the type of vacuum tube collector
the vacuum is in the one tube or in the space between two concentric glass tubes. The two
types of VTC are listed below.

- Direct perfused collector

- Indirect perfused collector Direct Perfused Collector (DPC)

This type of VTC is directly perfused by water or a special solar fluid. At first the fluid
streams down at the inside of a double- walled tube; also called “Sidney tube”. When
streaming up trough the outer space of the double- walled tube the fluid absorbs the heat from
the absorber.
A scheme of a direct perfused vacuum tube collector can be seen in image 5.

3 State of the Art

Image 5: Direct perfused Collector with a flat absorber [08] Indirect Perfused Collector (IPC)

This type of VTC contains a so called “heat pipe”. The solar fluid, mostly alcohol, in the heat
pipe absorbs the heat from the absorber and starts to vaporize when reaching a certain
temperature. The vapor streams up the tube to a small heat exchanger. With the heat exchange
from the vapor to the solar fluid, the alcohol starts to condense at the top of the heat pipe. The
liquid alcohol flows down the tube and the process starts again.
A scheme of an indirect perfused collector is shown in image 6.

3 State of the Art

Image 6: Indirect perfused collector with heat pipe and flat absorber [08]

The efficiency of a today’s vacuum tube collector can be compared with this of the FPC’s. A
big advantage of a VTC is the water temperature, which can be reached. Some VTC’s can
produce hot water with a temperature up to 450°C, which can also be used for industrial
purposes. Another advantage of a VTC is the functionality in special weathers. Because of the
vacuum, which is used as isolation, a VTC has a higher performance in winter than a FPC
(assumption: both types of collector ice and snow free).
Finally, the energy yield per year of a VTC is only a little bit higher than of a FTC [07]. Thermosiphon Collector (TSC)

In warmer climates where it is safe to mount the storage tank outdoors, a simpler
thermosiphon arrangement can be used, as shown in image 7.
This design dispenses with the circulation pump. It relies on the natural convection of hot
water rising from the collector panel to carry heat up to the storage tank, which must be
installed above the collector. For a thermosiphon arrangement vacuum tube and flat plate
collectors can be used. Furthermore, no heat exchanger is needed because the heated water
circulates directly through the panel. Sometimes the storage tank also contains an electric
immersion heater for top-up and use on cloudy days.

3 State of the Art

Image 7 : Thermosiphon solar system with FPC [09]

The thermosiphon system can easily be used for domestic water heating. One disadvantage of
this system is the capacity of the water storage tank. If the hot water demand is too big a
separate storage tank must be used, which makes the thermosiphon redundant.

3.1.2 Equipment for the Solar Thermal System

In this chapter contains a brief descriptions of the common equipment used in solar hot water
systems. The components and their short description are listed below:

- Frames, Tracker: The Frames are needed to mount the panel

static with the most efficient inclination and
orientation or moveable.
- Water Pump(s): The pumps are needed to pump the
fluid to the panels.
- Heat Exchanger: The heat exchanger is needed to transfer the
energy of the panel fluid to the domestic water.
- Hot Water Storage Tank(s): The hot water storage tank(s) is used to store
the hot water.

3 State of the Art

- Expansion Tank(s): The expansion tank(s) is needed to absorb

excess water pressure.
- Tubes: The tubes are needed to connect the solar-
thermal panels to the pump(s), heat exchanger(s)
and the hot water tank(s).
- Isolation Valve: The isolation valves are needed to isolate the
solar tank in case of a problem.
- Tempering Valve: The tempering valve is needed to mix hot
and cold water, if the hot water, which comes
from the panel, is too hot. It is situated at the very
end of the chain.
- Controls: The controls compare the heat sensor
readings from the collector and the storage tank
and switch the pump accordingly.

If all of the listed components will go into action depends on the use of the solar water heating

3.2 Photovoltaic Systems

3.2.1 Photovoltaic Modules

A photovoltaic (PV) cell produces energy from the power of the sun. It is constructed from
two types of silicon, which when hit by solar energy, produce a voltage difference across
them, and, if connected to an electrical circuit, a current will flow. A number of photovoltaic
cells will be connected together in a "Module", and usually encapsulated in glass held a frame
[10]. To produce energy from the sun different types of photovoltaic cells are mostly in use
today. Those three types are listed below:

- Monocrystalline cells
- Polycrystalline or Multicrystalline cells
- Amorphous cells.

3 State of the Art

The three mentioned types of solar cells combined in a module will be described in the
following chapters. Monocrystalline Module

Monocrystalline material is also called single crystalline because the basic material produced
by growing one large crystal. The process to produce monocrystalline silicon is relatively
slow and energy intensive compared to processes used for other silicon based PV materials.
Therefore the principle advantage of monocrystalline cells is their high efficiency typically
around 15 per cent. Although, the manufacturing process required produce monocrystalline
silicon is complicated because of this monocrystalline cells in slightly higher costs than other
A monocrystalline cell is shown in image 8.

Image 8: Monocrystalline Silicon Cells [13] Polycrystalline Module

Polycrystalline silicon essentially consists of small grains of monocrystalline silicon. Solar

cell wafers can be made directly from polycrystalline silicon in various ways. These include
the controlled casting of molten polycrystalline silicon into cube-shaped ingots which are then
cut, using fine wire saws, into thin square wafers and fabricated into complete cells in the
same way as monocrystalline cells.
Polycrystalline PV cells are easier and cheaper to manufacture than their monocrystalline
counterparts. But they tend to be less efficient because light generated charge carries can
recombine at the boundaries between the grains within polycrystalline silicon. However, it has
been found that by processing the material in such a way that the grains are relatively large

3 State of the Art

size, and oriented in a top-to-bottom direction to allow light to penetrate deeply into each
grain, their efficiency can be substantially increased. These and other improvements have
enabled commercially available polycrystalline PV modules to reach efficiencies from 10- 15
per cent [11]. A photovoltaic module made of polycrystalline silicon is shown in image 9.

Image 9: Polycrystalline Silicon Cells [13] Amorphous Module

Amorphous silicon cells are composed of silicon atoms in a thin homogenous layer rather
than a crystal structure. Amorphous silicon absorbs light more layers rather than crystalline
silicon, so the cells can be thinner. For this reason amorphous silicon is also known as a “thin
film” PV technology. Amorphous silicon can be deposited on a wide range of substrates, both
rigid and flexible, which makes it ideal for curved surfaces and “fold-away” modules.
However, amorphous cells are less efficient than crystalline based cells, with typical
efficiencies from 5- 10 per cent [11], but they are easier and therefore cheaper to produce. In
image 10 an amorphous silicon cell is shown.

Image 10: Amorphous Silicon Cells [13]

3 State of the Art

3.2.2 Equipment for the Photovoltaic System

In this chapter contains a brief descriptions of the common equipment used in photovoltaic
systems. The components and their short description are listed below:

- Frames, Tracker: The Frames are needed to mount the panel

static with the most efficient inclination and
orientation or moveable.
- Inverter: The inverter is needed to convert the direct
current (DC) to an alternating current (AC).
- Converter: The converter is needed to convert a source
of direct current (DC) from one voltage level to
another (DC- DC- Converter).
- Charge Controller: The charge controller is needed to control
the charge level of the battery/-ies. If the
battery/-ies will run low the charge controller
switches to the normal grid of the building.
- Battery: The battery/-ies are used to store the
electricity produced by the photovoltaic cell(s)
- Cables: The cables are needed to connect the
photovoltaic equipment.

