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The First Chief puzzle 1 - Have villagers try on the robe in the amphitheater until
you find one that fits the robe. That villager is the first chief. In some cases this
might be a child.

Harvesting honey puzzle 2 - Honey is the initial source of food for the village. To
get it, you need to make the bees less of a threat so you can harvest. To do this,
build a fire in the fire pit. Dry grass is located near the waterfall. Wood is near the
beehive. After gathering these two ingredients, place a villager on the firepit to start
a fire. Then go collect a torch from near the beehive and use it to smoke out the
bees. From there, villagers will start collecting honey.

The Alchemy Lab puzzle 3 - You need to make sure you have someone actively
researching to get to adept level as the village children find new collectible objects.
Once you have an adept scientist, you can use the scientist to gather the red
striped pot, the yellow striped pot, a brown pot, a gray
bowl with spoons, and a short spear to restore the alchemy lab.

The Roster of the Dead puzzle 4 - takes forever to uncover. You remove leaves
from the right side of the lower right corner of the village using builders. Even adept
builders will take a long time to remove all the leaves. Be patient and be sure to
keep villagers on task as they frequently wander away from this project. This is a
good one to do in combination while completing other projects.

Weather Dancing puzzle 5 - Based on my experience, I recommend completing

this puzzle out of order. You need to purchase Leadership level 2 to complete this
and have 3 adept farmers. Drag your Chief on the fire and then drag 3 adept
farmers on the fire. All 4 villagers will dance and learn they can control the weather.

The Lift puzzle 6 - I recommend doing this before Weather Dancing. Even
aggressively racking up tech points, you'll have to choose between upgrading
Leadership and Restoration. You can complete more puzzles more quickly by
upgrading Restoration first. For The Lift you need Restoration Level 2 and 3 adept
builders to work on the "Strange Machine" in the dirt area. Drag the builders on the
machine and they will repair it.

Rubble puzzle 7 - This puzzle seems like it takes far too long to complete.
Restoration Level 2 is needed for this, which you should already have if you worked
on The Lift. Drag a villager to the pile of rubble below the doctor area to start
removing boulders. More villagers reduces the time this takes, as does having the
chief direct work here. You'll start having pieces of the stone tablet collection appear
here for children to gather once you start on this project.

The Ancient Bath puzzle 8 - This puzzle can be completed by a portion of your
village while the Rubble is also in progress. You need a Master Builder in order to
work on the bath. First drag the Master Builder to the "chalkboard" in the Alchemy
lab, then after drawing plans, drag the builder to the bath. Other builders can assist
once the plans are drawn. This is puzzle 8.

The Statue puzzle 9 - You'll likely complete the Orchard and banish the sharks (see
below) before having enough tech points for the statue. The Statue requires both
Restoration level 3 and Leadership level 3. You need a master builder to draw up
plans after the bath is complete. Next drag a villager to the path leading to the door
and have them create a scaffold.

Next drag your chief to the statue to supervise work (you will be warned you need
more leadership if you don't have Leadership level 3). The chief must supervise the
statue in order for it to get completed. If the chief wanders away, building will stop.

The Orchard puzzle 10 - This requires planting 3 seeds in the dirt. The first one
was there at the beginning of the game and if you've been following these
directions, it's already planted. The other two seeds require having someone ride
the lift and bring them down. The lift only goes up when it rains. If you don't want to
park someone on the lift waiting for rain, place a villager on the lift then do the
Weather Dance (above) to make it rain.

Banishing the Sharks puzzle 11 - You will want fish as a food source and this is
how to get fish. You must have already completed puzzle 3 in order for this to work,
and you'll need to upgrade to Nature Level 2 or Magic Level 2. I chose Nature
and then made a potion from the Pitcher Plant and 2 Black Orchid Plants. If you
choose Magic, the potion combination is 1 Berries and 2 Roses. Both the berries and
pitcher plant are located near the upper left of the Alchemy lab, but you can't see
them until you upgrade to level 2 of Magic or Nature.
Also - You can try your luck without it, but you'll likely need to purchase Alchemy to
pull this off. Once you have the required materials, have a villager carry the
resulting potion to the ocean to scare the sharks away.

The last 5 puzzles of the game require some persistence to complete, but if you
made it past The Statue, most of this should be a breeze. Here are the steps for
completing puzzles 12-16 in Virtual Villagers 3: The Secret City.

Aromatherapy puzzle 12 - You need to complete puzzle 8, have level 3 medicine,

and a master doctor to complete this puzzle. Once you meet all three conditions,
drop your master doctor on the completed bath. The doctor will fill the bowls around
the bath with lotus plants. Once the lotus plants are in place, drop the doctor on the
fire to light the burners around the bath and complete the puzzle.

The Door Key Puzzles

Three door keys, a white diamond, a pink diamond, and a pearl, are required to
open the door at the top of the hill. The first to can be completed at almost any
point in the game after you've completed the Alchemy Lab in Puzzle 3. The last one
requires a bit more work.

The Ash Key (Diamond in Fire) puzzle 13 - After many hours of game play, a
diamond will in appear in the fire pit. It's too hot for the villagers to touch, so you
will have to cool it. Drag a villager to the waterfall and they will carry water to the
firepit. You will have to keep dragging a villager to the waterfall to cool the diamond
until it stops steaming. Once the diamond is cool, you can drag a villager to the
diamond and they will carry it to the door at the top of the path.

The Hanging Key puzzle 14 - Up on the ledge above the roses is a pink diamond. To
get it down you need to make a potion. The potion requires the combination Cactus
+ Rose + Lotus. Have a villager drink it then drag them near the rose plant. They
should feel light and springy and will be able to retrieve the pink diamond and carry
it to the door.

The Clam Key puzzle 15 - You must complete Puzzle 9 (The Statue) in order to get
this key. A pearl becomes available when the statue is complete. Have a master
builder pick up the pearl and take it to the waterfall to be finished. When the pearl is
finished, have your tribal chief pick up the pearl to get the key from the Giant Clam.
The key will then be placed in the door.

The Sun Dial puzzle 16 - To complete this puzzle, complete 13-15 first to open the
door. This reveals the sun dial room. Place a villager on the sun dial room when it is
at the far left position. When a beam of sunlight hits the sun dial ghostly figures
appear. Drop a villager on the ghosts to reveal the mystery of the secret city.

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