The use of the components listed above depends on the installed photovoltaic system.

3 State of the Art

3.3 Showroom and Information Boards

As mentioned in the project description the new roof with the renewable energy systems will
also be used as a showroom. This chapter will deal with the basic idea and design of a
showroom for renewable energy systems and show three examples of showrooms, which
already exist.

3.3.1 Idea of a Showroom

A showroom is defined as a “[…] large space used to display products for sale […]” [12].
This shall also be one of the ideas for the new roof of the EPSEVG. Providers of solar thermal
and photovoltaic equipment should advertise their products on the roof of the university.
Therefore the companies can use the free space on the roof to set up and work with their
The other idea of this showroom is to show citizens, who are interested in this type of REE,
how the technology works. Therefore the systems have to be designed with a maximum level
of understandability. The showroom should display the different available types of ST and PV
panels and equipment.
Also the new room shall be used for teaching purposes.

3.3.2 Basic Design of a Showroom

The RE systems on the roof shall be designed with a maximum level of accessibility. This
will be an advantage for the visitors of the roof on the one hand and for repair and
maintenance on the other. Also the accessibility for disabled people should be taken to
account, when designing the layout of the renewable energy systems. The space between the
different panels should be accessible for people with wheelchair, walkers or other handicaps.
For a better understanding of the working method of the two solar systems information boards
shall be built and placed near the system itself. The boards shall show a sketch of the system
and important measurements in real time.

3 State of the Art

3.3.3 Showroom and Information Board Examples

1. Technical University of Mining, Freiberg, Germany:

- Solar thermal system at the front of the students’ residence
(image 11, left) to heat domestic water
- Information board at the entrance of the residence which
shows most important measurements (image 11, right)

Image 11: Students residence with VTC arrays (left), information board (right) [14]

2. Higher Technical Institute (HTI), Nicosia, Cyprus:

- Solar thermal equipment for domestic water heating
- Solar plant connected to a lab, which is equipped with all
necessary instrumentation and control devices for remote
access, control, data collection and processing
- Internet is used as the tool to make the lab accessible for
handicapped people, students, pupils and citizens around the

The following image shows the flat plate collectors on the roof of the HTI and the students
working in the lab.

3 State of the Art

Image 12: FPC (left) and students working in the e- lab of the HTI (right) [15]

The second image of the e- lab shows a sketch of the whole system and the control system.

Image 13: Sketch (left) and control system (right) of the e- lab [15]

3 State of the Art

3. Clean Energy Research & Development Centre (MUTEK), Muğla, Turkey:

- Different types of PV modules on top of the library building.
(image 14)
- Electrical output performance of modules is determined
under operating conditions on the photovoltaic test site.
- Measured values: open-circuit voltage of the module, short-
circuit current, maximum power output of the module,
voltage at maximum power, module’s efficiency.

Image 14: Muğla University Central Library roof with PV cells (left) and lab (right) [16]

4 Approach

4 Approach
4.1 Assumptions

As described in the problem definitions the solar thermal and photovoltaic equipment shall be
connected to the building VG 1-2-3 of the EPSEVG.
According to the design of those two systems assumptions are going to be fixed in the
following two chapters.

4.1.1 Hot Water Demand

The solar thermal system will be used to heat water for the cafeteria, which is located in the
ground floor of the building. Also it will be connected the showers, which are going to be
built together with the reconstruction of the roof.
For the calculation of the hot water demand the following values have to be committed:

- Hot water temperature THot

- Faucet water temperature TFau for every month

- Total Hot water demand per month V Tot

The value for the hot water temperature is estimated with:

THot = 60 °C .

The average values for the faucet water temperature are shown in table 1.

Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Unit
TFau 9 10 11 12 14 17 19 19 17 15 12 10 [°C]

Table 1: Average faucet temperature in Vilanova i la Geltrú [17]

Furthermore, the total hot water demand can be calculated with the following equation;

4 Approach

VTot = VC + VS (01)

wherein VC and VS are defined as the needed volume of hot water in the cafeteria ( VC ) and

the showers ( VS ) per month.

To calculate those volumes further estimated values are shown in table 2.

Cafeteria Shower
hot hot hot
coffees/day meals/day persons days/month
water/coffee water/meal water/person

VCc nc VCm nm VSp np nd

in [l] in [l] in [l]
1 100 10 30 15 30 20

Table 2: Estimated values for cafeteria and showers [18]

The equations (02) and (03) show how to calculate the hot water demand of the cafeteria and
the showers.
VC = ((VCc * n p ) + (VCm * nm )) * nd

VS = VSp * n p * nd

The results of the two equations are:

Vc = 8000 l

VS = 9000 l .

According to equation (01) the total hot water demand, which has to be provided by the solar
thermal system, is
VTot = 17000 l .

4 Approach

4.1.2 Electrical Energy Demand

The PV system is going to power the lightings of the room L008 of the electrical engineering
departments’ laboratory (L008, L009, L010). A sketch of the laboratory with its three rooms
is shown in image 15.

Image 15: Sketch of the electro technical laboratory

The following conditions are given for the lighting system of the room L008:

Number of Lamps: nL = 12

Potency of each lamp: P = 58 W

The working hours are estimated with t L = 8 h per day and nd = 20 days per month.

By using equation 04 the monthly energy demand Wm can be calculated.

Wm = nL * P * t L * nd (04)

Wm = 111360 Wh / month

5 Analysis and Implementation

5 Analysis and Implementation

5.1 Orientation and Inclination of the Panels

The orientation of the collector array must be south in order to capture as much solar energy
as possible. Sometimes, due to integration reasons for solar roof collectors, 20- 45° deviations
from the south are allowed depending on the geographical site of Spain. On the other hand,
the inclination angle of the solar collectors for installations that are working the whole year
depends basically on the latitude.
One of the first steps for this evaluation is to consider meteorological data from local
meteorological stations; in Catalonia the Energy Catalan Institute published the Solar Atlas of
Catalonia [19] in 2001 which provides the average daily radiation in this region; also the
European commission offers a website with radiation data for all Europe [20].
As shown in image 16 the average radiation in Spain differs between 1000 and
2000 kWh / m² / year . For Vilanova i la Geltrú and Barcelona the average radiation shown in
this image is about 1500 kWh / m² / year .

Image 16: Yearly sum of global irradiation on a horizontal surface for Spain [20]

5 Analysis and Implementation

The second step to evaluate the best orientation and inclination of a solar panel is shown in
image 17.

Image 17: Percentage of useable solar radiation depending on azimuth and latitude [05]

This graphic show which orientation and inclination of a solar panel is needed to capture the
highest percentage of the solar radiation. To reach 100 per cent the values have to be:

Orientation: 0°
Inclination: 45°.

Also it should noted that variations of ± 20 º in the tilt angle and ± 45 º in the azimuth,
practically do not have an effect on the annual irradiation that strikes solar collectors [05].
According to image 17 and the results listed above, the solar radiation data for Barcelona
which can be found in the Solar Atlas of Catalonia can be evaluated. Therefore the variation
of the performance of solar thermal collectors can be calculated using following characteristic
performance equation [20].
 TPav − Tamb   (T − T )² 
η = η0 − a1   − a2  Pav amb  (05)
 G   G 

5 Analysis and Implementation

Most of the values, except the panel operating temperature and the ambient temperature, are
specific for each solar panel. The data for

η0 Optical efficiency of the solar panel,

a1 Linear thermal loss coefficient and

a2 Quadratic thermal loss coefficient

is listed on the data sheet of each panel. The data sheets of the six chosen panels are attached
to this report as appendix 01 (CD). The value G is gauged with 1000 W / m² for this
The average panel operation temperature TPav can be estimated with following values.

Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Unit
TPav 35 35 35 35 35 45 45 45 45 35 35 35 °C

Table 3: Average panel operation temperature per month

According to the Catalan Energy Institute [21] the monthly average temperature Tamb in
Barcelona / Vilanova i la Geltrú is listed in the following table.

Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Unit
Tamb 11 12 14 17 20 24 26 26 24 20 16 12 °C

Table 4: Monthly ambient temperature in Barcelona / Vilanova i la Geltrú [21]

With this data the monthly performance of a solar panel η can be calculated. Multiplying this
value by the monthly solar radiation results in the energy, which can be produced per month.
An example for this calculation is shown in table 5.

5 Analysis and Implementation

Solar Radiation H T in Barcelona

η Energy produced per
Month Orientation: 0° Inclination: 40°
month [kWh / month]
[MJ / m²*day] [kWh / m²*month]
Jan 0,593 12,44 107,122 63,567
Feb 0,595 14,88 115,733 68,824
Mar 0,597 17,91 154,225 92,099
Apr 0,601 20,23 168,583 101,287
May 0,604 21,35 183,847 111,103
Jun 0,597 21,7 180,833 107,989
Jul 0,600 21,69 186,775 111,993
Aug 0,600 21,12 181,867 109,050
Sep 0,597 19,37 161,417 96,394
Oct 0,604 16,43 141,481 85,500
Nov 0,600 13,47 112,250 67,307
Dec 0,595 11,77 101,353 60,272
Table 5: Panel efficiency, monthly solar radiation in Barcelona and produced energy by
the SolarUK LaZer2 VTC

This table shows only one example of the energy production of a solar panel per month.
The calculations in the following chapter take place with six solar panels of two different
types. These panels are listed below.

- FPC: Agena Azur 6

- FPC: JansenSchücoSol CH
- FPC: Viessmann Vitosol 200-F type 5DI
- VTC: AMK Collectra OPC 15H
- VTC: Spring solar SK8 CPC
- VTC: SolarUK LaZer2

With the data from these calculations, the values listed on the data sheets of the solar panels
and the solar radiation data the best orientation and inclination of a panel can be evaluated.
The results of this appraisal show the most efficient justification of a solar thermal panel in
this region:
Orientation: 0°
Inclination: 40°

5 Analysis and Implementation

The efficiency of the solar thermal system could be expressed in terms of the fractional
energy savings and energy yield, which will be discussed in chapter 3 [05].
The maximum irradiation of a PV panel is achieved with following values:

Orientation: 0°
Inclination: 35°

5.2 Calculation of the Solar Thermal System

5.2.1 Energy to Heat the Water

This chapter deals with the calculations which are needed to dimension the solar thermal
system. With the assumptions made in chapter 4.1.1 a basis for the following work has been
One of the first steps is to calculate the amount of energy which is needed to heat the water.
Therefore equation (06) is used.

Qm = m& Tot * c p * ∆T (06)

Where ∆T = THot − TFau , (07)

c p = 4,184 kJ / kg * K and

m& Tot = 17000 kg / month .

The total mass of needed hot water can be calculated as follows.

m& Tot = (08)

The results of equation (06) are subsumed in the table below. According to the monthly
difference in the faucet temperature, the energy to heat the water differs too.

5 Analysis and Implementation

Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Unit
THot 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 [°C]
TFau 9 10 11 12 14 17 19 19 17 15 12 10 [°C]
∆T 51 50 49 48 46 43 41 41 43 45 48 50 [K]
Qm 3,63 3,56 3,49 3,41 3,27 3,06 2,92 0,00 3,06 3,20 3,41 3,56 [GJ]
Table 6: Monthly values according to equation (06) and needed energy

The energy need in august is zero because the university is closed.

For further calculations the f - Chart method is used.

5.2.2 The f - Chart Method

The f - Chart is a correlation of the result of many hundreds of thermal performance

simulations of solar heating systems. The resulting simulation gives f , the fraction of the
monthly heating load supplied by solar energy as a function of two dimensionless parameters,
X the collector loss ratio and Y the collector gain ratio [22].
The first factor is related to the ratio of collector losses to heating loads and can be calculated
with following equation.

X = a1 * * (Tref − Tamb ) * ∆τ * C (09)

The second factor is related to the ratio of absorbed radiation and the heating loads. Equation
(10) is used to calculate Y .

Y = η0 *
( )
τα A
* H T * nd * c (10)
FR (τα ) n Qm

To compare the efficiency of the six panels mentioned in chapter 5.1, X and Y has to be
calculated for one square meter of solar panel. Therefore the equations (09) and (10) have to
be calculated with
AC = 1 m² .

5 Analysis and Implementation

The factor
(τα ) is estimated with 1 in this case.
(τα )n
To calculate X and Y the factor that takes into account the efficiency of the heat exchanger
has to be calculated with following equation.

FR' 1
= (11)
FR  a1   1  
1+   *   − 1
 ( m& C * cP )
 c   ε  

For this equation the nominal mass flow of solar liquid m& C inside the panel can be taken from

the data sheets of the panels. The value of the heat exchanger efficiency ε is estimated with
If the solar thermal system is used to heat domestic water, the correction factor X C has to be
implemented into the calculation of X . Therefore equation (12) is used.

X C (11, 6 + (1,18* THot ) + ( 3,86* TFau ) − ( 2, 32* Tamb ) )

= (12)
X (100 − Tamb )

The results of this equation are shown in table 7.

Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Unit
THot 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 [°C]
TFau 9 10 11 12 14 17 19 19 17 15 12 10 [°C]
Tamb 11 12 14 17 20 24 26 26 24 20 16 12 [°C]
1,03 1,06 1,07 1,08 1,13 1,22 1,29 1,29 1,22 1,17 1,09 1,06 [ - ]
Table 7: Values and results of equation (12)

With those equations and estimated values the monthly solar fraction of the solar thermal
system can be calculated with the following equation.

f m = 1, 029Y − 0, 065 X − 0, 245Y 2 + 0, 0018 X 2 + 0, 0215Y 3 (13)

5 Analysis and Implementation

The annual solar fraction f a is calculated with equation (14).


∑( f
m =1
m * Qm )
fa = 12
m =1

According to the [29] the annual solar fraction of a solar thermal system in the region of
Vilanova i la Geltrú has to be bigger than 0, 7 or 70 per cent.
To compare the efficiency of the six panels the results of all those equations are evaluated

Image 18: Annual solar fraction per square meter of panel

This image shows the reachable annual solar fraction per square meter of the six chosen
According to this graph the suitable collector for the purpose of this project can be chosen.
After that the solar fraction for the selected panel is calculated again with the f - Chart

method. This time the equation for X and Y takes place with the true aperture area AC of the
The result of the second f - Chart calculation is shown in image 19.

5 Analysis and Implementation

Image 19: Annual solar fraction per panel

This graphic shows which annual solar fraction can be reached according to the number of
installed panels in the system. For the following calculations of the solar thermal systems the
Viessmann Vitosol 200-F type 5DI FPC and the SolarUK LaZer2 VTC have been chosen.
The values for the annual solar fraction are subsumed in table 8.

Collector type Number of Collectors f a

Agena Azur 6 4 0,71

Jansen SchücoSol.CH 4 0,76
Viessmann Vitosol 200-F Typ 5DI 2 0,76
AMK-Collectra OPC 15H 5 0,76
Spring Solar SK-8 CPC 8 0,74
SolarUK LaZer2 5 0,78
Table 8: Collector type, number and annual solar fraction

The equations mentioned in this chapter can be viewed in the MS Excel file “F-CHART-
DATABASE+CALC_Panel” which is attached as appendix 01 (CD).

5 Analysis and Implementation

5.2.3 Combining different Solar Collectors

For showroom purposes different types of solar thermal collectors shall be installed. With
using flat plate and vacuum tube collectors in one system only one final calculation for the
annual solar fraction of the system is added. This equation, which is shown below, also takes
into account, that both collector types provide energy to heat the water.


∑ (( f
m =1
m1 + f m 2 )* Qm )
fa = 12
m =1

The result of this equation is an evaluation of the solar fraction with different numbers of FPC
or VTC. An example for an evaluation with the FPC Viessmann Vitosol 200-F type 5DI and
the VTC SolarUK LaZer2 is shown in table 9.

Number of
Viessmann f a of the
Vitosol 200-F Typ SolarUK LaZer2 system
1 1 0,692
1 2 0,854
2 1 0,966

Table 9: Annual solar fraction with FPC and VTC in the system

This table shows that with one collector of each type the minimum solar fraction of 0, 7 for
the region of Vilanova i la Geltrú can not be reached. With two Viessmann collectors the
annual solar fraction is almost one, which means that the system is oversized. The
combination of one Viessmann and two SolarUK collectors is, according to the purpose, one
feasible and well dimensioned solution.

5 Analysis and Implementation

5.3 Calculation of the Photovoltaic System

5.3.1 Isolated PV System

This chapter deals with the calculations which are needed to dimension the isolated
photovoltaic system.
With the assumptions made in chapter 4.1.2 a basis for the following work has been
established. All calculation used in this chapter refer to the book Energía Solar Fotovoltaica
[23]. Furthermore all the calculations for the PV system take place with the Atersa A-214P
panel. The reason for that decision is to involve a Spanish PV manufacturer in this project.
One of the first steps is to calculate the daily energy need. Therefore the monthly needed
energy is divided by the number of working days per month nd , which is in this case estimated
to 20 days.

Wd = (18)

The result of this equation is a daily energy demand of

Wd = 5568 Wh / day .

This value is used to calculate E , the necessary amount of electrical charge per day.

E= (19)

With the maximum power voltage Vmp of an Atersa A-214P panel, which is 29, 48 V ,

equation (19) gives the following result:

E = 188,87 Ah / day .

Furthermore the following equation is used to implement the charge loss, which is estimated
with 10 per cent in this case.

5 Analysis and Implementation

E *10
E1 = = 18,89 Ah / day (20)

The total charge can be calculated with following equation.

ET = E + E1 = 207,8 Ah / day (21)

The next step is to calculate the hour’s solar peak, which depend on the monthly solar

H .S .P = H T * 0, 0239 *0, 0116 (22)

The results of the last calculation are listed in the following table.

Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Unit
H T 11970 14520 17770 20450 21900 22430 22340 21480 19360 16130 13010 11280 kWh/m2
H .S .P. 3,32 4,03 4,93 5,67 6,07 6,22 6,19 5,96 5,37 4,47 3,61 3,13 h/day
Table 10: Monthly solar radiation and hour’s solar peak

These values are needed to calculate the ampere hours which can be produced by the panel
every day. Therefore the following equation is used.

EP = H .S .P * I mp (23)

The maximum power current I mp of the Atersa A-214P panel is fixed with 7, 26 A .

Dividing the total charge ET by the ampere hour produced per day by one panel results in the
number of PV modules.

nmod = (24)

This number is different every month, because the calculation is directly linked to the monthly
solar radiation. The results of equation (23) and (24) are listed in the table 11.

5 Analysis and Implementation

Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Unit
EP 24,1 29,2 35,8 41,2 44,1 45,1 45,0 43,2 39,0 32,5 26,2 22,7 Ah / day
ET 207,8 207,8 207,8 207,8 207,8 207,8 207,8 207,8 207,8 207,8 207,8 207,8 Ah / day
nm 8,6 7,1 5,8 5,0 4,7 4,6 4,6 4,8 5,3 6,4 7,9 9,2 -
Table 11: Ampere hours produced, needed and resulting number of modules

Averaging nm results in the number of panels to be installed.


m =1
nmi = (25)

To power the lighting in the room L008 of the electrical lab six Atersa A-214P panels need to
be installed in an 24 V array with two series and three in parallel. If the energy produced by
the modules is not used in the lab it is stored in batteries. Therefore the number of batteries
and their capacity has to be calculated. To evaluate the capacity needed, following equation is

100 * ET * D
C= (26)

The number of autonomy days D is estimated with three. Also the natural lifetime of a
battery is usually defined as when the fully charged capacity is reduced to 70 per cent. This is
a permanent loss of 30 per cent of the capacity because of cycling and age. According to that
Rc is estimated with 70 per cent.

Equation (26) shows, that six Atersa A-214P panels need 890, 40 Ah battery capacity. In this
case four Atersa Monobloc Opz-Solar 280 batteries with a capacity of 260 Ah each are
sufficient. The Atersa batteries have been chosen because of their long life capacity and the
matching provider.

5 Analysis and Implementation

5.3.2 Grid Connected System Calculations

This chapter deals with the calculations which are needed to dimension the grid photovoltaic
One of the first steps is to calculate the surface area of the roof.
Therefore equation (27) is used.

AS = a * b (27)

with: a = 28,8 m
b = 12, 0 m

The surface area of the roof AS is 345, 6 m 2 .

Also the physical characteristics of the chosen Atersa panel have to be considered. They are
shown in table 12.

Atersa A-214P Unit

Total length lP 1,645 m
Total width wP 0,990 m
Total thickness t P 0,050 m
Weight mP 20 kg
Table 12: Physical characteristics of the Atersa A-214P

To cover a maximum area with PV modules on the one hand, and guarantee 100 per cent solar
access on the other the distance between the lowest points of the modules must be calculated.
Therefore equation (28) is used.

L = lP * 2, 71 (28)

The results of this equation shows that 4, 45 m distance are needed to guarantee 100 per cent
solar access.
To set up one panel the area AP , which is calculated with following equation, is needed.

5 Analysis and Implementation

Ap = L * wp (29)

The area to set up one PV module with 100 per cent solar access is Ap = 4, 41 m 2 .

According to the layout of the roof as a showroom estimated 40 per cent of the surface shall
not be covered with PV equipment. This area is used for walking ways and equipment area.
Equation (30) shows how to calculate the usable surface of the roof.

As *60
AI ≈ = 207, 4 m 2 (30)

Dividing this by the area needed to set up one panel results in the number of modules that can
be installed on the roof.

nmi ≈ (31)

The last two equations are approximate calculations, because the orientation of the panels is
not considered.
With equation (31) is shown, that about 46 Atersa 214P panels can be installed on the roof of
the building VG 1-2-3 of the EPSEVG. A layout of the grid connected PV system is shown in
chapter 5.4.4.
The energy that can be produced depends on the connection of the PV panels. If the modules
are connected in series the voltage of the system increases. If the connection is parallel the
current increases. Depending on how the panels are connected in the array, the maximum
peak power of the system can be calculated with following equation.

WP = ((nseries *Vmp ) * (n parallel * I mp )) * H .S .P. (33)

With nmi = nseries * n parallel (34)

5 Analysis and Implementation

5.3.3 Combined System Calculations

The combined photovoltaic system also powers facilities of the building. The energy which is
not used for the facilities is injected to the public grid system.
To calculate the energy injected to the public grid is calculated by subtracting the daily energy
demand of the chosen facility (in this case lab L008) from the energy produced by the grid
connected array. The calculation is shown below.

WGrid = WP − Wd (35)

5.4 Design Specifications

5.4.1 Basic Layout of the Solar Thermal System

With the results of the calculations in chapter 5.2 the solar thermal system can be designed.
The circuits for the FPC and the two VTC’s have to be combined in one system. To supply
the collectors with solar liquid a pump must be installed in every circuit. To prevent a
breakdown of the whole system each circuit needs to have an expansion tank. At the outtake
of every collector a temperature sensor has to be installed. The recorded values are
transmitted to a regulator, which controls the pumps in the system. Before the heated liquid
runs through the heat exchanger the two circuits are combined. To ensure that the hot liquid
flows in the right direction, one way valves are used at the points where the two circuits are
combined or split up. The two collector circuits are hydraulically balanced, what means that
flow regulation valves are not needed. The described equipment belongs to the primary circuit
of the solar thermal system. The second circuit is comprised by a pump, a tank and the heat
exchanger, which is also part of the primary circuit. The size of the tank depends on the daily
hot water need that has to be covered.
A layout of the whole solar thermal system is shown in image 20.

5 Analysis and Implementation

Image 20: Primary and secondary circuit of the solar thermal system

A MS Visio file of this layout is added to this report on appendix 01 (CD).

The meanings of the labels shown in this image are listed below.

R-XXX  tubes
P-X  pumps
V-XX  one way or hand regulated valve
V-DX  degassing valve
V-HP  high pressure security valve
W-X  heat exchanger
B-X  storage, expansion tanks
TEIR-XXX  temperature sensors
C-X  controller

The labels are chosen according to the DIN 19227-1.

The next step is to calculate the diameter of the tubes. At first the tube for the circuit of the
Viesmann FPC is calculated with following equation.

ATube = rC (36)

5 Analysis and Implementation

The velocity u in this circuit is estimated with 1,5 m / s . The nominal flow inside the

collector m& C is 200 l / h or 5,55*10−5 m³ / s . This value is listed on the data sheet of the

Viessmann collector. With the result of equation (37) the diameter of the tube dTube can be

ATube * 4
dTube = (37)

This equation results in a diameter for the circuit of the FPC of dTube = 6,87 *10−3 m , which

are 6,8 mm . According to the nominal diameter of tubes (DN) a DN 8 tube with 8 mm inside
diameter is chosen. With this tube diameter a flow of 1,1 m / s in system is realized, which is
technically feasible.
The calculation of the tube diameter for the VTC circuit takes place in the same way. The
velocity is estimated with 1,5 m / s . The two vacuum tube collectors are connected parallel in

the system, what means that the flow in this part is 90 l / h or 2,5*10−5 m³ / s . With those
values and the equations (36) and (37) a tube diameter of 5, 4 mm is calculated. By using a
DN 6 tube a flow of 0,88 m / s is realized. For a solar thermal system the flow in the tube shall
be between 1, 0 and 2,0 m / s inside the building and between 1, 0 and 3,0 m / s outside;
higher velocity causes noise. This combination of flow, velocity and tube diameter is not
feasible. By using the same velocity in the circuit of the FPC and the VTC’s flow regulation
valves are not needed. To minimize the quantity of different materials used for the ST system
the DN 8 tube is also going to be used for the circuit of the VTC’s. With a velocity of 1,1 m / s
and an inside tube diameter of 8 mm a flow of 200 l / h in the circuit of the two VTC’s can
be calculated with equation (36) and (37).The data sheet of this VTC shows a nominal flow
rate of 45 l / h and a maximum flow rate of 150 l / h per collector. By using the DN 8 tube for
the VTC circuit the flow of 100 l / h is technically feasible.
To evaluate the pumps for the ST system the EPANET software is used [24]. This software
allows to add characteristic curves for the collectors and pumps and to dimension the whole
system. The EPANET software during the evaluation of the system is shown in the two
images on the following pages.

5 Analysis and Implementation

Image 21: Evaluation of the equipment for the primary circuit of the ST system with

The values shown at the tubes in the system is the flow inside the tube in liters per second.
The values at the junctions show the pressure in meter.

5 Analysis and Implementation

Image 22: Evaluation of the equipment for the secondary circuit of the ST system with

In this evaluation all important values have been considered. The equal lengths of parts of the
tube system have been estimated as follows.

- One way valve: 1,86 m

- 90° curve: 0, 25 m
- T- junction: 2,52 m
- Heat exchanger: 2,94 m

The evaluation of the pumps gave the following result.

Primary circuit: FPC Grundfoss Solar UPS 25-60

VTC Grundfoss Solar UPS 15-80
Secondary circuit: Grundfoss Solar UPS 25-40

With the chosen layout and equipment solar thermal system is technically feasible.

5 Analysis and Implementation

5.4.2 Basic Layout of the Isolated Photovoltaic System

The layout for the isolated photovoltaic system with six Atersa 214P PV panels is shown in
image 23. This image also shows that they are connected in a 24 V array with two panels in
series and three parallel. The six panels are controlled by a Steca-Power 4055 regulator. This
regulator is the perfect solution for the chosen installation of the PV modules (two in series,
three parallel), because it uses 82 V maximum voltage and 55 A maximum current.
Furthermore the energy produced will be directly used or stored in four long-life monobloc
Atersa Opz-Solar 280 batteries. The energy produced by the photovoltaic array is inverted
from direct to alternating current with a Sunny Boy Sb1700 DC-AC inverter before its use in
the lab L008 of university building. This inverter reaches an effectiveness of almost 92 per
cent [25].

Image 23: Layout of the isolated PV system

A MS Visio file of this layout is added to this report on appendix 01 (CD).

5 Analysis and Implementation

The labels used in this image are explained below. Those labels are not standardized.

R-XX  Steca Power 4055 regulator

B-XX  Four Atersa Opz Solar 280 batteries
I-XX  Sunny Boy Sb1700 DC-AC inverter
Cables and Six Atersa A-214P PV modules

The selected inverter has been chosen with the Sunny Design software [25]. This software
allows selecting the type and number of PV modules, the region where they are used, the
inclination and the orientation. In the second step cables and a suitable inverter can be
selected out of a list. A screenshot of the evaluation with the Sunny Design software is shown
in image 24.

Image 24: Evaluation of the equipment for the isolated PV system with Sunny Design

With the chosen equipment this system is technical feasible.

5 Analysis and Implementation

5.4.3 Layout of the Information Boards

The information boards will be used to explain the working method and the structure of the
two installed systems to the visitors on the roof. Therefore the boards are designed clearly and
with a maximum level of understandability. All components drawn on the board will be well
arranged and the measured values will be screened on small displays.
The following two chapters will show and describe the basic layout of the information boards
for the solar thermal and the isolated photovoltaic system. Board for the ST System

The information board for the solar thermal system shows the image of the installed solar
water heating system with one FPC and two VTC. According to the temperature of the solar
liquid the tubes are coloured in red for the hot water and blue for the cold water.
An image of the information board of the ST system is shown below.

Image 25: Information board for the ST system

5 Analysis and Implementation

The following values of the system are screened on the board:

- Cold water flow [l/h] of each circuits

- Sum of the hot water flow [l/h] of both circuits
- Cold water flow [l/h] to the tank
- Collector intake temperatures [°C] of all collectors
- Collector outtake temperatures [°C] of all collectors
- Hot water temperature inside the tank [°C]
- Solar radiation [W/m²]
- Ambient temperature [°C]

Small lamps or LED’s on the board are indicating if the pumps are working. In the right
corner of the board the instant production and efficiency of the FPC (Panel 1), the VTC’s
(Panel 2) and the system is shown. Furthermore, the systems energy production of the last
day, week, month and year is listed.
A MS Visio file of this board is attached to this report on appendix 01 (CD).
To display the values on the board calculations have to take place. The instant production of
the panels and the system can be calculated with equation (16).

Q1,2, S = m& 1,2, S * c p * (T1,2, S ,hot − T1,2,S ,cold ) *1000 (16)

By relating this energy to the surface and dividing it by the solar radiation the efficiencies can
be calculated. Therefore the following equation is used.

 Q1,2, S 
η1,2, S =   (17)
 AC ,1,2, S * H I 

To show the values for the produced energy of the last day the instant production has to be
recorded every hour. At the end of the day 24 values are recorded, which can be summed up
to the energy produced on the last day. The calculation of the production of last week, month
and year is similar.

5 Analysis and Implementation Board for the Isolated PV system

The information board for the isolated photovoltaic system shows the image of the installed
system with an array of six PV panels. Small lamps or LED’s at the switches indicate if the
panels are connected to the regulator. At the second switch the lights indicate if the batteries
are getting recharged.
An image of the information board of the ST system is shown below.

Image 26: Information board fort he isolated PV system

The following values of this system are screened on the board:

- Current produced by PV array [A]

- Voltage produced by PV array [V]
- Battery Load: Current [A] and Voltage [V]
- Solar radiation [W/m²]
- Ambient temperature [°C]

5 Analysis and Implementation

On the right side the produced and used energy of the last day, week, month and year is
A MS Visio file of this board is attached to this report on appendix 01 (CD).

5.4.4 Layout of the ST and PV System on the Roof

The layout of the two solar systems on the roof has to be designed with a maximum solar
access and accessibility for visitors of the showroom. This chapter will show tree different
possibilities to set up the photovoltaic system on the roof. The setup of the solar thermal
system is fixed, because of its connection to the showers and the cafeteria in the ground floor.
In the following image the setup of the isolated PV and the solar thermal system on the roof is

Image 27: ST and isolated PV system on the roof

This image shows a maximum accessibility of the two systems on the roof. The information
boards are situated near to the systems. For the educational purpose all the equipment of the

5 Analysis and Implementation

solar thermal system is situated on the roof; so visitors and student can explore how this
system works.
The grid connected system has no limited number of installed PV modules. Only the
accessibility for visitors on the roof has to be taken into accout. As calculated in chapter 5.3.2
46 Atersa panels can be installed on the roof to guarantee 100 per cent solar access and
accessibility. The layout of the grid connected PV system and the ST system can be seen in
the following image.

Image 28: ST and grid connected PV system on the roof

According to this image 48 Atersa modules can be installed on the roof. The free space in the
middle of the roof between the PV arrays can be used as walking way. The information
boards are again situated next to the systems.
Furthermore another option for the grid connected PV system exists. In this case all PV arrays
can be installed on frames, which will raise the arrays about 2 or 3 meter from the ground of
the roof. In this case more PV modules can be installed while the accessibility is still
guaranteed. An image of this idea is shown below.

5 Analysis and Implementation

Image 29: ST and raised grid connected PV system on the roof

In this case about 75 Atersa PV modules can be installed on the roof. The information board
for the PV system is situated under the PV arrays.
The three presented layouts are ideas of the authors of this report. The layout which is going
to be built during the further progress of the whole project is not specified.
A MS Visio file of every layout is attached to this report as appendix 01 (CD).

6 Results

6 Results
6.1 Main Results

The F- Chart calculation for the solar thermal system shows that one Viessmann 200F 5DI flat
plate and two SolarUK LaZer2 vacuum tube collectors are needed to heat the 17000 l water
per month for the cafeteria and the showers. Each type of solar thermal panel has its own
water circuit, which is hydraulically balanced. Both circuits are connected to a heat exchanger
where the heat of the solar fluid is transferred to the service water. With the whole system an
annual solar fraction of 0,854 can be reached.
To power the lighting of the electrical engineering lab 008, six polycrystalline Atersa 214P
panels are used. They are connected in an 24 V array with two panels in series and three in
parallel. The energy produced will be directly used or stored in four long-life Atersa batteries.
To control the system, a regulator from Steca is used. The energy produced by the
photovoltaic array is inverted from direct to alternating current before its use in the lab.

6.2 Cost Calculation

6.2.1 Costs and Amortisation of the Solar Thermal System

The costs of the ST system contain only the basic material for the installation and the
regulation of the system.
A table with the parts of the system, number of items and prices is shown below.

6 Results

No. Price Sum Ref.

Collectors Viessmann Vitosol 200F 5DI - FPC 1 pc. 1.596 € 1.596 € [26]
SolarUK LaZer2 - VTC 2 pc. 898 € 1.796 €
Frames 2 pc. 71 € 142 € [27]
Pumps Grundfos Solar UPS 25-40 1 pc. 84,16 € 84,16 € [28]
Grundfos Solar UPS 25-60 1 pc. 94,35 € 94,35 € [28]
Grundfos Solar UPS 15-80 1 pc. 108,67 € 108,67 € [28]
Heat Exchanger 1 pc. 427 € 427 € [27]
Tubes 37 m 10 € 370 €
T Junction 2 pc. 20 € 40 € [27]
Valves 4 pc. 10 € 40 €
Tank 800l Tank 1 pc. 1.867 € 1.867 € [27]
Controler Deltasol M 1 pc. 755 € 755 € [27]
TempSensor 4 pc. 25 € 100 €
Expansion Tank 2 pc. 22 € 44 € [27]
Table 13: Prices of the equipment for the solar thermal system (excl. VAT)

The price of those items without any reference is estimated. Also the working hours for the
installation of the system are not considered.
Summing up the listed equipment gives the price of the whole system, which is

CSys = 7464 € .

With these costs the amortisation time of the solar thermal system can be calculated.
Therefore the following equation is used.

 CSys *(i − d ) 
ln  
 f a * QTot * C fuel *η S
N ST =   (37)
 1+ d 
ln  
 1+ i 

The values listed below have been researched for Spain in the year 2008.

- general inflation in Spain [30]: i = 4,5 %

- fuel inflation in Spain [30]: d = 14 %
- basic energy / fuel price [30]: C fuel = 0, 095576 €/kWh

6 Results

The efficiency of the system ηS is estimated with 70 per cent.

According to these values and equation (37) the amortisation time is 9,176 years .

6.2.2 Costs of the Photovoltaic System

The costs of the PV system contain the equipment for the installation of the system.
Therefore, the price for a PV system is estimated with 9 € per installed kWP . The used
equipment is listed in table 14.

Isolated system Isolated system equipment Isolated system

equipment names types equipment numbers
Pv modules Atersa A-214P 6
Inverter Sunny Boy SB 1700 1
Batteries Atersa Opz-Solar 280 4
Regulator Steca power 4055 1
Cables - -

Table 14 : Installation of PV cells equipment name and number

The price of the whole system depends on the produced energy. Six Atersa A-214 panels can
produce 1284,1 kWP / year .
The price of the whole system, which is calculated with equation (38), is shown below.

CSyPV = 1284,1*9 € = 11556,9 €

The working hours for the installation of the system are not considered.

6 Results

6.3 CO2 Savings

According to the one of the goals of this project the chosen facilities of the university shall be
powered in a more energy efficient way. With the installation of the solar thermal system the
normal water heating system, which is powered by gas, is supported. The isolated PV system
saves energy by powering the room L008 of the lab.
Before the two RE systems are installed the water heating system was powered by gas. The
electricity for the lighting in the lab was taken from the grid. For the use of electricity from
the grid and gas the CO2 emission is, referring to Energia Solar Tèrmica [21], estimated with
following values.

Gas: 0, 201 kg CO2 / kWh

Electricity: 0, 264 kg CO2 / kWh

According to table 6 in chapter 5.1 the yearly produced energy to heat the water is

f a * ∑ Qm = 31, 21 GJ / year = 8668,1 kWh / year .

To power the lighting in the lab the following yearly amount of energy has to be produced.

Wm *11 = 1224,96 kWh / year

The monthly energy needed is multiplied by eleven, because in august the university is
closed; there is no energy needed to power the lightings.
Multiplying the CO2 emissions per kilowatt-hour with the energy produced every year results
in the not emitted carbon dioxide. The savings for the two systems are listed below.

Solar thermal: 2041, 25 kg CO 2 / year

Photovoltaic: 323, 39 kg CO 2 / year

In sum 2364, 64 kg CO 2 can be saved per year, by installing the two solar systems.

7 Conclusion

7 Conclusion

After an introduction to renewable energy systems in chapter two the outlines of the project
were presented. According to this the problems to be solved during this report were defined.
The third chapter dealt with the state of the art of solar thermal and photovoltaic systems. The
functionality of the ST and PV panels, provided on the market, and their equipment is also
presented in this chapter. Besides that the objective of a showroom is explained and three
examples illustrate the functionality and the aim of showrooms with information points. In the
fourth chapter assumptions for the layout and the design of the two systems are made. This
chapter establishes the basis for the fifth chapter. The first step of this chapter was the
evaluation of the most efficient orientation and inclination of the two solar systems. With
those values and the energy demands for the solar thermal and the photovoltaic system the
two systems are laid out and designed. At the end of this chapter the visual layout of the
information boards and the arrangement of the two systems on the roof are designed. In the
sixth chapter the main results are summed up. Besides that the cost calculations for the two
systems are made. At the end of this chapter the CO2 savings obtained trough the installation
of the two solar systems is calculated.

The two designed solar renewable energy systems are both technically feasible. The
evaluation of the orientation and inclination shows, that an orientation of 0° south is the most
efficient for solar thermal and photovoltaic elements. The best inclination for a ST collector is
40°. With those values and the information from the data sheets of the solar thermal collectors
the monthly performance is calculated with the typical performance equation. For a
photovoltaic module the best inclination angle is estimated 35°.
With the assumptions for the solar thermal system made in chapter 4.1 an implementable
solution to provide hot water for the cafeteria and the showers has been established. Therefore
the energy demand to heat the 17000 kg water per month is calculated. To provide the
36, 56 GJ per year to heat the water a certain number of solar collectors is needed. This
number can be calculated with the f - Chart method. The first step by using this method is to
compare the selected panels, wherein the monthly solar fraction is calculated per square meter
of panel. The next step was the comparison of the reachable solar fraction per panel.
According to Europe’s solar thermal regulation [29] the annual solar fraction for a system in
Vilanova i la Geltrú has to be higher than 70 per cent. By choosing the Viessmann Vitosol

7 Conclusion

200-F type 5DI FPC and the SolarUK LaZer2 VTC two suitable collectors for this project
have been found. To fulfil the purpose of a showroom the two different collector types are
combined in one system. When two of the selected VTC’s and one FPC are connected in one
system an annual solar fraction of 85, 4 per cent is reached.
For the calculation of the isolated photovoltaic system the Atersa A214-P module has been
chosen. The isolated PV system is going to power the lighting in the lab L008 of the
electronic engineering department of the university. Therefore energy of 5568 Wh / day has
to be provided by the PV modules. The result of the calculations in this chapter shows that six
Atersa modules can power the chosen facility. The calculations of the grid connected system
took place in a different way. The number of modules is in this case only limited by the
surface of the roof. The setup of the modules has to be designed according to the most
efficient orientation and inclination. Furthermore 100 per cent solar access and the
accessibility for visitors on the roof have to be guaranteed. If 60 per cent of the available
surface on the roof is going to be covered, around 46 PV modules can be installed and
produce energy for the grid.
The layout of the two systems is designed according to the results of chapter 5.2 and 5.3. Two
different types of collectors are combined in the solar thermal systems. The heated solar liquid
of both collector types flows through a heat exchanger and transfers the heat to the water,
which is stored in a tank. To secure the whole system a high pressure security valve is
installed. Furthermore degassing valves at every collector and one way valves for each circuit
are mounted. The dimensions of the tubes and pumps in the system were evaluated with the
EPANET software. This program shows that a DN8 tube is suitable for the whole system. To
guarantee the flow in the system the Grundfoss solar pumps UPS 25-60, UPS 15-80 and UPS
25-40 are used.
The photovoltaic cells are arranged in a 24 V array with two panels in series and three
parallel. The panels are controlled by a Steca-Power 4055 regulator and produced energy is
stored in four long-life monobloc Atersa Opz-Solar 280 batteries, when not used in the lab. To
use the produced energy in the lab it has to be inverted. This is done by the Sunny Boy
Sb1700 DC-AC inverter.
The next step in the report has been the visual design of the information board. The two
boards show an image of the installed systems. The most important values are measured and
screened in real time. By designing the information boards, the first step towards using the
installation for educational purposes has been taken. In the future the information points can

7 Conclusion

easily be connected to the labs of the university and the recorded values can be used for
research and studies.
The last part of chapter 5 shows three possible layouts of the ST and the isolated and grid
connected PV system on the roof. The two systems are arranged with a maximum
accessibility for students, visitors, companies and handicapped people.
In the sixth chapter of this report the main results have been summed up. The cost calculation
of the ST system shows overall costs of 7464 € and an amortisation time of 9,17 years.
The costs of the PV system are calculated with an approximate computation. This calculation
shows costs of 11556,9 € for the isolated PV system.
With the implementation of the solar thermal and the photovoltaic system, the chosen
facilities of the building can be supplied in a more energy efficient way. By powering the
water heating system and the lighting in the lab with the selected renewable energy
equipment, the yearly CO emission can be reduced by 2364, 64 kg .

For further improvements of the project moveable frames, or so called “trackers” can be used.
Photovoltaic and solar thermal systems work at any time the sun is shining; but more energy
will be produced when the light is more intense and strikes the modules and collectors directly
when the rays of sunlight are perpendicular to the cells. The collectors are mounted on this
moveable frame, which allows following the sun over the whole day. This will raise the
efficiency of the whole system on the one hand, but increase the overall costs on the other.
Furthermore more PV cells can be used to supply the university building with energy. From
this it follows that more CO2 can be saved over the year. To increase the efficiency of the
whole PV system, the lighting in the powered facilities shall be changed to energy saving
With the realization of this project and the implementation of the designed solar thermal and
photovoltaic system to the facilities of the university and the local studies the first step to a
more sustainable future can be done.

List of Images and Tables

List of Images and Tables


Image 1: PS10 solar power tower in Seville, Spain [02] ......................................................... 12

Image 2: Roof of the EPSEVG in 2008 [03] (left) and on Google Maps [04] (right) ............. 14
Image 3: First draft of the new roof ......................................................................................... 15
Image 4: Sketch of a Flat Plate Collector (FPC) [05] .............................................................. 17
Image 5: Direct perfused Collector with a flat absorber [08] .................................................. 19
Image 6: Indirect perfused collector with heat pipe and flat absorber [08] ............................. 20
Image 7 : Thermosiphon solar system with FPC [09].............................................................. 21
Image 8: Monocrystalline Silicon Cells [13] ........................................................................... 23
Image 9: Polycrystalline Silicon Cells [13].............................................................................. 24
Image 10: Amorphous Silicon Cells [13]................................................................................. 24
Image 11: Students residence with VTC arrays (left), information board (right) [14] ............ 27
Image 12: FPC (left) and students working in the e- lab of the HTI (right) [15]..................... 28
Image 13: Sketch (left) and control system (right) of the e- lab [15]....................................... 28
Image 14: Muğla University Central Library roof with PV cells (left) and lab (right) [16] .... 29
Image 15: Sketch of the electro technical laboratory ............................................................... 32
Image 16: Yearly sum of global irradiation on a horizontal surface for Spain [20] ................ 33
Image 17: Percentage of useable solar radiation depending on azimuth and latitude [05]...... 34
Image 18: Annual solar fraction per square meter of panel ..................................................... 40
Image 19: Annual solar fraction per panel ............................................................................... 41
Image 20: Primary and secondary circuit of the solar thermal system .................................... 49
Image 21: Evaluation of the equipment for the primary circuit of the ST system with
EPANET [24]........................................................................................................................... 51
Image 22: Evaluation of the equipment for the secondary circuit of the ST system with
EPANET [24]........................................................................................................................... 52
Image 23: Layout of the isolated PV system............................................................................ 53
Image 24: Evaluation of the equipment for the isolated PV system with Sunny Design
software .................................................................................................................................... 54
Image 25: Information board for the ST system ...................................................................... 55
Image 26: Information board fort he isolated PV system ........................................................ 57
Image 27: ST and isolated PV system on the roof ................................................................... 58

List of Images and Tables

Image 28: ST and grid connected PV system on the roof ........................................................ 59

Image 29: ST and raised grid connected PV system on the roof ............................................. 60


Table 1: Average faucet temperature in Vilanova i la Geltrú [17]........................................... 30

Table 2: Estimated values for cafeteria and showers [18] ....................................................... 31
Table 3: Average panel operation temperature per month ....................................................... 35
Table 4: Monthly ambient temperature in Barcelona / Vilanova i la Geltrú [21] .................... 35
Table 5: Panel efficiency, monthly solar radiation in Barcelona and produced energy by the
SolarUK LaZer2 VTC .............................................................................................................. 36
Table 6: Monthly values according to equation (06) and needed energy ................................ 38
Table 7: Values and results of equation (12)............................................................................ 39
Table 8: Collector type, number and annual solar fraction ...................................................... 41
Table 9: Annual solar fraction with FPC and VTC in the system............................................ 42
Table 10: Monthly solar radiation and hour’s solar peak......................................................... 44
Table 11: Ampere hours produced, needed and resulting number of modules........................ 45
Table 12: Physical characteristics of the Atersa A-214P ......................................................... 46
Table 13: Prices of the equipment for the solar thermal system (excl. VAT).......................... 62
Table 14 : Installation of PV cells equipment name and number ............................................ 63



[01] (30.04.2008)

.jpg (30.04.2008)
[03] Roman Dornberger, Vilanova i la Geltrú, Spain, 14.04.2008
[04] (05.05.2008)
[05] Report on Energy Efficient and Renewable Energy Systems Planning and
Recommendations for their Successful Application; CREVER-UR;
Efficient.pdf; 03.04.2008
[06] (30.04.2008)
[07] (14.05.2008)
[08] (14.05.2008)
[09] (23.05.2008)
[10] (15.05.2008)
[11] (13.05.2008)
[12] (16.05.2008)
[13] (15.05.2008)
[14] Jörg Ahlborn, Freiberg, Germany, 27.02.2008
[15] (05.06.2008)
[16] (06.06.2008)
[17] Documento Básico HE, Ahorro de energía, Código Técnico de la Edificación,
TE%20Parte%202%20DB%20HE.pdf (04.04.2008)
[18] Butlletí Oficial de la Província de Barcelona 15.06.2005, Diputació Barcelona
Xarxa de Municipis,
[19] Atlas de Radiació Solar a Catalunya, Edició 2000, Generalitat de Catalunya,
Departament d’Industria, Institut Catalá d’Energia,
cat.pdf (11.03.2008)
[20] JRC European Commission, Solar radiation and PV maps - Europe


[21] Energia Solar Tèrmica, Generalitat de Catalunya, Institut Català d’Energia; (10.04.2008)
[22] Literature Review of Uncertainty of Analysis Methods (F-Chart Program), Report
to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, August 2004, Jeff S. Haberl,
Ph.D., P.E.,
04.pdf?sequence=1 (28.03.2008)
[23] M. Carlos Tobajas Vázques, Energía Solar Fotovoltaica, 2a edición 2005,
ISBN: 84-86108-62-4
[24] EPANET Software, Environmental Protection Agency U.S.A., (14.04.2008)
[25] SunnyDesign Software, SMA Solar technology AG, (15.04.2008)
[26] Loebbeshop der Fachmarkt für Viessmann Heizungstechnik
[27] Manual Técnico 3a edición, Energía Solar Térmica, Abril ’08, Salvador Escoda
S.A. (03.06.2008)
(03.06.2008), Reiga Consult GbR
[29] Best practice regulation for solar thermal, ESTIF – European Solar Thermal
Industry Federation, August 2007;
[30] Instituto Nacional de Estadística, (12.06.2008)



(01) CD- Rom containing:

- Data Sheet of the Agena Azur 6 (FPC)

- Data Sheet of the Jansen SchücoSol.CH (FPC)
- Data Sheet of the Viessmann Vistosol 200-F type 5DI (FPC)
- Data Sheet of the AMK-Collectra OPC 15H (VTC)
- Data Sheet of the Spring Solar SK-8 CPC (VTC)
- Data Sheet of the SolarUK LaZer2 (VTC)
- MS Excel file “F-CHART-DATABASE+CALC_Panel”
- MS Visio file “Layout_ST_FINAL”
- MS Visio file “Layout PV_24V_isolated_FINAL”
- MS Visio file “Infoboard_ST_FINAL”
- MS Visio file “Infoboard_PV_FINAL”
- MS Visio file “Layout ST+PVgrid_off roof_FINAL”
- MS Visio file “Layout ST+PVgrod_on roof_FINAL”
- MS Visio file “Layout ST+PViso_on roof_FINAL”

Appendix 01

Appendix 01

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